• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제품에 대한 태도

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Mediating Effect of Ease of Use and Customer Satisfaction in the Relationship between Mobile Shopping Mall of Service Quality and Repurchase Intention of University Student consumer (모바일쇼핑몰 서비스품질과 대학생 고객의 재구매의도 관계에서 사용용이성과 고객만족도의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Sun-A;Park, Ji-Eun;Park, Song-Choon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.201-223
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to verify empirically the causal relationship between service quality, ease of use, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention of mobile shopping mall. And this study is to investigate the ease of use and customer satisfaction mediating effect of between service quality and repurchase intention. Therefore, 323 university students in Jeonnam area were surveyed and the structural equation model was derived based on previous research. Service quality of mobile shopping mall make a significant effect on using easiness, purchasing satisfaction and repurchase intention. However, among service quality of mobile shopping mall, service scape like mobile interface and site design made a positive effect on purchasing satisfaction, but did not any effect on repurchase intention. In other words, service quality factors that make positive effects on customer's pleasant using and repurchase intention make a positive effect on repurchase intention when providing and using the service customer wants faithfully rather than external part of the site and mutually influencing attitude or behavior well. The implications suggested by this study are as follows. First, service quality of mobile shopping mall makes a significant effect on repurchase intention, so it's necessary to improve CS service system so as to treat customers' inquiries or inconveniences actively during mobile shopping and return and refund of defective products quickly and conveniently. And, in addition to the finally used factors in analysis process, benefits using customers' grade by number of purchases, such as various events, coupons, reserve, etc. and active contents marketing strategies providing more various pleasures and values of shopping are necessary. Second, satisfaction of mobile shopping mall makes a positive effect on repurchase intention, so visiting of site and repurchasing of product are continuously done as customers' satisfaction on shopping mall is increasing. Therefore, shopping mall site requires differentiation of contents, exact plan and practice of service, marketing, etc. so that customers can feel more satisfaction. This study is significant as it systematically analyzed concepts of components that service quality of mobile shopping mall makes an effect on using easiness, purchasing satisfaction, and repurchase intention, verified the relations, systematized it by theoretical structure, and widened the understanding of effects making an effect on repurchase intention.

Changes in Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Leaves by Roasting Treatment (덖음처리에 의한 민들레 잎의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성 변화)

  • Choi, Hee-Don;Koh, Yoon-Jeoung;Kim, Yun-Sook;Choi, In-Wook;Cha, Dong-Su
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.515-520
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    • 2007
  • To establish the roasting conditions of dandelion leaves for the manufacture of processed foods such as beverages and tea, we investigated the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of dandelion leaves and their hot water extracts by roasting treatment. As the number of roasting times increased, the free sugar content of the roasted dandelion leaves decreased, and in particular, free amino acid and total polyphenol content decreased greatly after only 1 roasting treatment. The amino nitrogen and total polyphenol contents of the roasted dandelion leaf hot water extracts also decreased greatly, and their L-, a-, and b-values showed much lower values than those of the raw leaf extracts. However, a greater amount of reducing sugars was extracted in the roasted leaves than in the raw leaves, suggesting that the roasting process allows for easier extraction of the compounds in dandelion leaves. Five sensory characteristics, including astringent taste, bitter taste, peen flavor, burnt taste, and sweet odor, were deduced through quantitative descriptive analysis of the hot water extracts. Among them, astringent taste, bitter taste, and green flavor showed significant differences between roasting treatments. The sensory evaluation results show that as the number of roasting times increased, the palatability of the hot water extracts increased greatly, in terms of color and taste.

Research on Practical Shopping Value and Consumer Attitudes on PB Products According to Perceived Quality (실용적 쇼핑가치와 지각된 품질에 따른 PB제품에 대한 소비자태도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - The current analysis has been done in order to verify the difference between consumer attitudes on the distributor's PB products in terms of practical shopping value and attitudes about the product according to its perceived quality. Research design, data, and methodology - The target respondents of this study were those who have bought PB products at large-scale discount stores within the past six months. We asked homemakers, office workers, and students who live in Seoul or Daejon to respond to a questionnaire by filling out self-evaluations, and collected the completed questionnaires. To test the hypothesis, a t-test was carried out by group for 25 percent of the high and low rankings, including a quarter of the total respondents, to verify attitudes toward products and brands, purchase satisfaction, and re-purchase intention according to the practical shopping value and recognized quality of PB products. A variance analysis was conducted to see if there were differences among groups in terms of practical shopping value and perceived quality. Scheffe's back testing was used to identify differences between groups. Results - The result of the investigation of consumer attitudes according to practical shopping value is as follows. First, it was verified that consumer attitudes about PB products increase as practical shopping value increases. Second, there was no significant. Third, it was verified that repurchase intentions for PB products get higher as the practical shopping value of the consumer increases. The following is the result of the investigation of consumer attitudes according to the perceived quality of PB products. First, it was verified that the product attitude improves as the perceived quality of PB products increases. Second, the research confirmed that the brand attitude improves as the perceived quality of PB products increases. Third, consumer satisfaction is higher when the perceived quality of PB products is high. Fourth, this study verified that repurchase intentions for PB products are higher as the perceived quality of the product increases. Finally, the results of identifying differences between groups for perceived quality and shopping value are as follows. It was identified that there were differences in shopping value according to the characteristics of the groups. However, perceived quality does not change according to the characteristics of groups. Conclusions - These results have practical implications for the marketing strategy of PB products in order to satisfy consumer demands and provide a differentiated service by the distributor. In addition, it is suggested that a communication strategy may be necessary to increase brand loyalty and ensure the continual growth and value creation of PB products as symbolic products for distributors.

