• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속가능한 성장

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A Case of Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia Confirmed by Biopsy and Enzyme Assay (제Ia형 당원병 1례 (Glycogen Storage Disease , Type Ia))

  • Meen Sang-Ae;Rho Kwang-Sik;Kim Pyung-Kil;Jeong Hyeon-Joo;Park Young-Nyeon;Kim Myung-Joon;Kim Ji-Hong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 1998
  • The author exprienced a case of glycogen storage disease type Ia(GSD-I) in an 18-year-old male patient who was admitted to our hospital due to proteinuria and hypertension. he was suspected to have GSD when 12 years old because of his family history of short stature and hepatomegaly. On admission, physical examination revealed short stature, heparomegaly, and The diagnosis of GSD-I was confirmed by compatible liver biopsy finding and enzyme assay which erealeddeficiency of glcose-6-phosphatase if hepatocyte. Sympromatic treatment was done using antihypertensive drugs and allopurinol with diet control. The authors report a case of glycogen storage disease type Ia completely confirmed by typical clinical manifestation, pathologic findings of the liver and the kidney, and the result of enzyme assay which revealed deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase in hepatocytes with brief review fo related literatures.

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A Study on the Application of Graphic Metaphor to the Web Interface - concentrating on the homework supporting domains for higher classes in the elementary schools- (웹 인터페이스에서의 그래픽 메타포 활용에 관한 연구 -초등학교 고학년 숙제도우미 영역을 중심으로-)

  • 이미경;김혜경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.385-394
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    • 2003
  • An investigation by KRNIC (Korea Network Information Center) on the real state of usage of internet has shown that 96.9% of children investigated had experiences of using internet. Especially the firstly ranked item that had been answered by children as a necessity of internet was 'Studying to solve tasks' rated by 83.9%. As seen from the research result, the need as a homework sonics is actually so dominant that it cannot be ignored when considering the profitability at the area of education contents, but any profound research has not been accomplished yet. Internet has been positioned as a more effective and fruitful learning tool, and also all activities done by users for exploring informations and choosing learning items under the on-line circumstances are based on the successive mutual reactions between users and computers. Up to now much of the web based learning circumstances has been introducing the User Interface using metaphor, and the same is found dominantly from the sites for children. But in spite of the availability of metaphor mentioned above the current status is much lack of profound researches about metaphor interface; and what is more, in the case of the site for elementary school students the gap of the ability recognizing metaphor is very large between lower classes and higher classes according to the degree of mental growth but that is used to be simply ignored, then a common concept is adapted to interface for all grades of classes and moreover for infant and kindergarten without any objections. Based on foregoing problems this research has put the main focus on the groping and presenting desirable directions on the prospect design of interface for children-oriented sites by analyzing the status of practical usage of metaphor interface in the field of the sites for children-oriented learning sites with concentration upon homework supporting domains.

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The Effect of Vision Sharing at Social Enterprise on Organizational Socialization - Focusing on Mediation Effects of Organizational Health - (사회적기업 종사자의 비전공유가 조직사회화에 미치는 영향 -조직건강을 매개로-)

  • Cheon, Han-Seul;Cho, Young-Bohk;Lee, Na-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.75-101
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    • 2018
  • Social enterprise in Korea has faced with many problems such as small size, management capability, lack of technology and weak ability to obtain resources despite its quantitative growth, raising concern over sustainability of social enterprises. Despite such tough environment, unique feature of social enterprise, differentiated from commercial enterprise is that it has clear social mission. In addition, social enterprise has the organizational feature in that vulnerable social group of workers coexists with ordinary workers, and plays a role of helping independence of vulnerable social group. Due to this feature, successful organizational socialization of members in social enterprise is a very important feature. Based on assumption that social mission of social enterprise can be utilized as the unique competitiveness of social enterprise through vision-sharing in the organization, and may give positive effects on successful organizational socialization of organization members, this study aims to conduct empirical research on relationship between vision-sharing and organizational socialization and to explore mediation effects of organizational health as organizational environmental element in relationship between vision sharing and organizational socialization. This study was conducted on 156 employees working at social enterprises. As a result of study, first, vision sharing is found to have positive effects on organizational socialization at social enterprises. Second, vision sharing in social enterprise has positive effects on organizational health. Third, vitality and community-oriented in social enterprise are found to have mediation effects among lower elements of organizational health in relationship between vision sharing and organizational socialization. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the more visions of organization are shared, the more members recognize their organization healthy, resulting in successful organizational socialization. This study is meaningful in that it presents the plans for successful organizational socialization of members of social enterprise including vulnerable groups and that it is the empirical study on plans of social enterprise on human resource management.

