• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조직간 협력

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Alternatives to Promote the Sport Cooperatives of Korea (한국 스포츠 협동조합의 활성화 방안)

  • Kim, Jung-Dong;Lee, Jong-Kil;Lee, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2019
  • This study tried to analyse the factors to promote sport cooperatives as the solutions to overcome those problems of present sports industry. The results of this study By Using the priorities of AHP on promoting factors of sport cooperative in Korea, could be suggested as follows. In advance, the basic directions were suggested in order of economical, social, cultural, and institutional factors. And next, the promoting strategies were suggested as follows: 1st, setting directions on the essentials of cooperative. 2nd, securement of the finance by business management development and organization ability improvement. 3rd, acquaintance with the basic laws of cooperative and securement of administrative support. 4th, social contribution through cooperation and interaction among cooperatives. 5th, making local communities through constructing networks among cooperatives. 6th, development of business models with membership systematizing and efficiency pursuit.

Chemical Accident Response Plan: A Comparative Study between Regions in Korea (화학사고 대응계획: 국내 지역간 비교연구)

  • Min-Je Choi;Gyu-Sun Cho
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2024
  • In 2015, the paradigm of hazardous chemical substance management in Korea shifted from the workplace to the regional level due to the complete revision of the Chemicals Control Act. Although regional chemical accident response plans were established in 2020, there were slight differences in the scope and criteria of each local government. Therefore, this study compared and analyzed chemical accident response plans established in four different regions to provide insights into effective chemical accident response plans. Based on publicly available information, the current status of accident preparedness, chemical accident response systems, and resident evacuation response and education/training were compared and analyzed. The results showed that there were not significant differences in the accident preparedness and response systems between the regions. However, there was a lack of discussion on the preparedness system linked to the characteristics of each workplace in each region. Additionally, there were differences in education and training for residents between regions. In the future, each local government needs to establish a response organization that fits the characteristics of their region and develop strategies for agile and effective accident response through cooperation with relevant agencies.

Cross-National Comparison of Public Awareness Campaigns for Suicide Prevention: Analysis of Campaign Strsategies and Contents of New Zealand, USA, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, and Korea (자살예방을 위한 인식개선 캠페인의 국가 간 비교: 뉴질랜드·미국·아일랜드·스코틀랜드·호주 및 대한민국의 캠페인 전략 및 내용 분석)

  • Song, In Han;Kwon, Se Won;Kim, Jung-Soo;You, Jung-Won;Park, Jang Ho;Kim, Lija;Kim, Woosik;Kim, Hyunjee;Kim, Jeniffer Hyunjin;Kim, Ji Eun;An, Sangmin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2014
  • Public awareness campaign is the core factor of the national suicide prevention strategies. Korea's current campaign needs to be more systematically developed. This study analyzed the national-level campaigns for suicide prevention of New Zealand, USA, Ireland, Scotland, and Australia whose campaigns were known to be successful, and compared them with those of Korea. With the analysis framework based on the 'Guideline for Effective Health Communication Campaigns' by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, we examined the campaigns from the dimensions of (1) clarity of goals, (2) appropriacy of targeting strategies, (3) suitability of messaging strategies, and (4) efficiency of performance. The results show that effective campaigns for suicide prevention have the following common factors: (1) campaign appellations which include clear goals, (2) targeting at risk groups considering social contexts, (3) slogans which contains specific action guidelines, and (4) close relationships between public and private sectors. On this basis, future directions for more effective suicide prevention media campaigns in Korea are discussed.

