• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중심정서

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The Effects of Collective Leadership on Creative Behavior: Mediating Effect of Organizational-Based Self-Esteem Moderated by Psychological Safety (집합적 리더십이 창의적 행동에 미치는 영향: 심리적 안전감에 의해 조절된 조직기반 자긍심의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Ho-June;Shin, Je-Goo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.623-641
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    • 2018
  • The goal of this study is to verify the effectiveness of collective leadership. Specifically, we examine the direct effect of collective leadership on creative behavior and how this relationship is affected indirectly by organization-based self-esteem. Further, we identify the conditional indirect effect psychological safety has in moderating this mechanism. To minimize the common method bias, job rank and the affectivity in work situations were set as control variables. After excluding ten univariate outliers from 319 responses that were collected, a total of 309 samples were used for analysis. Our findings showed that collective leadership has a positive effect on the creative behavior of organization members, and that organization-based self-esteem played the role as partial mediator in the relationship between collective leadership and creative behavior. Also, the conditional indirect effect of psychological safety was found to be significant in the 'high' and 'very high' percentile levels, but not in the 'very low,' 'low,' and 'middle' levels. Together, the findings imply that when leaders at organizations promote members' organization-based self-esteem and creative behavior through collective leadership, it can be more effective when members feel high psychological safety in the organization.

A Study on Analysis of Validity for launching Domestic Market of Drugstore (드럭스토어의 국내 시장 진입 타당성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • OH, Young-Ae;Kim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2008
  • Pharmaceutists are interested in drugstores which are selling, the sundries, cosmetics, medical devices, with drugs. Because drug stores without prescription issued by doctor have faced on finacial difficulties since speciality between doctors and pharmaceutists set us law. There are two types of drugstore which is a type of common drugstore, other is a type of traditional drugstore based on pharmaceuties in steady of big size of store based on studies, cosmetics and so on. Expansion of business for drugstore show us that most of customer are who are very sensitive in circumstance. Since 2,000 it has been expanded to large scale, so market analysts expect that volume of market will be increased to 10 times within 5 years. Drugstores have several kinds of merchandises which customers can take a choice for their demands, so most of customers the young generations. However, market customers will be changed to medium, and old generations as drugstores set freely. Furthermore everybody will enjoy in at drugstores effectively this reports that include of counter based on proposals and validities. This study show examples that have been executed successfully by the advanced countries, moreover big companies in domestic market have been expanding their market share for drugstore business. Through out change of circumstance surrounding drugstores, this report indicate how to induce the large drugstore with validities and trends. Since speciality of pharmaceutists and doctors executed, direction and a forecast of developing drugstores under change of distribution of them and may be suggested. I hope that this research will be helpful of interesting in drugstores, and also lot of distributors focuses on drugstores to develop the drugstores in future.

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The Effects of Father's Play Beliefs on Play Flow and Peer Play Behavior of Young Children, with Particular Focus on the Mediating Effects of Father's Play Participation (아버지의 놀이신념이 유아의 놀이몰입, 또래놀이행동에 미치는 영향:아버지의 놀이참여의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, jeong Ju;Park, Hyoung Shin
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze how father's play beliefs affect play flow and peer play behavior of young children, particularly as mediated by the father's play participation. For this purpose, 4 to 5-year-old children attending child care centers or kindergartens and their fathers were selected to participate in this study. Data on father's play beliefs and play participation were collected from the fathers, and data on the young children's play flow and peer play behavior from their teachers. Based on the collected data, the significance of the mediation model using Hayes's (2013) PROCESS macro was tested. According to the results of these analyses, the significant relationships between father's play beliefs and young children's play flow, reciprocal action of play and interruption of peer play were found mediated by father's play participation. This finding implies that father's play beliefs and his play participation may affect directly and indirectly the children's play flow and peer play behavior, underscoring the importance of father's play beliefs. In addition, the study's indicate that it is desirable to positively reinforce father's play beliefs by influencing father's play participation, in light of the likely positive influence of father's play beliefs over young children's social and emotional development.

