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Habitat Characteristics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates at a Headwater Stream in the Yeonyeopsan (Mt.) (연엽산 산지계류에 있어서 저서성 대형무척추동물의 서식특성)

  • Jang, Su-Jin;Nam, Sooyoun;Kim, Suk-Woo;Koo, Hyo-Bin;Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Lee, Youn-Tae;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.334-344
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    • 2020
  • A total of 24 families, 44 species, and 658 benthic macroinvertebrates were identified, and Ecdyonurus dracon Kluge (13%) was the dominant species in forested streams within the Yeonyeopsan (Mt.). A total of four habit categories (i.e., clingers (56%), burrowers (19%), swimmers (14%), and sprawlers (56%)) were identified, and clingers were the dominant habit at all survey points except point one (UP1). Habitat characteristics were depended on the hydraulic factors (e.g., flow velocity, depth, and substrates), water quality (e.g., DO and water temperature), and the habitat characteristics were differed in the riffle, which has a faster the flow velocity, compared by in the stagnant pool. In other words, in riffles, the clingers dominated in high flow velocity with the large maximum and median grain size for substrates in the habitats regardless of depth, but the burrowers and sprawlers were dominant in low flow velocity with the small maximum and median grain size for substrates in the habitats. Moreover, DO and flow velocity were in positive correlation (y = 0.6666x - 0.659, R2 = 0.0851), and the habitat for burrowers was wider than that for sprawlers or clingers. The water depth was negatively correlated with water temperature (y = -26.397x + 283.87, R2 = 0.1802) since the water temperature is more sensitive to insolation in shallow depth. pH was positively correlated with water temperature. The investigation of the habitat characteristics by separating the relations between pH and DO in upstream and downstream showed the low pH and high DO in the upstream with a high crown density of 68%, regardless of community composition. On the other hand, high pH and low DO in the downstream with a relatively low crown density of 51%. It was considered that the riparian forest played a role in suppressing the growth of attached algae and the controlling water temperature in headwater streams. Our findings identified the habitat characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in a headwater stream. We expected that the finding can provide reference data for suggesting conservation and management plans in a headwater stream and increasing academic value.

The Types and Evolution of Swivel Guns during the Joseon Dynasty(16th~19th) Based on Existing Artifacts (현존 유물을 중심으로 본 16~19세기 조선 선회포(旋回砲)의 종류와 변천과정)

  • KIM Myunghoon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.26-50
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to illuminate Joseon-era swivel guns using existing artifacts to explore their types and evolutionary processes. Swivel guns, referred to as bulang-kipo (佛郞機砲) in Korean, encompass various firearms such as bullanggi (佛郞機) and byeolhwangja-chongtong (別黃字銃筒). It is a firearm that differs significantly in structure and operation from traditional large-scale weapons such as cheonja-chongtong (天字銃筒). However, there have been no comprehensive studies applying the concept of swivel guns until now. To address this gap, the characteristics of swivel guns from the Joseon era were examined. It is defined as an artillery piece capable of moving vertically and horizontally. The characteristics of Joseon-era swivel guns were examined by selecting 26 specimens housed in 12 national and provincial museums across the country. These swivel guns were classified into five categories, and their attributes were scrutinized. Subsequently, by integrating various records, the study estimated the operational methods and locations of use of swivel guns and elucidated their changes and developmental trends. As a result, it was confirmed that the swiveling cannon of the Joseon era was widely used in field battles, sieges, defense, and naval operations. This preference can be attributed to their advantages in relatively low production and operational costs, as well as ease of use, in line with the nation's defensive strategies focused on fortification. In particular, their nature as scatter guns enhanced these advantages. Before the outbreak of the Imjin War, swivel guns were developed in conjunction with seungja-chongtong type cannon and carriages. However, post-Imjin War, bullanggi and baekjachong were produced and used. Swivel guns produced after the 1660s transitioned from type A gun carriages to type B with the addition of iron reinforcement to cannon carriages. This form persisted until the 19th century. In the 19th century, swivel guns made of cast or wrought iron emerged featuring large cylindrical gun muzzles, possibly coupled with gun carriages. Notably, bullanggi No. 5 produced at Unhyeongung (雲峴宮) Palace might have been intended for use not as a gun but as an accessory, such as for carrying or being mounted alongside other cannons.

