• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속가능한 성장

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작업관련성을 고려한 U라인 밸런싱+

  • 김우열;김용주;김동묵
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 U자형 생산라인(U라인)에서의 라인밸런싱 문제를 해결하기 위한 유전알고리즘을 제시한다. U라인에서는 사이클 타임 내에 제품이 들어가는 방향과 나오는 방향의 작업을 한 작업자가 수행 할 수 있어서, 재공품 수량을 일정하게 유지한다거나 작업부하를 평활화 하는 등의 라인관리가 기존 직선라인에 비해 용이하다. U라인은 JIT(Just-ln-Time)생산 시스템에서 흔히 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 U라인에서 사이클 타임이 고정되었을 때 작업장 또는 작업자의 수를 최소로 하면서 동시에 작업장에 할당된 작업들 간의 관련성을 최대화하는 라인밸런싱 문제를 다루었다. 라인밸런싱에 관한 기존 연구는 대부분 직선라인에 관한 것으로 U라인의 장점을 충분히 활용하지 못한다. 특히, 라인의 작업장의 수를 최소화하는 문제는 많은 대안해가 있음에도 불구하고, 작업관련성을 고려하여 해를 구하는 기법에 관한 연구는 아직 미미한 실정이다. 실제 조립라인에서는 가능한 한 관련된 작업들을 동일한 작업자에 할당하는 것이 바람직하며, 이러한 작업편성은 작업자의 작업능률을 향상시킬 수 있다. 유전알고리즘은 자연계의 적자생존과 생물학적 진화과정을 모방한 탐색기법으로 조합최적화 문제에 효과적인 기법으로 널리 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 유전알고리즘을 이용하여 U라인에서 작업관련성을 고려한 라인밸런싱 문제를 해결하기 위한 기법을 개발하였다. 문제의 목적에 적합한 개체의 평가함수가 제시되었으며, 개체의 형질을 효과적으로 자손에 유전할 수 있고 유전 연산이 용이한 개체의 표현방법과 개체의 해석방법이 제시되었다. 컴퓨터 실험을 통하여 개발한 알고리즘의 성능을 보였다.월 초순부터 중순에 각각 최고 성기를 나타내었다. H. papariensis의 암컷과 수컷의 발광양상을 분석하고자 정지발광과 구애 발광을 구분하여 조사하였고 각각의 발광지속시간과 발광주기를 구분하여 측정하였다. 수컷의 발광지속시간은 정지발광(0.12초)보다 구애발광(0.17초)에서 1.4배 증가하였으며 암컷의 발광지속시간은 정지발광(0.15초)보다 구애발광(0.19초)에서 1.5배 증가하였다. 발광주기는 수컷에서 정지발광(1.26초)보다 구애발광(1.12초)에서 0.88배 감소하였고, 암컷에서 정지발광(2.99초)보다 구애발광(1.06초)에서 0.35배 감소하였다. 발광양상에서 발광주파수는 수짓의 정지발광에서 0.8 Hz, 수컷 구애발광에서 0.9 Hz, 암컷의 정지발광에서 0.3 Hz, 암컷의 구애발광에서 0.9 Hz로 각각 나타났다. H. papariensis의 발광파장영역은 400 nm에서 700 nm에 이르는 모든 영역에서 확인되었으며 가장 높은 첨두치는 600 nm에 있고 500에서 600 nm 사이의 파장대가 가장 두드러지게 나타났다. 발광양상과 어우러진 교미행동은 Hp system과 같은 결과를 얻었다.하는 방법을 제안한다. 즉 채널 액세스 확률을 각 슬롯에서 예약상태에 있는 음성 단말의 수뿐만 아니라 각 슬롯에서 예약을 하려고 하는 단말의 수에 기초하여 산출하는 방법을 제안하고 이의 성능을 분석하였다. 시뮬레이션에 의해 새로 제안된 채널 허용 확률을 산출하는 방식의 성능을 비교한 결과 기존에 제안된 방법들보다 상당한 성능의 향상을 볼 수 있었다., 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을

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An Overview on China's Recent Air Pollution Regulation and Management Policy (중국의 최근 대기오염 규제 및 관리 정책에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Min Uk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.569-611
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    • 2018
  • Rapid economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization of China have tremendously degraded the overall quality of living environments, especially the air quality, not only negatively affecting Chinese people but also impacting citizens of neighboring countries, namely Korea. The Chinese government has invested much effort to regulate the air pollution due to burning coal through introducing strict environmental monitoring policies and aggressive implementation. This paper presents an overview of Chinese air pollution prevention policy due to burning coal, and the associated trends and specifics of institutional arrangements regarding air pollutant emission regulations. It turns out that the policies have become stricter than before; some polices are geared towards enforcing extra regulation at the regional level. It is expected that the regulation will become stricter in the future. However, the actual contribution and feasibility of such policies must be analyzed based on sound science. The policies seem to care little about influencing the air quality of Korea, and this has to be improved. In order to do so, it is important to strengthen environmental cooperation between Korea and China, and better yet to research on not only the air quality but also the associated fields, such as energy, industrial technology, and global environmental governance.