The Lean Startup: Korea's Case Study-Cardoc (린 스타트업 방법론의 적용: 한국 '카닥' 사례를 중심으로)

  • Na, Hee Kyung;Lee, Hee Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2016
  • The Lean Startup, a methodology for minimizing failure rate of startups, has been receiving attention since its publication in 2011. Although it has been receiving enormous attention as an effective methodology of startups' growth and the emergence of unicorn companies, it is undeniable that the theoretical research and cases on this topic have not been fully accumulated in Korea. Progress of management theory has been made when combining the theory and case studies. In this paper, we thus excavated the 'Cardoc' case, which has applied the lean startup concept to the entire process of service and customer development from the inception of its product design. The following are the findings of the case. First, for the successful application of lean startup, it is essential that all team members to understand the lean startup concept and are willing to apply it thoroughly to the business management. Second, the prompt launching of MVP(Minimum Viable Product) is more important than table discussion. Third, it is crucial to select the appropriate key metrics and analytic tools for effective learning. Fourth, startup must scale up promptly as soon as it verifies the product-market fit through the BML(Build-Measure-Learn) iteration cycle. Fifth, all new business expansion should be lean. Cardoc is currently testing new MVPs in order to move onto the next scale-up process with huge investments in newly added segments. This study is meaningful in that it elaborates the representative case of a Korean startup that has applied the lean startup strategy under the circumstance of insufficient discussion of Korean startup cases in comparison with growing attention both in concept development and case accumulation abroad. We hope that this paper can be a stepping stone for future relevant research on the implementation of lean startup methodology in Korea.

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Case studies of shallow marine investigations in Australia with advanced underwater seismic refraction (USR) (최신 수중 탄성파 굴절법(USR)을 이용한 호주의 천부해양탐사 사례연구)

  • Whiteley, Robert J.;Stewart, Simon B.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2008
  • Underwater seismic refraction with advanced interpretation approaches makes important contributions to shallow marine exploration and geotechnical investigations in Australia's coastal areas. A series of case studies are presented to demonstrate the recent applications of continuous and static USR methods to river crossing and port infrastructure projects at various sites around Australia. In Sydney, static underwater seismic refraction (USR) with bottom-placed receivers and borehole seismic imaging assisted the development of improved geotechnical models that reduced construction risk for a tunnel crossing of the Lane Cove River. In Melbourne, combining conventional boomer reflection and continuous USR with near-bottom sources and receivers improved the definition of a buried, variably weathered basalt flow and assisted dredging assessment for navigation channel upgrades at Geelong Ports. Sand quality assessment with continuous USR and widely spaced borehole information assisted commercial decisions on available sand resources for the reclamation phase of development at the Port of Brisbane. Buried reefs and indurated layers occur in Australian coastal sediments with the characteristics of laterally limited, high velocity, cap layers within lower velocity materials. If these features are not recognised then significant error in depth determination to deeper refractors can occur. Application of advanced refraction inversion using wavefront eikonal tomography to continuous USR data obtained along the route of a proposed offshore pipeline near Fremantle allowed these layers and the underlying bedrock refractor to be accurately imaged. Static USR and the same interpretation approach was used to image the drowned granitic regolith beneath sediments and indurated layers in the northern area of Western Australia at a proposed new berthing site where deep piling was required. This allowed preferred piling sites to be identified, reducing overall pile lengths. USR can be expected to find increased application to shallow marine exploration and geotechnical investigations in Australia's coastal areas as economic growth continues and improved interpretation methods are developed.

Change Detection at the Nakdong Estuary Delta Using Satellite Image and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 이용한 낙동강하구 지형변화탐지)

