• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제품차원

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Flow and Brand Equity on the Internet Auction (인터넷 경매에서 플로우의 형성요인과 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Chang;Won, Jung-Jong;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.56-82
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    • 2008
  • The topic on Flow is generating increased interests in e-commerce studies. Flow has been identified as a key component in e-commerce. Studies on Flow have so far focused on internet shopping mall, but scarcely looked at the Flow of Internet auction. The purpose of study is to find out which factors play a major role in building Flow on internet auction and how the built-up Flow affect Brand Equity. Therefore, the research model investigates what factors influence Flow. Furthermore, the research is designed to understand how the Flow influences Brand Equity. The antecedents of Flow classifies into three types such as personal (Challenge, Skill), IT characteristic, Internet Auction characteristic. The results of this empirical study shows that three characteristics significantly affected the flow:personal (Challenge), IT (information quality, system quality), and Internet Auction (interactivity). And also Flow has significant effect on the brand equity. This result indicates that customer's optimal experience is important to increase brand equity. That is, the flow is influenced by multi-dimensional factors and plays an important role in increasing brand equity. Finally, the finding of this study suggests that personal challenge, information quality, system quality, and interactivity should be enhanced preferentially.

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Optimization for the Preparation Conditions of Instant Rice Gruel Using Oyster Mushroom and Brown Rice (느타리버섯과 현미를 이용한 즉석죽 제조조건의 최적화)

  • Lee, Gee-Dong;Kim, Hyun-Gu;Kim, Jin-Gu;Kwon, Joong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.737-744
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    • 1997
  • Four-dimensional response surface methodology was used for optimizing preparation conditions and monitoring sensory quality of instant rice gruel prepared using oyster mushroom and brown rice. Water absorption time of brown rice and glutinous rice to prepare instant rice gruel were 50 hr at $5^{\circ}C\;and\;1\;hr\;at\;20^{\circ}C$, respectively. The optimum conditions predicted for each corresponding sensory properties of instant rice gruel were 47.58% (rate of brown rice in water-absorbed brown and glutinous rice), 569.68 mL (content of solution) and 52.40 min (heating time at $120^{\circ}C$) in viscosity of instant rice gruel, 47.15%, 568.49 mL and 53.04 min in taste of instant rice gruel, 44.06%, 558.54 mL and 53.84 min in mouth-feel of instant rice gruel, and 46.20%, 561.64 mL and 51.60 min in overall acceptance of instant rice gruel, respectively. The optimum conditions, which satisfy all sensory properties of rice gruel, were 44%, 620 mL and 56 min in rate of brown rice in water-absorbed brown and glutinous rice, content of solution and heating time, respectively. Sensory scores predicted at the optimum conditions were in good agreement with experimental sensory scores.

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Approach on the Emotional Relationship between Consumers and Brands based on Triangular Theory of Love -With focus on Mobile Phone Service and Product Brands- (소비자-브랜드 감성적 관계에 대한 사랑의 삼각이론적 접근 -이동통신 서비스와 단말기 브랜드를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Won-Joo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.44
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    • pp.7-43
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to identify a new direction in the consumer-brand relationship by quantitatively approaching from the psychological aspect consumers' brand love, which is the most powerful strategic element in forming an emotional consumer-brand relationship. What significance does brand love have in a consumer-brand relationship? Brand love is the most fundamental in the emotional consumer-brand relationship. Through brand ownership, consumers add meaning to their lives, and love brands by expressing themselves. Love is a scale that understands consumer-brand relationship from the most interpersonal aspect and can be considered as the most essential element in an empathetic relationship. Consumers' brand love not only determines brand image and reliability but through brand loyalty, it also influences market competitiveness. In addition, as a medium that can overcome brand crisis, it serves as a turning point of the relationship and can enhance the strength of consumers' brand love. Under such generational and theoretical background, this study took a psychological approach on love in emotional consumer-brand relationship. Focusing on the most representative theory and classification of love, Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, types of brand love were examined. 552 questionnaires were distributed through a survey with mobile phone service and product brands, and a factor analysis was conducted. Types of brand love revealed through the results of this study were very similar to Sternberg's types of love, and it was found that the types of brand love varied based on product category. It can be suggested that the concept of brand love is an important strategic idea in brand communication.

