• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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Clonal Variation in Female Flowering of Larix leptolepis (낙엽송 클론의 암꽃 개화량 변이)

  • Kim, In-Sik;Kim, Jong-Han;Kang, Jin-Taek;Lee, Byung-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2008
  • The clonal variation in female flowering was studied in Larix leptolepis clone bank, consisting of 116 clones, for three years. The between-year variation was large; i.e. the percentage of flowering grafts and average number of flowering per graft were $28.4{\sim}67.2$ and $9{\sim}176$, respectively. Differences in flowering abundance among clones were large and statistically significant in all the years studied. The variance of flowering abundance among clones was increased when flowering was poor. The average of broad-sense heritability of flowering abundance was 0.52. The genetic gain(%G) was estimated at 57.4% when the upper 30% clones were selected. The clonal stability of flowering abundance was compared using average number of flowering and coefficient of variance value of each clone. The clones such as Gyeonggi 9(29), Kangwon 37(137), Chungnam 6(46), Chungnam 14(414), R11, R8 showed abundant flowering and high stability.

Diversity of I-SSR Variants in Gingko biloba L. Planted in 6 Regions of Korea (국내(國內) 6개(個) 은행(銀杏)나무 식재지(植栽地)에 있어서 I-SSR 변이체(變異體)의 다양성(多樣性))

  • Hong, Yong-Pyo;Cho, Kyung-Jin;Hong, Kyung-Nak;Shin, Eun-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2001
  • Genomic DNAs were extracted from the leaves of 182 ginkgo trees (Ginkgo biloba L.) planted in 6 regions and subjected to the analysis of both I-SSR and RAPD markers. A total of 227 amplicon variants were generated by PCR using 15 I-SSR primers and 67 amplicons by PCR with 5 RAPD primers. Levels of genetic diversity within 6 populations were turned out to be similar (Shannon's Index, I-SSR : 0.35~0.40; mean of 0.38, RAPD : 0.31~0.38; mean of 0.35, combined : 0.35~0.40; mean of 0.37). Ranks of the level of genetic diversity estimated from I-SSR, RAPD, and combined data were not coincided each other. Majority of genetic diversity was allocated among individuals within populations (I-SSR : 94.31%, RAPD : 93.62%, combined : 93.57%), which resulted in pretty low level of population differentiation. Genetic differentiation between male and female groups was turned out to be quite low (I-SSR : 0.03, RAPD : 0.091, combined : 0.043), which slightly fluctuated when analysis was restricted to the data obtained from 3 regions where both male and female trees were sampled (I-SSR : 0.038, RAPD : 0.084, combined : 0.047). Genetic relationships among the populations, reconstructed by UPGMA, were not coincided with geographic affinity, which might be resulted from sharing of seed sources in some regions. Whereas independent cluster analyses with I-SSR data and RAPD data, respectively, reclassified by sexes revealed two sexual groups in which all the male and the female populations were clustered together, cluster analysis with combined data did not show clear sexual grouping.

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Growth Characteristics and Yield of Collected Boxthon(Lycium chinense Mill.) Varieties (구기자 수집종(蒐集種)의 생육특성(生育特性)과 수양(收量))

  • Lee, Bong-Chun;Paik, Seung-Woo;Kim, Su-Dong;Yun, Tug-Sang;Park, Jong-Sang;Kwak, Tae-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 1999
  • This research was carried out to obtain the field resistance to disease and pest, and high yielding of new Boxthorn (Lycium chinense Mill.) varieties. Growth characteristics, yield potential, correlation of trait which was related the yield and path coefficient of the domestic native varieties. two of cultivated varieties and four of introduced varieties were investigated. In growth characters of collected varieties, the stem length of collected varieties in China were slightly long. Leaf area in Jindo, Kumsan native and Yusong 1 and 2 were wider than that of other varieties. Resistance to pest iniury was very strong at China 1, Japan 1 and Yusong 2 in eriophyidmite, and also resistance to anthrax anthracnose were showed less than 10% of the rate of attack fruit at Japan 1 and China 1. Flowering stage was more early in Chungyang native than that of other varieties. Fruit size of Kumsan native, Yusong 2 were large size fruit varieties. Fruit setting number was most abundant at 1,623 in Yusong 2 which was collected variety. And dry yields of fruit per lOa was more cmparatively abundant in Yusong 2 at 86% than those of Chungyang native. The high correlation cofficienct character with fruit yield were fruit setting and branching number and leaf area. Direct effect by path anaslysis were fruit setting number (Py=0.45), and branching number was showed indirect effect.

