• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제내지

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Moral Education & Environmental Ethics in High School (고등학교 도덕 교육과 환경 윤리)

  • Hwang, Kwang-oog
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.155-182
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    • 2010
  • When we divide Environmental Ethics education into the elements of 'knowledge - emotion - behavior', we need to focus on 'knowledge' at high school level. In general Moral Education, 'knowledge - emotion - behavior' is a circular link, but as Environmental Ethics is a matter of 'consciousness', it is desirable to instruct with the process of 'knowledge>emotion, behavior'. Teaching 'Consciousness on Nature' is not recommended at elementary or middle school level because it demands higher inference. On the contrary, considering the reality in high school it is not recommended to teach the necessity and method of recycling or to go field trip to the polluted area. Rather, it is better to inform the students of Environmental Ethics' viewpoints and let them know the ways of moral judgments. The view of nature in Orientalism is well explained through the Environmental Ethics' viewpoint. To explain the view of nature in Orientalism we should concentrate on the theory, not on the attitude of life. And we should rather compare the viewpoints of nature in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism respectively than explain in Orientalism all together. That is, if we compare with the viewpoints of Environmental Ethics and explain similarities & differences in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, we can complement Environmental Ethics or present the third approach.

Estimating the Economic Impact of Technological Barrier to Trade between Korea and China (한·중 기술무역장벽의 경제적 효과 추정)

  • Ha, Tae-Jeong;Chon, Joo-Yong
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.469-493
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    • 2011
  • This paper attempts to examine the economic impact of technological barrier to trade(TBT) between Korea and China by using international input-output approach. With the tariff/quota reduced or eliminated since WTO's launch, the interest in TBT as a non-tariff barrier has been increased, and then there have so far been a large number of empirical studies on quantifying its effect in foreign. But still this area of study in Korea is limited in the literature survey. In encouraged in this situation, focusing on bilateral trade between Korea and China, which has been significantly increased in recent years, we have tried to estimates the impact of TBT on their output and employment. We use Asian International Input-Output Table(AIIO) for the year 2000 published by IDE-JETRO, and also use the estimated sectoral TBT provided by Ha et al.(2010). According to the result, there will be generated $3.63 billions values in outputs, and 18.1 millions persons in employments at most. And also we found that there is weak interdependence in sectoral and spatial linkage between two countries.

Depositional Environment and Formation Ages of Eurimji Lake Sediments in Jaechon City, Korea (제천 의림지 호저퇴적물 퇴적환경과 형성시기 고찰)

  • 김주용;양동윤;이진영;김정호;이상헌
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.7-31
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    • 2000
  • Quaternary Geological and geophysical investigation was performed at the Eurimji reservoir of Jaechon City in order to interprete depositional environment and genesis of lake sediments. For this purpose, echo sounding, bottom sampling and columnar sampling by drilling on board and GPR survey were employed for a proper field investigation. Laboratory tests cover grain size population analysis, pollen analysis and $^{14}C$ datings for the lake sediments. The some parts of lake bottom sediments anthropogenically tubated and filled several times to date, indicating several mounds on the bottom surface which is difficult to explain by bottom current. Majority of natural sediments were accumulated both as rolling and suspended loads during seasonal flooding regime, when flash flow and current flow are relatively strong not only at bridge area of the western part of Eurimji, connected to stream valley, but at the several conduit or sewage system surrounding the lake. Most of uniform suspend sediments are accumulated at the lake center and lower bank area. Some parts of bottom sediments indicate the existence of turbid flow and mudflow probably due to piezometric overflowing from the lake bottom, the existence of which are proved by CM patterns of the lake bottom sediments. The columnar samples of the lake sediments in ER-1 and ER-3-1 boreholes indicate good condition without any human tubation. The grain size character of borehole samples shows poorly sorted population, predominantly composed of fine sand and muds, varying skewness and kurtosis, which indicate multi-processed lake deposits, very similar to lake bottom sediments. Borehole columnar section, echo sounding and GPR survey profilings, as well as processed data, indicate that organic mud layers of Eurimji lake deposits are deeper and thicker towards lower bank area, especially west of profile line-9. In addition the columnar sediments indicate plant coverage of the Eurimji area were divided into two pollen zones. Arboreal pollen ( AP) is predominant in the lower pollen zone, whreas non-aboreal pollen(NAP) is rich in the upper pollen zone. Both of the pollen zones are related to the vegetation coverage frequently found in coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved trees(mixed forest) surrounded by mountains and hilly areas and prevailing by aquatic or aquatic margin under the wet temperate climate. The $^{14}C$ age of the dark gray organic muds, ER1-12 sample, is 950$\pm$40 years B.P. As the sediments are anthropogenetically undisturbed, it is assumed that the reliability of age is high. Three $^{14}C$ ages of the dark gray organic muds, including ER3-1-8, ER3-1-10, ER3-1-11 samples, are 600$\pm$30 years B.P., 650$\pm$30 years B.P., 800$\pm$40 years B.P. in the descending order of stratigraphic columnar section. Based on the interpretation of depositional environments and formation ages, it is proved that Eurimji reservoir were constructed at least 950$\pm$40 years B.P., the calibrated ages of which ranges from 827 years, B.P. to 866 years B.P. Ancient people utilize the natural environment of the stream valley to meet the need of water irrigation for agriculture in the local valley center and old alluvium fan area.