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Analysis on the Images of Child and Adult Models in TV Commercial Advertisements (TV 상업 광고에 등장하는 어린이와 성인 모델의 이미지 분석)

  • Hyun, Eunja;Lee, Eun-Young;Kim, Gah-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the images of children and adults that is reflected in TV commercial advertisements. For this purpose, 241 public TV advertisements were collected from the domestic ads information sites. The analysis criteria used for this study was the one modified from the ads analysis tool developed by Young-hee Ha(2011). The results showed that the number of ads employing the child model was varied according to the product item. The child model appeared the most in the ads for food/beverage and secondly, the ones for computer/electric home appliances. Furthermore, the child model behaved very similarly to the adults in the ads, especially in the aspect of positive communication. And both adult and a child models tended to have the main role in ads. Regarding the relationships among model characters, cooperative relationship between an adult and a child appeared the most and there were lots of family relationships. The results imply that a child in our society is becoming a considerable family member referred for making decision in purchasing commercial products. In addition, it is discussed that the child's image reflected in the ads would have influence on a child viewer's self image.

Design and Implementation of Open GIS OLE DB Component Using RDBMS (RDBMS를 이용한 개방형 GIS OLE DB 제공자 컴포넌트의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2000
  • 최근 네트워크 서비스 및 분산 컴퓨팅 환경의 급격한 발전과 더불어 인터넷 기반 지리정보 시스템과 이 기종 시스템간에 상호 운용성을 지원하는 분산 지리정보시스템의 기술이 혁신적으로 발전하게 되었다. 현재 이러한 상호 운용성과 더불어 기 구축된 시스템의 재 사용성을 극대화하기 위하여 개방형 컴포넌트 소프트웨어 기술이 발표[1]되었으며, 최근 발표되는 지리정보시스템들도 이러한 개방화와 컴포넌트화 기술을 채택하여 개발되고 있다. 이러한 개방형 컴포넌트 소프트웨어 기술은 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 산업 전반에 커다란 파급 효과를 끼치고 있다. 지리정보시스템 분야에서는 OpenGIS Consortium(OGC)을 주축으로 하여 개방형 컴포넌트 지리정보시스템을 위한 표준 구현 사양을 발표하고 있으며, 이러한 표준 사양을 수용한 제품들이 개발되고 있는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 분산 환경에서 다양한 관계형 데이터베이스시스템을 이용하여 OGC가 제시한 OLE/COM 기반의 데이터 제공자 컴포넌트의 설계 및 구현에 중점을 두고 있다. 본 시스템의 데이터 제공자 컴포넌트는 순수한 관계형 데이터베이스시스템 기반 위에서 구성되므로, 우선 OGC에서 요구하는 GIS 관련 핵심 기능들을 제공하기 위해서 우선 관계형 데이터베이스와 ODBC를 이용하여 공간엔진을 구성하고 있다. 본 공간 엔진은 OGC 사양을 충족하기 위해서 이용되는 최소한의 기능-공간데이터 관리 기능, 공간 연산 처리, 공간 색인 기능 그리고 클라이언트와 통신하기 위한 기능-들을 포함하고 있다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 이러한 공간 엔진의 기반 위에서 OGC OLE DB 제공자 컴포넌트의 설계 및 구현 방법에 대해서 자세히 살펴보고 실제 SQL Server 7.0 환경에서 구축된 공간 엔진 및 OLE DB 제공자 컴포넌트의 구현 예에 대하여 살펴볼 것이다. 혈액내방사선 조사량이 안전용량 범위(200rad)에 속하며 48시간 후 체내잔류량은 서양인과 큰 차이가 없었다.비출현의 소견을 보이는 악성종양 환자의 골 신티그람 53개중 44개 (83.0%)에서 척추 및 늑골에 미만성, 또는 다발성 침습이 관찰되었다. 또 골전이 부위를 두개골, 척추, 견대부, 늑골, 골반, 사지의 근위부 장골의 6개 부위로 나누어 분석할 경우 49개(92.5%)에서 3부위 이상에 전이가 발견되었고, 35개(66.0%)에서 4부위 이상에 전이가 발견되었으며, 5부위 이상, 6개 부위에 모두 전이가 발견된 것은 각각 20개 (37 7%), 11개(20.8%)이었다. 이상의 성적으로 보아 악성종양 환자의 골 신피그라피에서 신장 영상의 비출현은 종양의 광범위한 골전이를 간접적으로 시사하는 소견으로 생각된다. 여러 악성종양중 전립선암에서 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 가장 높았으며, 특히 위암에서 골전이 및 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 높음은 주목할 만한 것이라 하겠다.출한 결과 인,규소 증가와 자가영양성 미소플랑크톤(ANP)증가에 미치는 요인이 해안과 외해에서 동일하게 가장 큰 설명력을 보였다. N:P 비도 해안에서 36.4, 외해에서 32.6을 보이고 있어 인이 상당히 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 조사해역은 인이 식물플랑크톤 성장에 중요한 제한요인으로 작용하고 있다고 판단된다.의 회전. 전위력의 강도, 적용시점, 그리고 키, 체중등의 신체적 요인 등이 있으나 능숙한 기계사용과 정확한 슬관절 위치에서 검사할 때 전방 십자 인대 파열에 대한 진단에 유용한 기구이다.태라고 하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 근거를 바탕으로 개방형 문제의 유형을 다양한 답이 존재하는 문제, 다양한 해결 전략이 가능한 문제, 답이 없는 문제, 문제 만들기, 일반화가 가능한 문제 등으로 보고, 수학적 창의성 중