Effects of Parenting Stress on the Quality of Life in Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities:Focused on the Moderating Effects of Information Application (발달장애아동 부모의 양육스트레스가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 : 정보활용의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2016
  • Given that the number of people with developmental disabilities is continuously increasing in Korea, we need to pay attention to the lives of parents who rear the children with developmental disabilities. Accordingly, this study examined the effects of parenting stress on the quality of life in parents of children with developmental disabilities, and moderating effects of information application in the process. This study conducted a survey to 194 parents who rear such children in Chungnam and Chungbuk provinces. This study utilized PASW Statistics 18.0 for analysis, and the study results are as follows. First, it was found that parenting stress was more than average level, and information application was somewhat lower than average level. Quality of life was found to be lower than average level, and the level of relationship with neighborhood and emotional condition was relatively lower than other sub-factors. Second, influential factors of life quality were parenting stress, disability degree, information application, residential area, and disability type. Third, information application was found to have moderating effects on the relationship between parenting stress and quality of life. Based on such empirical analysis results, this study suggested concrete and comprehensive working strategies to improve quality of life in parents of children with developmental disabilities.

South Korea's Response to the Formation of the International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing within the Convention on Biological Diversity (생물다양성협약상 ABS 국제레짐형성 논의와 우리의 대응)

  • Chung, Suh-Yong;Park, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2009
  • As commercial use of genetic resources increases in modern society, calls for fair and equitable sharing of the benefits thereof have become increasingly prominent, particularly from developing countries. As a result, negotiations have been ongoing for the "International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)" for genetic resources as a successor to the non-binding Bonn Guideline. 2010 has been set as the target date for the Agreement. As South Korea is more likely to be a user country of genetic resources, it will be necessary for it to take part in the negotiating process and contribute to creating the International Regime on ABS, to ensure both appropriate access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising there from. To develop appropriate response strategies for South Korea, it is critical not only to closely examine the negotiations within the framework of the CBD but also to engage in discussions within thescope of related international organizations and domestic legislation. To achieve this goal, it is imperative for South Korea to form a comprehensive Government Response System, composed of relevant governmental bodies including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Ministry of Environment, etc.

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A Study on Effect of Workplace Spirituality of Community Enterprise on Organizational Citizenship Behavior -Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction- (마을기업에서의 일터영성이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 직무만족을 매개효과로 -)

  • Cho, Young-bohk;Ha, Tae-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.137-165
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    • 2016
  • Community enterprise is a type of business that simultaneously pursues public interest and profitability to vitalize the local society and economy and also an alternative endeavor to restore community by local residents using local resources. In rapid changes of business environment and social dynamics of these days, one of the alternatives to provide solutions for problems in persons and organizations is workplace spirituality. Workplace spirituality is not only beneficial to satisfaction, commitment, devotion, and organizational citizenship behavior, but also positively influential to outcome of an organization. Expanding the scope and subjects found in most previous studies on workplace spirituality of general companies, this study tries to contribute to development of community enterprises through empirical analysis of the effect of community enterprise. In result, workplace spirituality showed positively significant influence on job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior equally in both of community enterprises and general companies. Job satisfaction presented positively significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. And job satisfaction mediated the relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, workplace spirituality of community enterprises showed difference from general companies showed greater coefficient and influence. Although workplace spirituality is important for general companies that pursue profit, it is shown that greater significance was found in community enterprises. Workplace spirituality, which is equivalent to A sense of calling, sense of inner life, sense of empathy, sense of community, and sense of transcendence through community enterprise, needs to be promoted and settled in community enterprises.

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The paradox of 'Shame[恥]', the dynamics of emotions ('부끄러움[치(恥)]'의 역설, 감성의 동역학 - 단종복위운동과 임병양란기 시조를 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Tae-Seong
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.44
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    • pp.255-279
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    • 2016
  • Ignominy are ashamed or that mind. It is noted that this article 'shame[恥]' will do for obtaining the social dynamics in some way in the literary aspect. To investigate this aspect, this article took the text produced on the basis of 'shame[恥]' to be analyzed. First, through the Sayuksin[死六臣]'s Sijo[時調], 'Shame[恥]' they have confirmed the room to go to form a sympathy by revealing without hidden. It is worth evaluating in common with these Sijo is that of justice or loyalty. But the parameters of evaluation described what people are rare. In this article, I saw the parameter to 'shame[恥]'. Second, through the Sijo created in the war of the middle age of Chosun Dynasty, I examined the aspect of 'anger' which sparked a shame[恥]. Thus shame[恥] is hard to change the world directly. However, the possibility that it can also be a psychological instrument was found to be sufficient. In conclusion, 'shame[恥]' is clearly greater tendency to dismiss as a private act of the heart. But, I understood that the negative region of 'shame[恥]' can be converted to positive region. At this time, The premise of 'shame[恥]' should always be oriented to justice.

