• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주택의 상태

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A Methodological Consideration on Surveys of Economically Active Propulation (인구의 경제활동상태 조사방법에 관한 소고)

  • 김민경
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 1996
  • There are basically three approaches of surveys on the economically active population, namely Labor Force Approach (or Current Status Approach), Usual Status Approach, and Gainful Worker Approach. The selection of an approach among these approaches to be applied to a survey or population census should take into considerations the purpose and background of the survey or the census and the socio-economic situation of a country. In the Korean Population and Housing Census series which have been taken almost every five years since its first round in 1925, a sample survey on the economically active population has been adopted since the 1960 round of census. Even if the labor force approach continued to be applied to the censns prior to 1980, the approach has been different from one round to another in recent rounds. It may be suggested that the labor force approach continue to be adopted for the Korean Population and Housing Census for the following reasons: 1) the proportion of seasonal workers to the total workers is very small, 2) the proportion of population whose type of activity for a specific duration is different from that for one year is small, 3) the approach for the census should be the same as that for a variety of sample surveys on the economically active population which adopt the labor force approach, since the census functions as a population as well as a bench mark for those sample surveys, 4) an application of labor force approach will facilitate international comparisons since most of countries that conduct a population census adopt this approach, 5) the labor force approach can improve the reliability of results, thanks to its short reference period, etc.

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Analysis of Car controls and Perclos by Normal and Fatigue driving (정상운전과 피로운전에 따른 차량조정능력 및 PERCLOS 분석)

  • Oh, Ju-Taek;Lee, Sang-Yong;Kim, Young-Sam
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.127-138
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    • 2008
  • Vehicles have recently become one of the main factors affecting our quality of life, and the needs of vehicles are still increasing. As a result, the growth of vehicles generate more crashes every year. One main factor for vehicle crashes is uncareful driving behaviors. Especially, drowsy or fatigue driving behaviors explain about 10-20% of the crashes, and they cause serious results because of the delay of response time and the decrease of object-recognition. Therefore, this research conducted real time image processing tests in order to study how cellular phone usages and drowy(or fatigue) drives affect driving behaviors. A vehicle simulator was used for this research, and the faceLAB 4.5 of Seeing Machines for eye image tracking tests using a small camera was installed in the front of the simulator, and normal and drowsy(or fatigue) driving patterns were analyzed.

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Infrastructure Health Monitoring and Economic Analysis for Road Asset Management : Focused on Sejong City (도로 자산관리를 위한 상태 모니터링 및 경제성 분석 : 세종시를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Seung-Hyun;Park, Jeong-Gwon;Do, Myung-Sik
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a novel method for monitoring road pavements using the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) and a deep learning crack detection system was presented. Furthermore, an optimal maintenance method through economic analysis was presented targeting the pavement section of Sejong City. As a result of monitoring the pavement conditions, it was confirmed that the pavement ratings were good in the order of national highways, municipal roads, and roads of provinces. In addition, economic analysis using the pavement deterioration model showed that micro-surfacing, one of the preventive maintenance methods, is the most economical in terms of maintenance costs and user benefits. The results of this study are expected to be used as fundamental reference for local governments' infrastructure management plans.

Dynamic Relationship between Domestic Construction Market Condition and Overseas Construction Business (국내 건설경기 변화와 해외건설수주 간의 관계성 분석)

  • Jang, Sewoong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2014
  • This study undertakes a comparative analysis of the correlation between the condition of the domestic construction market and the expansion of overseas projects within construction companies, based on the vector error correction model. The analysis results verified that, in the post-IMF crisis period, domestic construction companies took on more overseas projects only when the residential construction market slowed down. Compared to the pre-crisis period, construction companies grew more responsive to the condition of the domestic market for residential construction, and they took on more overseas construction projects when the domestic market slumped. This is because the business portfolios of Korean construction companies' render them highly vulnerable to the condition of the residential construction market. When the domestic residential market slows down, the business condition of construction companies quickly takes a turn for the worse, and to cope with this, they turn to overseas projects to compensate for the slowing of the domestic market. As the analysis shows, expanding overseas construction projects as a way to turn around business condition amid a slow residential construction market actually undermines the management of the companies even further. In other words, shifting business focus toward an overseas market during a hard time might be useful for securing cash flow, but might not help to restore profitability. Thus, construction companies need to carefully manage their level of business diversification to ensure strategic flexibility.