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Studies on the Preparation of Weanling Food from Soybean (Part 1) -Conditions for the digestion of soybean protein by Eezyme from Aspergillus- (대두를 이용한 이유식 제조에 관한 연구(제 1보) -효소를 이용한 대두단백질 분해 적정 조건결정 및 조제에 관하여-)

  • Kim, Z.U.;Cho, M.J.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 1970
  • In order to prepare digested Protein source for the Weanling Food from soybean, an attempt was made to decompose steamed soybean protein to amino acids and peptides by protease and cellulase produced from Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus sojae. In this paper, the optimum condition for digestion of soybean protein were studied and also investigated the effects of decolorization of it. As the results, followings were obtained; 1. As steaming conditions, a treatment under 15 lb of pressure and 10 minutes of heating shows most effective. 2. The optimum pH of Asp, sojae enzyme for the digestion of soybean protein is 6.0, while that of Asp. niger enzyme is 4.4. In successievly-decomposing with Asp. sojae and Asp. niger, it shows the most effective on ratio of water-soluble-nitrogen to total nitrogen and amino-nitrogen to total nitrogen than any other separate treatments. 3. The suitable amount of the enzyme solution to that of the soybean substrate paste, in volume, is 1 : 2. 4. Digestion ratio of soybean protein indicates the gradual and steady effects of increasing time of digestion, but 8 hour-digestion regarding to putrefaction was suitable. 5. The most effective decolorization was successively passed on culumns of active carbon and anion exchanger (Dowex 2-x-8) at room temperature. In separate treatments, the effective order of decolorization was as follows; (Dowex 2-x-8)>Active carborn>Amberite IR-120 6. The powder type of the soy protein source obtained by concentration below $60^{\circ}C$ contains 12.51% of moisture, 66.31% of protein, 4.25% of fat, 12.75% of carbohydrate, 4.18% of ash.

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Antioxidant Effects and Application as Natural Ingredients of Korean Sanguisorbae officinalis L. (한국산 지유(地楡)(Sanguisorbae officinalis L.)의 항산화 효과 및 천연소재로서의 활용방안)

  • Lee, Jin-Tae;Lee, Soon-Ae;Kwak, Jae-Hoon;Park, Jung-Mi;Lee, Jin-Young;Son, Jun-Ho;An, Bong-Jeun
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2004
  • Biological activities and application of Sanguisorbae officinalis L. were investigated. In the enzymological physiological activities, the electron donating ability (EDA) was 54.9% in 10 ppm and it was over 90% over 50 ppm and SOD-like activity was high as 65.4% in 1000 ppm, it was gradual increased. As inhibitory effect of xanthine oxidase, it was 17.9% in 200 ppm and little low as 36.9% in 500 ppm and inhibitory effect of tyrosinase. As the result of measuring the lipid oxidation, all the concentrations of medical ion treatments had the ability to keep it from acidification and metal ion blocking effects about the lipid oxidation promoting factors ($Fe^{2+}$ and $Cu^{2+}$), $Fe^{2+}$ was better than $Cu^{2+}$ and all concentrations of medical ion treatments was 40% in 50 ppm. When it was applied into normal skin-softener it showed safe effect so that we can expect that as the natural material of cosmetics.

