• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역협력

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The Economic Impact of the Establishment of the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Area and Impact on the Communication Industry -Base on GTAP Model Analysis- (한중일 자유무역지대 설립의 경제적 영향과 통신 산업에 대한 영향 -GTAP 모형 분석을 바탕으로-)

  • Zang, Zhen
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, the world's free trade system has been severely damaged by a series of protectionist measures in the United States and anti-globalization practices such as Brexit. Against this background, RCEP, the world's largest trade agreement, was officially signed on November 15, 2021. The RCEP provided a good working basis for the establishment of a Korea, China, and Japan free trade zone. First, this paper describes the current status of Korea-China-Japan trade cooperation and the current status of the trilateral telecommunication industry. Second, this paper simulates the changes in the overall economy of China, Japan, and Korea when tariffs are reduced to 0%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, after the establishment of a free trade zone using the 8th edition GTAP database. Then, using the simulated data changes and using the 2019 data as a benchmark, we calculated the changes in the RCA index for the three countries' telecommunications industries for the three tax rates. In the end, it is concluded that the economies of the three countries will grow to different levels in many ways when the Korea, China, and Japan free trade zone is established. Japan's telecommunications industry will not be significantly affected, Korea will grow significantly with higher tax rates and China will grow significantly with lower tax rates.

3D Digital Restoration of Koguryo Ceremonial Flag "Jeol" (고구려 의장기 절(節)의 3D 디지털 복원)

  • KONG, Jeonyoung;KONG, Seokkoo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.6-20
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    • 2022
  • The restoration of cultural heritage materials is an important research theme. This study improved the existing cultural heritage restoration method and attempted to establish a restoration system for cultural heritage data based on historical documents and visual materials. Recognizing the limitations of existing studies, this paper attempted to restore cultural heritage data through interdisciplinary research. In addition, 3D restoration was carried out after restoration in 2D form based on literature documents rather than existing visual sources. The object of restoration that was selected was "Jeol," which represents the power of the king of Koguryo. Koguryo's Jeol is a type of flag. Jeol appears in the mural in Anak Tomb No. 3. Rather than using only photographic materials of murals, the restoration was carried out through cross-validation of literature data and materials on archaeological art history. This is important in that the restoration carried out in this study is an accurate restoration with a historical understanding based on the literature of the relevant cultural heritage. In this study, a restoration process based on historical records was established. A 3D restoration process was performed by adding and applying visual materials after the object was first shaped based on the literature data. Restoration based on literature and visual materials was carried out based on interdisciplinary research. Therefore, this study aims to build a digital restoration system for cultural heritages and to contribute to spreading the 3D digital restoration research of cultural heritages that can be applied to various platforms.

A Study on the Trend of Library Services in Foreign Correctional Facilities (외국 교정시설도서관 서비스 동향에 관한 연구)

  • Hyojung Sim
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2023
  • This study increases awareness of the survey and demand for libraries in correctional facilities, which have not received much attention so far, and is necessary for improving the operation of existing research and libraries in Korea, which is conducting a current status survey of most correctional facility libraries. The contents of the service operation of the external correctional facility library were explored and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, where correctional facility libraries are relatively well operated, are practically operating social rehabilitation programs while reducing recidivism of inmates, and library associations or local governments in each country are promoting the vitalization of correctional facility libraries. It helps and organizes committees or organizations involving related experts to discuss policy support, issue checks, research, report publication, drafting and revising guide guidelines, cooperation between libraries, and reflect them in actual operation. In addition, it maintains steady support and interest through public-private cooperation, and makes good use of the linkage system with local public libraries. As a result, it contributes to reducing the recidivism of prisoners. Through this study, the following three areas were suggested for the administrative improvement direction for correctional facility library services. First, the production and distribution of guidelines or guidebooks for correctional facility libraries, second, the establishment of a specialized correctional facility library organization within the correctional headquarters or library association, and third, the strengthening of activities and the operation of law libraries in correctional facilities.

Transition and prospect of quantitative indexes for integrated water management (통합물관리 정량지표의 변천과 전망)

