• 제목/요약/키워드: 지속가능한 성장

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Carbon control and environmental policy in the U.K. : A reappraisal of strategies for the green state (영국의 탄소규제와 환경정책 : 녹색국가 전략의 재평가)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo;Shin, Hae-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.301-323
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    • 2013
  • The government of the UK since the 1990, especially under the new Labour Party, has pursued sustainable development or carbon control as a core strategy for its national development. The seemingly prominent environmental policy for 'greening the government' of the UK as well as considerable achievements in energy and environment indices have attracted much attentions of policy makers and researchers for the 'low carbon green growth' in Korea. This paper tries to see the character of carbon control and environmental policy in the UK not merely as the integrating or mainstreaming policy but a new strategy for national development, that is, for the 'ecologically modernized' state, eco-state, or green state. It defines the environmental policy for carbon control in the UK as the strategy for the green state which has provided it as a principal guide for integrating national policies as a whole, and which has pursued it through market-dependent neoliberal measures. From this point of view, this paper introduces the development process of carbon control and environmental policy mainly under the new Labour Party government in the UK, and gives a reappraisal of both its policy and of energy-environment indices.

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A study on the freight volume of car ferry route between Seosan-Daesan Port and Weihai Port activation plan (서산 대산항-위해항 카페리 항로의 물동량 추정 및 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jung Wook;Yun, Kyong Jun;Lee, Hyang Sook
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2020
  • Seosan-Daesan Port is the sixth largest port in Korea, and it promotes port infrastructure expansion, regular route development, overseas marketing, and port incentive systems for continuous growth. In addition, the port is planning to open a regular car ferry line to Weihai, China. This study aims to provide useful research data for effective decision making by analyzing the feasibility of opening the Chinese (Weihai) car ferry route of Seosan-Daesan Port. Currently, some car ferry routes that operate between Korea and China are open at Incheon Port, the Port of Pyeongtaek-Dangjin, and the Port of Gunsan. In order to estimate the volume of cargo that will be created when the car ferry route from Seosan-Daesan Port to Weihai opens, this research analyzes the domestic cargo volume from the Chungcheongnam-do region, where Seosan-Daesan Port is located, to each of the regions where the other ports are located. We estimated the volume of cargo that can be transported on the car ferry from Seosan-Daesan Port to Weihai. As a result, by 2020, about 76,000 passengers and about 50,000 tons of cargo could be created. Suggestions were made for policy strategies that would revitalize passenger numbers and secure the cargo volume of the car ferry, along with a discussion of and the port incentive system.

Review of property and utilization of oil crop for biodiesel (바이오디젤 원료작물의 기름 및 지방산 특성에 따른 활용방안 고찰)

  • Jang, Young-Seok;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Cho, Hyeon-Jun;Suh, Sae-Jung
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.25-46
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    • 2010
  • The demand for fuel and energy resources continues to grow due to increased consumption and emerging economies in all parts of the world. With this increase in demand, crude oil prices in the international market has jumped dramatically. Global warming, which is a consequence of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, has become scientific, social, and political concerns. To cope with global warming and energy crisis, cost-competitive biofuels are urgently needed. In addition, development of an infrastructure, which supplies energy stably and diversifies energy resources, as well as new cost-saving technologies should be developed to reduce the costs of producing biofuels. Due to high oleic acid content, rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is currently the potential feedstock for biodiesel production in temperate zone region and the production and use of rapeseed oil is already commercialized in Europe. In Korea double-cropping (rice and rapeseed) became more prevalent because it reduces competitions from land constraints. Production of rapeseed as a biodiesel feedstock may reduce the influence of rising oil prices and nation's dependence on imported petroleum and increase job opportunities and farm incomes.

The Discharge Measurement of Tancheon using LSPIV (LSPIV기법을 이용한 탄천(대곡교) 유량측정)