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Application of in vitro Culture Methods for Overcoming Cross-incompatibility in Interspecific Crosses between L. longiflorum and L. cernuum (나팔나리와 자생 솔나리 간의 종간교잡 불화합성 극복을 위한 in vitro 배양방법)

  • Kim, Young Jin;Park, Sung Min;Kim, Jong Hwa
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.378-383
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    • 2001
  • Embryo culture, ovule culture and ovary slice culture were tested to find optimum method for overcoming post fertilization barrier in interspecific crosses between L. longiflorum 'Gelria' and L. cernuum. Although reciprocal crosses between the species were carried out by cut-style pollination method, fruits developed only in crosses of L. longiflorum${\times}$L. cernuum. On the 40 days after pollination, ovaries were sliced into 2-4mm thickness and cultured on a hormone-free Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium, supplemented with 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% sucrose. For the L. longiflorum Gelria'${\times}$L. cernuum cross, ovule development was found to be best at 6% sucrose and a lot of hybrid plant lets established directly from the ovary slice culture and subsequent ovule culture. High concentration of sucrose above 8% made ovules abort or vitrificate from 40 days after culture. In contrast, ovules from the L. cernuum${\times}$L. longiflorum 'Gelria' cross swelled well in ovary slice culture, however, they did not germinated in subsequent ovule culture. On the 60 days after pollination, ovules thicker than 0.6mm was interpreted as one containing embryo. The embryo size ranged from 1.2 mm to 1.7 mm, and in vitro development of the excised embryos was found to be best with the MS medium (pH 5.8), supplemented with $0.1-1 mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ NAA and 6% sucrose. Thick ovules excised 60 days after pollination germinated about 60% as normal seeds in MS medium supplemented with 6% sucrose and free hormone. The ovule culture 60 days after pollination was concluded to be most recommendable to produce interspecific hybrids in large scale crosses between L. longiflorum 'Gelria' and L. cernuum by the reason of easy procedure.

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Taxonomic study on viola albida var. albida and its related taxa (태백제비꽃과 근연분류군의 분류학적 연구)

  • Jang, Su-Kil;Lee, Woo-Tchul;Yoo, Ki-Oug
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.163-187
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    • 2006
  • Taxonomic studies were conducted to evaluate the interspecific relationships in Viola albida var. albida and its related taxa using seven populations for morphology, palynology and anatomy. Molecular phylogenetic studies were also examined in 28 populations including 19 Korean, four Chinese, two Japanese, one American population and two outgroups using nrITS, and 27 populations except V pinnata for trnL-F region of chloroplast DNA. Morphological differences was observed among seven populations of three species in leaf shape, but characters such as serrate number of leaf margins, petal size, pistil shape were showed overlap between populations. Pollen shape of seven populations was monad and grain shape on the polar axis was semi-angular. Morphology of aperture was tri-colporate, and the surface sculpturing was scabrate in rugulate. The grain shape of equatorial view of five populations was prolate whereas V albida var. taknhashii type 1 and V albida var. chaerophylloides type 3 were subprolate. The anatomical characters of rnidvein of leaf, petiole, peduncle, root were also described for the species. The stomatal apparatus of the leaves was observed only in abaxial surface, and the number of stoma per unit ($mm^2$) were abundant in incised than lobate or cleft margin of the leaves. The nrITS analysis shows that V. pinnata and V. dissecta was monophyletic and occupied a basal position in the V. albida var. albida and its related taxa. The other clade including infraspecific populations of V. albida, and V. eizanensis was paraphyletic. The trnL-F noncoding region analysis was similar to the ITS tree. According to the above observations in morphology, palynology, anatomy, and molecular phylogenetic analysis, the significant differences were not found except for leaf shape in Viola albida var. albida and its related taxa, therefore V. albida var. takanhashii and V. albida var. chaerophylloides were considered to be an infraspecific taxa of V. albida var. albida rather than an independent species, subvariety or variety of V. pinnata and V. dissecta.

