• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조사면적

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Comparison of Center Error or X-ray Field and Light Field Size of Diagnostic Digital X-ray Unit according to the Hospital Grade (병원 등급에 따른 X선조사야와 광조사야 간의 면적 및 중심점 오차 비교)

  • Lee, Won-Jeong;Song, Gyu-Ri;Shin, Hyun-yi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was intended to recognize the importance of quality control (QC) in order to reduce exposure and improve image quality by comparing the center-point (CP) of according to hospital grade and the difference between X-ray field (XF) and light field (LF) in diagnostic digital X-ray devices. XF and LF size, CP were measured in 12 digital X-ray devices at 10 hospitals located in 00 metropolitan cities. Phantom was made in different width respectively, using 0.8 mm wire after attaching to the standardized graph paper on transparent plastic plate and marked as cross wire in the center of the phantom. After placing the phantom on the table of the digital X-ray device, the images were obtained by shooting it vertically each field of survey. All images were acquired under the same conditions of exposure at distance of 100cm between the focus-detector. XF and LF size, CP error were measured using the picture archiving communication system. data were expressed as mean with standard error and then analyzed using SPSS ver. 22.0. The difference in field between the XF and LF size was the smallest in clinic, followed by university hospitals, hospitals and general hospitals. Based on the university hospitals with the least CP error, there was a statistically significant difference in CP error between university hospitals and clinics (p=0.024). Group less than 36-month after QC had fewer statistical errors than 36-month group (0.26 vs. 0.88, p=0.036). The difference between the XF and LF size was the lowest in clinic and CP error was the lowest in university hospital. Moreover, hospitals with short period of time after QC have fewer CP error and it means that introduction of timely QC according to the QC items is essential.

The Variation of Surface Dose by Beam Spoiler in 10 MV Photon Beam from Linear Accelerator (선형가속기 10 MV 광자선에서 산란판(Beam Spoiler) 사용 시 표면선량 변화)

  • Bae, Seong-Cheol;Kim, Jun-Ho;Lee, Choul-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find a optimal beam spoiler condition on the dose distribution near the surface, when treating a squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and a lymphatic region with 10 MV photon beam. The use of a optimal spoiler allows elivering high dose to a superficial tumor volume, while maintaining the skin-sparing effect in the area between the surface to the depth of 0.4 cm. Materials and Methods: The lucite beam spoiler, which were a tissue equivalent, were made and placed between the surface and the photon collimators of linear accelerator. The surface-dose, the dose at the depth of 0.4 cm, and the maximum dose at the dmax were measured with a parallel-plate ionization chamber for $5{\times}5cm\;to\;30{\times}30cm^2$ field sizes using lucite spoilers with different thicknesses at varying skin-to-spoiler separation (SSS). In the same condition, the dose was measured with bolus and compared with beam spoiler. Results: The spoiler increased the surface and build-up dose and shifted the depth of maximum dose toward the surface. With a 10 MV x-ray beam and a optimal beam spoiler when treating a patient, a similer build-up dose with a 6 MV photon beam could be achieved, while maintaining a certain amount of skin spring. But it was provided higher surface dose under SSS of less than 5 cm, the spoiler thickness of more than 1.8 cm or more, and larger field size than $20{\times}20cm^2$ provided higher surface dose like bolus and obliterated the spin-sparing effect. the effects of the beam spoiler on beam profile was reduced with increasing depths. Conclusion: The lucite spoiler allowed using of a 10 MV photon beam for the radiation treatment of head and neck caner by yielding secondary scattered electron on the surface. The dose at superficial depth was increased and the depth of maximum dose was moved to near the skin surface. Spoiling the 10 MV x-ray beam resulted in treatment plans that maintained dose homogeneity without the consequence of increased skin reaction or treat volume underdose for regions near the skin surface. In this, the optimal spoiler thickeness of 1.2 cm and 1.8 cm were found at SSS of 7 cm for $10{\times}10cm^2$ field. The surface doses were measured 60% and 64% respectively. In addition, It showed so optimal that 94% and 94% at the depth of 0.4 cm and dmax respectively.