Improvement of Hygienic Quality of Vegetable Mixed condiments Using Gamma-Irradiation (식물성 혼합조미료의 품질개선을 위한 감마에너지의 이용)

  • 권중호;변명우;차보숙;양재승;조한옥
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 1988
  • Vegetable mixed codiments, commercial products prepared using soybean,paste and natto, respectively as the ingredients, were used ina study to evaluate the efficacy of gamma irradiationas a means of decontamination and the emphasis was placed upon the determination of the effect of irradiation on the microbiological and some physicochemical properties of the samples. The number of microorganisms contaminated ranged from $10^{6}\;to\;10^{7}$ cells per gram in mesophilic total bacteria, which were composed of thermophilts and acid tolerant bacteria by over 90%. They were reduced by 3 to 4 log cycles with irradiation at 10 kGy. Gamma irradiation at 5 kGy could eliminate the microbial populations of yeasts and molds ($10^{2}\;to\;10^{3}$ cells per gram) and coliforms ($10^{6}\;to\;10^{6}$ cells per gram of natto condiments). However, total destruction of microorganisms in soybean-paste and natto condiments was shown to be possible at a dose-range more than 10 kGy. Irradiationup to 10 kGy was not detrimental to the physicochemical properties of the sample, such as pH. amino nitrogen, rancidity and color, even though some change was brought about in the content of sulfur-containing amino acids.

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A study of other backers' social group size and social presence on web-based crowdfunding platforms impacting participation intent (웹기반 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼에서 프로젝트 후원자 사회 집단 크기와 사회적 실재감이 소비자 참여의도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Shim, Woo Joo;Lee, Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2021
  • The web-based crowdfunding platform provides small-cap companies the opportunity to reduce financial risks and to reliably produce new products through pre-orders. Meanwhile, crowdfunding projects are also helping companies as a channel to test new products before mass production. Despite these advantages, from the point of view of businesses and consumers, it is true that web-based crowdfunding platforms have limitations in the retail environment. For example, the limited social elements of a web-based platform are somewhat in conflict with the basic characteristics of crowdfunding projects - which inevitably demand high social influences for the success. As such, understanding the mechanisms of social factors of crowdfunding platforms from the consumers' perspective is important. Therefore, in this study, we empirically tested the effect of social factors of crowdfunding platform on consumer participation and evaluation. Based on the Social Influence Theory and Social Presence Theory, we developed a conceptual framework where the social group size and social presence of other backers were the independent variables and the purchaser's intention to participate as the dependent variable. In the results, the size of the social group size and the perceived social presence have a significant positive effect on purchaser's participation intent. In addition, the social presence had a greater influence on the purchaser's intention to participate than the size of the sponsor's social group. We believe that our findings contribute to the extant literature by empirically demonstrating the valid effect of social factors of crowdfunding platforms on consumer evaluations.

The Role of Digital Knowledge Richness in Green Technology Adoption: A Digital Option Theory Perspective (그린기술 채택에의 디지털 지식풍부성의 역할: 디지털 옵션 이론 관점에서)

  • Yoo, Hosun;Lee, Namyeon;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.23-52
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    • 2015
  • Purpose This study aims to understand the role of digital knowledge in accepting the green technology. This study combined digital option theory with the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). Contrary to other studies in which the UTAUT2 is used to explain IT adoption behavior, we look at the relationship between IT and the UTAUT2 from a new angle, incorporating an important aspect of IT, that is, digitized knowledge richness, as a determinant of the UTAUT2. Design/methodology/approach Grounded in the UTAUT2, a content analysis was conducted to investigate novel constructs dedicated to explaining green technology adoption. In this study, an amended version of the UTAUT2 specific to green technology is offered that better explains the green technology adoption behavior of consumers. Using the items identified by content analysis, we developed a questionnaire with 36 survey items. We measured all the items on a seven-point Likert-type scale. We randomly selected 402 survey respondents from a set of panel data. After a pilot study, we analyzed the main survey data by using PLS 2.0M3 and SPSS 20.0, and employed structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. Findings The results suggest that the UTAUT2 was found to be extendable to technologies other than conventional IT. Social influence is more significant than conventional utilitarian and hedonic-based constructs such as those utilized in the UTAUT and UTAUT2 in explaining adoption behavior in the context of green technologies. The hypothesized connection between digitized knowledge richness and adoption intention was supported by the results of studies on the role of IT in formation of attitudes toward eco-friendly production. The results also indicate that digital knowledge can also encourage people to try green technology when they learn that their peers are already using the technology successfully.