Quantification of Isoflavone Malonylglucosides in Soybean Seed during Germination (콩 발아 중 isoflavone malonylglucosides의 함량 변이)

  • Lee, Ju-Won;Yi, Yoo-Jung;Lee, Ju-Hee;Jo, Min-Sik;Choi, Do-Jin;Ma, Mu-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Sik;Kim, Dae-Ok;Yun, Hong-Tae;Kim, Yong-Ho
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2018
  • Soybean produces three major types of isoflavones, daidzein, genistein, and glycitein aglycones and their glucosides and malonylglucosides. It has been known that malonylated glucosides are rapidly converted to their corresponding aglycones due to the unstable thermolabile glucoside malonates; therefore, the analytical study of malonylated glucosides has been insufficient. In this study, we analyzed the malonylglucoside content in soybean seeds. Isoflavone analysis of three soybean cultivars revealed that 81.5~90.0% of the total isoflavones were malonylglucosides, whereas aglycones were rarely detected. Moreover, the total isoflavone content increased during a 5-day germination period where growth regulators and coumaric acid treatments tended to yield higher isoflavone content than the normal germination treatment, however the differences were not significant; notably, the isoflavone accumulation trend continued with additional germination days. The content of malonylglucoside was higher than that of other isoflavones, which was 83.7~86.6% of the total isoflavone content in seeds with a 3-day germination period. Furthermore, isoflavones were significantly accumulated in the hypocotyl of seedlings with a 5-day germination period. The content of isoflavone in the hypocotyl of the Pungsannamul-kong was 10,240 ug/g when treated with coumaric acid, which was considerably higher than that of other cultivars and treatments. Additionally, soybean seeds heated at $60^{\circ}C$ for 1 hour produced higher isoflavone content than non-heated soybean seeds. Our results show that it is possible to increase the isoflavone content in soybean seeds through various treatments.

Effect of Rice Bran and Barley Bran Application on Growth and Yield of Chinese Chive (Allium tuberosum Rottler) and Taro (Colocasia esculenta) and Weed Control (쌀겨, 보릿겨 처리가 부추와 토란의 생육과 수량 및 잡초방제에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Deok-Kyo;Yun, Young-Beom;Kwon, Oh-Do;Shin, Dong-Young;Hyun, Kyu-Hwan;Lee, Do-Jin;Kuk, Yong-In
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.260-270
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to examine the effect of rice bran, barley bran, burned rice bran, and burned barley bran on the growth and yield of Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum Rottler), taro (Colocasia esculenta), and weed control. When the above 4 brans were examined 13, 27, 41 and 57 days respectively after application, the plant height of Chinese chive applied with burned barley bran was significantly higher than non-treated control, whereas the other brans did not have any distinct effect on the plant height or population number of Chinese chive. However, when examined 57 days after the application of the above 4 brans, all the plants applied with brans showed more than twice the improvement in shoot fresh weight compared with non-treated control. A chemical analysis of soil 57 days after the application of the above 4 brans showed that the soils were richer in available phosphate and organic matter. Shoot fresh weight of Chinese chive at 2 weeks after cutting was significantly higher in barely bran treated plot than in non-treated plot. In the case of taro, only taro plots transplanted when 10 cm tall and applied with barley bran showed an improvement in growth increment of both the underground and above parts. However, when sowed seeds after the application of the 4 brans, the yield of taro was reduced by the brans. Thus this research indicates that the effect of brans is differ based on the amount of bran application as well as crops. The effect of weed control on Echinochloa crus-galli, Digitaria clliaris, Chenopodium album, and Solanum nigrum as affected by brans was very low in pot conditions. Weed efficacy of the brans was also very low in field conditions. Growth of Chinese cabbage and garland chrysanthemum was inhibited 63% and 37% by rice bran at $4,000kg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, but other crops such as maize, squash, cucumber, and Chinese chive were inhibited by 0-20%. These results were similar to that of barley bran except for Chinese cabbage.

