• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정점선택

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Automatic Anticipation Generation for 3D Facial Animation (3차원 얼굴 표정 애니메이션을 위한 기대효과의 자동 생성)

  • Choi Jung-Ju;Kim Dong-Sun;Lee In-Kwon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2005
  • According to traditional 2D animation techniques, anticipation makes an animation much convincing and expressive. We present an automatic method for inserting anticipation effects to an existing facial animation. Our approach assumes that an anticipatory facial expression can be found within an existing facial animation if it is long enough. Vertices of the face model are classified into a set of components using principal components analysis directly from a given hey-framed and/or motion -captured facial animation data. The vortices in a single component will have similar directions of motion in the animation. For each component, the animation is examined to find an anticipation effect for the given facial expression. One of those anticipation effects is selected as the best anticipation effect, which preserves the topology of the face model. The best anticipation effect is automatically blended with the original facial animation while preserving the continuity and the entire duration of the animation. We show experimental results for given motion-captured and key-framed facial animations. This paper deals with a part of broad subject an application of the principles of traditional 2D animation techniques to 3D animation. We show how to incorporate anticipation into 3D facial animation. Animators can produce 3D facial animation with anticipation simply by selecting the facial expression in the animation.

Dynamics of Turbid Water in a Korean Resernvoir with Selective Withdrawal Discharges (선택 취수하는 저수지에서 탁수의 동태)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Jeong, Seon-A;Choi, Il-Hwan;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.37 no.4 s.109
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2004
  • This study intended to understand movements of turbid water in selective with drawal reservoirs before and after summer monsoon. Mean rainfall during November-May was low, compared to that during June-October. The reservoir water was discharged through watergates when previous rainfall and inflow exceeded 50 mm and $80\;m^3s^{-1}$, respectively. Intake towers were generally used except for the period of the high runoff. Average turbidity in gown-reservoir showed a difference of 29.9 NTU between premonsoon and postmonsoon. Diameter of particles of turbid water ranged between 0.435 and $482.9\;{\mu}m$. Fine particles such as clay were much denser than the larger particle. In the whole stations, clay component was relatively higher with a proportion of that in the particle distribution. Particle composition of turbid water showed that clay consisted of 94.4-98.9% and silt made of 1.1-5.6%. Analysis on turbid water movements derived from particle distribution showed a linear increase from the deep layer toward the surface layer in lower area of a reservoir. This was closely related with the hydraulic behavior of the reservoir, and heavily affected by the discharges through selective withdrawal towers and watergates. Turbid water originated from stream sediments in the middle area then resuspended in the down-reservoir causing a movement between the surface and middle layers of the reservoir. Therefore, such phenomenon needs to be understood for reservoir water quality management.

The Selection of Appropriate Sampler for the Assessment of Macrobenthos Community in Saemangeum, the West Coast of Korea (새만금 외해역에서 대형 저서동물 군집 조사를 위한 적정 채집기의 선택)

  • 유재원;김창수;박미라;이형곤;이재학;홍재상
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2003
  • To select an appropriate sampler for the environmental monitoring survey in coastal waters of Saemangeum, Jeollabuk-do, a macrobenthic sampling was conducted in April 2002. Employed samplers were dredge (type Charcot), a semi-quantitative sampler and Smith-McIntyre (SM) and van Veen grab (VV) as quantitative ones. One haul was tried for dredge and 3 replicates (0.1 ㎡${\times}$3) for SM and W at each of 11 stations. Comparisons of sediment volume in sampler bucket and of precision of biological parameters (i.e., density, biomass, species number and diversity index, H') were made between SM and VV. Sediment volume was significantly different (SM > VV) at p-value of 0.0050 (paired t-test) and, in average, 3 replicate samples of SM and VV satisfied a precision level of 0.2 by applying 4th root transformation. Patterns of observed and expected species numbers and H' were compared. Dredge-VV samples showed higher affinity than any other pair. Several dominant species in the area were underestimated in dredge samples (e.g., polychaete Heteromastus filiformis. Aricidea assimilis etc.). Quantifying the agreement pattern of multi-species responses was accomplished by estimating correlations between similarity matrices. Correlation between dredge and VV was slightly higher, but near-per-fect matches were found in general. Different ranks and composition among principal species lists were presumably linked to the effect of penetration depth that differs among samplers. Lower level of some species' abundance in VV samples (ca. 50% compared with those of SM) was explained in this context. It seem appropriate to regard the effect as a probable cause of relatively higher correlations in dredge-VV, Overall bio-logica1 features indicated that a better choice could be SM in situations of requiring high data quality. The others work well, however, on observing and defining faunal characteristics and their capability cannot be questionted if we do not expect a first-order quality.

