• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제품에 대한 태도

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A Study on Dissolution Characteristic of Sea-Islands composite type Polyester Ultramicro-Nano Fiber (해도형 울트라마이크로-나노급 폴리에스테르 섬유의 용출 특성)

  • Jeong, Cheon-Hee;Min, Mun-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2011.03a
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    • pp.104-104
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    • 2011
  • 섬유가 가늘어지면 굽힘 강성이 저하되고 비표면적이 증가하는 등의 많은 특징을 발휘한다. 특히 폴리에스테르 극세사는 실크와 같은 외관, 유연한 태 등의 감각적으로 우수한 특성을 가지므로 제품의 태에 대한 질적 향상을 요구하는 소비자의 욕구와 맞아떨어져 다양한 용도로 전개되고 있다. 초극세 섬유를 제조하는 방법은 통상적으로 멜트블로운법, 플래쉬법, 전기방사법 그리고 해도형 복합방사법의 4가지로 분류된다. 그중 해도형 복합방사법은 가장 안정적인 방법으로 PET기준으로 0.01데니어 급까지 상용화가 되어 있다. 해도형 복합섬유의 개발에 있어서 중요한 것 중에 하나가 해성분 폴리머의 용출기술이다. 초극세화를 목적으로 해성분인 변성폴리에스테르를 제거시키기 위해서 실시되는 알칼리(NaOH)에 의한 감량공정은 그 처리조건에 따라서 초극세사로 잔존해야하는 도성분의 정규 폴리에스테르까지 손상시킬 수 있기 때문에 균일한 용출조건의 확립은 매우 중요하다. 그러나 초극세화가 진행될수록 알칼리가 필라멘트의 가운데 영역까지 균일하게 침투하기가 어려우며 감량된 도성분도 비표면적이 증가하기 때문에, 해성분의 균일한 용출 및 감량을 위한 안정적인 조건을 선정하기가 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 울트라마이크로-나노급(800nm) 해도형 폴리에스테르 섬유를 이용하여 해성분 용출공정에서 정규 폴리에스테르를 손상시킬 수 있는 알칼리 감량 조건을 완화시키면서 기존과 동일한 감량 효과를 얻을 수 있는 용출 공정을 확립하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 유기산을 이용한 전처리 조건 및 알칼리 감량공정에서 NaOH의 농도, 처리시간, 처리온도의 변화가 울트라마이크로-나노급 해도형 섬유의 용출에 미치는 영향에 대하여 검토하였다.

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Effects of beauty vloggers' parasocial interaction on Chinese consumers' attitudes toward vlogs and the products (뷰티 블로거에 대한 중국 소비자의 준사회적 상호작용이 동영상 태도와 제품 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nan, Meina;Park, Jee-Sun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.649-664
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    • 2018
  • With the rapid growth of the Chinese cosmetics market and the continuous introduction of new products into the market, beauty videos generated by other consumers, that are by beauty vloggers, have become a major source of information for cosmetics consumers. With the popularity of beauty vlogs in China, beauty vloggers have become influencers who affect consumers' information processing and attitude development regarding cosmetic products and beauty routines. The current study aims to explore the characteristics of beauty vloggers that affect consumers' attitudes toward both the beauty vlogs and the products featured in those vlogs. Based on parasocial interaction theory, the study examines whether perceived characteristics of beauty vloggers influence consumers' perceived parasocial interaction, which in turn influences their attitudes. The study employs an online survey, which was administered to female consumers in China. Data from a total of 372 responses was used for analysis. Findings show that the perceived similarities to and perceived trustworthiness of vloggers have a significant impact on parasocial interactions, which influences consumer attitudes toward both the vlogs and the products shown in them. Perceived reliability and perceived attractiveness are shown to have a positive impact on consumer attitudes toward vlogs. Perceived expertise, attractiveness, similarity, and trustworthiness have all been shown to affect product attitudes. These results show that while beauty vlogs have a significant impact on consumers' decision-making processes, the perceived characteristics of beauty vloggers themselves are important to consumers in the development of their attitudes toward both vlogs and products.

Factors affecting the VOD advertising in IPTV: Focus on Program and Ad location factors (IPTV VOD 광고효과에 영향을 미치는 요인: 프로그램과 게재위치 요인을 중심으로)

  • Yu, Seung-Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2016
  • This study was done to find out what is a factors affecting VOD advertising in IPTV. To this end, the location form of the Pre-play and program insert ad in IPTV was prepared to compare the test stimuli. And the experiment was conducted. The results were as follows. First, attention to ad and commitment of program had a significant impact on VOD advertising attitude. On the other hand, the program viewing satisfaction had no significant effect. Second, the attention to ads had a significant effect on the purchase intention on advertised products in VOD. Third, attitudes to ad and purchase intention between the Pre-Play and program insert ads positions, did not have a significant difference. Accordingly, it concludes that current Pre-play advertising strategy is effective. It is also expected to help establish a strategy that is able to effectively show VOD ads in IPTV to consumers in the future.