  • Kim, Seo-Jun;Yoon, Byung-Man;Yu, Kwon-Kyu;Joo, Yong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.911-915
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    • 2007
  • 영상측정기법을 적용하여 경제적이고 효율적인 유속 측정 방법에 대하여 많은 연구들이 진행되어 왔다. 현재 이동식 LSPIV 시스템은 실험실의 수리모형실험과 현장의 국부적인 유속측정에 효율적으로 이용되고 있지만, 고정식 LSPIV 시스템의 적용에는 많은 문제점들이 있어서 현장 적용이 미루어져왔다. 고정식 LSPIV 시스템은 수문분석에 많이 의존하고 있는 현재의 홍수량 산정에 좀 더 정확한 유속과 수위를 동시에 고려할 수 있는 하천유량측정 시스템이다. 이는 과거 하천유량측정 시 많은 비용과 인력 그리고 위험성들을 대폭 줄일 수 있는 현장 모니터링 시스템의 구축을 가능하게 해줄 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 LSPIV (Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry) 시스템을 탄천(대곡교)에 설치하여 연속적으로 유량 측정을 하였다. 탄천(대곡교)에 적용된 고정식 LSPIV 시스템은 유속측정을 위한 디지털 카메라 2대와 컴퓨터 그리고 수위 측정을 위한 DCU1104 초음파 수위계로 구성된다. 위의 현장 장비들에서 들어온 실시간 영상과 수위자료는 CDMA 무선통신을 이용하여 서버컴퓨터로 들어와서 인터넷에서 손쉽게 받아 볼 수 있다. 이와 같이 실시간으로 들어온 입력 자료는 LSPIV 프로그램을 이용하여 언제 어디에서나 비교적 정확한 유량을 산정할 수 있다. 또한 실시간으로 들어오는 하천 영상을 통해 실시간 현장 모니터링도 가능하게 되고 시간적으로 연속적인 영상을 얻을 수 있기 때문에 하천 유량 변화를 쉽게 알 수 있다. 따라서 과거 현장에서 어렵게 측정하여 얻을 수 있던 유속자료를 간단한 실시간 영상 분석만으로 구할 수 있으므로 앞으로 유량조사에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 입체 영상) 입체영상은 영화에서 시작되었으나, 20c후반기에 들어서면서 애니메이션 분야와 모바일, 광고 패널, 텔레비전등의 매체를 이용한 입체 영상의 개발로 인하여 특정 분야에 한정 시킬 수 없으므로 영상으로 칭한다. 입체 영상은 21c에 들어서면서 영상매체의 한 분야로 급부상하고 있다. 1900년 무렵부터 연구된 입체영화(3-Dimensional motion Picture)는 In여 년이 지난 지금 대중화를 눈앞에 두고 있다. 국내에서는 놀이 동산이나 박물관등에서 흔히 볼 수 있다. 하지만 앞으로는 HDW등의 대중화로 화질의 발전을 이룬 텔레비전 분야 등에서 실용화 될 전망이다. 국제적인 흐름과 함께 국내에서도 입체 영화에 대한 연구가 활성화 되어 영상산업의 한 주류로서 대두되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 입체영상에 대한 이해와 콘텐츠(Contents)의 개발은 기술적인 진보에 발맞추어 준비되어야 한다. 본 논문은 이러한 기술적인 계보에 발맞춘 영상 콘텐츠 개발에 박차를 가하고자 앞으로의 발전분야에 대한 기술적인 면과 기법적인 면을 제시하여 기술만 앞서고 내용은 수입하는 수입국이기 보다는 미리 준비하여 비전문가나 타국의 기술에 선점 당하지 않는 분야로 성장할 수 있는 진보적인 영상 인들의 관심과 지속적인 연구를 독려하고자 한다.시민의 휴식 및 여가선용 공간으로 활용하기 위한 사업의 기초자료로 활용되며 이미 설계검토가 시작되었다. 본 연구결과는 유수지 및 저수지의 환경개선 사업의 선두적인 성공사례로 국내 타 지역의 유사한 사업에 있어 벤치마킹을 할 수 있는 훌륭한 사례가 될 것이다.요 생산이 증가하자 군신의 변별(辨別)과 사치를 이유로 강력하게 규제하여 백자의 확대와 발전에 걸림돌이 되었다. 둘째, 동

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Consideration of Carbon dioxide Capture and Geological Storage (CCS) as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project Activities: Key Issues Related with Geological Storage and Response Strategies (이산화탄소 포집 및 지중저장(CCS) 기술의 청정개발체제(CDM)로의 수용 여부에 대한 정책적 고찰: 지중저장과 관련된 이슈 및 대응방안)

  • Huh, Cheol;Kang, Seong-Gil;Ju, Hyun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2011
  • Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the key players in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction portfolio for mitigating climate change. CCS makes simultaneously it possible not only to reduce a huge amount of carbon dioxide directly from the emission sources (e.g., coal power plant) but also to maintain the carbon concentrated-energy and/or industry infrastructure. Internationally, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is dealing the agenda for considering the possibility of including CCS project as one of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. Despite its usefulness, however, there are the controversies in including CCS as the CDM project, whose issues include i) non-permanence, including long-term permanence, ii) measuring, reporting and verification (MRV), iii) environmental impacts, iv) project activity boundaries, v) international law, vi) liability, vii) the potential for perverse outcomes, viii) safety, and ix) insurance coverage and compensation for damages caused due to seepage or leakage. In this paper, those issues in considering CCS as CDM are summarized and analyzed in order to suggest some considerations to policy makers in realizing the CCS project in Korea in the future.