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Dose Alterations at the Distal Surface by Tissue Inhomogeneity in High Energy Photon Beam (조직 불균질성에 의한 고에너지 광자선의 선량변화)

  • Kim, Young-Ai;Choi, Tae-Jin;Kim, Ok-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 1995
  • Purpose : This study was performed to measure dose alteration at the air-tissue interface resulting from rebuild-up to the loss of charged particle equilibrium in the tissues around the air-tissue interfaces. Materials and Methods : The 6 and 10-MV photon beam in dual energy linear accelerator were used to measure the surface dose at the air-tissue interface The polystyrene phantom sized $25{\times}25{\times}5\;cm^3$ and a water phantom sized $29{\times}29{\times}48\;cm^3$ which incorporates a parallel-plate ionization chamber in the distal side of air gap were used in this study. The treatment field sizes were $5{\times}5\;cm^2,\;10{\times}10\;cm^2\;and\;20{\times}20\;cm^2$. Air cavity thickness was variable from 10 mm to 50 mm. The observed-expected ratio (OER) was defined as the ratio of dose measured at the distal junction that is air-tissue interface to the dose measured at the same point in a homogeneous phantom. Results : In this experiment, the result of OER was close or slightly over than 1.0 for the large field size but much less (about 0.565) than 1.0 for the small field size in both photon energy. The factors to affect the dose distribution at the air-tissue interface were the field size, the thickness of air cavity. and the photon energy. Conclusion : Thus, the radiation oncologist should take into account dose reduction at the air-tissue interface when planning the head and neck cancer especially pharynx and laryngeal lesions, because the dose can be less nearly $29{\%}$ than predicted value.

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Preparation and Characteristics of Nanometer-sized ZnO Powder by Solution Combustion Process for Photocatalyst Applications (용액 연소법에 의한 광촉매용 나노크기의 ZnO 분말의 제조 및 특성)

  • Lee, Kang-Ryeol;Kim, Whung-Whoe;Park, Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.765-770
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    • 2001
  • 광촉매용 ZnO 나노크기의 분말은 시작원료와 연료의 종류에 따라 용액연소법에 의해 제조되었다. 결정상은 XRD로부터 확인할 수 있었으며 분말의 하소온도는 TG 분석으로부터 결정되었다. 분말의 비표면적은 BET 법에 의해 측정되었으며 평균입자크기와 형태를 SEM과 TEM으로부터 조사하였다. 또한 분말의 순도를 조사하기 위해 적외선 흡수스펙트럼을 측정하였으며 광촉매 효율로서 은이 첨가된 사진현상액을 이용하여 은의 수거율을 측정하였다. 용액연소법으로 제조한 경우 시작원료와 연료에 관계없이 단상의 ZnO 분말을 쉽게 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나 합성된 ZnO 분말의 입자크기와 형태는 연료의 종류에 따라 서로 다르게 보였다. 특히, 연료로 glycine을 사용한 경우, ZnO 분말의 입자 형태는 균일한 나노 크기의 구형이었으나 carbohydrazide을 사용한 경우에는 판상과 같은 형태를 보였다. 이러한 결과를 기초로 하여 시작원료와 연료로 Zn(OH)$_2$와 glycine을 사용하여 합성된 ZnO 분말이 우수한 분말 특성을 보였으며 75nm의 입자크기와 94$m^2$/g의 비표면적을 보였다. 또한 사진현상액에 존재하는 은이 3분 이내에 완전히 제거되는 우수한 광촉매 성질을 보였다.

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A Study on the Design Criteria of Photobioreactor for the Efficiency of Light-Utilization (빛 이용효율 향상을 위한 광생물반응기 설계 기준에 관한 연구)

  • 류현진;이진석;오경근
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2004
  • Recently, there is a growing interest in microalgae and the use of microalgae focused on the production of various high value metabolite used in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The key limiting factor in high density algal cultivation is the light and algal growth is defined by light intensity and light penetration depth into the culture medium. The effect of light with various light paths, S/V ratios, light intensities, and 50% duty cycle on the growth of microalgae was examined to enhance microalgal biomass productivity and photosynthetic efficiency. We confirmed that the utilization of efficient light energy was obtained from 4 cm of diameter, 57.6% of S/V ratio, 62 ${\mu}$mol/㎡/s of light intensity.

Estimation of the Water Requirement with the Farming Conditions in Paddy Field (영농방식변화에 따른 논용수수요량의 산정 -직파재배, 이앙방법 중심-)