Analysis of Influential Factors in the Relationship between Innovation Efforts Based on the Company's Environment and Company Performance: Focus on Small and Medium-sized ICT Companies (기업의 환경적 특성에 따른 혁신활동과 기업성과간 영향요인 분석: ICT분야 중소기업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun-jung;Roh, Doo-hwan;Park, Ho-young
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.107-143
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to understand the impact of internal and external environments and innovation efforts on a company's performance. First, the relationships and patterns between variables were determined through an exploratory factor analysis. Afterwards, a cluster analysis was conducted, in which the influential factors summarized in the factor analysis were classified. Finally, structural equation modeling was used to carry out an empirical analysis of the structural relationship between innovation efforts and the company's performance in the classified clusters. 7 factors were derived from the exploratory factor analysis of 40 input variables from external and internal environments. 4 clusters (n=1,022) were formed based on the 7 factors. Empirical analysis of the 4 clusters using structural equation modelling showed the following: Only independent technology development had a positive impact on the company's performance for Cluster 1, which is characterized by sensitivity to a technological/competitive environment and innovativeness. Only independent technology development and joint research had positive impacts on the company's performance for Cluster 2, which is characterized by sensitivity to a market environment and internal orientation. Joint research and the mediating variable of government support program utilization had positive impacts, while the introduction of technology had a negative impact on the company's performance for Cluster 3, which is characterized by sensitivity to a competitive environment, innovativeness, and willingness to cooperate with the government and related institutions. Independent technology development as well as the mediating variables of network utilization and government support program utilization had positive impacts on the company's performance for Cluster 4, which is characterized by openness and external cooperation.

The Effect of Company Characteristics and Individual Characteristics Perceived by Employees of Small Businesses on Job Satisfaction : Focusing on Intermediary Role of Company Innovation (중소기업 종업원의 지각된 기업특성과 개인특성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 : 기업 혁신성의 매개 역할을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Eun Hee;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses on job satisfaction and especially to seek activation of the organization by extending from previous studies to examine the intermediary role of company innovation and applying management measures focusing on the environment of changing global society where CEOs of small businesses cause job satisfaction of organizational members and present the direction for the improvement of management and institutional development. This study was carried out for about 2 months targeting employees of small businesses and the results of empirical analysis are as follows: First, company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses turned out to have a positive (+)effect on job satisfaction but the hypothesis that job stress affects job satisfaction was not significant. Second, of the effects of company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses on company innovation, organization flexibility and CEO's leadership, company communication and degree of cooperation between departments, individuals, challenge of individuals perceived individual characteristics were found to affect company innovation but the hypothesis that job stress affects it was not significant. Third, company innovation was found to have a positive (+)effect on job satisfaction and fourth, in the intermediary effect verification of company innovation between company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees and job satisfaction, organization flexibility and communication, collaboration turned out to perform partial intermediation and CEO's leadership to perform full intermediation and individual challenge performance to perform full intermediation and the intermediary effect of job stress was not proven. These results are company characteristics and individual characteristics that is the perception of the independent variables in SME employees is not only a direct relationship with job satisfaction, suggesting that also has an indirect effect is mediated depending on the innovation of the company. Therefore, it can be seen that even for the innovation performance of enterprises is important to increase the job satisfaction of employees of SMEs. In particular, the conductivity of the leadership and individual parameters so completely over the innovativeness of the company is the result of job satisfaction itgetda can be said that the innovation efforts of the organization is effective at the same time be pursued.

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Investigation on a Way to Maximize the Productivity in Poultry Industry (양계산업에 있어서 생산성 향상방안에 대한 조사 연구)

  • 오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.105-127
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    • 1989
  • Although poultry industry in Japan has been much developed in recent years, it still needs to be developed , compared with developed countries. Since the poultry market in Korea is expected to be opened in the near future it is necessary to maximize the Productivity to reduce the production costs and to develop the scientific, technologies and management organization systems for the improvement of the quality in poultry production. Followings ale the summary of poultry industry in Japan. 1. Poultry industry in Japan is almost specized and commercialized and its management system is : integrated, cooperative and developed to industrialized intensive style. Therefore, they have competitive power in the international poultry markets. 2. Average egg weight is 48-50g per day (Max. 54g) and feed requirement is 2. 1-2. 3. 3. The management organization system is specialized and farmers in small scale form complex and farmers in large scale are integrated.