  • Oh, Che-Young;Park, So-Young;Choi, Chul-Uong;Jeon, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2010
  • Nakdong Estuary Delta plays various roles of worldwide habitat for migratory birds and a sand supplier to Haewoondae Beach and Gwanganri, which are tourist attractions of Busan. In this study, long-term topographical changes of Nakdong Estuary (Jinwoo Islet, Sinja Islet, Doyodeung, Dadae Beach) coast were detected and interpreted. Through the analysis of 34 years' satellite images, it was found out that a part in between front side and back side of Jinwoo Islet increased, Sinja Islet was divided into two belts in 1970, and has formed an islet since the 1980s and extended westward. Due to the rapid development of small islets in front of Baekhabdeung since 1990s, Doyodeung formed in the late 1990s and is still growing. To make coastal map of Nakdong Estuary area, 13 images, of which the tide level was $99{\pm}13cm$, from the 112 Landsat images of the period from 1975 to 2009 were selected to section into water zone and land zone using NDV. And the rates of coastal line change such as MATLAB EPR(End Point Rate) and LRR(Linear Regression Rate) were calculated using DSAS 4.0(Digital Shoreline Analysis System). Through detecting topographical changes, EPR showed that the front(south) and back side(north) of Jinwoo Islet moved southward at -0.93~2.56m/yr, and changes in costal line and area of Jinwoo Islet were low and stable. The front and backside of Sinja Islet moved northward at 1~4m/yr, whereas the west side of Sinja Islet was stable at 2~3m/yr and east side of Sinja Islet moved northward at 10m/yr or faster. The front and back side of Doyodeung moved northward at 18~27m/yr, causing the increase of area, while the coastal line of Dadae Beach moved westward at 7m/yr, causing the expansion of the beach. LRR also demonstrated a similar trend to EPR. Although analysis of satellite images and GIS could enabled detection of topographical changes and quantitative analysis of natural phenomena, we found that continuous observation of natural phenomena and various analytical methods are required.

A Study on the Applicability of Soilremediation Technology for Contaminated Sediment in Agro-livestock Reservoir (농축산저수지 오염퇴적토의 토양정화기술에 대한 적용성 연구)

  • Jung, Jaeyun;Chang, Yoonyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.157-181
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    • 2020
  • Sediments from rivers, lakes and marine ports serve as end points for pollutants discharged into the water, and at the same time serve as sources of pollutants that are continuously released into the water. Until now, the contaminated sediments have been landfilled or dumped at sea. Landfilling, however, was expensive and dumping at sea was completely banned due to the London Convention. Therefore, this study applied contaminated sedimentation soil of 'Royal Palace Livestock Complex' as soil purification method. Soil remediation methods were applied to pretreatment, composting, soil washing, electrokinetics, and thermal desorption by selecting overseas application cases and domestically applicable application technologies. As a result of surveying the site for pollutant characteristics, Disolved Oxigen (DO), Suspended Solid (SS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP) exceeded the discharged water quality standard, and especially SS, COD, TN, and TP exceeded the standard several tens to several hundred times. Soil showed high concentrations of copper and zinc, which promote the growth of pig feed, and cadmium exceeded 1 standard of Soil Environment Conservation Act. In the pretreatment technology, hydrocyclone was used for particle size separation, and the fine soil was separated by more than 80%. Composting was performed on organic and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) contaminated soils. TPH was treated within the standard of concern, and E. coli was analyzed to be high in organic matter, and the fertilizer specification was satisfied by applying the optimum composting conditions at 70℃, but the organic matter content was lower than the fertilizer specification. As a result of continuous washing test, Cd has 5 levels of residual material in fine soil. Cu and Zn were mostly composed of ion exchange properties (stage 1), carbonates (stage 2), and iron / manganese oxides (stage 3), which facilitate easy separation of contamination. As a result of applying acid dissolution and multi-stage washing step by step, hydrochloric acid, 1.0M, 1: 3, 200rpm, 60min was analyzed as the optimal washing factor. Most of the contaminated sediments were found to satisfy the Soil Environmental Conservation Act's standards. Therefore, as a result of the applicability test of this study, soil with high heavy metal contamination was used as aggregate by applying soil cleaning after pre-treatment. It was possible to verify that it was efficient to use organic and oil-contaminated soil as compost Maturity after exterminating contaminants and E. coli by applying composting.

Current Status and Prospects of High-Power Fiber Laser Technology (Invited Paper) (고출력 광섬유 레이저 기술의 현황 및 전망)