Strength Characteristics of Sedimentary Rock in Daegu-Gyungbuk Area Followed by Saturation and Crack Initiation (대구경북지역 퇴적암의 포화 및 균열 유발에 따른 강도 특성)

  • Park, Sung-Sik;Kim, Seong-Heon;Bae, Do-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2018
  • Shale and mudstone in Daegu-Gyungbuk area have low strength and resistance to weathering compared to other rocks. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate their strength depending on the degree of saturation and crack development. In this study, shales and mudstones were collected from several construction sites in Daegu-Gyungbuk area. Their basic material properties such as porosity, SEM, chemical component, and durability were tested. A porosity (absorptivity) of mudstone was 31% (25%), which was 6 (8) times higher than that of shale. Some mudstone was easily disintegrated with water and it consisted of highly-active clay mineral such as smectite type. These rocks were prepared by small cube specimens for unconfined compression test. An unconfined compressive strength of dry rock was compared with saturated one. Microwave oven was operated step by step to stimulate void water within a saturated rock, which resulted into high temperature and micro crack initiation within rocks. A strength of microwaved rocks was compared with operation time and crack initiation. As a result, the average unconfined compressive strength of dry and saturated shale was 62 and 33 MPa, respectively. The strength of mudstone for each condition was 11 and 4 MPa. When a rock became saturated, its strength decreased by 47% and 64% for shale and mudstone at average. In addition to saturation, a rock was in the microwave for 15 secs, its strength decreased into 49% for shale and 52% for mudstone. When a microwave oven operated up to 20 sec, a rock was crushed into several pieces and its temperature was approximately 200 degrees.

Characteristics of Indoor Particulate Matter Concentrations by Size at an Apartment House During Dusty-Day (황사 발생시 아파트 실내에서 미세먼지 크기별 농도 특성)

  • Joo, Sang-Woo;Ji, Jun-Ho
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • It is recommended for the public to stay at home and to close the doors and windows when a high-particulate-matter environment such as a yellow sand event occurs outside. However, there are lack of empirical studies describing how much outdoor PM infiltrates into a closed house and how much indoor PM an inhabitant is exposed to during the period. In this study, the $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ were measured at the kitchen in an apartment house by an optical particle counter for 3 days including a yellow sand event. The outdoor PMs and the outdoor wind speeds were referred from surrounding weather stations. We analyzed the penetration of $PM_{10-2.5}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ at the test house against the outdoor wind speed supposed corresponding to the change of air exchange rate. In addition, the effect of an indoor activity on change in the indoor PM was investigated. In result, the indoor $PM_{10-2.5}$ was very low even a yellow sand event occurred outside; rather, a contribution of indoor activities to increase in $PM_{10-2.5}$ was higher. In contrast, the indoor $PM_{2.5}$ fluctuated following the outdoor $PM_{2.5}$ trend at high wind speeds or remained almost constant at low wind speed.

Urban Flood Vulnerability using AHP Method (AHP방법을 이용한 도심지 홍수취약성)

  • Hwang, Nan Hee;Park, Hee Seong;Chung, Gun Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.392-392
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    • 2019
  • 현재 세계적으로, 홍수를 비롯한 자연재해로 인한 피해가 증가하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우, 매년 여름철에 발생하고 있는 장마로 인해 지역 곳곳에 침수피해가 심각해지고 있으며, 이에 대한 피해액 또한 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 또한, 여러 재해의 피해반복과 새롭게 반복되는 건축물 설계로 인해 지형이 바뀌고 있으며, 이로 인해, 기존의 실시된 홍수취약성 분석결과가 현실적으로 반영이 되기 힘든 상태이다. 피해를 줄이기 위해서는 변형된 환경에 맞춰 새로운 홍수취약성 분석을 실시하여 지역의 우선순위를 파악하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라중 인구와 건물밀집도가 가장 높은 서울시 25개 구를 대상지역으로 선정하였으며, 인자들을 Pessure-State-Response (PSR) 구조로 나누었다. 압력지수(PI) 에는 유역면적, 주택 수 등 9개의 인자로, 상태지수(SI)는 연 홍수 피해액 등 4개의 인자로 선정하였으며, 대책지수(RI)의 경우에는 재정자립도, 홍수복구금액등 7개의 인자로 나누었다. 분석방법으로는 의사결정과정에서 발생할 수 있는 불확실성을 정량적으로 반영한 AHP방법과 AHP방법에 Fuzzy이론을 결합한 Fuzzy AHP 방법을 통해 각각의 결과를 비교분석하였다. 그 결과, 3개의 지수 모두 인자들의 지역별 취약순위가 바뀌었다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 홍수 방재 관련 정책 수립 등의 사업 등을 실시할 경우 해당지역에 대한 우선순위를 판단하는데 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.

