• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역기술기업육성

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Promotion Strategies for Daegu-Kyungbuk Mobile Cluster: Searching for Alternative Regional Innovation Governance (대구.경북 모바일 클러스터 육성전략: 지역혁신 거버넌스의 대안 모색)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hyop;Kim, Hyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.477-493
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    • 2009
  • This research aims to examine Korean regional innovation governance, find structural problems, and explore alternative strategies of regional innovation governance. Especially the alternative governance was searched through the case study of Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster, of which formulation Samsung is the anchor institution. Regional innovation governance in this research is defined as a policy system to link knowledge generation & diffusion subsystem and knowledge application & exploitation subsystem, and institutional conditions to steer the system. "Social Capital Assessment Tool (SOCAT)" of the World Bank was utilized for the appreciation of cluster governance. The regional innovation governance of Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster is characterized as production networks dominated by one-to-one relationship between Samsung and hardware/software developers, decentralized R&D networks and policy networks with multiple hubs. Major policy agents have not developed networks with local companies, and rare are interactions between the policy agents. Local companies, especially software developers, responded they have had experiences to cooperate for local problem solving and shared their community goal, however, the degree of trust in major local project leaders is not high. Local hardware/software developers with core technologies need to be cooperative to develop similar technologies or products in Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster. Regional administrative actors, such as the City of Daegu and Kyungsangbuk-do, and diverse innovation-related institutes should build cooperative environment where diverse project-based cooperation units are incessantly created, taken apart, and recreated.

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Enhance Issues of the global competitiveness of Telemedicine Industry in Korea (우리나라 원격의료산업의 글로벌 경쟁력 강화를 위한 정책 과제)

  • Yoon, Young-Han
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.325-351
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    • 2011
  • This paper is focused on problem in the law and system caused by the infringement of medical information and in the law and system indicate the solution. Interests in the medical service are increasing in internet environment as life quality of the people improves because of development in information and medical technology. The current main issues of the legislative system and the law improvement suggestion for telemedicine activation which is related to the ubiquitous health in which the medicine field and IT technology convergence appearance. In particular, South Korea in the privacy-related legislation should be amended. The reason, Medical information record contains a lot of patient's private secrets. Therefore, if privacy protection is not enough this could cause problem violate a patient's privacy. Thus we need consequently the maintenance of the health medical treatment field to suit a telemedicine environment of a law system. Specifically, this law enacted to protect medical treatment information and the technical security services with confidence and stability against security treats are necessary.

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Implications on the Technical Level of Industries and Industry-Academia Cooperation in Chungbuk Province (충북지역 산업체 기술수준과 산학협력에 관한 시사점)

  • Nam, Jae-Woo;Lim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.520-527
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the technical level and competence of Chungbuk region manufactures were diagnosed and implications for efficiency improvement of cooperation with local universities were derived. The results are as follow. First, in Chungbuk area, 75% of the skilled workers are medium-skilled and high skilled workers. And the life cycle of production products was found to have entered middle/old age. In addition, the industries were overestimating its technology capabilities, including marketing and sales technology, and management technology. Therefore, local universities should develop differentiated program such as technology transfer and commercialization support so that companies can nurture new industries and it is necessary to improve understanding of reality and future prediction ability through various education and seminars. Second, universities in Chungbuk province have failed to meet the practical demands of industry by providing general educational programs such as lifelong education curriculum, rather than the practical training required by industry. First of all, industries needed the practical training programs such as human resource empowerment, technical education and workers' retraining for local industry development. In addition, industries were expected to provide relevant knowledge and infrastructure such as testing, analysis, participation in technology development such as commissioning and joint research. Therefore, universities should prepare customized Industry-Academia Cooperation Programs through industry demand survey in planning. Also, it is necessary to establish various connection points with industry to ensure that industry-academia cooperation will continue and achieve results. Third, the technology of the industries in Chungbuk province was found to be very unrelated to the next generation regional strategic industries. This is not shared vision between industry and local government, Industry-Academia Cooperation Programs will serve as a platform to organize various community entities. Universities will be able to play a key role in between industries and local governments.