Study of the Recycling Policy to Make Efficient Resource-recycling Society (효율적(效率的)인 자원순환사회 형성을 위한 자원재활용(資源再活用) 정책 고찰(考察))

  • Ryu, Su-Ho
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-15
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    • 2009
  • To accomplish the greenhouse gas reduction which is over core unit project of the "Green growth" policy and "Resource circulation society", it is important to maintain proper balance and complement between energy recovery from waste and material recycling. This research(study) examined the related policies on the past of korea and foreign country, and also "The 4th resource recycling master plan" and "Energy recovery from waste plan" to provide advisable direction for resource recycling policy. The results of the research(study) showed that there were no significant difference between korea and developed foreign countries waste management policies. But in German policy, energy recovery from waste and pre-treatment are importantly considered and highly required for permission. Under current circumstance in korea, recycling will be more difficult than in the past. According to "The 4th resource recycling master plan", film type of synthetic resin was not sustainable recycled material in substance."Energy recovery from waste plan", proved that the energy recovery from RDF/RPF have lower efficiency than regular incineration generation and substance recycling. To solve these problems, the energy and remainder heat recovery must be generalized to "Energy recovery" concept and institutional improvement such as LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) system are need to support it. And also technology development to extract synthetic polymer by dissolved film type of synthetic resin must be provided.

Perceptions and Attitudes of Americans in Korea toward Edible Insect-based Pet Food (식용곤충 함유 반려동물 식품에 대한 국내거주 미국인 소비자 인식 및 태도 연구)

  • Kim, Seo-Young;Bae, Ga-Eun;Yang, Hee
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2021
  • We examined American consumers' perceptions and attitudes toward edible insect-based pet food. In this study, 16 Americans in Korea who owned dogs were categorized into two groups, and focus-group discussions were conducted under three conditions. First, we observed the free association perception of edible insect-based pet food, and attitudes were analyzed after providing a newspaper article related to it. Finally, consumer attitude was examined in the context of purchasing. The study found that the participants had high awareness of the eco-friendliness of edible insects and showed a positive attitude toward news articles related to it. However, when it came to purchasing, they considered nutritional and health functional values compared to environmental values. Meanwhile, the rejection of insects was nevertheless the most important negative factor in pet food, as in general food. The results are significant in confirming the possibility of using insect-based pet food by examining the perceptions and attitudes toward the environmental, nutritional, and health functional values of edible insects under three conditions for American consumers.

A Study on North Korean Missions as Christian Education (교육선교로서의 북한선교에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Changho
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.21-50
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    • 2020
  • The main purpose of this study is to present a map for setting a new direction for future North Korean ministry by applying Russell's theory on Christian education as a mission. As is well known, Russell was the first Christian educator who interpreted Christian education from a mission's perspective. According to her, Christian education is not a mere instrument for church to maintain and nurture new believers, but it is part of 'Missio Dei' in a broader sense. In other words, it is a way for everyone to accept Christ's invitation, and join in 'Missio Dei' that restores true humanity through reconciling with God and our neighbors. Based on the understanding of Russell's Christian education theory, the study examined up-to-date North Korean mission's situation, analysis, and limitations in the introduction. In chapter 2, the researcher reviewed approaching methods for understanding North Korea as well as prior studies on North Korean mission and unification within the field of Christian education. In chapter 3, Russell's theory on Christian education for humanization was briefly introduced. In chapter 4, the study attempted to apply Russell's theory in North Korean mission in the following areas: what is the true meaning of restoring humanity for North Koreans (including the refugees) and what are some of the specific ministry ideas; what is a realistic and sustainable humanization ministry; what environment can foster North Koreans to reconcile with both God and their neighbors; what are the ways to explain that such ministry is an invitation from Christ; what should the people involved in the ministry prepare; in what areas can Russell's theory be more effective in North Korean mission compared to other methods in terms of Christian education for humanization. Finally, a conclusion was drawn in chapter 5.

Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam in AEC (AEC 출범 이후 베트남 경제의 기회와 도전)

  • Beak, Yong Hun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2017
  • This study is to examine the current situation of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) and analyze macroeconomic situation of Vietnam since the launch of AEC. According to recent trade indicators, Vietnam is expected to be more productive in the manufacturing and processing sectors because it is at the heart of the global value chains (GVCs) in electronics, telephones, and textiles and shoes industry. Vietnam has signed or is negotiating free trade agreements with various countries around the world including Korea, Israel, EU and RCEP and so on. Therefore, it is expected that Vietnam's trade dependency and FDI inflows to Vietnam increase more and more. However, the fact that the proportion of exports by foreign-invested companies accounts for about 70% of the total exports implies the uncertainty of Vietnam's economy in the future. Attracting FDI investment can further reduce the competitiveness of domestic companies in Vietnam. Therefore, in order for Vietnam to maintain sustainable development in the future, it is necessary to reform the momentum of foreign-invested enterprises to the development of Vietnamese companies.