Influences of the Plant Growth under Beta-Rays Irradiation at Low Dose (저 선량 베타선의 조사에 의한 식물의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byung-Koo;Im, In-Chul;Kim, Jong-Eon
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2010
  • This study is to analyze effects of the growth of Chunhyang Young Radish (CYR) and Altari Radish (AR) according to the exposure for 31 days at low dose ${\beta}$-rays. This test has one contrast sample and eleven test samples each as to AR and CYR. The seeds from contrast and test sample were planted in the culture soil after 8 seeds were chosen from each with identical condition. The accumulated dose of test samples has been measured at consistent time on a daily basis for 31 days. The growing process and germination have been measured twice at consistent time in each week. The number of leaves, length of first leave and weight have been acquired average value by measuring for 20 and 25 days, respectively after being planted. The result of test sample in case of 25 days shows that 5% increase in length and 36% increase in weight for AR each at accumulated dose 0.01 Gy compared to the contrast sample. And the length of CYR has increased by 13~17% and 1% at accumulated dose 0.01~0.08 Gy and 0.3 Gy compared to the contrast sample. For the weight at accumulated dose 0.05 Gy and 0.23 Gy has increased by 36% and 2% compared to contrast sample. As to the number of leaves, AR has increased by 0~50% at accumulated dose 0.01-0.32 Gy compared to contrast sample. It also shows that the CYR has increased to 0~67% at accumulated dose 0.01-0.62 Gy compared to contrast sample. As a result of this study, it indicates that both AR and CYR has generally increased in their length, weight, and the number of leaves at low level accumulated dose part 0.01~0.2 Gy. The size of cell, area of nucleus and density of cell for test sample has been observed quite similar to the ones from contrast sample through microscope. In conclusion, AR and CYR irradiated by ${\beta}$-rays have estimated that they are achieved a rapid growth at low level accumulated dose region corresponding to its radiation hormesis theory. Further studies need to confirm the correlation between the radiation hormesis and the growth of the plants.

A Study on Light Condition between Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis Natural Mixed Forest Stands by Using the Hemispherical Photo Method (수관사진법을 이용한 소나무-굴참나무 천연림에 있어서의 광 조건 연구)

  • Chung Dong-Jun;Kim Young-Chai
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to obtain the basic data to present rational silvicultural tending plan. It makes these widely distributed pine-oak mixed stand and each of pure stand in middle province on object of this study and do comparative analysis of light condition about stand parameter and natural regeneration according to each slope(north, west and south) conditions of location in central part of South Korea. Sample plots for pine-oak mixed stand and pine and oak pure stand were established on each of southern, northern and western slopes based upon site and growth conditions of the slope. Sample plot was a circle of 0.05ha with a diameter of 25.24 m. A sample plot has between 30 and 40 tree in it. Total 23 sample plots were established; 9 pure pine stands, 8 pine-oak mixed stands. and 6 pure oak stands across lower, middle, upper parts of slopes. Relative light intensity within a stand was' measured by crown- photo(fish-eye lens; 180$^{\circ}$) system through fish-eye lens and by comparing each plot with the denuded through PAR-sensor. The crown closure ratio of pure pine stand (75%) shows much lower than that of mixed stand (90.9%) and pure oak stand (93%). The relative light intensity within a stand showed an opposite result. The crown closure of mixed stands tended to become gradually low as the slope moves from the north to the south, but the relative light Intensity within the stand tended to rise. By analyzing the relationship between the relative light intensity within a stand and stand parameter, light intensity within a stand tended to decrease as the diameter and N/ha increase. Number of oak seedlings and light intensity within a stand is in a straight-line regression relation. In particular, the number of oak seedlings was the highest in mixed stands on the southern slope. But no single pine seedling was found. The unfavorable conditions of l0cm thick litter layer and low relative light intensity in a stand (ranging between 4% and 8%) is considered to prevent pine seeds from germinating.

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Studies on the Tissue Culture of Some useful woody species (유용수종(有用樹種)의 조직배양(組織培養)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jai Saing;Lee, Sam Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 1979
  • In order to substract the time and cost of propagation for inducing the haploid plants per each species. 500 anthers of late uninucleate microspore on early binucleate microspore stage of Robinia pseudoacacia (Fuel tree) Punius granatum (Ornamental tree). Aleurites fordii (Faty tree) and Styrax japonica (Silvicultural tree) were cultured on the modified Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with Kinetin, 2.4-D and NAA as growth regulators. And I observed the samples of cultured anthers under the microscope which were made by Microtoming method and Paraffin method. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Among 500 cultured anthers per each species, anther numbers inducing the diploid callus were as follow: Styrax japonica 20 (4% for the species total); Aleurites fordii 10 (2% for the species, total) and Punica granatum 45 (9% for the species total) were showed. 2) 2n Callus were induced from anther wall. but haploid callus were induced from anther locule. 3) Haploid callus were induced only in 25 anthers (5% for the species total) of Robinia pseudoacacia. 4) These haploid callus were not originated from body cell of anther wall tissue, but from reduced microspores, 5) Since already reported many herbaceous haploid plants were induced from the callus which were originated from reduced microspores, I conclude that the anther of woody plant which induced the haploid callus also will be cultured haploid plant.

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