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Taxonomic study on viola albida var. albida and its related taxa  

Jang, Su-Kil (Division of Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Lee, Woo-Tchul (Division of Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Yoo, Ki-Oug (Division of Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy / v.36, no.3, 2006 , pp. 163-187 More about this Journal
Taxonomic studies were conducted to evaluate the interspecific relationships in Viola albida var. albida and its related taxa using seven populations for morphology, palynology and anatomy. Molecular phylogenetic studies were also examined in 28 populations including 19 Korean, four Chinese, two Japanese, one American population and two outgroups using nrITS, and 27 populations except V pinnata for trnL-F region of chloroplast DNA. Morphological differences was observed among seven populations of three species in leaf shape, but characters such as serrate number of leaf margins, petal size, pistil shape were showed overlap between populations. Pollen shape of seven populations was monad and grain shape on the polar axis was semi-angular. Morphology of aperture was tri-colporate, and the surface sculpturing was scabrate in rugulate. The grain shape of equatorial view of five populations was prolate whereas V albida var. taknhashii type 1 and V albida var. chaerophylloides type 3 were subprolate. The anatomical characters of rnidvein of leaf, petiole, peduncle, root were also described for the species. The stomatal apparatus of the leaves was observed only in abaxial surface, and the number of stoma per unit ($mm^2$) were abundant in incised than lobate or cleft margin of the leaves. The nrITS analysis shows that V. pinnata and V. dissecta was monophyletic and occupied a basal position in the V. albida var. albida and its related taxa. The other clade including infraspecific populations of V. albida, and V. eizanensis was paraphyletic. The trnL-F noncoding region analysis was similar to the ITS tree. According to the above observations in morphology, palynology, anatomy, and molecular phylogenetic analysis, the significant differences were not found except for leaf shape in Viola albida var. albida and its related taxa, therefore V. albida var. takanhashii and V. albida var. chaerophylloides were considered to be an infraspecific taxa of V. albida var. albida rather than an independent species, subvariety or variety of V. pinnata and V. dissecta.
V. albida var. albida; V. albida var. chaerophylloides; V. albida var. takahashii; morphology; palynology; anatomy; nrITS; trnL-F region;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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