• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종합건설기업

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A Study on the Investigation into Obstacles in Construction Budget Estimating (건설기업 실행예산 편성업무의 애로요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Kyo Youn;Kim, Han Soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2016
  • Under the circumstances where the profitability has become a more critical issue for general contractors, the objective of the study is to identify and discuss obstacles and their key characteristics in the construction budget estimating. Through the questionnaire survey and interviews with experienced estimators of general contractors, the study identified 18 obstacles by 6 groups. It discussed that although various obstacles exist, there are key obstacles to which general contractors should pay attention for the realistic construction budget estimating. In particular, improving subcontractors' estimating competency and incubating estimating experts are identified as the key issues to overcome obstacles in the construction budget estimating.

자랑스런 안전인 - 광양제철소는 안전(安全)과 함께 오늘도 뜨겁게 타오른다 -광양제철소 김성철 안전팀 파트장

  • Hyeon, Cheon-Il
    • The Safety technology
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    • no.176
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    • pp.18-19
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    • 2012
  • 우리나라 해양경영의 요충지인 광양만. 이곳에는 광양제철소라는 우리나라의 대표적인 제철소가 자리 잡고 있다. 광양국가산업단지의 중심업체인 광양제철소는 자동차 강판 및 에너지용 강재 전문 제철소로 직원 1만 7천여 명이 1년 365일 밤낮없이 용광로의 불꽃을 지키고 있다. 광양제철소는 (주)포스코의 전신인 포항종합제철이 포항제철소에 이어 건설한 제2제철소다. 1985년 연간 270만 톤의 조강능력을 갖춘 1기 설비 건설에 착공하여 1992년 종합 준공하였으며, 그 이후 1999년 3월에는 5고로를 준공했다. 그 외에 2005년 LNG 터미널 준공 2006년 TWB 공장 준공, 2008년 자동차강반기술센터 준공 등을 거치면서, 지난해 세계 1위의 후판 생산업체로 도약했다. 광양제철소는 단일 제철소로는 세계 최대 규모를 자랑한다. 600만 평의 부지에 조강 생산량은 연간 1,950만 톤(2010년 기준)에 달한다. 여기에 만족하지 않고 올해에는 2,300만 톤의 목표를 달성해, 세계적인 제철소로서의 입지를 확고히 다져나간다는 계획을 세우고 있다. 이처럼 무한한 철강의 꿈을 인류와 함께 실현해나가고 있는 광양제출은 산업안전 분야에서도 명성이 높다. 세계적 기업답게 선진 안전관리가 펼쳐지고 있는 것. 그 중심에는 제철소 현장의 전반적인 안전을 담당하는 김성철 안전팀 파트장이 있다.

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Strategies for Multilateral Development Banks Utilization to Enhance International Construction Competitiveness (해외건설 수주경쟁력 강화를 위한 다자간개발은행 활용 방안)

  • Sohn, Tae-Hong;Jung, Chang-Goo;Jang, Hyoun-Seung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5D
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2012
  • Korean construction companies have maintained stable market share based on high technology and cost competitiveness although international construction market has been stalled due to increasing global economy uncertainties. However, Korean construction companies have relied heavily on the general types of projects in Middle East and Asia although the portion of different types of projects such as Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO), Build-Transfer-Lease (BTL), and Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) has been increasing in the market. When delivering huge projects requiring contractors deal with activities from project planning to operation, securing finance sources and profitability is deemed critical. Therefore, Korean construction companies need more attentions on the construction market supported by Multilateral Development Banks. However, Korean construction companies have not utilized effective strategies for the market entry and also government supportive policies are not useful enough to help construction companies. This study aims both to analyze the contract structure of Korean construction companies for presenting critical factors that need to be prepared and to suggest various methods that can be applied to support construction companies that have much interest in the Multilateral Development Banks. According to the results of study, it is important that Korean government provide structural information system, make a specialized organization, prevent over-heating among Korean construction companies, and collaborate with Official Development Agency. In addition, it appeared that the fairness and financial stability of project have recognized main advantages of the Multilateral Development Banks.

