• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속가능한 성장

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A Case Research on the Outcome of Culture Projects with Comprehensive Funding : Focused on the Building Project of Specialized Region in Culture (통합형 포괄보조 문화사업의 성과분석 사례 연구 : 남원시 문화특화지역(문화도시형) 조성사업을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Segil
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.31-55
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    • 2020
  • As a case study, this paper aims to analyze the outcome of culture projects that are, like the building project of culture city, comprehensively funded by integrating individual projects with various purposes. Considering that there is no assessment indicators on the performance of culture city building project, it tries to propose and analyze indicators for evaluating the outcome, influence, and effect of the project, by taking into account social, cultural, and economical effect. The analysis result demonstrates the building project of specialized region in culture has bigger income effect than the construction project of cultural facilities or cultural voucher program. Because income growth leads to consumption growth, a project type with bigger income effect has more influence on industrial growth. In other words, the study shows that comprehensive funding projects, by integrating programs related to cultural citizens, cultural programs, and cultural space, is more effective for sustainable cultural development of a region. And it means the way of government assistance for cultural projects does need to change from individual project-based to comprehensive funding project-based.

An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting the Survival of Social Enterprises Using Non-Financial Information (비재무정보를 이용한 사회적기업의 생존에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Hyeok Kim;Dong Myung Lee;Gi Jung Nam
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the factors affecting survival time by estimating survival rate and survival time using non-financial information of social enterprises using credit guarantee in credit guarantee institutions, and provide information to stakeholders to improve survival rate and employ to contribute to maintaining and expanding the As a research method, survival analysis was performed using a non-parametric analysis method, Kaplan-Meier Analysis. As a sample, 621 companies (577 normal companies, 44 insolvent companies) established between 2009 and 2018 were selected as the target companies. As a result of examining the factors affecting survival time by classifying social enterprise representative information and corporate information, representative credit rating, representative home ownership, credit transaction period, and corporate credit rating were derived as significant variables affecting survival time. In the future, financial institutions will be able to induce corporate soundness by reflecting factors that affect survival when examining loans for social enterprises, contributing to job retention and reduction of social costs. Supporting organizations such as the government and private organizations will be able to use it in various ways, such as policy establishment and education and training for the growth and sustainability of social enterprises. With this study as an opportunity, I hope that research will continue with more interest in the factors influencing social enterprise performance as well as corporate insolvency.

Regional Cultural Resources & Content development Process (지역문화자원과 콘텐츠개발)

  • Park, Se-hee;Lee, Seung-gwon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2016
  • In order to revitalize the regional economy and culture, understanding what cultural resources are about is of prime importance. When considering cultural resources, one ought to appreciate that developing content industries can contribute to the development of the regional economy and the sustainability of the country. Recently, vast amounts of aid and financial resources have been earmarked for the development of the national cultural industries. Each region of our country has enhanced its autonomy in terms of decision-making, thus increasing the resort to cultural and natural resources. However, when industrializing and excavating hidden cultural resources, vitality should be breathed into regional and national economies. Moreover, as an issue of national importance, this could held resolving pressing matters such as the creation of added-value jobs, the merger of industries, basic architecture, societal problems and the revitalization of rural communities, to name but a few. Therefore, so as to develop regions through the revitalization of regional economies and the improvement of infrastructures, it is necessary to encourage cultural industries and the excavation of cultural resources. The present research suggests to upgrade the values of regional and cultural resources so as to revitalize cultural regional resources through concrete policies. This basically implies carrying out a program which aims at diffusing cultural values by resorting to cultural resources as tools of revitalization. Finally, the importance of cultural resources must be reflected in a diversified spectrum of policies aimed at bringing values out of cultural resources. Yet, thorough researches on proposals for a better use of regional resources are still much needed.

Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Technology Innovations and Research Needs in the Division of Groundwater and Soil (탄소중립 달성을 위한 지하수토양분야 혁신기술 및 선도연구 소개)

  • Jongbok Choi;Younggyu Son;Young-Soo Han;Man Jae Kwon;Seunghak Lee;Kitae Baek;Yongseok Hong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.28 no.spc
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    • pp.40-54
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    • 2023
  • 산업혁명 이후 화석연료의 광범위한 사용, 삼림 벌채, 토지사용의 변화 등과 같은 인위적 활동은 대기 중 온실가스(GHGs, greenhouse gases) 농도를 지속적으로 증가시켜 지구의 기후위기를 유발하였다. 우리나라의 경우 최근 30년 사이 평균 온도가 1.4℃ 상승하였으며, 국제사회의 일원으로 책임을 다하기 위해 2016년 11월 3일 파리협정을 비준하였다. 이에 파리협정의 목표인 산업화 이전 대비 지구 평균온도 상승을 2℃ 아래, 가능한 1.5℃ 아래로 억제하기 위해 2050년까지 CO2 순배출량을 0으로 만들어야 하며, 이를 위해 다양한 정책 마련과 함께 경제 및 사회 전반에 걸쳐 많은 노력이 경주되고 있는 실정이다. 탄소중립을 달성하기 위해서는 첫 번째로 GHGs 배출을 줄이고, 두번째로 대기에서 CO2 포집을 촉진하기 위해 현재 가동되는 다양한 산업분야의 생산 시스템을 개혁하는 것이 가장 중요한 과제로 고려되고 있다. 그동안 지하수토양 관련 연구분야에서는 지속가능성(sustainability), 복원성(resilience), 녹색성장(green growth) 등과 같은 사회적 요구에 부응하여, 녹색정화(green remediation), 자연 저감(natural attenuation), 탄소포집저장(carbon capture and sequestration), 지열발전등의 기술이 초기단계로 개발이 되고 연구가 되어 왔다. 이러한 기존 연구들은 탄소중립2050의 달성을 위해 고도화되어야하며, 추가적으로 자연 및 인위기원 탄소배출 연구, 토양의 역할을 고려한 저탄소 토지이용 기술, 광물탄산화 등의 연구 및 기술개발이 필요하다고 판단된다. 본 논문에서는 탄소중립2050의 간단한 내용과 함께, 이를 달성하기 위한 지하수토양 분야의 혁신기술 및 선도연구를 소개하였다.

A Case Study on the Smart Tourism City Using Big Data: Focusing on Tourists Visiting Jeju Province (빅 데이터를 활용한 스마트 관광 도시 사례 분석 연구: 제주특별자치도 관광객 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Junhwan Moon;Sunghyun Kim;Hesub Rho;Chulmo Koo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2019
  • It is possible to provide Smart Tourism Service through the development of information technology. It is necessary for the tourism industry to understand and utilize Big Data that has tourists' consumption patterns and service usage patterns in order to continuously create a new business model by converging with other industries. This study suggests to activate Jeju Smart Tourism by analyzing Big Data based on credit card usage records and location of tourists in Jeju. The results of the study show that First, the percentage of Chinese tourists visiting Jeju has decreased because of the effect of THAAD. Second, Consumption pattern of Chinese tourists is mostly occurring in the northern areas where airports and duty-free shops are located, while one in other regions is very low. The regional economy of Jeju City and Seogwipo City shows a overall stagnation, without changes in policy, existing consumption trends and growth rates will continue in line with regional characteristics. Third, we need a policy that young people flow into by building Jeju Multi-complex Mall where they can eat, drink, and go shopping at once because the number of young tourists and the price they spend are increasing. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide services for life-support related to weather, shopping, traffic, and facilities etc. through analyzing Wi-Fi usage location. Based on the results, we suggests the marketing strategies and public policies for understanding Jeju tourists' patterns and stimulating Jeju tourism industry.

Characteristics of CEO Affecting R&D Investment and Corporate value of Special listed Companies: From a Behavioral Finance Theory Perspective (특례상장기업의 연구개발투자와 기업가치에 영향을 미치는 CEO 특성: 행동재무학 이론 관점에서)