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Structural Behaviors of Precast Concrete Box Structures Using Recycled Aggregate (순환골재 콘크리트 박스 구조의 거동)

  • Byun, Keun-Joo;Song, Ha-Won;Kim, Ho-Jin;Nam, Jin-Won;Kim, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2006
  • In order to use a recycled aggregate concrete for precast concrete box structures, the structural behaviors should be analytically and experimentally evaluated. In this study, full-scale precast concrete box structures are manufactured using the recycled aggregate (30% replacement) and natural aggregate. Then, the flexural failure test and shear failure test as well as water leakage lest for the structures arc carried out. First of all, test results of compressive strength show that recycled aggregate concrete is only 4% lower than normal concrete. In the flexural and shear failure test, the structural performances of precast box using the recycled aggregate concrete are 95% of the capacities of normal precast concrete box or more. Especially, the water leakage test shows that leakage pressure of recycled concrete box is more than the critical value, 60kPa, as well as 9% higher than normal precast concrete box. These test results are analyzed and compared with results of finite clement analysis. The comparison shows that test results are more excellent than analytical results. Also, the comparison confirms the applicability of recycled aggregate concrete for the use as practical precast concrete box structure.

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Case History of Sea Dyke Filter Construction Using Geotextile Tube Mattress (튜브형 매트리스를 활용한 방조제 필터공 축조사례연구)

  • Oh, Young-In;Yoo, Jeon-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2007
  • Geotextile is one of the most useful and effective polymer material in civil construction works and the main function of geotextile is separation, reinforcement, filtering and drainage. Recently, because of the shortage of natural rock, traditional forms of river and coastal structures have become very expensive to build and maintain. Therefore, the materials used in hydraulic and coastal structures are changing from the traditional rubble and concrete systems to the cheaper materials and systems. One of these alternatives employs geotextile tube technology in the construction of coastal and shore protection structures, such as embankment, see dyke, groins, jetties, detached breakwaters and so on. Geotextile tube technology has changed from being an alternative construction technique and, in fact, has advanced to become the most effective solution of choice. This paper presents case history of sea dyke filter construction using geotextile tube mattress and also, various issues related to the tube mattress design and construction technology.

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The New Technology Development Strategy of Cosmeceuticals with Use Advanced Materials Resources (신소재 자원을 활용한 기능성화장품의 신기술 개발전략)

  • Kim Ju-Duck
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.3 s.47
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    • pp.427-438
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    • 2004
  • Cosmeceuticals products we not the products simply for moisturizing and protecting skin but the ones for encouraging to make improvements on wrinkles and helping to whiten, tan, and protect skin against ultraviolet light. In a broader sense, they refer to products with aiming to maintain healthy condition of skin such that skin troubles could be improved or aging of skin could be delayed. However, cosmeceuticals should not have any side effects because they are applied to the whole body for a long period of time differing from medical products which are used on specific areas for a short time. The number of such cosmeceuticals has increased from 500 in 2001 to 2300 in 2003. In order to develop and broaden the scope of cosmeceuticals, the concept of cosmetics needs to be changed from caring skin to delaying aging of the skin and reviving cells. For this purpose, high-valued materials should be developed through basic researches related to the biological function of skin, in vivo experiment and reaction of skin in response to various stimuli using biotechnologies and bioengineering methods. At the same time, it should be proceeded to develop new nano materials for overcoming skin barriers and transfer matericals for helping to absorb effective substances and maintaining stability.

A Study on Countermeasures for Technical Barriers of Trade in Korea-China FTA (한.중 FTA의 무역기술장벽 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Min-Kyo;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.491-516
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to research the situation of Technical Barriers of Trade(TBT) between Korea and China and analyze a pending issue such as a regular TBT notifications and specific trade concerns informed to WTO/TBT committee by Korea and China and seek the Countermeasures for Technical Barriers of Trade in Korea-China FTA. Generally, in case of a regular TBT notifications, "a protection of human health or safety" and "protection of the environment" are drawn a main articles from TBT committee data. And in case of a specific trade concerns, "international standard" and "transparency" are drawn a important factor from the said data. Henceforth those kinds of articles shall be an issuable matters for negotiation of Technical Barriers of Trade in Korea-China FTA. The results of the study indicate mainly that as Countermeasures of Korea for Technical Barriers of Trade in Korea-China FTA, Korean government level requires to withdraw an exclusive technical regulation of China and supports to improve Chinese technology for safety of products. Korean enterprises should develop products to meet an environment regulation and Korean government should support finance incentive, tax incentive to enterprises. Besides, regarding new international standard it is necessary for Korean side to dominate a relative regulation. First of all, it is important to secure a strength of capability and human resource for international standard activity. For improving a conveyance of notification information and transparency between Korea and China, it is efficient to establish a mutual direct network of notification.