A Study on Success Factors of Logistics IT Companies (물류IT기업의 성공요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park Nam-Kyu;Song Gye-Eui;Choi Hyung-Rim;Lee Chang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.1137-1146
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    • 2006
  • Under this economic circumstance, the logistics firms located in port take better advantages than those in other areas. This study observed those firms with consciousness to which matters were affected a growth of the logistics IT firms. This study considered in terms of three factors which are an economic factor, a political factor and an internal-ability factor for the matters of logistics IT firms' success through the factor analysis. According to the factor analysis, subjective factor showed positive: (1) expanding market through the ideas and abilities, (2) internal relations and government support (3) capability of market identification and focusing on regional industrialization. As a result of the internal ability analysis, there were three positive matters such as (1) a factor of organization or human resource management, (2) relationship with consumer and resource and management ability for strategy, and (3) developing unique product, networking, suitable goods of regional industrialization. The external factor, through the factor analysis was trued out (1) a emerged political factor such as a support up venture, cluster composition, investing R&D and specialist training, (2) economic factor such as tax reduction, financial support, marketing collaboration renting office in a low price by regional government.

An Empirical Research on Success Factors of One-person Creating Company of Mobile App Industry in the Busan Region (부산 모바일 앱 산업 분야의 1인 창조기업 성공요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Cheon, Phyeong-Uk;Chung, Dong-Seop;Ock, Young-Seck
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.982-993
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    • 2013
  • Currency crisis, in order to solve the problem of the polarization of economic and serious youth unemployment rate, to prepare for the smart new economic era, and like to support and nurture the one-persion creating company of mobile app industry of central and local government people policies are underway. To be able to contribute to the establishment of the success of mobile app One-person creating company, to target the mobile app One-person creating company int the Busan region, we conducted an empirical study of success factors, and thus, support these solutions, more effective and efficient in an attempt to try to seek the support measures, was carried out this research. In this study, results derive a research three hypotheses about the success factors of One-person creating company through literature discussion, were investigated on the basis of empirical data of the mobile app one-persion creative company of Busan region of 51 individual, establishment of company period is longer, the number of organizations employee is large and attract a lot of external funds, and was able to find the tendency of more entrepreneurs receives an education, may increase an outcome of business. In this study, it is possible to obtain the policy implications as follows. First, to attract investment funds and attract government funding to support the funding of One-person creating company, it is necessary to pay attention more. Second, policy founder to an education about the management on an ongoing basis is needed than the education of marketing and technology for human resources development. Future, you will be able to expand across the country study company, we have established a policy of mobile app industry of national dimension, in this foundation, will be expanded to all industries.

Characteristics of Labor Market and Spatial Networks in Daedeok Science Town as Locality, Korea (로캘러티로서 대덕연구단지의 노동시장 특성과 공간적 네트워크)

  • Han, Ju-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 2001
  • The construction of Daedeok Science Town, located in Yuseong ward of Daejeon metropolitan city, began in the early 1970s. It started out as a national project to form an agglomeration of the major central government research institutions. Since that time Daedeok Science Town has also attracted private research institutions, mainly during the 1900s. This study geographically analyzes this research institutions to clarify the regional identity of Daedeok Science Town through an integrated approach of existing new regional geography approach, which is characteristics of labour market as the regional pattern of its laborers' residences, spatial labour division, its research network with other institutions, and networks of university, research institution, and corporations, through the spatial spread of intellectual right of property and through network of technology business incubator relationship with spin offs which is appeared to spatial interaction. The results of the study are as follows: First of all, Daedeok Science Town was not only self-sustenance with marketing garden of agricultural regions in the suburb of Daejeon city but also was consign of agricultural products to Daejeon city before 1972. Since that time, the identity of Daedeok Science town has been formed by externally factors of the science development, by the local decentralization of population and public offices in Seoul metropolitan area in terms of the world economy system, and by the internally accessibility maximization of the central location in Korea between 1992 and 1999. On the part of Daedeok Science Town it has some merits of in-migration from nation-wide, and of mother city's Daejeon. Lastly at the period of the venture business beginning after 1999, the role of institution, developing the existing high technology, made great contribution to an attraction of ventures business to here in need of high technology industry growth, including knowledge-based industry in the informated society. On these bases, Daedeok Science Town seems to grow spontaneously as a science park.