  • Jae Sung Jung;Jin Keun Song
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.441-441
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    • 2023
  • 통합물관리는 2000년 이전부터 필요성이 논의되다가 2019년 물관리기본법이 제정·시행되면서 수량, 수질, 수생태, 방재 등 분야의 물관리 통합이 단계적으로 추진되고 있다. 수자원장기종합계획, 물환경관리 기본계획, 국가물관리기본계획, 4대강별 유역물관리종합계획 등이 수립되거나 수립중에 있다. 2021년 6월에 수립된 국가물관리기본계획에서는 통합물관리 정량지표들을 물환경, 물이용, 물안전, 물산업, 거버넌스의 5개 분야로 구분하여 제시하였고, 4대강 유역물관리종합계획(안)에서는 국가기본계획의 지표들을 근간으로 유역별 특성을 고려한 정량지표를 설정하고 있다. 수자원장기종합계획부터 유역물관리종합계획까지 통합물관리 정량지표들의 변천 내용과 현황을 검토하였다. 수자원장기종합계획(2016~2020)의 전략과 목표는 "①맑은 물 공급: 급수보급율, 관망 복선화율, 댐 부족량 공급기준, 비상급수 피해인구, 스마트시티 음용률, 누수율 저감, 물 기본법 제정, ②홍수안전 기반구축: 하천기본계획, 하천정비, 수해금액, 도시하천 종합치수대책 수립, 국가하천 홍수예보 지점, 홍수예보시간 단축지점 비율, ③친수환경 조성: 하천유지유량, 하천 이용객, 어류종 및 철새종 증가, ④수자원산업 및 기술개발: 일자리, 수자원산업 육성제도, 해외수주액, 외국 MOU, 국제회의, 남북공유하천 협의"이었다. 물환경관리 기본계획(2016~2025)의 전략과 목표는 "①물순환 체계: 불투수면적률 25% 초과지역, ②깨끗한 물 확보: 상수원 수질달성, ③생태계 서비스 증진: 수생태계 건강성 달성, ④물환경 기반 조성: 산업폐수 유해물질 배출저감, 상수원 4대강 보의 총인 농도와 남조류 세포수, ⑤경제·문화적 가치 창출: 국민체감 만족도"이었다. 국가물관리기본계획에서는 "①물환경: 하천·호소 목표수질 달성률, 수생태계 건강성 B등급 이상 비율, ②물이용: 수돗물 만족률-직·간접 음용률, 노후 상수관로-하수관로 개량, ③물안전: 가뭄피해 인구, 홍수피해 인구-피해액, 댐안전성 강화율, ④물산업: 물관리 R&D 예산, 수량·수질·수생태 통합측정 중권역 비율, 물산업 매출액의 수출액 비중, 한국 주도 국제협력 의제, ⑤거버넌스: 미정"을 계획지표로 하였다. 유역종합계획에서는 4대강별로 거버넌스를 포함하여, "①물환경: 국가계획지표, 주요 상수원 수질, ②물이용: 노후 상하수관로 개량, 지방상수도 유수율, ③물안전: 한해 인구, 수해 인구-피해액, 하천정비율, ④물산업: 물산업 일자리 창출, ⑤거버넌스: 물포럼, 시민참여활동"을 정량지표로 고려하고 있다.

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Comparing 'Consumer Life' of Korean and Japanese Home Economics Textbooks Through ESD Concept (한국과 일본 중학교 가정교과서 '소비생활' 관련 단원의 지속가능발전교육(ESD) 구성개념 비교)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Jung, Hyojung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze 'consumer life' units in middle school home economics textbooks in Korea and Japan based on the ESD concept (diversity, interaction, finiteness, fairness, cooperation, responsibility). The objective was to compare how the ESD concept was reflected in Korean and Japanese textbooks. The analysis focused on the units related to 'adolescent consumer life' in Korean textbooks and 'money management and purchase' as well as 'consumer rights and responsibilities' in Japanese textbooks. Results showed that in Korea, responsibility (23.36%) was most emphasized, followed by interaction (22.43%), cooperation (19.63%), fairness (18.69%), finiteness (10.28%), and diversity (5.61%). In Japan, cooperation (21.74%) and interaction (21.45%) received significant attention, followed by fairness (16.23%), responsibility (13.91%), finiteness (13.33%), and diversity (13.33%). Korean textbooks exhibited a wider range of ESD concept percentages compared to Japan. In the Korean textbooks, responsibility was emphasized for promoting rational and ethical consumption, while Japanese textbooks highlighted cooperation in resolving consumer issues and collaborating with local and international communities to address environmental concerns. Interaction was emphasized regarding the impact of individual and family consumption on society, economy, and the environment. Overall, both Korean and Japanese home economics textbooks reflected elements that foster sustainable consumer behaviors.

Geotourism in Korea (한국의 지오투어리즘)

  • JEON, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2010
  • The researcher has examined about the infrastructure of geotourism industry as well as domestic and foreign literatures in order to see the future and present status of geotourism in our country. The researcher have concluded the followings after participating in the interpretive program of Taean haean(coastal) National Park, etc. which is thought to as having relatively well-prepared contents and education in addition to the active progress of the program especially. First, although the domestic infrastructure of geotourism is thought as relatively well-established, one needs to make up for the weak point that there are not enough editions of explanations related to land formation process and geological aspects. Second, the interpretive program operated by The Korea National Service Park needs to specialize what the program is all about, how it is operated, who is operating, and so on in order to bring subjects' characteristics into relief. Third, one needs to train the persons required to explain geomorphic landscape and geological features by establishing the new division of education of geomorphic landscape and geological features. Furthermore, one needs to set up a unit to take charge of geotourism within the central and local governments. Fourth, one needs to build the cooperative system of private-public-academic circles among private companies, government, and universities to promote the quality of interpretive program by close connections with related studies of geography and geology. Fifth, the vitalization of geotouriusm can make an enormous contribution to promote the nation's brand value and image by advertizing domestic beautiful landscapes of the nature in addition to creating new job markets. Thus, the financial support in the government level should be made. Sixth, one needs to dig out global resources of geotourism unique to us by developing the stories connecting with local cultures and histories.