A Study on the Supply and Demand of Technical Manpower in Construction (건설기술인력의 수급효율화 방안 연구)

  • Park Hwan-Pyo;Ji Sang-Wuk;Lee Kyo-Sun;Park Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.3 no.3 s.11
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2002
  • University graduates from construction-related departments are undergoing serious difficulties in getting a job as construction companies are reluctant to employ new personnel due to the depression in the construction industry which has been downscaled in both domestic and overseas markets. In the situation is like this, statistics show that the percentage of employment among the university graduates is less than $25\%$, the unemployment problem in the construction sector has started to demand urgent countermeasures. This report anticipated demand and supply for technical man power in the field of construction in between 2002-2008. For preparation of an effectiveness of supply and demand plan on over-supplied in construction technical man power, this suggested expansion of SOC investment, induced into IT field of unemployed construction manpower, enlargement of overseas construction manpower And this considered an elastic operation of curriculum related to construction, and arranged an excess supply and demand of construction technical manpower, which has been considered to education that will meet with demand of enterprise, etc. on both side of quantity and quality simultaneously.

현장탐방 - 이케아 광명점 신축 기계.소방설비공사 (주)정도설비

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.294
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2015
  • '가구업계의 공룡'인 이케아가 한국에 상륙했다. 지난해 12월 18일 경기도 광명시 KTX역 인근에 첫 한국매장을 연 후 하루 3만명 이상의 인파가 운집하는 등 연일 화제를 뿌리고 있다. 10년 전만 해도 사람들의 발길이 잘 닿지 않았던 이 지역은 KTX 광명역 개통 후 주로 기차 승객들이 왕래했으나 최근 코스트코 광명점과 광명종합터미널, 롯데 프리미엄아웃렛이 개장되면서 점차 활기를 띄고 있으며, 이케아 광명점 개장을 계기로 경기도권 최대의 쇼핑특구로 성장할 전망이다. 이케아는 지난 1943년 스웨덴에서 설립된 이래 전세계 40개국 340여개 매장에서 가구뿐만 아니라 벽시계, 가방 등 인테리어 소품까지 약 9,500여 종의 물품을 판매하고 있으며, 전세계 직원수 15만명, 매장당 평균 매출 약 1,200억원에 이르는 다국적 대기업이다. 이케아는 또 유럽에서 눈부시게 성장하고 있는 에너지 기업 가운데 하나다. 전 세계에 풍력발전기 96대를 직접 설치해 전기를 생산한다. 또한 광명점에 3,000개를 비롯해 전 세계 100여개 매장에 태양광 패널 55만개를 설치했다. 생산된 전기는 공장과 매장에서 쓴다. 본지는 지난 해 11월 말 준공검사를 끝내고 개장 준비로 분주한 이케아 현장에서 기계설비 및 소방공사를 담당한 (주)정도설비 이대호 현장소장과 시공사인 대림산업의 공화석 설비부장을 만났다.

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Korea Logistics Award Ceremony (제13회 한국 물류 대상)

  • Korea Packaging Association INC.
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.152
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    • pp.104-120
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    • 2005
  • 2005년도 한국물류대상 시상식이 지난 11월 15일 추병직 건설교통부 장관과 서병륜 (사)한국물류협회장, 물류산업계 및 학계 인사 등 500여명이 참석한 가운데 코엑스 그랜드 컨퍼런스 룸에서 거행됐다. 한국물류대상은 한국물류협회, 건설교통부, 매일경제신문이 공동으로 주최하는 행사로 1993년부터 매년 시행하는 물류부문 정부 포상이다. 효율적이고 체계적인 물류혁신에 노력한 기업과 개인을 발굴하여 포상하고 있으며 매년 그 위상이 격상되어 올해부터는 금탑산업훈장을 최고상으로 수여하게 됐다. 올해는 종합유통 전문회사로 아웃소싱 물류를 활성화하여 물류 산업발전에 지대한 공헌을 한 (주)GS리테일(대표 허승조)이 금탑산업훈장을, 인천국제공항공사(대표 이재희)와 하이비지니스로지스틱스(주)(대표 정준행)이 산업포장을 수상하는 등 25개 단체 및 개인이 수상의 영예를 안았다. 본 고에서는 제13회 한국물류대상 수상자들의 활약상들을 살펴본다.