SNS Mall: A Study on the Analysis of SNS(Social Networking Service) Functions Applicable to Electronic Commerce for Building Regular Relationship with Customers (SNS 몰: 전자상거래에서 적용할 수 있는 SNS의 기능 분석 및 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Gim, Mi-Su;Ra, Young-Gook
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • We can build regular customer relationships combining SNS (social networking service) with shopping mall like offline trade. A customer who once purchased is registered as reaular and the relationship continues afterward. The registered regular customer get sthe information about objective product shipment and besides it, he contacts with a story of frams, growth of vegetables, sows to harvests. Consumer can purchase with one click necessary foods as he looks at timeline. Sellers give information about news. discounts to customers. Besides it, food storages, recipes can be given to consumers. The good point here is that selling and promoting can be performed within one account. This is better than link is provided for selling an promoting separately. Like this, besides personal connections using SNS, categorization function gives consumers on line shopping mall service. Once the consumer purchase, he is registered as regular. Besides, the consumers who do not know each other, can share information, suggest products, spread the news.

A Case Study on the Competitive System of EU Railway Transport Market (유럽 철도교통시장의 경쟁체제 도입사례 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Sang;Moon, Dae-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2008
  • This paper examines the situation and tasks of competitive systems of EU transport market focusing on railways. Recently, the EU transport market has changed radically, thanks to an increasingly competitive rail market. The European Commission has stimulated the creation of a competitive environment that will enhance the position of rail. Some scholars have insisted that the rail market is more monopolistic than competitive. However, the case of UK rail privatization suggests this is not the case. Moreover, some countries have a rail market that is more competitive. We draw on a wide range of sources including statistics and analyses of recent phenomena. These demonstrate the emergence of competitive markets in EU rail and the difficulty of developing a competitive market. With regard to the adoption of the competitive market, we examine three things. First, we observe recent cases and trends in competitive markets. Second, we compare the result of competitive markets and non-competitive markets within EU nations. Third, we demonstrate factors of formation of competitive markets and the possible expansion. We identified differences within open market policies amongst EU nations. Although a competitive EU rail market may have some difficulties, it will steadily begin to overcome technological differences and a lack of funds, because EU countries have a common goal, which is to develop the railways, solving, wherever possible both environmental and energy problems. Through this analysis, we found that the free market in EU rail will be extended to deliver efficiency and quality service.

The Effects of Social Tourism Information Platform on Experience Value and e-Loyalty of Visitors to Tourism Information (관광정보 이용객이 지각하는 소셜관광정보플랫폼이 경험가치 및 e-충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Dae-Gyun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effects of a social tourism information platform on platform users' experiential value and e-loyalty and performed an empirical analysis with the aim to propose methods and implications regarding what strategies can enable practical application for sustainable growth in the operation of a social tourism information platform in the future tourism industry. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the analysis supported the hypothesis that sub-factors of a social tourism information platform, such as interactivity, information reliability, and usefulness, have statistically significant positive effects on experiential value. Second, the analysis did not support the hypothesis that the sub-factors of a social tourism information platform, such as interactivity, information reliability, and usefulness, have statistically significant positive effects on e-loyalty. Third, the analysis supported the hypothesis that experiential value has a statistically significant positive effect on e-loyalty. Consequently, tourism companies should improve customers' experiential value by supplementing their existing platforms, considering the interactivity, information reliability, and usefulness of users based on these characteristics of social tourism information platforms. To increase e-loyalty to their social tourism information platforms, tourism companies should clearly and rapidly provide the information needed by users in addition to improving the visual design of such platforms. Moreover, to increase e-loyalty, the companies can incorporate their own killer content into platforms for users to have an enjoyable time, using platforms that stimulate their interest and give pleasure and fun, and this way, they can satisfy the users' needs for experiential value.