Investigating the Cognitive Process of a Student's Modeling on a Modeling-Emphasized Argument-Based General Chemistry Experiment (모델링을 강조한 논의 기반 일반화학실험에서 학생들의 모델링에 대한 인지과정 탐색)

  • Lee, Dongwon;Cho, Hey Sook;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.313-323
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the cognitive process of student's modeling on a modeling-emphasized argument-based general chemistry experiment. The participants were twenty-one freshman students. Six topics were carried out during the first semester and semi-structured interview was implemented at the end of the semester. Semi-structured interview questions were used to elicit elements of effective model, modeling strategies, difficulties that students have experienced during modeling, and resolving the difficulties that students have experienced during modeling. All student interview data were collected and transcribed. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Elements of effective model were considered to be visual expression, persuasive explanation, and rhetorical structure. (2) Modeling strategies included arranging important keywords or writing the outline, and during the modeling process, students used various data, suggested data after reconstructing, suggested definitions and explanations of core concepts, used meta-cognition, and considering rhetorical structure. (3) Difficulties students have experienced during modeling could be categorized as lack of modeling strategy and understanding. (4) Resolving difficulties students have experienced during modeling could be categorized as modeling strategy and understanding. Students learn the strategy by feedback, modeling experience, evaluation of experimental report, models which they constructed previously and references, and the understanding of contents were achieved through arguments which occurred during classes and during the process of writing the experimental reports. These results suggest that when using modeling in teaching and learning, the argument-based learning strategy can be effective in enhancing students' modeling by helping them to understand meta-modeling with scientific concepts.

The Implication and Issues of Landscape Design Education through National Exhibition of Korean Landscape Architecture (대한민국환경조경대전을 통해 본 조경 설계 교육의 쟁점과 시사점)

  • Choi, Jung-Mean;Yun, Su-jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.108-121
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the issues and implications for landscape design education in Korean landscape architecture by analyzing the National Exhibition of Korean Landscape Architecture(NEKLA). This study analyzed the suggested topics and selected site as well as the commentary that appeared in the NEKLA's award-winning book published from 2004 to 2014. Results of the study are as follows: First, topics of NEKLA are not only competition guidelines but related to exploring new area and role of Korean landscape architecture. Second, most dealing with site is 'industrial heritage and regeneration space' and 'green infrastructure'. In more recent years, a larger variety of sites were addressed. Third, site locations are concentrated in metropolitan areas, and awards and participation of the non-metropolitan universities was very low. Fourth, seven criteria can be applied in a general landscape design competition such as 'newness of the concept(idea)', 'logicality of the design process', 'selection of site fidelity of analysis(interpretation)', 'presentation and completion of the master plan', 'consistency with the theme', 'linkage of concepts and results' and 'feasibility'. The evaluation criteria are increasing the sophistication of the design language to provide useful suggestions on how to find design education methods. Its implications are as follows: First, training is essential to derive innovative ideas, but it should avoid excessive concept-oriented education. Second, design education may include instruction on how to define the problems related with the site. Third, more emphasis on design logic is essential to transform the innovative concept to actual results. Fourth, 'slick images' unrelated to design should be suppressed. Fifth, practice is needed to solve the topics addressed in the design process of education. Sixth, 'feasibility' and 'creative thinking' are necessary to recognize a reciprocal relationship that is helpful to one another. This study uses direct quote commentary to minimize the subjectivity of the researcher and to trace issues of the contemporary landscape architecture more directly and vividly. This study is a record waiting for another review as meta-criticism. In this regard this study, the landscape architect of the next times will have a mean that historical records to review the current thinking of the landscape theory and design.

Comparison of Yield, Physico-chemical and Sensory Characteristics for Chicken Surimi Manufactured by Alkaline Adjustment with Different Raw Materials (원료육 종류에 따라 알칼리 조절법으로 제조한 계육 수리미의 수율, 이화학적 및 관능적 특성 비교)

  • Jin, Sang-Keun;Kim, Il-Suk;Kim, Dong-Hoon;Jeong, Ki-Jong;Choi, Yeung-Joon
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to compare of yield, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics for chicken surimi manufactured by alkaline (pH 11) adjustment with different raw materials. Four experimental groups were surimi with chicken breast (T1) and chicken leg (T2) by spent hen, SF-MDCM (T3) and JY-MDCM (T4). Yield was higher in order of T1>T2>T3>T4 (p<0.05). The yield, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of T1 were significantly higher than those of other treatments. Especially, L and W value, shear force, textural properties, folding test, breaking force, gel strength, breaking force×deformation, flavor, color and overall acceptability were higher in T1 but ar value, cooking loss, collagen and myoglobin content of T1 were lower than those of other treatments (p<0.05). Deformation, aroma, juiciness, tenderness were higher but met-myoglobin and yield of T4 were lower than those of T2 and T3 (p<0.05). Crude fat cooking loss and met-myoglobin content were higher in T2 but b value, brittleness, hardness, gumminess, chewiness, folding test, breaking force×deformation and aroma of T2 were lower than those of other treatments (p<0.05). pH, collagen and moisture content and br value were higher but crude protein, folding test, L and W value, cohesiveness, tenderness of T3 were lower than those of other treatmene (p<0.05). Correlation coefficients (r>0.8) between folding test and other items was positive in crude protein L value, shear force and cohesiveness but negative in moisture content (p<0.05).