A Study of the Influence of Online Digital Character Experience on Offline Related Products Purchasing Intention -Focused on Kakao Friends O4O(Online for Offline) Product Portfolio (온라인 디지털 캐릭터 경험이 오프라인 연관상품 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -카카오프렌즈의 O4O(Online for Offline) 제품 포트폴리오를 중심으로)

  • Son, Jae-young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.296-304
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    • 2019
  • The Amazon Go was the catalyst of O4O era. O4O is an advanced business model from O2O, which is the integration of offline service to online, especially through smart phone network. We also find the O2O strategy of digital contents companies such as Kakao and Line. This study examined the relation between online character experience and offline purchasing intention on related character products. The SEM was designed on the former study that based on the theory of user experience and brand attitude. The result of this study shows that the users' online experience have influence on the purchasing intention of offline related products and there exist the mediating routes of satisfaction of user experience, brand preference and brand reliability. There are no statistical support to the relation between satisfaction of user experience and purchasing intention. These points illustrate what marketers better to focus on transmedia strategies.

The Effect of Chinese Consumers' Self-image Congruence, Advertising Appeal, and Involvement on Advertising Attitude towards Korean Cosmetics (중국 소비자들의 한국화장품에 대한 광고모델과 자아이미지와의 일치성, 광고소구, 제품관여도가 광고태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jia Qi;Dong Eun Choi;Hae Sook Kwon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.140-155
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    • 2023
  • This study was undertaken to observe the influence of the model image and self-image congruence of consumers in Korean cosmetic advertisements on the advertising attitude and analyze the relationship between self-image congruence and advertising demand type, participation, and advertising effect, and to help develop plans to more effectively communicate advertising images. The experimental design of this study was 2 (self-image congruence: consistency vs. inconsistency) × 2 (advertising appeal: rational appeal vs. emotional appeal) × 2 (involvement: high vs. low) three-way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the interrelationship between self-image congruence and advertising appeal type and involvement played an important role in determining the advertising attitude. More specifically, firstly, the self-image congruence of consumers in Korean cosmetic advertising affected the advertising attitude. Secondly, in the advertisements of Korean cosmetics, consumers preferred a rational advertising appeal to an emotional advertising appeal. Finally, statistical results showed significant differences in the influence of the interaction effect of the self-image congruence status of consumers and the advertising appeal on the attitude of advertising. The Korean cosmetic involvement of consumers had a significant impact on whether the Korean cosmetic advertising model image and consumer self-image were consistent with the type of advertising appeal and on the interaction effect of advertising attitude.

버섯을 이용한 젤리 제조 및 품질특성에 관한 연구

  • 정기태;주인옥;최정식;최영근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 2001.12a
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    • pp.130-130
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    • 2001
  • 버섯은 특유의 향과 풍미 뿐 아니라 단백질, 다당류, 비타민, 무기질 등을 고루 함유란 저칼로리 영양식품으로서 가치가 높고, 최근에는 생체방어, 항상성 유지, 질병의 회복뿐만 아니라 암, 뇌졸중, 심장병 등의 성인병에 대한 예방과 개선효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 기능성 식품소재로서 활용가치가 높아지고 있다. 그러나 버섯류는 대부분 생체 또는 건조품으로 소비되고 있으며 재배기술이 개선되어 점진적으로 생산량이 증가되나. 수요가 이를 따르지 못해 계절적 공급과잉으로 가격파동이 우려된다. 따라서 출하조절과 버섯 수요를 확대를 위하여 영지, 표고, 눈꽃동충하초 그리고 번데기동충하초를 이용한 버섯젤리의 제조와 제품의 색도, 물성 및 기호도를 조사 비교하였다. 버섯 젤리 제조를 위한 추출액의 적정혼합비율을 선발한 결과, 영지버섯 젤리는 버섯추출액 85%, 대추추출액 10%, 황기추출액 5%를 혼합했을 때, 표고버섯 젤리는 버섯추출액 80%, 대추추출액 10%, 감초추출액 5%, 오미자추출액 5%를 혼합했을 때, 눈꽃동충하초와 번데기동충하초 젤리는 버섯추출액 85%, 대추추출액 10%, 감초추출액 5%를 혼합했을 때 가장 우수하였다. 젤화제 종류별로 버섯 추출액에 대한 응고 효과는 모든 버섯에 대해 carrageenan이 가장 효과적이었다. 버섯 젤리의 색도는 carrageenan 첨가량에 따라 큰 차이가 없었고, hardness, gumminess, chewiness는 증가하는 경향이었다. 관능은 젤화가 완전히 이루어지면서 hardness가 낮은 carrageenan 0.6% 첨가가 가장 우수하였다.