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Growth Pattern and Spatial Distribution of One-person Households by Socio-Economic Demographic Characteristicsc (1인 가구의 인구.경제.사회학적 특성에 따른 성장패턴과 공간분포)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Noh, Seung-Chul;Choi, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.480-500
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims to describe the rapid growth of the one-person households in terms of the socio-economic demographic perspectives during the period of 1995-2005 and to analyze the spatial distribution patterns based on different characteristics of one-person households. The increase in the divorce ratio in the middle-aged, the growth of unmarried people the young generation, and the increase of life expectancy in the old generation are explanatory factors for the rise and diversification of one-person households in Korea. The rapid increase of one-person households is accompanied by a diversification in their age, gender, marital status, education level. Uneven distribution of one-person households depends on their age, level of education and dwelling type. Highly educated young adults residing in their own apartment are generally concentrated in major cities, whereas senior citizen with their own single house who lives alone are mostly in rural area. One-person households of the highly educated young adults are significantly polarized in the light of their the living standards. In particular, metropolitan area or big cities are mixed with those who have their own apartment and are financially capacity and with those who rent in a detached single house. As such, one-person households have considerably heterogeneous characteristics. Therefore, each local government will face different economic and social problems based on which group of one-person households are increasing and where they are concentrated in. To this extent, the local government should have differentiated welfare policy according to its own respect.

A Numerical Study for Fire Safety Evaluation of the Multi-story Residential Buildings -The Effects of the Openings of Stairwell on Fire Characteristics- (다세대주택의 화재안전평가에 대한 수치해석 연구 -계단실 개구부의 개폐가 화재특성에 미치는 영향-)

  • Jeon, Heung-Kyun;Choi, Young-Sang;Choo, Hong-Lok
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2007
  • In the events of a fire in the residential building, highly flammable polyurethane foam sofa produce toxic smokes. In this type of fire, the residents of the building can be gotten into the difficulties of evacuating from the fire places or may be to death due to a lot of hot toxic gases. In this study, CFD simulations were carried out to study the effects of the openings of stairwell on the fire characteristics of fire room and stairwell. Also, analysis of fire hazard based on the tenability limits of fire and FED(fractional effective dose) was performed to evaluate the life safety of the residents of the building. In the fire room, maximum temperature was about $290^{\circ}C$, maximum CO concentration was about 4,740 ppm, and the time to incapacitation of residents in fire room was about t=144 s. In the stairwell, temperature and CO concentration in the condition of openings to be open were even lower than those in it to be closed. Time to the tenability limit with respect to smoke visibility in the stairwell with openings, which was open, was shorter than that of it without openings to be open. It has been shown from this study that opening the stairwell openings is able to decrease the fire hazards to the life safety in the multi-story residential building fire.

Oral Health and Self-Rated Health among the Elderly in Busan (부산지역 65세 이상 노인의 구강건강과 자가건강평가수준(SRH))

  • Yoon, Hyun-Seo;Chun, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the oral health status and health care of elderly people on their self-rated health(SRH). The subjects on this study were 479 senior citizens who were at the age of 65 and up and resided in the city of Busan. They got a dental checkup, and a survey was conducted by having an one-on-one interview. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: The senior citizens were diagnosed with a mean of 1.43 systemic diseases, and hypertension(51.8%) was the most prevalent disease among them, followed by diabetes(25.1%), arthritis(41.8%), oral diseases(75.6%), stroke(9.0%) and heart diseases(15.9%). Their self-rated health was better when they were male, when they were aged between 65 and 69, when there was someone with whom they lived, when they were better educated and when they owned their own houses. But their self-rated health was poorer when they felt more oral symptoms, when they had more missing teeth and when they needed both of maxillary and mandibular dentures. Their self-rated health was more positively affected when they were better educated($\beta$=0.894), when they owned their own houses($\beta$=4.220), when they got a dental checkup on a regular basis($\beta$=2.997) and when the rate of their functional tooth was larger($\beta$=0.081). And that was more negatively influenced when they had a denture($\beta$=-1.110), when they had more oral symptoms($\beta$=-1.590) and when they had more systemic diseases($\beta$=3.363). There is a close relationship between the oral health and self-rated health of elderly people. Therefore how to promote their oral health should carefully be considered.