Strategies about Optimal Measurement Matrix of Environment Factors Inside Plastic Greenhouse (플라스틱온실 내부 환경 인자 다중센서 설치 위치 최적화 전략)

  • Lee, JungKyu;Kang, DongHyun;Oh, SangHoon;Lee, DongHoon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2020
  • There is systematic spatial variations in environmental properties due to sensitive reaction to external conditions at plastic greenhouse occupied 99.2% of domestic agricultural facilities. In order to construct 3 dimensional distribution of temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and illuminance, measurement matrix as 3 by 3 by 5 in direction of width, height and length, respectively, dividing indoor space of greenhouse was designed and tested at experimental site. Linear regression analysis was conducted to evaluate optimal estimation method in terms with horizontal and vertical variations. Even though sole measurement point for temperature and relative humidity could be feasible to assess indoor condition, multiple measurement matrix is inevitably required to improve spatial precision at certain time domain such as period of sunrise and sunset. In case with CO2, multiple measurement matrix could not successfully improve the spatial predictability during a whole experimental period. In case with illuminance, prediction performance was getting smaller after a time period of sunrise due to systematic interference such as indoor structure. Thus, multiple sensing methodology was proposed in direction of length at higher height than growing bed, which could compensate estimation error in spatial domain. Appropriate measurement matrix could be constructed considering the transition of stability in indoor environmental properties due to external variations. As a result, optimal measurement matrix should be carefully designed considering flexibility of construction relevant with the type of property, indoor structure, the purpose of crop and the period of growth. For an instance, partial cooling and heating system to save a consumption of energy supplement could be successfully accomplished by the deployment of multiple measurement matrix.

A Study on Experimental Construction of Community Garden - A Case Study on Rooftop of SAHA Disabled Welfare House - (커뮤니티 가든 조성을 위한 실험 연구 - 사하 장애인복지관 옥상을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Cha, Min-Jun;Yoo, yeon-seo;Cho, Ji-Young;Kim, Yoon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2012
  • In this study, Community Garden of various national and international practices trends to an advanced research, the concept of community garden participated with a group operation out of initiative to produce safety food while securing space for the community, ensuring the area that has gone through a new form of active secure urban green space plan, urban renewal movement was defined as the mean. Furthermore, for the purpose of improving the poor welfare environment by attempting to experimentally make a community garden of a disabled welfare house rooftop and how to target its planning and construction process, partnership involvement, business processes have been investigated, such as cost sharing. The whole process including a budget for development of this case was conducted by the Busan Green Trust. Standard Chartered (SC) First Bank's 50% fund share by community chest, participation of volunteers, support of Busan City and Saba-gu, outside of that, sharing parts or trial to participate by diverse partnership of enterprise, public corporation and laboratory, these are the key in developing community garden's model. Established community garden places resulted food production to users of welfare center for the disabled, participating urban agricultural experience program, horticultural therapy, complex community chapter and cultural center. Furthermore, we could find the meaning of rooftop community garden in the point that it is a low cost garden by applying movable and unmovable planters. This study is profitable for improving urban environment, ensuring community chapter and urban green areas, regenerating a city to develop experimental community garden model by using a welfare house rooftop.