  • Kwon, Youngchul;Park, Kyoungyoon;Lee, Dongyeul;Chang, Hanbyul;Lee, Seungjong;Vazquez-Zuniga, Luis Alonso;Lee, Yong Soo;Kim, Dong Hwan;Kim, Hyun Tae;Jeong, Yoonchan
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2016
  • Over the past two decades, fiber-based lasers have made remarkable progress, now having reached power levels exceeding kilowatts and drawing a huge amount of attention from academy and industry as a replacement technology for bulk lasers. In this paper we review the significant factors that have led to the progress of fiber lasers, such as gain-fiber regimes based on ytterbium-doped silica, optical pumping schemes through the combination of laser diodes and double-clad fiber geometries, and tandem schemes for minimizing quantum defects. Furthermore, we discuss various power-limitation issues that are expected to incur with respect to the ultimate power scaling of fiber lasers, such as efficiency degradation, thermal hazard, and system-instability growth in fiber lasers, and various relevant methods to alleviate the aforementioned issues. This discussion includes fiber nonlinear effects, fiber damage, and modal-instability issues, which become more significant as the power level is scaled up. In addition, we also review beam-combining techniques, which are currently receiving a lot of attention as an alternative solution to the power-scaling limitation of high-power fiber lasers. In particular, we focus more on the discussion of the schematics of a spectral beam-combining system and their individual requirements. Finally, we discuss prospects for the future development of fiber laser technologies, for them to leap forward from where they are now, and to continue to advance in terms of their power scalability.

Performance Analysis on Collaborative Activities of Multidisciplinary Research in Government Research Institutes (국가 출연연구소의 협업적 융합연구 성과 분석)

  • Cho, Yong-rae;Woo, Chung-won;Choi, Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1089-1121
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    • 2017
  • 'Technological convergence' is the recent innovation trend which facilitates to solve social crux as well as to generate new industries. Korean government research institutes (GRIs) have taken a pivotal role for economic growth which capitalized on technology-oriented strategies. Recently, the policy interests on the transition of their role and mission towards multidisciplinary research organization is increasingly shed lights. This study regards the collaborative activities as one of the key success factors in the multidisciplinary research. In this sense, this study sets research purposes as follows: First, we intend to define a concept and to confine a scope of multidisciplinary research from the view point of R&D purposes and problem-solving process. Second, we categorize the collaboration and the relevant performances which reflect the characteristics of the multidisciplinary research. Third, we analyze the characteristics of collaborative activities and the effects of strength on the research performances. To this end, this study conducted a survey of 104 research project directors, which have experienced at least one of two types of multidisciplinary research projects through National R&D project or NST (National Research Council of Science & Technology) convergence research project. Then, we conducted regression analysis by utilizing the survey results in order to verify the relation between the collaborative activities and the performances. As results of analyses, first, the diversification of collaboration partners was a salient factor in the process of knowledge creation. Second, collective works among the researchers in similar area and domain enhanced mission-oriented technology development projects such as patent creation or technology transfer. Third, we verified that the diversity of created knowledge and the degree of relation continuity between researchers increased in the condition of guaranteeing individual researcher's independence and autonomy as well as sharing various technological capabilities. These results provide the future policy directions related to the methods to measure the collaboration and performance analysis for multidisciplinary research.

A Study of Cause of Employee Turnover and Countermeasures against Turnover in Shipping and Port Logistics Firms (중소항만물류기업의 이직원인 분석과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2015
  • This study One of the key elements of corporate competitiveness in the modern world of unlimited competition is human resource management. The reason that the world's leading companies are devoting a lot of investment and effort for good human resource development and management is that human resource can impact firm survival. In particular, there is little research on the internal and external environmental stimuli and job stress in the employee of small business which are often led to turnover, while they have suffered from chronic shortage of manpower. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover factors in the small logistics companies and contribute to stable maintenance of workforce, facilitating human resource management and minimizing turnover. This study empirically analyzed the factors of the turnover in the organization of logistics companies from Busan Port, South Korea, which became one of the national infrastructure and the fifth world largest harbor. The conclusion proposed the development and direction of the human resource management which could promote the job environment improving the turnover factors and creating sustainable work condition through conducting preventive measures. The results indicated that the highest turnover rates was found in the category of field work, and the highest turnover group was from the 'less than one year', which implies that high turnover rates after and during job training might be greater cost to the companies than early turnover. The most common reasons for the high employee turnover were 'excessive workload' and 'dissatisfaction with wages'. Followed reasons including 'troubles with managers' and 'failure in organizational adaptation' can be understood in line with worse working conditions of the small logistic companies. It turned out that the preventive programs of the logistic enterprises had little effect through 'incentives system' and 'improving wage system' which are mainly conducted. The human resource managers appreciated the importance of 'wage raise' and 'benefits improvement'. This study is aimed at contributing to efficient human resource management through understanding of the turnover causes and human resource managers applying preventive measures. In particular, this can benefit small port logistics companies securing competitiveness and promoting persistent growth and development.