Effect of turbulent motion on size distribution of suspended flocs (난류 거동이 점착성 부유사의 입도분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Byun, Jisun;So, Minwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.25-25
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    • 2021
  • 점착성 유사는 비점착성 유사에 비해 1차입자의 크기가 작아 1차입자간의 점착력이 중요한 역할을 하는 유사를 말한다. 점착성 유사는 비점착성 유사에 비해 크기가 작아 입자의 전자기적 점착력의 영향을 무시할 수 없으므로 점착력으로 인해 입자들은 서로 응집하는 동시에 입자들 간의 충돌에 의하여 파괴되는 과정을 거친다. 이러한 응집과 파괴가 지속되는 일련의 과정을 응집현상이라 한다. 점착성 유사는 응집과정을 통해 일차입자보다 크기가 크며 수십 개에서 수천 개의 일차입자와 물의 덩어리인 플럭을 형성하게 된다. 흐름 내 존재하는 플럭의 응집현상에 가장 지배적인 영향을 미치는 인자로 난류 거동이 알려진 바 있다. 본 연구에서는 난류 거동에 따른 점착성 플럭의 입도분포 변화를 살펴보고자 하였으며, 점착성 유사 입도분포 모형을 개발하였다. 수치모형의 개발은 확률과정(또는 추계과정)의 개념을 바탕으로 한다. 점착성 유사의 응집현상을 구성하는 응집과정은 다양한 연구를 통해 메커니즘들이 규명된 것과 달리 파괴과정은 난류로 인해 발생하며 무작위한 것으로 여겨진다. 무작위한 플럭의 파괴과정을 확률과정으로 가정하고 매개변수 중 하나를 대수정규분포를 따르는 난수로 고려하였다. 개발된 모형의 검증은 연안지역에서 점착성 플럭의 거동을 측정한 연구결과와의 비교를 통해 수행하였으며, 흐름 유속의 연직분포와 유사 농도의 연직분포, 응집현상 이후 플럭의 평형크기와 입도분포가 모두 합리적으로 계산되는 것이 확인되었다. 더불어 모의 결과에서는 대수정규분포를 따르는 동일한 난수를 적용하였음에도 불구하고 하상으로부터 거리가 가까워짐에 따라 플럭입도분포가 단봉분포(Unimodal Distribution)와 이봉분포(Bimodal Distribution)가 모두 계산되는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 모형의 개발과정에서 플럭의 가능 최대 크기를 콜모고로브 길이규모로 제한한 것과 관련이 있다. 난류 흐름 내 존재하는 플럭의 크기가 응집현상을 통해 난류의 콜모고로브 길이규모까지 성장하는 경우, 난류의 전단응력이 급격하게 증가하여 파괴과정이 활발해지고 응집과정이 저하된다는 것은 널리 알려진 사실이다. 이러한 사실을 바탕으로 플럭의 가능최대 크기를 콜모고로브 길이규모로 제한하였으며, 하상으로부터의 거리에 따라 콜모고로브 길이규모의 변화로 인해 콜모고로브 길이규모 부근에서 하나의 최빈값이 추가로 나타나는 것으로 이해된다. 수치모의 결과로부터 얻어진 콜모고로브 길이규모와 입도분포 형태의 상관관계를 보다 정확하게 이해하기 위해 실측 자료들을 검토해 본 결과, 균질한 재료를 이용한 실험실 실험결과에서 플럭 이봉분포의 최빈값이 콜모고로브 길이규모와 일치하는 것이 확인되었다. 연안지역에서 측정을 수행한 자료들에서도 이봉분포 또는 다봉분포와 콜모고로브 길이 규모와의 상관성을 찾아볼 수 있었다.

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Variations of Species Composition of Early Feeding Organisms Through Nature Mixed Culture (자연혼합배양에 의한 초기 먹이생물의 종 조성 변화)

  • Jung, Min-Min;Oh, Bong-Sae;Ku, Hag-Dong;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Yang, Moon-Ho;Moon, Tae-Seok;Kim, Sam-Yeon;Kim, Hyeung-Sin
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2010
  • We were successfully reared young marine ornamental larva fish in a unique process of microalgae blooming culture tank. The marine fish larva was grown and survived in this method. Generally, we called this method as natural mixed culture. Observed planktonic microalgae were 34 species with 19 diatoms (Detonula pumila, Nitzschia sp., Fragilaria oceanica, Chaetoceros curvisetus, Stephanodiscus sp., Chaetoceros decipies, Chaetoceros sp., Thalassiosira rotula, Eucampia zodiacus, Diploneis splendica, Nitzschia longissima, Surirella cuneata, Asterionella glacialis, Nitzschia spp., Chaetoceros debile, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Nitzschia closterium, Skeletonema costatum and Licmophora sp.), 14 flagellates (Euglena, sp., Gonyaulax sp., Pyramimonas sp., Protoperidinium sp., Eutreptia sp., Parapedinella sp., unidentified micrc-flagellate, Gyrodinium sp., Scrippsiell trochoidea, Gymnodinium sanguineum, Chrysochromulina sp., Gymnodinium sp., Prorocentrum triestinum and Micromonas sp.) and 1 ciliate (Mesodinium rubrum) in this culture tank. Dominant microalgae were Chrysochromulina sp. during the larval rearing periods. Blooming condition maintained continuously and stably from 10 to 60 days in this microcosm.