Approximate Top-k Subgraph Matching Scheme Considering Data Reuse in Large Graph Stream Environments (대용량 그래프 스트림 환경에서 데이터 재사용을 고려한 근사 Top-k 서브 그래프 매칭 기법)

  • Choi, Do-Jin;Bok, Kyoung-Soo;Yoo, Jae-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2020
  • With the development of social network services, graph structures have been utilized to represent relationships among objects in various applications. Recently, a demand of subgraph matching in real-time graph streams has been increased. Therefore, an efficient approximate Top-k subgraph matching scheme for low latency in real-time graph streams is required. In this paper, we propose an approximate Top-k subgraph matching scheme considering data reuse in graph stream environments. The proposed scheme utilizes the distributed stream processing platform, called Storm to handle a large amount of stream data. We also utilize an existing data reuse scheme to decrease stream processing costs. We propose a distance based summary indexing technique to generate Top-k subgraph matching results. The proposed summary indexing technique costs very low since it only stores distances among vertices that are selected in advance. Finally, we provide k subgraph matching results to users by performing an approximate Top-k matching on the summary indexing. In order to show the superiority of the proposed scheme, we conduct various performance evaluations in diverse real world datasets.

Computer Aided Design of the Fore and After Body of Fishing Vessel by Using B-Spline (B-Spline을 이용한 어선의 선수미부 초기 선형 설계)

  • Kim, Dong-Jun;Hong, Bong-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 1991
  • The present paper describes a preliminary design method by using the computer graphics for creation of the fore and after body profiles of fishing vessel. It is well known that the Form Parameter design method has some merits at an early stage of design, and the B-spline curve generation technique has some prior properties in representing hull form with the computer graphic. The B-spline curve generation technique combined with the form parameter design method is employed to generate the profiles of fishing vessel. For fore body the stem profiles with bulbous bulb or without one are considered. And for after body the stern profiles of cruiser type and the transom type are generated with stern bulb or with shoe piece. Several examples will shown.

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Integrity Assessment Models for Bridge Structures Using Fuzzy Decision-Making (퍼지의사결정을 이용한 교량 구조물의 건전성평가 모델)

  • 안영기;김성칠
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1022-1031
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents efficient models for bridge structures using CART-ANFIS (classification and regression tree-adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system). A fuzzy decision tree partitions the input space of a data set into mutually exclusive regions, each region is assigned a label, a value, or an action to characterize its data points. Fuzzy decision trees used for classification problems are often called fuzzy classification trees, and each terminal node contains a label that indicates the predicted class of a given feature vector. In the same vein, decision trees used for regression problems are often called fuzzy regression trees, and the terminal node labels may be constants or equations that specify the predicted output value of a given input vector. Note that CART can select relevant inputs and do tree partitioning of the input space, while ANFIS refines the regression and makes it continuous and smooth everywhere. Thus it can be seen that CART and ANFIS are complementary and their combination constitutes a solid approach to fuzzy modeling.