A Dynamic exploration of Constructivism Research based on Citespace Software in the Filed of Education (교육학 분야에서 CiteSpace에 기초한 구성주의 연구 동향 탐색)

  • Jiang, Yuxin;Song, Sun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2022
  • As an important branch of cognitive psychology, "constructivism" is called a "revolution" in contemporary educational psychology, which has a profound influence on the field of pedagogy and psychology. Based on "WOS" database, this study selects "WOS Core database" and "KCI database", uses CiteSpace visualization software as analysis tool, and makes knowledge map analysis on the research literature of "constructivism" in the field of education in recent 35 years. Analysis directions include annual analysis, network connection analysis by country(region) branch, author, institution or University, and keyword analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to grasp the subject areas, research hotspots and future trends of the research on constructivism, and to provide theoretical reference for the research on constructivism. There are three conclusions from the study. 1. Studies on the subject of constructivism have continued from the 1980s to the present. It is now in a period of steady development. 2. Countries concerned with the subject of constructivism mainly include the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and the Netherlands. The main research institutions and authors are mainly located in these countries. 3. Currently, the keywords constructivism research focus on the clusters of "instructional strategies", and the development of science and technology is affecting individual learning. In the future, instructional strategies will become the focus of structural constructivism research. With the development of instructional technology, it is necessary to conduct research related to the development of new teaching models.

Using Photovoice A Study on the Perception of Death Readiness in Babyboomer Retirees (포토보이스를 활용한 베이비부머 은퇴자의 죽음준비 인식의 연구)

  • Chung, Ju-Young;Lee, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2022
  • The retirement of the Korean baby boomer generation has become a major factor in an aging society as a large proportion of the population has moved from the middle-aged to the elderly. In addition, after being busy working at a structured workplace for over 30 years, after retirement, they could not adapt to the unstructured environment, causing depression and leading to social problems such as the risk of suicide. research was needed. This study uses photovoice to in-depth research on the research question of how retirees' perception of death preparation, who wants to live a life prepared until death, is used. This is the purpose of this study. The study participants were 7 baby boomer retirees, the data were collected for 2 months, and the perception derived as a result of analyzing the photos, explanations, and in-depth interviews taken by the subject analysis method was used to prepare It was a necessity for education. In the discussion of this study, it is urgent to develop a death preparation education program that can help the baby boomer retirees, and I would like to suggest that the cooperation of local organizations in charge of the program is necessary. This study is meaningful in that it presents basic data in preparing social welfare policy measures for the elderly after retirement through the awareness of death preparations of baby boomer retirees.

An Analysis of Technology Needs for Environmental Issues in Developing Countries (개도국 환경 분야 기술 수요 분석)

  • Jeong, Seongpil;Sohn, Erica Jungmin;Kim, Junyoung;Hwang, Jiyun;Seok, Dockko;Choi, Young Gyun
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2019
  • In order to respond to the global environmental issues, developed countries have been helped the developing countries as the Official Development Assistance (ODA). It is important to understand technology needs of the developing countries to provide the optimum solutions. In this study, the information of the environmental R&D dealing with appropriate technology were comprehensively collected based on the conducted R&D projects from the ministry of environment in Korea. The technology needs by UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and Korean government were analyzed named as TNA and CPS according to the target developing countries. In South-East Asia and Africa region, there were technology needs on water, biota, air, solid wastes, infrastructures and resources. And they were related to the issues such as environmental pollution, construction, climate change, biodiversity, energy and water management. The technology needs by UNFCCC and Korean government were also compared. Furthermore, the environmental R&D on appropriate technology should be focused on localization and maintenance to provide sustainable solutions to the developing countries.

Exploring the Perception Change of the Consumers for the Cultural Heritage Values in the Cultural Heritage Yahaeng (문화재야행 사업에서 소비자의 문화재 가치 인식 변화 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yim, Haksoon
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.52
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    • pp.107-133
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    • 2019
  • This article is aimed at exploring what factors influence the perception change of the consumers for the cultural heritage values in the case of the cultural heritage policy program entitled with the cultural heritage Yahaeng. The consumers is considered as a key factor in the value creation system of the cultural heritage Yahaeng. It is necessary that the priority of the cultural heritage Yahaeng should be shifted from the supplies to the consumers. The consumer-based model of cultural heritage utilization is used as a theoretical framework. This study examines the influence of cultural heritage authenticity, cultural motivation, management system, loyalty on the perception change of the consumers for the cultural heritage values. This study is empirically examined by the means of a survey conducted on 205 visitors in the case of the Suncheon Yahaeng. The results indicate that the cultural heritage Yahaeng positively influences the perception change of the consumers for the cultural heritage values. In addition, the results indicate that cultural heritage authenticity is the most important factor which positively influences the perception change of the consumers for the cultural heritage values. In addition, the results indicate that cultural motivation positively influences on the perception change of the consumer for the cultural heritage values through the mediating variable of the loyalty. In line with its results, the article recommends that the significance based management system, evaluation system focused on the perception of the consumers for the cultural heritage should be established in the future. The article concludes that the local residents should be importantly considered as consumers and the collaborative partners in the cultural heritage Yahaeng.