  • Kim Jin Taek;Joo Uk Jong;Park Ki Wook;Lee Jong Nam
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.1445-1449
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    • 2005
  • 벼재배에 있어서 기계이앙은 1970년 이후 급속히 이루어졌으며 90년대에 이르러서는 노동력과 농업용수 절감을 위하여 직파재배의 보급이 이루어지고 있어 영농방식 변화가 농업용수의 이용에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 따라서 실제 영농상황과 농업용수 수요량 산정방법간의 차이를 조사 분석하고 농업용수 수요량 산정을 위한 적절한 방안을 모색하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 문헌 및 실제 현장에서의 영농상황을 조사하고 수원공으로부터 관개구역으로 공급하는 용수공급량을 측정하였으며 3개지구를 대상으로 필요수량을 산정하여 비교하였다. 이앙재배에 있어서 기계화의 보급과 비닐하우스 등의 설치에 의하여 이앙기간과 이앙시기에 많은 차이를 보이고 있는데 과거에 비하여 이앙시기는 앞당겨지고 이앙기간은 짧아졌는데 이러한 변화는 지역에 따라 다른 특성을 보이고 있다. 또한, 이러한 변화는 과거와 비교하여 농업용수 수요량에 변화를 가져왔으며 변화는 대부분 4월, 5월에 집중되어 나타났다. 직파재배는 이앙재배에 비하여 용수를 많이 필요로 하는데 본답기 이전에 용수수요량의 차이가 많은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 직파재배의 면적은 1997년까지 계속적으로 증가하다 잡초성 벼의 번성, 연작의 피해 등으로 인하여 재배면적이 줄어든 상태이다.

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A Study on the Space Area Guideline of Clinical Laboratory in Korea - Focused on Laboratory Case Studies (국내 종합병원 진단검사의학과의 면적산정 방법에 대한 연구 - 검사실 사례조사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Youngaee;Song, Sanghoon
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Clinical laboratory of hospital has been demanded to extension or relocation regarding with the test number increase and analyzer development. Space area criteria per test numbers, lab functions, hospital bed and lab staffs are needed for draft space programing. So, the purpose of this study is to provide the space area guideline of clinical laboratory for space calculation in planning and design the spatial environment. Methods: Literature review has been used in checking the standards and guidelines. And questionnaire surveys to laboratory supervisors in hospitals have been conducted for the data collection. 60 answers have been analysed statistically by MS Excel program. Results: The result of this study can be summarized into three way calculations. The first one shows that the basic standard workspace and distance is applied in lab design. The second one shows that average space area criteria resulted from case studies is applied by 19㎡ per one staff, 0.9~1.0㎡ per one bed, and lastly linear length calculation of workbenches and analyzers on the bench top and floor mount, is multiplying it by the sum of the counter depth plus aisle width. Implications: In updating the space area calculation guidelines, it is necessary to cooperate with medical staffs and designers.

Anatomical Observation of Vitrified and Glaucous Leaf from Rehmannia glutinosa Plant Produced in Vitro (지황 기내배양시 투명화된 잎과 정상잎간의 조직학적 관찰)

  • 백기엽;유광진;박상일;신성련
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.323-327
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    • 1997
  • Addition of growth inhibitors such as ancymidol, ABA, chloromequat, and pachlobutrazol into MS medium had no effect to preventing vitrification in cultures of Rehmania glutinosa. Anatomical investigation revealed that vitrified thick leaf tissue in vitro had larger intercellular space with poor development of sponge and pallisade tissue compared to those of in vitro grown glaucous and field grown plants. In vitro grown glaucous leaf had smaller and round type stomata showing distinguishable guard and subsidiary cell than those of reestablished plantlets into soil whereas abnormal stomata and poor development of epicuticular wax on the surface of leaf was observed in verified plantlet.

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Characteristic Studies for Scan-Field Size and Visibility of Current Image in a Low Voltage Micro-Column (저 전압 초소형 전자칼럼의 주사면적 크기 및 전류영상 특성 연구)

  • Noriyuki, Ichimura;Kim, Young-Chul;Kim, Ho-Seob;Jang, Won-Kweon
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.365-369
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    • 2008
  • The optimal condition for focusing an electron beam was investigated employing an electrostatic deflector in a low voltage micro-column. At fixed voltage of the electron emission tip, the focusing electron beam with source lens showed a larger scan field size and poorer visibility than those with an Einzel lens. Theoretical 3-D simulation indicated that a focusing electron beam with a source lens should have a larger spot size and deflection than those of a focusing Einzel lens.

Probabilistic Analysis of Lifetime Extreme Live Loads in Office Buildings (사무실의 사용기간 최대 적재하중에 대한 확률론적 분석)

  • 김상효;조형근;배규웅;박흥석
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 1990
  • Live load data in domestic office buildings have been collected in a systematic manner. Based on surveyed data, equivalent uniformly distributed load intensities, which produce the same load effect as the actual spatially varying, live load, have been obtained for various structural members (such as slab, beam, column, etc. ). Influence surface method has been employed to compute load effects under real live load, including beam moment, slab moment as well as axial force in column. The results have been examined to find probabilistic characteristics and relationship between influence area and load intensity (or coefficient of variation). The results were also compared with other survey results and found to be reasonable. Based on the probabilistic load models obtained, the lifetime extreme values have been analyzed and compared with current design loads. Tentative equations applicable to decide more rational design loads are also suggested as functions of influence area.

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