Comparison and Evaluation of Root Mean Square for Parameter Settings of Spatial Interpolation Method (공간보간법의 매개변수 설정에 따른 평균제곱근 비교 및 평가)

  • Lee, Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the prediction errors of various spatial interpolation methods used to model values at unmeasured locations was compared and the accuracy of these predictions was evaluated. The root mean square (RMS) was calculated by processing different parameters associated with spatial interpolation by using techniques such as inverse distance weighting, kriging, local polynomial interpolation and radial basis function to known elevation data of the east coastal area under the same condition. As a result, a circular model of simple kriging reached the smallest RMS value. Prediction map using the multiquadric method of a radial basis function was coincident with the spatial distribution obtained by constructing a triangulated irregular network of the study area through the raster mathematics. In addition, better interpolation results can be obtained by setting the optimal power value provided under the selected condition.

The Algorithm of Efficient Core Selection Estimation for the Multicast Delay Variation Problem and Minimum Delay Variation (멀티캐스트 지연변이 문제에 대한 효율적인 코어 선택 추정 알고리즘)

  • Ahn, Youn-Gjin;Kim, Moon-Seong;Choo, Hyun-Seung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2007
  • With the development of the multicast technology, the realtime strategy among the group applications using the multicast routing is getting more important. An essential factor of these real-time application is to optimize the Delay- and delay Variation-Bounded Multicast Tree(DVBMT) problem. This problem is to satisfy the minimum delay variation and the end-to-end delay within an upper bound. The DVBMT problem is known as NP-complete problem. The representative algorithms for the problem are DVMA, DDVCA, and so on. In this paper, we show that the proposed algorithm outperforms any other algorithm. The efficiency of our algorithm is verified through the prerformance evaluation and the enhancement is up to about 9% to 29% in terms of the multicast delay variation. The time complexity of our algorithm is $O(mn^2)$M.

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A Study on Water Uptake Behavior and Properties of Pervaporation PVA Membrane (투과증발 PVA 분리막의 물 흡수 거동 및 물성 연구)

  • 김광제;박인준;김동권;이수복
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 1995
  • Asymmetric poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) membranes were prepared by varying the precipitation conditions of the phase inversion technique, and the influences of precipitation conditions on the water uptake of the membrane were investigate. The degree of water uptake of the membrane increased and reached a certain maximum value, as the precipitation time increased. However, it decreded after that. As the precipition temperauure became lower, the degree of water uptake increased more or less. The addition of a nonionic surfactant to the precipitaon solution was effective reducing the precipitation time by lowering the surface tension of the precipitation solution, but ig didn't change the maximum value of its own degree of water uptake. In addition, the relationship between the degree of water uptake and the separation characteristics and mechanical properies of the membrane were investigated. The selectivity factor of the membrane for pervaperation separation decreased, but the permeate flux increased, respectively, with increasing the degree of water uptake. The tensile strength and elongation of the membrane, respectively, increased to a maximum value with increasing the degree of water uptake, and then decreased abtuptly.

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Representation and Implementation of Graph Algorithms based on Relational Database (관계형 데이타베이스에 기반한 그래프 알고리즘의 표현과 구현)

  • Park, Hyu-Chan
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2002
  • Graphs have provided a powerful methodology to solve a lot of real-world problems, and therefore there have been many proposals on the graph representations and algorithms. But, because most of them considered only memory-based graphs, there are still difficulties to apply them to large-scale problems. To cope with the difficulties, this paper proposes a graph representation and graph algorithms based on the well-developed relational database theory. Graphs are represented in the form of relations which can be visualized as relational tables. Each vertex and edge of a graph is represented as a tuple in the tables. Graph algorithms are also defined in terms of relational algebraic operations such as projection, selection, and join. They can be implemented with the database language such as SQL. We also developed a library of basic graph operations for the management of graphs and the development of graph applications. This database approach provides an efficient methodology to deal with very large- scale graphs, and the graph library supports the development of graph applications. Furthermore, it has many advantages such as the concurrent graph sharing among users by virtue of the capability of database.