  • Kim, Joo Won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2024
  • Since special listed companies are listed under relaxed conditions in management performance and market evaluation, if they do not continue to grow after listing, the damage to investors will inevitably increase. In addition, since special listed companies have a smaller company size than general listed companies, CEOs are inevitably more important in establishing corporate strategies. Therefore, this study empirically analyzed the characteristics of CEOs that affect R&D investment and corporate value of special listed companies from the perspective of behavioral finance theory. As a result of verifying the characteristics of CEOs who influence R&D investment through interactions with specially listed companies, it has a positive effect on R&D if the CEO is male, a natural science major, or a former investment company. In addition, the characteristics of CEOs who influence corporate value through interactions with variables of specially listed companies positively affected R&D if the CEO is male and has an academic background. The characteristics of CEOs who influence R&D investment and corporate value through interactions with specially listed companies are different from those of single variables in gender, education, major, and career variables excluding age, indicating that specially listed companies play a role as a control variable that affects R&D investment and corporate value through interaction with CEO characteristics. This study supplemented the limitations of the existing CEO theory and verified that age, gender, education, major, and career, which are CEO characteristics from a behavioral finance perspective, can be explanatory variables that reflect psychological differences in individual abilities. In addition, it is expected to contribute to research on corporate sustainability by providing implications for predicting the characteristics of CEOs who have high influence on R&D investment and corporate value of specially listed companies.

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A study and the growth and the development of microvascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (1형 당뇨병 환자의 성장과 미세혈관 합병증 발생에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young Ah;Yun, Kyong-Ah;Shin, Choong Ho;Yang, Sei Won
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Reduced growth and microvascular complications have been recognized as consequences of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). We assessed the effect of T1DM on growth and factors associated with the development of microvascular complications. Methods : We conducted a retrospective longitudinal evaluation of 154 patients above 16 years of age. We analyzed factors which affect final height standard deviation scores (SDS) and development of microvascular complications. Results : Final height SDS was $-0.11{\pm}1.15$ ($-0.26{\pm}1.33$ in females, $0.04{\pm}0.91$ in males). Final height SDS was significantly lower than midparental height SDS and height SDS at diagnosis. There was no difference in final height SDS according to age at onset, existence or nonexistence of complications, or average $HbA_{1C}$. Height SDS at onset of puberty, midparental height SDS and pubertal growth gain affected final height SDS. The number of patients with complications was 37 (24 percent). Microvascular complications developed at a younger age and after longer duration of diabetes in patients with a prepubertal onset of T1DM compared to patients with pubertal onset. Patients with complications had a higher level of average $HbA_{1C}$ than patients without complications. Patients whose microalbuminuria regressed had lower levels of average $HbA_{1C}$, systolic BP, second 24h urine microalbumin than patients with persistant or progressed microalbuminuria. Conclusion : The results suggest that degrees of glycemic control don't affect final height, but various factors associated with T1DM can impair growth potential. Additionally, the degrees of glycemic control and puberty affect the development of microvascular complications.

The Analysis of Future Promising Industries of Busan and Marine Policy in the Era of the Northern Sea Route (북극항로 시대에 대비한 부산지역의 미래성장 유망산업 및 정책 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Ryoo, Dong-Keun;Nam, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.175-194
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    • 2014
  • Because the thawing of the Arctic ocean is slowly accelerating due to global warming, recently exploring resources in Arctic ocean and transporting resources by using the North Pole route have been getting spotlight. Since the original route transported by the Suez Canal from Korea to Europe could be shorten about 8,000km in distance(decreased about 38% compared to the original route), which means shortening about 10 voyage dates, it is expected to bring huge logistics cost reduction. Once the North Pole route is commercialized successfully, it would be one of the most important variables that affects future of Busan port and guides for economic development of Busan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze Busan port and the economic growth of Busan area by researching promising industry, based on the effect of freight transporting by the Northern sea route on the economy of Busan. For this study, questionnaire surveys and interviews were conducted for 64 people of experts in the shipping and port industry, relevant government, and academics. The survey finding shows that port logistics industry is a promising business in Busan in terms of its growth and competitiveness. It is necessary to develop feeder network facilities that prepare for commercialization of the Northern sea route as a short and medium term plan and provide professional manpower training in polar regions. Ship supply business would also play an important role. It is identified that revitalization of shipbuilding and ocean plant industry should be done in terms of Arctic business. With regard to the fishery industry it is found that modernization of fishery ship and development of fishery equipment used in polar areas should be carried out.