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The Effect of Corporate Association of Sports Equipment Companies on Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty (스포츠용품 기업에 대한 소비자의 연상이 브랜드신뢰 및 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hur, Jin;Yu, Myung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of corporate association of sports equipment companies on brand trust, and brand loyalty. The subjects were college student and 400 data were collected and 385 of them were chosen as for final data analysis. Data analysis were conducted using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling with SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. Based on the above study method and procedures, the results of the study are summarized as follows: First, corporate ability association and corporate social responsibility association had a positive effect on brand trust. Second, brand trust had a positive effect on brand loyalty.

Performance verification and test for substation automation system (변전자동화 시스템 성능검증 및 실증시험)

  • Jang, B.T.;Choi, C.Y.;Kim, B.H.;Park, J.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07a
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    • pp.258-259
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    • 2006
  • 국내외적으로 전력산업분야의 가장 큰 화두중 하나는 변전소 단위의 디지털화이며 특히 국외에서는 국제표준 변전자동화 시스템 연구와 제품개발 등에 인력을 집중 투자하고 있다. 국제적으로 지금까지 축적된 변전소 관련 제반 기술력 및 경험 둥을 바탕으로 전 세계적으로 단일화시키고 표준화된 변전소 자동화 규격인 IEC 61850 (Communication networks and systems in substations) 규격이 제정되었으며 따라서 향후 전력 관련 기업은 시스템 엔지니어링 기술, 전력기기 공급능력, 유지/보수/운영기술 등을 종합적으로 보유하고 자산 및 위험관리를 종합적으로 제공할 수 있어야만 세계시장에서 생존할 수 있다. 또한 전력기기를 수출하는 국내업체는 향후 IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission) 등 국제표준에 따른 전력설비를 개발하지 않으면 수출경쟁력을 잃게 될 것이다. 이러한 세계화 추세에 발맞추어 한국전력공사와 관련 업체들은 공동으로 2005년 10월부터 6년의 기간으로 "디지털 기술기반의 변전소 자동화 시스템 개발" 사업을 진행 중에 있으며 특히 한국전력공사는 변전자동화 시스템의 성능검증 및 실증시험 절차를 구축하기 위한 과제를 수행 중이다.

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The Typicality of On-line Shopping Malls (전형성과 온라인 쇼핑몰 -결정요인과 쇼핑몰유형에 따른 차이를 중심으로-)

  • Cha, Tai-Hoon;Chae, Seung-Won
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.11
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2003
  • Typicality is usually defined as the degree to which an item is perceived to represent a category. Typicality has been a important subject in consumer behavior because it is related closely with brand preference, awareness and top of mind. The past studies about typicality have focused on brand and store in off-line environment. At the point of time internet shopping mall industry becomes mature, we can expect that most internet users are accustomed to it. So the study about typicality of internet shopping mall is timely. The antecedents and outcomes of typicality of internet shopping mall are mainly studied in this paper. Also, I investigated the influence of the type of internet shopping mall on typicality and the influence of typicality on preference and purchase intention. The followings are the results of this study. Firstly, frequency of exposure and attribute structure explained perceived typicality. Secondly, the type of internet shopping mall was found to be a moderator of the relationship between attribute structure and typicality. Thirdly, there is a positive correlation between typicality and preference. Finally, there is a positive correlation between typicality and purchase intention.

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Futuristic VR image presentation technique for better mobile commerce effectiveness (모바일 상거래 효과를 높이기 위한 미래형 VR 이미지 프레젠테이션 기술)

  • Park, Ji-seop
    • Trans-
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    • v.10
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    • pp.73-113
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    • 2021
  • Previous studies show that VR images can influence consumers' attitudes and behaviors by evoking imagination. In this study, we introduce a reality-based closed-loop 3D image (hereafter Virtualgraph). Then we try to see whether such image would increase evocativeness in a mobile commerce environment and whether higher telepresence of the visual image of a product can increase the purchase intention of that product. In order to find the above, we developed a model comprised of constructs containing telepresence, perceived value price, perceived food quality, and vividness of visual imagery questionnaire (VVIQ). We used Virtualgraph application to conduct an experiment, and then conducted an interview as well as a survey. As results of the experiment, survey and interview, we found the followings. First, users evoke imagination better with Virtualgraph than with still images. Second, increased evocativeness affects purchase intention if the perceived quality of fresh food product is satif actory. Third, increased evocativeness makes users value products higher and do even much higher when the perceived quality of fresh food product is good. From the interview, we could find that the experimental group had higher purchase intentions and perceived products as more expensive ones. Also, they perceived images of products clearer and more vivid than did the control group. We also discuss the strategic implications of using Virtualgraph in mobile shopping malls.