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The Effect on Aviation Industry by WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft and Policy Direction of Korea (WTO 민간항공기 교역 협정이 항공산업에 미치는 영향과 우리나라의 정책 방향)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.247-280
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    • 2020
  • For customs-free and liberalization on the trade of aircraft parts, the WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft was separately concluded as plurilateral trade agreement at the time of launching WTO in 1995, and currently 33 countries including the United States and the EU are acceded but Korea does not. Major details of the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft include product coverage, the elimination of customs duties and other charges, the prohibition of government-directed procurement of civil aircraft, the application of the Agreement on Subsides and Countervailing Measures, and the consultation on issues related to this Agreement and dispute resolution. Article 89 paragraph 6 of the current Customs Act was newly established on December 31, 2018, and the tariff reduction rate for imports of aircraft parts will be reduced in stages from May 2019 and the tariff reduction system will be abolished in 2026. Accordingly, looking at the impact of the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft on the aviation industry, first, as for the impact on the air transport industry, an tariff allotment of the domestic air transport industry is expected to reach about 160 billion won a year from 2026, and upon acceding to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, the domestic air transport industry will be able to import aircraft parts at no tariff, so it will not have to pay 3 to 8 percent import duties. Second, as for the impact on the aviation MRO industry, if the tariff reduction system for aircraft parts is phased out or abolished in stages, overseas outsourcing costs in the engine maintenance and parts maintenance are expected to increase, and upon acceding to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, the aviation MRO industry will be able to import aircraft parts at no tariff, so it will reduce overseas outsourcing costs. If the author proposes a policy direction for the trade liberalization of aircraft parts to ensure competitiveness of the aviation industry, first, as for the tariff reduction by the use of FTA, in order to be favored with the tariff reduction by the use of FTA, it is necessary to secure the certificate of origin from foreign traders in the United States and the EU, and to revise the provisions of Korea-Singapore and Korea-EU FTA. Second, as for the push of acceding to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, it would be resonable to push the acceding to Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft for customs-free on the trade of aircraft parts, as the tariff reduction method by the use of FTA has limits. Third, as for the improvement of the tariff reduction system for aircraft parts under the Customs Act, it is expected that there will take a considerable amount of time until the acceding to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, so separate improvement measures are needed to continue the tariff reduction system of aircraft parts under Article 89 paragraph 6 of the Customs Act. In conclusion, Korea should accede to the WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft to create an environment in which our aviation industry can compete fairly with foreign aviation industries and ensure competitiveness by achieving customs-free and liberalization on the trade of aircraft parts.

Metallogeny on Gold-Silver in South Korea (남한(南韓)의 금(金)·은광화작용(銀鑛化作用)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Won Jo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.243-264
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    • 1986
  • This work is a metallogeny on gold-silver deposits in South Korea based on the close examination of the author's own data and a broad review of existing literature available. The metallogenic epochs in Korea are temporarily connected with the history of tectonism and igneous activities, and are identified as the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Jurassic to early Cretaceous, late Cretaceous to early Tertiary, and Quaternary epochs, whereas the metallogenic provinces are spatially associated with some of the felsic to intermediate igneous rocks, lacking mineralization related to basic and ultrabasic rocks. The metallogeny on the gold-silver deposits is mostly related to the granitic rocks intrusives. Epigenetic gold-silver mineralization in South Korea ranges in metallogenic epochs from Precambrian through Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous to Eocene (?), in genetic types from hypothermal through mesothermal and epithermal quartz-sulfide veins to volcanogenic stockworks, with some disseminated types. Reporting on metallic association from gold without silver, gold-silver, silver-gold, silver without gold, and gold or silver as a by-product from other metallic ores. The most representative genetic types and metal associations of gold-silver deposits are hydrothermal quartz veins associated with the Daebo and Bulgugsa granitic magmatism. The most closely associated paragenetic metallic minerals in gold-silver hydrothermal quartz-sulfide vein type deposits are: copper, lead, zinc, pyrite and arsenopyrite. More than 560 gold-silver mines are plotted in the distribution map grouped within the 10 different metallogenic provinces of South Korea. Specific mineralizations with related mineral association in both sulfides and gangues observed selected from 18 Korean and 8 Japanese Au-Ag deposits. The 7 selected individual gold-silver mines representing specific mineralization types are described in this report.