High Performance Work System for Entertainment Business : An Analytic Network Process Approach (엔터테인먼트업의 고성과작업조직 : ANP 기법을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jung-Eon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a significant HPWS(High Performance Work System) model for the entertainment industry. HPWS is one of the most studied themes for managing human resources as well as a set of practices to elicit employees' commitment to an organization. Recently, the entertainment industry is growing rapidly, but it is difficult for entertainment firms to retain a stable profit unlike the manufacturing industry. This is because the performance of entertainment business tends to rely heavily on the capabilities and synergy of human resources. In order to suggest a systematic way to manage these, this research identified an effective HPWS model for entertainment business and provides a competitive advantage to entertainment firms, using ANP(Analytic Network Process). ANP is a multicriteria decision making technique that allows dependences and feedbacks among decision elements in the hierarchical or network structures in a holistic manner. The pairwise comparison data that prioritized the criteria of HPWS was collected from 28 team leaders in entertainment firms. According to our results, the most critical factor for HPWS in entertainment business is "employee involvement in decision-making." The sub-factors such as "open communication," "distributive decision-making," and "performance-driven reward" have a greater effect. These findings could provide implications for entertainment firms to determine which practices should be taken into account to accomplish HPWS.

Exploring the Potential of Podcasts in Flower Design Industry (플라워디자인 산업 활성화를 위한 팟캐스트 콘텐츠의 가능성 연구)

  • Yang, Dongbok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.44
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore ways in which the flower design industry can utilize podcasts that are rapidly growing in recent years. I selected foreign flower podcasts that are ranked on the global podcast chart, and examined the genre, content, components, show hosts and etc. By analyzing the characteristics of the podcast, the type of communication between the host and the audience, the audience interaction, the industry connection, and the media expansion strategy, I tried to derive the possibility of the flower podcast in Korea. As a result of analyzing foreign flower podcasts, podcasters built listener communities based on their rich experience and knowledge through podcasts and used them for education and marketing. They acted as leaders in the industry or led public opinion such as the sustainable flower industry. Podcast shows were repurposed as various content and used to spread flower design culture. In Korea, flower podcasts can be the basis for the formation of a community related to the flower design industry. Flower design experts can use podcasts as a source asset for various content. Listeners within the industry can get hands-on knowledge about the business from flower podcasts. The popular flower podcast will contribute to the vitalization of flower design culture and industry. Flower podcasts can be a starting point to actively cope with the era of personal media.

An Integrated Conservation of Historic City and Analysis of Its Impact on Local Land Price : Focusing on Historic Landscape Improving Project in Buyeo (역사도시의 통합적 보존이 지역의 지가에 미치는 영향 분석 : 부여 고도이미지찾기 사업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soomin
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.21-48
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the integrated heritage conservation actually affected the urban economy of historical cities. To this end, this study examined the trends and meanings of an integrated heritage conservation, and a relationship between sustainable urban development and integrated heritage conservation to find out connectivity with urban economy. Before an empirical analysis of domestic policy of integrated conservation of heritage, this study overlooked the system of the preservation and promotion of ancient cities, which can be called integrated heritage conservation system in Korea, and examined how the historic landscape improving project, which is being implemented as part of the policy of the preservation and promotion of ancient cities, actually affected the urban economy. This study empirically identified the impact of the project through a land price analysis of the region. This study focused on analyzing an impact of the project on a price of land in the proximity of subsidized land lot and analyzed the impact through Difference-In-Difference method. In particular, the project effect was analyzed only for the settlement zones among the preservation and promotion zones where the project was carried out, and as a result, it was confirmed that the average price of lands in the proximity of subsidized land increased more over the same period than in the areas where the project was not intensively implemented.

A Study of e-RTGC Introduction Effects in the Container Terminal : Based on D Container Terminal Case Study (컨테이너터미널에서 e-RTGC의 도입효과에 관한 연구: D터미널 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyung-Rim;Lee, Seung-Hon;Park, Yong-Sung;Kang, Moo-Hong;Kim, Hee-Yoon;Choi, Ki-Nam;Joo, Yi-Don;Ha, Jeong-Su
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2009
  • All over the world more and more attention is being paid to green management which enables environment-friendly sustainable development. To keep up with these global trends and in response to the government's "low carbon green growth" policy, many efforts are being made in the port and logistics in order to drastically reduce carbon emissions and save operating expenses. To this end, the engine power source of the cranes in the container terminal is being replaced with electricity from fossil fuel. Among those cranes, especially e-RTGC has been proved to be practical and excellent in its performance through many previous studies. However, no empirical study has yet been made on its introduction effects when e-RTGC has been introduced to the container terminal. In the meantime, however, many domestic container terminals have introduced e-RTGC, and so some data have been accumulated for further research. Under these circumstances, this study has tried to make an empirical study through the case study of D container terminal, checking the restriction factors to be considered at the time of eURTGC introduction, and analyzing its introduction effects and problems. We have high expectations that this study will provide key consideration factors and empirical analysis data to the decision makers who plan to introduce an e-RTGC system, and also will be used as a reference to the development direction of e-RTGC.