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Vocational Training Study on the Impact on Organizational Commitment -Focusing Certification of Qualification- (직업훈련이 조직몰입의 영향에 관한연구 -자격증 취득자 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jae-Kyu;Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Yun, Yi-Jung;Lim, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2012
  • This study organizational commitment and performance certification could affect vocational trainees for general characteristics of the demographic analysis, and variables according to the learned the difference between organizational commitment, and the result was as follows. First, in males than in females, ages 20s high school education level and marital status were higher in the unmarried than married. Second, vocational training pathways and variance analysis on age 20 in 16 patients (31.4%), 30, 14 (27.5%), 40 (33.3), 50 3 patients (5.9%), 60 1 (2.0%) and were followed in the order of 5-6 hours for a long time trainees prefer to be educated, and female than in male emotional and normative commitment to organizational commitment in the show were high. Ages 40 and an organizational commitment in their 20s and 50s was higher than 30. Qualifications and training satisfaction satisfaction appeared to influence normative commitment certification training influences organizational commitment. However, certification and satisfaction on organizational commitment (-) does not affect the present study showed the figures shown in the policy implications of the authorities gave is preparing to have meaning.

Expression of image contents based on property of digital signage - Focuses on the Digital Signage in Public Transport (디지털 사이니지의 특성에 따른 영상콘텐츠의 변화 -버스와 지하철 내 디지털 사이니지를 중심으로)

  • Kong, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.783-793
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    • 2015
  • TV display which existed only in house started to show up out of house around us and now it found naturally its place in everywhere like street, bus, subway and elevator. It is called digital signage which showed up through digitalization of sign, that is, sign board and bulletin board. The distinction of digital sign from existing signs is that the latter one should go through physical process like removal after installation every time its contents are changed but the former one can produce its various outputs flexibly once it is installed. Also existing sign may be static image or 2 or 3 pieces of image to express simple motion while digital sign can contain multi media contents luxurious in design and motion. This paper confined the range of contents in digital signage in bus and subway. It needs to analyze characteristics of mass transportation-people of use, consumer by place and time, accommodation environment for consumer etc and arrange planned contents along with time and place. Developments of dedicated contents suitable to those digital signages will harmonize with place and time and promote the realm of digital signage which provides variety of experience to consumer and with which communication is possible and which is distinctive. Furthermore we may expect the birth of smart signage as a new media, in which fun and art are combined.

Consideration of preservation methods for plant genetic resources in natural monument - Focusing on preparation for becoming effective of Nagoya Protocol - (천연기념물 식물유전자원의 보존방안 고찰 - 나고야의정서 발효 대비 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jung A;Kim, Hyo Jeong;Shin, Jin Ho;Kim, Dae Yeol;Jo, Woon Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2014
  • Natural Monument is a designated cultural property as part of the country. According to Article 2 of the Cultural Properties Protection Act, a national, ethnic and global heritage artificially or naturally formed, with a great historical, artistic, scientific and landscape significance is defined as a cultural heritage. Animals, plants, topography, geology, minerals, caves, biological products and special natural phenomena, having a great of historic, scenic and scientific value, are defined as the monument. According to Article 3 of Cultural Properties Protection Act, the conservation, management and utilization of National Heritage should be kept intact in its original form. So, Natural monuments are managing as retained its original form under the Basic Principles of current law. The highest population of coniferous tree in natural monument plant is ginkgo tree including 22 objects, followed by pines, junipers that order. And in case of broadleaf tree, there are zelkova trees, retusa fringe trees, pagoda trees, cork oaks, silver magnolias and etc. There are many of reported efficacy in available natural monument plants. The efficacy of plant species on pharmaceutical like anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, antioxidant activity, neuroprotective, improves cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, liver protection and anti-bacterial efficacy, on cosmetics and beauty like the inhibiting formation of skin wrinkles, whitening effect, variety of materials and the efficacy of the proposed utilization of its various papers and etc have been widely reported. Before the Nagoya Protocol enters into force, the future role of the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Administration of Cultural Heritage should be obtain a legal right to manage the social, cultural and national natural monument with emotional value to the plant genetic resource as a natural monument efficient ways to study and preserve traditional knowledge biological resources by securing a claim to the sovereignty of the material will be ready.