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Present and Future Agricultural Extension System and International Agricultural Technology Cooperation of Sudan (수단 농촌지도사업의 현재와 미래)

  • Geberaldar, Sumaya Ahmed Hamid;Park, Duk-Byeong;Cho, Gyoung-Rae
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1227-1259
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    • 2014
  • This paper explores agricultural extension systems, extension challenges, research and extension models, governance structures of agricultural extension and advisory services in Sudan. Agricultural extension services in Sudan are provided by a variety of governmental department and corporation. The Technology Transfer and Extension Administration under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, had been launched during mid 2000's aims at making extension systems farmer driven and farmer accountable by way of new institutional arrangements for technology dissemination in the form of community participation approach at the state level, to make the extension reforms have the active participation of farmers/farmer groups. The main problem facing agricultural extension services in developing countries is poor link between extension organization and research. Both extension administration and Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) are operating as departments of ministry of Agricultural and irrigation for very long time. There are three recommendations to achieve the effectiveness of the Agricultural Research Corporations (ARC) in reaching farmers. Firstly, extension staff members should be assigned to every ARC station. Secondly, the ARC might increase positions for Agricultural development specialist or Farming System Research (FSR) specialist. Their role would be to reflect the needed of farmer and translate them to the researchable topics. Thirdly, researcher should conduct more research on farmer's fields.

Development of Communication Emulate Technique in control system for Automatic Machine. (자동화 기기를 위한 제어 시스템에서의 통신 Emulate 개발)

  • 이범석;정화영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2000
  • 자동화 기기 분야에서 컴퓨터의 적용 및 응용은 하드웨어 발달에 따라 매우 빠르고 민감하게 반영되어왔다. 이는 컴퓨터 하드웨어의 빠른 개발 주기에 맞춰 저 가격, 고 효율성, 높은 신뢰성, 호환성 등의 장점을 가진 PC가 현대의 컴퓨터 흐름을 주도하게 되면서 자동화 산업분야 또한 이를 적용하여 왔기 때문이다. 이에 따라, 자동화 기기 분야에서는 고 가격, 긴 개발기간 등을 필요로 했던 과거와 달리 저 가격, 짧은 개발기간, 다양한 개발환경 등을 이룰 수 있었다. 또한, 생산량 증가에만 의존하던 과거와 달리 현대에 이르러서는 시스템의 최적화, 효율의 극대화, 시스템의 안정성, 운용의 편리성, 호환성 등의 개념들이 도입되고 있는 것이다. 자동화 기기를 구성하는 요인으로는 크게 시스템의 틀을 이루는 기계부분과 이를 제어하는 제어 시스템부로 나뉠 수 있다. 제어 시스템에서는 기계부분의 동작을 제어하는 동작 제어부와 이에 관한 정보를 화면에 나타내는 GUI(Graphical User Interface)부분으로 나뉘게된다. 현재에는 이를 통합하여 하나의 하드웨어에서 제어부와 GUI를 모두 담당하는 방법이 연구 진행되고 있으나, 하드웨어를 둘로 나누거나 하나로 하여도 제어부와 GUI 사이의 통신부분은 빼놓을 수 없는 요소가 된다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 시스템의 안정성을 위하여 두 시스템간에 송·수신되는 데이터를 추적할 수 있도록 하는 Emulate 기법을 구현 및 개발하고자 한다. 이는, 두 시스템간의 통신 데이터를 실시간으로 누적, 저장하여 사용자로 하여금 시스템의 운용상태를 분석할 수 있게 하였으며, 시스템 오류발생 시 Emulate 자료를 근거로 시스템의 운용상태를 파악할 수 있게 하였다.근 제한기능을 제공하며 각 클라이언트와 서버간의 실시간 연결 혹은 지연연결을 지원하는 독립적인 애플리케이션이다. 이러한 처방전달 메시징시스템을 구성하는 각 요소에 대해 정의하고 개념적 모델을 설계하고자 한다.에게 청구되며, 소비자에게 전송 되는 청구서는 사용자DB를 참조하여 사용자가 미리 정의한 원하는 형태로 변환되어 전달되며, 필요시 암호화 과정을 거치는 것이 가능해야 한다. 전송된 청구서는 전자우편의 경우, 암호해독이 가능한 전용 브라우저를 통해 열람 되며, 이는 다시 전용 브라우저를 통해 지불인증이 승인되어 청구 제시서버에게 전송된다. EBPP 시스템의 제어 흐름은 크게 기업이 청구 정보를 소비자에게 제시하는 흐름과 소비자의 지불 승인으로 인해 기업이 은행에 지불을 요구하는 흐름으로 구분할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 통합 청구서버 및 정구 제시서버의 역할 및 구성 요소들에 대해 서술하고, EBPP 시스템과 연동하여야 하는 메일 서버와의 상호 작용에 대해 서술할 것이다. 본 시스템을 아직 구현이 되지 않은 관계로 시스템의 성능 등의 수치적 결과를 제시할 수 없는 상태다., 취약계층을 위한 일차의료, 의약관리), ${\circled}2$ 보건소 조직 개편 및 민간의료기관과 협력체계 확립, ${\circled}3$ 전문인력 확보 및 인력구성 조정, 그리고 ${\circled}4$ 방문보건사업의 강화 등이다., 대사(代謝)와 관계(關係)있음을 시사(示唆)해 주고 있다.ble nutrient (TDN) was highest in booting stage (59.7%); however no significant difference was foun