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Geology and U-Pb Age in the Eastern Part of Yeongdeok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea (경북 영덕군 동부 일원의 지질과 U-Pb 연령)

  • Kang, Hee-Cheol;Cheon, Youngbeom;Ha, Sangmin;Seo, Kyunghan;Kim, Jong-Sun;Shin, Hyeon Cho;Son, Moon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2018
  • This study focuses on the investigation of geologic distribution and stratigraphy in the eastern part of Yeongdeok-gun, based on Lidar imaging, detailed field survey, microscopic observations, SHRIMP and LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb age dating, and a new geological map has been created. The stratigraphy of the study area is composed of the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks consisting of banded gneisses of sedimentary origin and schists ($1841.5{\pm}9.6Ma$) of volcanic origin, Triassic Yeongdeok plutonic rocks ($249.1{\pm}2.3Ma$) and Pinkish granites ($242.4{\pm}2.4Ma$), Jurassic Changpo plutonic rocks ($193.2{\pm}1.9Ma{\sim}188.8{\pm}2.0Ma$) and Fine-grained granites ($192.9{\pm}1.7Ma$), Formations [Gyeongjeongdong Fm, Ullyeonsan Fm. (~108 Ma), Donghwachi Fm.] of the Early Cretaceous Gyeongsang Supergroup and acidic volcanic rocks and dykes erupted and intruded in the Late Cretaceous, Miocene intrusive rhyolitic tuffs ($23.1{\pm}0.2Ma{\sim}22.97{\pm}0.13Ma$) and sedimentary rocks of the Yeonghae basin, and the Quaternary sediments. The Triassic Pinkish granites, Jurassic Changpo plutonic rocks and Fine-grained granites are newly defined plutonic rocks in this study. Miocene intrusive rhyolitic tuffs bounded by the Yangsan Fault, which was first discovered in the north of Pohang city, are believed to play an important role in the understanding of the Miocene volcanic activity and the crustal deformation history on the Korean Peninsula. It is confirmed that The NNE-SSW-striking Yangsan Fault penetrating the central part of the study area and branch faults are predominant in the dextral movement and cutting all strata except the Quaternary sediments.

Symbiotic effectiveness and intrinsic antibiotic resistance of Rhizobium meliloti populated in Korean pasture soils (국내(國內) 초지토양(草地土壤)에 분포(分布)한 Rhizobium meliloti의 질소고정력(窒素固定力)과 항균제반응(抗菌劑反應) 특성(特性))

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Ha, Ho-Sung;Jung, Yeun-Tae
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 1992
  • Rhizobium meliloti populated in five Korean pasture soils were characterized by symbiotic effectiveness and intrinsic antibiotic resistance using whole-soil inoculum and 11 antibiotics, respectively. Most probable number (MPN) of naturalized rhizobia counted with alfalfa Vernal[Medicago sativa (L.)] as a host ranged $1.7{\times}10^2\;cells/g$. soil(Chunghyo, Kyeongiu)-$1.0{\times}10^5\;cells/g$. soil(Gampo, Kyeongiu) and ended to be positively associated with soil pH. On the whole, the effectiveness of population as compared to TAL mix inoculum (TAL 380+TAL 1372+TAL 1373) was very low. Nevertheless, there were two highly effective strains, YCK 539 and YCK 542, which were not inferior to TAL 1372, from Ogpo, Dalseong among the total of 30 of 6 isolates per each soil. As long as mean $N_2$ fixing ability of each soil isolate, the isolates from Hyeongog, Kyeonju were outstanding and the rest were in order of Ogpo, Dalseong>Chunghyo, Kyeongju>Hwaweon, Dalseong>Gampo, Kyeongiu. Isolates as a whole were resistant to erythromycin(67崙), nalidixic acid(77%), and streptomycin sulfate(8051), which had the concentration of $100\;{\mu}g/ml$, $160\;{\mu}g/ml$, and $10\;{\mu}g/ml$, respectively and divided into 14 patterns of resistance. Association between resistances in each soil was not clear. And there was no relationship of resistance pattern to effectiveness. The best effective strain YCKa 542 exclusively fell into No. X pattern having resistance to erythromycin, nalidixic acid, and neomycin sulfate.