A Study of Factors Associated with Software Developers Job Turnover (데이터마이닝을 활용한 소프트웨어 개발인력의 업무 지속수행의도 결정요인 분석)

  • Jeon, In-Ho;Park, Sun W.;Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2015
  • According to the '2013 Performance Assessment Report on the Financial Program' from the National Assembly Budget Office, the unfilled recruitment ratio of Software(SW) Developers in South Korea was 25% in the 2012 fiscal year. Moreover, the unfilled recruitment ratio of highly-qualified SW developers reaches almost 80%. This phenomenon is intensified in small and medium enterprises consisting of less than 300 employees. Young job-seekers in South Korea are increasingly avoiding becoming a SW developer and even the current SW developers want to change careers, which hinders the national development of IT industries. The Korean government has recently realized the problem and implemented policies to foster young SW developers. Due to this effort, it has become easier to find young SW developers at the beginning-level. However, it is still hard to recruit highly-qualified SW developers for many IT companies. This is because in order to become a SW developing expert, having a long term experiences are important. Thus, improving job continuity intentions of current SW developers is more important than fostering new SW developers. Therefore, this study surveyed the job continuity intentions of SW developers and analyzed the factors associated with them. As a method, we carried out a survey from September 2014 to October 2014, which was targeted on 130 SW developers who were working in IT industries in South Korea. We gathered the demographic information and characteristics of the respondents, work environments of a SW industry, and social positions for SW developers. Afterward, a regression analysis and a decision tree method were performed to analyze the data. These two methods are widely used data mining techniques, which have explanation ability and are mutually complementary. We first performed a linear regression method to find the important factors assaociated with a job continuity intension of SW developers. The result showed that an 'expected age' to work as a SW developer were the most significant factor associated with the job continuity intention. We supposed that the major cause of this phenomenon is the structural problem of IT industries in South Korea, which requires SW developers to change the work field from developing area to management as they are promoted. Also, a 'motivation' to become a SW developer and a 'personality (introverted tendency)' of a SW developer are highly importantly factors associated with the job continuity intention. Next, the decision tree method was performed to extract the characteristics of highly motivated developers and the low motivated ones. We used well-known C4.5 algorithm for decision tree analysis. The results showed that 'motivation', 'personality', and 'expected age' were also important factors influencing the job continuity intentions, which was similar to the results of the regression analysis. In addition to that, the 'ability to learn' new technology was a crucial factor for the decision rules of job continuity. In other words, a person with high ability to learn new technology tends to work as a SW developer for a longer period of time. The decision rule also showed that a 'social position' of SW developers and a 'prospect' of SW industry were minor factors influencing job continuity intensions. On the other hand, 'type of an employment (regular position/ non-regular position)' and 'type of company (ordering company/ service providing company)' did not affect the job continuity intension in both methods. In this research, we demonstrated the job continuity intentions of SW developers, who were actually working at IT companies in South Korea, and we analyzed the factors associated with them. These results can be used for human resource management in many IT companies when recruiting or fostering highly-qualified SW experts. It can also help to build SW developer fostering policy and to solve the problem of unfilled recruitment of SW Developers in South Korea.

A Practical Feature Extraction for Improving Accuracy and Speed of IDS Alerts Classification Models Based on Machine Learning (기계학습 기반 IDS 보안이벤트 분류 모델의 정확도 및 신속도 향상을 위한 실용적 feature 추출 연구)

  • Shin, Iksoo;Song, Jungsuk;Choi, Jangwon;Kwon, Taewoong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.385-395
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    • 2018
  • With the development of Internet, cyber attack has become a major threat. To detect cyber attacks, intrusion detection system(IDS) has been widely deployed. But IDS has a critical weakness which is that it generates a large number of false alarms. One of the promising techniques that reduce the false alarms in real time is machine learning. However, there are problems that must be solved to use machine learning. So, many machine learning approaches have been applied to this field. But so far, researchers have not focused on features. Despite the features of IDS alerts are important for performance of model, the approach to feature is ignored. In this paper, we propose new feature set which can improve the performance of model and can be extracted from a single alarm. New features are motivated from security analyst's know-how. We trained and tested the proposed model applied new feature set with real IDS alerts. Experimental results indicate the proposed model can achieve better accuracy and false positive rate than SVM model with ordinary features.