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Analysis of actual conditions for entry into the Global Water Market (글로벌 물시장 진출을 위한 실태 분석)

  • Kim, ShangMoon;Lee, HwaRyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2022
  • 국내 물시장은 100%에 가까운 상·하수도 서비스 수준을 달성한 지 오래다. 결과적으로 국내 물시장은 한계에 이르렀다는 평가와 함께 국내 물산업의 지속가능한 발전을 위해서는 포화된 국내 시장을 벗어나 해외 신시장을 발굴해야 한다는 견해가 보편적이다.. 그리고 정부에서는 2006년 물산업 육성 전략을 수립하는 한편 국내 물기업의 해외시장 진출을 위해 다각적인 정책을 수립·추진하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 지역별·국가별 특성을 고려한 물시장 진출 전략의 필요성 관점에서 타겟시장으로 주목을 받고 있는 국가 사우디아라비아의 물시장 특성을 검토함으로써 국내 기업의 현지 진입 전략을 제시하였다. 사우디아라비아 정부는 '비전 2030'에 의거 시설 및 서비스 확대, 민간참여 등 물 부문의 성과목표를 제시하였으며, 물시장 규모는 2021년 기준 116억 $ 규모로 추정된다 추정된다(GWI, 2021). 현지 물시장 관련 SWOT 분석 결과는 인프라와 담수화 분야에 대한 지속적 투자 및 시장 개방화, 그리고 다수의 레퍼런스 보유 등이 기회이자 강점인 반면 오일머니 중심의 산업구조, 정부 중심의 투자, 높은 시장경쟁 등은 약점이자 위기로 분석되었다. 그리고 본 연구는 현지 물시장 진입 전략으로 첫째, 현지 정부 및 기업과의 협력 강화를 통한 정보취득, 둘째, 향후 성장 가능성이 높은 담수화 관련 에너지 효율 제고, 막힘현상(파울링) 등에 대한 혁신 기술 및 가격경쟁력 확보, 셋째, 프로젝트 수주, 소재·부품 등의 수출을 위한 현지화(지사, 사무소, 연구소 등 개설) 등을 제시하였다.

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A Study on Obstacle Factors of Global Start-up Promotion (글로벌 스타트업 육성에 따른 장애요인 분석)

  • Lee, Seol-Bin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.338-352
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    • 2019
  • This study was empirically intended to determine obstacle factors of the global start-up promotion for the international inroad of global start-up companies. The statistical analysis of reliability and validity was conducted through the AMOS structural equation model after surveying 300 companies over 5 years old into start-up in metropolitan cities across the country. The findings are as follows. The global start-up growth had a very close relationship with capital, product development period, quality and human resources. And capital as a start-up obstacle factor was insignificant, but development period, quality and human resources had a close relationship with industrial competitiveness. Even in the mediating effect of start-up obstacle factors on industrial competitiveness, capital was rejected, while quality, development period and human resources were adopted, having a positive mediating effect. These results demonstrate that capital is not a big obstacle to the management because of the continuous support of the government due to the nature of start-up companies, but growth is in a remote future as long as there is no independent product competitiveness to maintain the quality of products at a certain level and support of professional workforce to develop and commercialize them.