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CORPORATE PARTNERS 저탄소녹색성장추진사례 - 현대제철

  • 환경보전협회
    • Bulletin of Korea Environmental Preservation Association
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    • s.399
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    • pp.34-37
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    • 2012
  • 현대제철이 미래성장동력인 '저탄소 녹색성장'을 실현하기 위한 녹색경영에 앞장서고 있다. 인류사회의 소중한 자원인 철을 재활용해 모든 산업의 기초가 되는 철강제품을 생산해온 현대제철은 1953년 국내 최초의 철강업체로 출범한 이후 줄곧 환경을 최우선으로 하는 경영철학을 실천하며 친환경기업의 위상을 다져왔다. 무엇보다 자연에 버려진 채로 방치될 경우 환경오염을 일으키는 철스크랩을 연간 1,100만 톤이나 재활용해 산업의 쌀이라 불리는 철강제품으로 재탄생시키는 자원재활용업체로 녹색경영을 실천해 왔다. 현대제철은 이러한 녹색경영을 기반으로 지난 2006년 10월부터 종합철강업체로의 새로운 도약을 위해 충남 당진에 일관제철소를 건설했으며 현재 제3고로 건설이 2013년 9월 완공을 목표로 진행되고 있다. 제3고로 완공시 현대제철 일관제철소는 연산 1,200만톤 규모로 확대돼 전기로를 포함한 현대제철의 조강생산 능력은 연산 2,400만톤에 이르게 된다.

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A Study on Acquisition of Evaluation Rules for Subcontractors of Construction Companies Using Fuzzy ID3 (퍼지 ID3를 이용한 건설협력업체 평가 룰의 획득에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Sang-Yul;Kim, Sung-Eun;Hwang, Seung-Gook;Won, You-Dong;Hayashi, Isao
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.691-695
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    • 2007
  • In construction industry, it is very important to secure the eminent subcontractors of construction companies in order to increase the competitive power, these subcontractors ate selected through the total evaluation. Also, the results of evaluation is used management data the subcontractors. Therefore, if we know the evaluation rules of subcontractors previously, it can be used to manage the subcontractors effectively. Thus, using fuzzy ID3 which is obtain the if-then fuzzy rule from the given data, we acquire the rules for evaluation of subcontractors and show its usefulness.

Historical Essay on the Growth of Modern Big Business Corporations and the Formation of Business Groups in Korea - With the Focus on the Government Intervention (한국의 근대적 대기업 및 기업집단 형성사 - 정부 개입(1960년대와 70년대)을 중심으로)

  • Baek, Gwang-Gi
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 2004
  • The miraculous growth of Korean economy and its business corporations during 1960' s and 1970's are mainly due to the government leadership and its market intervention. We can find the reasons why the government initiated economic growth plan was so successful in Korea in its efficient bureaucratic government system and fair discipline to the corporations based on its contribution to the economy. During 1960's, the primary factors for the growth of business entities and the formation of business groups were the financial special favor, the preferential treatment in the new industry entrance and the merge & acquisition, lavish export incentives from the government, and the export explosion to Vietnam. During 1970's, the substantial deduction of corporations' private debt, enormous support in heavy industry investment, special benefits to general trading companies by the government, and the construction export to the Middle-East were the main causes of the business growth and the business groups formation. Also, the economic rent for the big companies had still been effective since 1960's. However, the preferential benefit to the big companies made them to diversify into the unrelated business ares and to be in very vulnerable financial position. The governmental support brought about the monopoly as well.

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Evaluation of CM Capability based on Business Functions for International Plant Construction (해외 플랜트 건설사업관리 업무기능별 역량분석)

  • Ha, Jiwon;Jung, Youngsoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3-15
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    • 2014
  • Ever expanding overseas construction is one of the most important issues for Korean construction companies. Among these issues, strategies for overseas plant construction have widely been discussed, because the plant construction has features of low competitiveness and high ripple effects when compared with other construction sectors. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the CM capability of Korean construction industry for overseas plant construction. Fourteen construction business functions and four techniques were defined first. Based on these functions and techniques, CM capability was quantified for As-Is (2013), To-Be (2018) and Gap analyses. Findings of this research reveal that 1) capability for construction is quite competent, 2) capabilities for planning, design management, contracting, and risk management are found to be relatively low, where higher value can be added. In addition, it is found that R&D needs to be extended to develop systemized management techniques. It is also required to secure specialists and original technologies at national industrial level.