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Structural Design and Analysis of a Hydraulic Coiling Arm for Offshore Wind-turbine Submarine Cable (해상풍력 해저케이블 하역용 유압식 코일링 암 구조설계 및 해석)

  • Kim, Myung-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Oh, Min-Woo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • Structural design and analysis of a coiling arm unloading machine for submarine cable have been originally conducted in this study. Three-dimensional CAD modeling process is practically applied for the structural design in detail. Finite element method(FEM) and multi-body dynamics(MBD) analyses are also used to verify the safety and required motions of the designed coiling arm structure. The effective moving functions of the designed coiling arm with respect to rotational and radial motions are achieved by adopting bearing-roller mechanical parts and hydraulic system. Critical design loading conditions due to its self weight, carrying cables, offshore wind, and hydraulic system over operation conditions are considered for the present structural analyses. In addition, possible inclined ground conditions for the installation of the designed coiling arm are also considered to verify overturn stability. The present hydraulic type coiling arm system is originally designed and developed in this study. The developed coiling arm has been installed at a harbor, successfully tested its operational functions, and finished practical unloading mission of the submarine cable.

The Creative strategy for the school Advertising (대학의 학교홍보를 위한 광고 표현전략연구 - 인쇄매체 광고디자인을 중심으로 -)

  • 장호철
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 1999
  • Faced with various challenges given from internal or external, universities and colleges, about 300 in number, began to feel one another as their rival and recognized advertising marketing as a solution of unlimited competition and were in serious action for advertising. School advertising has suddenly increased in quantity, but falls in creative strategy of qualitative level behind corporate or product advertising. This study suggests effective creative strategy, based on comprehension of characteristics of school advertising and on analysis of creative as a strategy, of advertisements put by schools. School advertising demands the approach different from commercial dimension of corporate advertising, because schools are characteristic of public interests. Schools need to take positive creative strategy of image advertising instead of passive type of recruitment announcement. This effective and Positive creative strategy des not only Provide the chance to select schools for customers of school advertising which sets up applicants for admission as the first target audience, but also instills affirmative and positive image in potential customers of the future such as pupils of elementary or middle schools and ordinary people so that it may make effective communication possible

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A Study on Hierarchy Analysis of Design Factors for Product Development Process (신제품 개발과정에 있어서의 디자인요소 분석을 통한 계층화 연구)

  • 곽대영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2004
  • In this study, in order to achieve the before-mentioned study purpose, the importance of developing the new product, the relationship with the design, and the design element for developing the new product were considered. In order to extract the importance of the design element which is applied to the development of the new product design, the research model about the induction of the priority was created, the evaluation items were instituted, and the demonstrative research approach was performed in order to recognize the relationship among those elements. Firstly, in the process of selecting the items for the application, 14 evaluation elements which were extracted through the advanced study data were grouped in 4 kinds of dimensions, and the properties which are related with the Digital TV product were composed up of 36 items. Through the factor analysis, by decreasing the detailed standard for the evaluation of 36 items, the parsimony was secured, and the characteristics which the various items contain induced into one factor. Secondly, the detailed factors which were united into one factor went under the paired comparison as one by one through AHP again, and then the importance degree was generated. First of all, as the first stage of AHP, the decision making factors which affect the whole achievement of purpose of the decision making were classified as in a hierarchical style. From these research results, it was known that the functional factor and esthetic factor in the process of designing the new product are the major affecting variables, and it was confirmed that in case of the Digital TV products group, the factors such as the high quality of picture, big screen, user interface, sound, product reliability, style, size, indoor reproduction, and guarantee are the main factors which influence the need of the consumers in purchasing products.

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