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Clinical Features of Sulfite-Sensitive Asthmatics (설파이트(Sulfite) 과민성 천식 환자의 임상적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Young-Soo;Baik, Su-Hum;Park, Hae-Sim;Rhu, Nam-Soo;Cho, Dong-Ill;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 1992
  • Background:Sulfiting agents are widely used as preservatives and antioxidants in foods, beverages and drugs including bronchodilators. There have been reports of sulfite-related reactions such as anaphylaxis, urticaria, angioedema, abdominal discomfortness as well as bronchospasm. Several investigators reported that sulfite-sensitive asthmatic patients comprised from 3.9% to 8.2% of all asthmatic patients and its prevalence was higher in steroid-dependent group than in steroid-independent group. Subjects and Method:We performed oral provocation test with sodium bisulfite and aspirin in 17 asthmatic patients who have experienced aggravation of their symptoms after administration of drugs or foods. All of them were steroid dependent asthmatics. We observed clinical symptoms and steroid requirements from 1 to 18 months. Result:Ten of them showed severe bronchoconstriction after the ingestion of sodium bisulfite (50 to 200 mg) within 30 minutes. Concurrent aspirin intolerance was noted by oral provocation test in four cases (40%). Three of them showed positive responses on skin prick test with sulfite (10 or 100 mg/ml). Mean total eosinophil counts was $844/mm^3$ at asthmatic attack. And there was no significant responses on skin prick test and IgE-RAST to common inhalant allergens. After complete avoidance from sulfite containing foods and drugs as well as antiasthmatic medication for 1 to 18 months, nine of them (90%) could stop or reduce the steroid requirements. ConcIusion:It was suggested that severe steroid dependent and intrinsic type of asthmatic patients should be evaluated for sulfite-sensitivity.

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Characteristics and Stratigraphic Implications of Granitic Rock Fragments in the Pyroclastic Rocks, SE Jinhae, Korea (진해시 남동부 화성쇄설암 내 화강암편의 특징과 층서적 의미)

  • Cho, Hyeong-Seong;Kim, Jong-Sun;Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Jeong, Jong-Ok;Son, Moon;Kim, In-Soo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.116-128
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    • 2007
  • Detailed geological mapping, petrographic study, analyses of geochemistry and magnetic susceptibility, and K-Ar dating were carried out in order to determine the origin, age, and stratigraphic implications of granitic rock fragments in the pyroclastic rocks, SE Jinhae city, southern part of the Gyeongsang Basin. As a result, it was found that the area is composed of volcanics and tuffaceous sediments of the Yucheon Group, Bulguksa granites, pyroclastics bearing granitic rock fragments, $basalt{\sim}basaltic$ andesite, and rhyolite in ascending stratigraphic order. The granitic rock fragments in the pyroclastic rocks are divided into granodiorite and biotite granite, which have approximately the same characteristics as the granodiorite and the biotite granite of the Bulguksa granites, respectively, in and around the study area including color, grain size, mineral composition, texture (perthitic and micrographic textures), intensity of magnetic susceptibility (magnetite series), and geochemical features (calc-alkaline series and REE pattern). This leads to the conclusion that the rock fragments originated from the late Cretaceous Bulguksa granites abundantly distributed in and around the study area, but not from the basement rocks of the Yeongnam massif or the Jurassic granites. Based on relative and absolute ages of various rocks in the study area, the pyroclastics bearing granitic rock fragments are interpreted to have erupted between 52 and 16 Ma, i.e. during the Eocene and early Miocene. These results indicate that the various volcanisms, acidic to basic in composition, occurred after the intrusion of the Bulguksa granites, contrary to the general stratigraphy of the Gyeongsang Basin. Very detailed and cautious mapping together with relative and absolute age determinations are, thus, necessary in order to establish reliable stratigraphy of the Yucheon Group in other areas of the Gyeongsang Basin.

A Study on the Concept and Protection System for the Geographical Indication (지리적 표시제도의 의의 및 보호체제 연구)

  • Go, Yong-Bu
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2007
  • This study reviews the concept and protection system for the geographical Indication(GI) to support the Korea-EU FTA. A geographical indication(GI) is a name or sign used on certain products or which corresponds to a specific geographical indication or origin (eg. a town, region, or country). The use of a GI may act as a certification that the product possesses certain qualities, or enjoys a certain reputation, due to its geographical origin. In the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual property Rights("TRIPS"). There are, in effect, two basic obligations from Article 22 to article 23 on WTO member governments relating to GIs in the TRIPS agreement. Geographical Indications have long been associated with Europe as an entity, where there is a tradition of associating certain food products with particular regions, Under European Union Law, the protected designation of origin system which came into effect in 1992 and 2003 regulates the following geographical indications: Protected designation of origin(PDO) and protected geographical indication(PGI) and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed(TSG). They have 5,000 articles for GI. We have the GI system and 40 articles rotating to registration by the law for quality management of production in agriculture. Cinclusinally, geographical indications could potentially serve as tools to helf holders of trade benefit more equitable through the mutual Acceptance for Korea-EU FTA.

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