Development of Agro-Industry in the Republic of Korea;With Special Reference to the Development of Rural Industrial Parks and Touristic Farms (한국의 농산업 개발;농공단지와 관광농원을 중심으로)

  • Im, Sang-Bong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 1997
  • 1970년대 이후 도시 중심의 급속한 공업화 정책을 추진한 결과, 농촌의 저발전 문제에 직면하고 있다. 1980년대 중반부터 이에 대한 대응전략으로서 농공단지 개발을 통한 산업유치, 농산물 가공산업 개발 및 유통체계 개선, 관광농업 개발 등이 논의되어 왔다. 오늘날에 와서는 WTO 체제 하에서 농산물 무역자유화가 보편적인 규범으로 자리잡아 가면서 이러한 변화를 더욱 재촉하고 있다. 이 글의 목적은 농공단지와 관광농원을 중심으로 우리 나라 농산업 발전과정을 고찰하고, 향후 발전 방향을 제시하는 데 있다. 농공단지와 관광농원 육성사업의 특성과 성패요인을 분석하는 데 있어서 이용된 자료는 주로 2차자료이다. 농공단지조성사업의 성과에 대한 많은 논란에도 불구하고, 개량적인 지표는 그것이 농촌지역경제 활성화에 직간접적으로 공헌하였음을 보여준다. 농촌노동력의 66.1%를 고용하고, 이들에게 1인당 월 평균 70만원 이상의 소득을 제공해 주었으며, 서비스업 등 관련산업의 성장에도 영향을 미쳤기 때문이다. 그러나 농공단지조성사업은 많은 문제점도 안고 있다. 농촌지역에 숙련 노동자가 부족하며 직업훈련 기회 및 창업지원 프로그램이 도시지역에 집중되어 있다. 또한 입주 기업이 농산물이나 골재 등 현지 자원을 활용하는 경우가 매우 적은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이에 대한 대응책으로서 농촌 주민들이 손쉽게 참여할 수 있는 직업훈련 프로그램을 개발하여 제공해야 하며, 경영과 시장정보 분석 등을 기술적으로 지원할 수 있는 효과적인 지도체계를 구축해야 한다. 관광농업은 새롭게 떠오르는 산업이다. 아직 기반이 취약하지만 국가 경제성장과 도시화 진행 추이에 비추어 볼 때 관광농원은 점차 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 하지만 이 산업의 지속적인 발전을 위해서는 정책의 유연성을 확보해야 하고, 농원운영자의 경영능력이 향상되어야 하며, 수요의 계절성을 극복해야 하는 등의 과제를 안고 있다. 또한 공동운영 형태의 농원에 있어서는 참여자들을 효과적으로 조직하고, 토지소유권 분쟁을 해소해야 하는 문제가 있다. 무엇보다도 아직 이 산업의 기반이 취약하다는 전제 위에 점진적이고 지속적인 재정과 기술지원이 요청되고 있다. 다양한 운영 프로그램의 개발과 지역내 네트웍 형태의 연계개발 방식의 채택이 필요하며, 관광농원이나 농어촌휴양지 개발지역에서는 산업개발 및 주거지 개발계획이 관광여건 조성과 총체적으로 연계되어야 할 것이다.

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The Improvement Plan and Field Survey of IT Internship in the Framework of University-Industry Collaboration (IT분야 산학협업 인턴쉽 실태조사 및 개선방안)

  • Kwon, Jangwoo;Yang, Haebong;Lee, Jungmann
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.398-401
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to develop New-IT internship and to search for the way to reduce quality mismatch and unemployment ratio and to ultimately enhance its effectiveness of university-industry collaboration(UIC) in the field of information technology in Korea. To achieve the goal of this study, we tried to come up with more job creation than working on educational collaboration between university and industry. The survey based on the reaction of companies and interns participating in IT internship program promoted by MKE(Ministry of Knowledge and Economy) shows that intern experience helped them to get jobs and longer intern period gave them to find job more easily. Intern companies preferred to local college students majoring in special technology area related to regional innovation industry cluster. It also found that intern companies wanted to hire interns who had some project experiences and theoretical knowledges. IT Internship program affected students good images about small and medium enterprises(SME) after finishing internship.

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