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Quality Characteristics of Fish Paste Prepared with Astragalus membranaceus Powder (황기분말을 첨가한 어묵의 품질특성)

  • Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the fish paste prepared with Astragalus membranaceus powder (0-2.0%). The pH of the samples ranged from 6.75 to 6.86 and the moisture content ranged from 77.19 to 80.18%. Increasing amount of Astragalus membranaceus powder in the fish paste tended to increase the redness and yellowness in Hunter color value. Textural property analysis indicated that the strength of the sample paste increased and its springiness decreased with an increasing amount of Astragalus membranaceus powder. The fish paste prepared with Astragalus membranaceus powder (2.0%), especially, showed the highest values in cohesiveness, brittleness, and gumminess. In addition, all the samples had good flexibility. In sensory evaluation, the addition of 1.0% Astragalus membranaceus powder had the best score in color, texture, taste, and overall preference. Therefore, this results suggest that 1.0% Astragalus membranaceus powder can be applied to produce fish paste with high functionality and sensory preference.

An Exploratory Study on the Characteristics of a Solo Teacher Librarian's Personal Networks (1인 사서교사의 인적 네트워크 특성에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • JaeYeon, Kang;Ji-Hong, Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.215-239
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    • 2022
  • Human networks can be an important means of solving various information problems including tacit knowledge, as an essential channel of knowledge sharing. Particularly, in the case of a teacher librarian(or librarian) of a school library composed of one person in the organization, the human networks for work can be more effective with people outside the organization who are in charge of the same duties than with members inside the organization. Thus, this study aims at exploring the characteristics of the personal networks related to the work of teacher librarians and understanding the effect of these network characteristics on job satisfaction and role ambiguity resolution. A survey was conducted on one of the teacher librarian associations in Seoul, and the collected data were analyzed using social network analysis(SNA) method. As a result, it was found that personal networking of teacher librarians is active in experienced teacher librarians, while those with shorter career have fewer channels of help-seeking. Also, the characteristics of personal networking do not affect job satisfaction and the resolution of role ambiguity. Based on these results, this study proposes the expansion of collaborating and networking among teacher librarians to solve information problems in a single-person workplace.