A Study on Setup for Preliminary Decision Criterion of Continuum Rock Mass Slope with Fair to Good Rating (양호한 연속체 암반사면의 예비 판정기준 설정 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Min;Lee, Su-gon;Lee, Byok-Kyu;Woo, Jae-Gyung
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2019
  • It can be observed that steep slopes (65 to 80) consist of rock masses were kept stable for a long time. In rock-mass slopes with similar ground condition, steeper slopes than 1 : 0.5 (63) may be applied if the discontinuities of rock-mass slope are distributed in a direction favorable to the stability of the slope. In making a decision the angle of the slope, if the preliminary rock mass conditions applicable to steep slope are quantitatively setup, they may be used as guidance in design practice. In this study, the above rock mass was defined as a good continuum rock mass and the quantitative setup criterion range was proposed using RMR, SMR and GSI classifications for the purpose of providing engineering standard for good continuum rock mass conditions. The methods of study are as follows. The stable slope at steep slopes (65 to 80) for each rock type was selected as the study area, and RMR, SMR and GSI were classified to reflect the face mapping results. The results were reviewed by applying the calculated shear strength to the stable analysis of the current state of rock mass slope using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. It is intended to verify the validity of the preliminary criterion as a rock mass condition that remains stable on a steep slope. Based on the analysis and review by the above research method, it was analyzed that a good continuum rock mass slope can be set to Basic RMR 50 (45 in sedimentary rock), GSI and SMR 45. The safety factor of the LEM is between Fs = 14.08 and 67.50 (average 32.9), and the displacement of the FEM is 0.13 to 0.64 mm (average 0.27 mm). This can be seen as a result of quantitative representation and verification of the stability of a good continuum rock mass slope that has been maintained stable for a long period of time with steep slopes (65 to 80). The setup guideline for a good continuum rock mass slope will be able to establish a more detailed setup standard when the data are accumulated, and it is also a further study project. If stable even on steep slopes of 1 : 0.1 to 0.3, the upper limit of steep slopes is 1 : 0.3 with reference to the overseas design standards and report, thus giving the benefit of ensuring economic and eco-friendlyness. Also, the development of excavation technology and plantation technology and various eco-friendly slope design techniques will help overcome psychological anxiety and rapid weathering and relaxation due to steep slope construction.

Current Use of Dexamethasone Rescue Therapy for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (기관지폐 이형성증에 대한 덱사메타손 구제 치료)

  • Jung, Eui-Seok;Ahn, Yo-Han;Lee, Ju-Young;Kim, Yoon-Joo;Son, Se-Hyung;Sohn, Jin-A;Lee, Eun-Hee;Choi, Eun-Jin;Kim, Eun-Sun;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Jin-A;Choi, Chang-Won;Kim, Ee-Kyung;Kim, Han-Suk;Kim, Beyong-Il;Choi, Jung-Hwan
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the current use of dexamethasone rescue therapy (DRT) for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Methods: This is a retrospective study of 251 BPD patients managed in the neonatal intensive care units at Seoul National University Childrens Hospital and Seoul National University Bundang Hospital between March 2004 and August 2008. The demographic data and clinical characteristics of the mothers and infants were analyzed. The infants were compared based on DRT responsiveness. The DRT complications were investigated. Results: Ninety-three patients (37.1%) were classified with severe BPD, DRT was only given to patients with severe BPD. Dexamethasone was administered to 24 patients (9.6%) whose respiratory status had precluded extubation, which indicated that conventional BPD management had failed. Fourteen patients (58.3%) who received DRT were responsive. DRT non-responders required more oxygenation and more complicated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Responder had shorter length's of hospitalization and lower mortality rates. High dose dexamethasone was no more effective in weaning neonates from the ventilatior than low dose dexamethasone. Sepsis was the most common complication of DRT. Conclusion: DRT is a valuable treatment for severe BPD ahead of PAH development. DRT should not be performed in BPD patients with PAH due to the possibility of complications.

Development and Evaluation of Family Life Culture Education Program in Preparation for the Reunification of Korea aimed at Pre-Service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과교사를 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Yookyung;Song, Jieun;An, Soon-Hee;Lee, Yonsuk;Lee, Yhe-Young;Lee, Hana;Lim, Jung Ha;Chung, Soon Hwa;Jung, Min-Young;Han, Youngsun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2017
  • This program aimed at preparing the pre-service teachers to teach about North Korean family life culture to secondary school students, by promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between the two Koreas. Based on the literature review, the educational contents were developed to reflect general aspects of North Korean family life. The program was implemented with 35 undergraduate students in a home economics teacher education program. The program consists of 15 units of 150-minute instructional sessions. The first three introductory sessions dealt with the definitions of family life culture and multiculturalism, as well as a historical review of South-North relationship. The following nine sessions were devoted to North Korean family life culture in five different domains: consumption and leisure, family and child-caring, food and dietary life, housing and neighborhood life, and clothing/fashion. During the final two weeks, pre-service teachers conducted mock-teaching. For evaluation, pre- and post-session scores on general teaching efficacy and understanding of cultural differences were compared using paired t-tests. The pre-/post-test results confirmed that the program was successful in promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between two Koreas of pre-service teachers.