Recently, a high-strength strand of 2400 MPa was developed using domestic technologies. In 2011, KS D 7002 was revised to cover the newly developed high-strength strands to support their practical usage. Presently, however, discussions and evaluations are not sufficient on the mechanical properties of the strands and their performance in structural members. Also, there were no detailed reviews on the need to revise the current design code for practical use of the high-strength strands. In this study, flexural behavior of a member with the high-strength strands was estimated through sectional analysis and a review and comparison of the domestic and foreign design codes were conducted considering the analysis results. Also, the need for the revision of the design code was discussed. Such discussion especially focused on the estimation of the stress in strand, which related with various issues such as determination methods for yield point of strands, time-dependent loss of prestressing force, estimation of stress in strand at member failure, and net strain limit for ductile failure of member. The discussion revealed that some parts in the design code need a revision and the further studies are required.
This paper aims to provide reference model for directions and objectives of Software(SW) gifted education. In order to achieve the goals introduced above, we conducted the research in the following steps. First, we selected the concept of ICT-based creative talented person as a base model to establish the concept of SW gifted person. The selected base model composed three core competencies which were 'knowledge and technology competencies', 'synthesizing and creativity competencies', and 'personality competencies'. Second, we developed survey tools, like questionnaires, to investigate participant's recognition of SW gifted person. The survey tools composed three components 'computational thinking', 'entrepreneurship', and 'social responsibility'. Each of the components composed seven elements. Third, after selecting the opinion poll participants as an elementary school teacher, we surveyed opinion polling. By selecting an elementary school teacher as the opinion poll participants, we wanted to identify theirs ' opinions which are thought to be the starting point for gifted education. To survey we developed on-line survey system by using Google functions. Fourth, we analyzed the collected opinion data. To identify we summarized and synthesized participant's opinions that average values and agreement level by using frequency analysis. Also, in order to compare opinions that average values and agreement level based on whether or not participant's various experiences and competencies we computed t-value, F-value, and χ2 verification.
Kim, Chan-Jong;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Lee, Chang-Zin;Cha, Hyun-Jeong
Journal of the Korean earth science society
Natural history museums used to be called an "informal learning institute". It is based on the assumption that their exhibition and exhibits are supposed to reflect school science curriculum and support school science programs. This study is to explore how this assumption is verified in terms of content-wise connections between school science and museum exhibits. In this study, 461 Earth Science related exhibits were selected from the Smithonian Museums and the American Museum of Natural History in the U.S. and analyzed with several instruments. The instrument targeting on Earth Science curriculum was framed based on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (1993) and the National Science Curriculum Standards (1996). Other than content-wise connections, this study investigated exhibition characteristics related to better learning of science: these characteristics were types of activities, exhibition media, exhibition technology, and presentation methods. The nature of science shown in exhibits were examined as well. Natural history museums were reconsidered for their relevance and potential as informal educational venues from this study.
Kim, J.G.;Seo, S.;Chung, E.S.;Lim, Y.C.;Lee, J.K.;Seo, J.H.;Park, G.J.
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
Rye-hairy vetch mixture would be recommended fur produce higher yield and conserving soil environment. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of planting and harvest dates on quality and productivity of rye-hairy vetch mixture. Plant height of rye and hairy vetch was increased with delayed harvest dates, but it found that there was on significant difference among seeding dates. The dry matter(DM) content was increased with delayed harvest dates, and it showed 30% DM in mid-May. Crude protein(CP) content was decreased sharply from 17~18% in heading stage to 9~10% in flowering stage. The content of ADF(Acid detergent fiber) and NDF(Neutral detergent fiber) were increased with delayed harvest date, but IVDMD(In vitro dry matter digestibility) and TDN(Total digestible nutrient) were decreased. The change of dry matter yield was affected significantly by harvest date but was not by seeding time. The results of this experiments indicated that harvest in late-April would be recommended to produce the highest yield and quality if it is considered to cultivate com fur silage. Harvest in mid-May would be recommendable with the cultivation of early maturity silage corn or sorghum × sudangrass hybrids.
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
This experiment was conducted to investigate the selection of regional double cropping system for production of organic forage in southern region of Korea. The species of forage crop used in this experiment were com, sorghum×sudangrass hybrid and japanese millet for summer crops and rye and Italian. ryegrass for winter crops. In organic cultivation condition, sorghum×sudangrass hybrid showed higher DM (dry matter) and TDN (total digestible nutrient) yield than that of com. Dry matter yield of com which cultivated in organic condition decreased to about 35% that of control because of weed. In winter crops, DM and TDN yield of rye is similar to that of Italian ryegrass. We could not find out the difference of nutrient value between each treatments. It means that the amount of nutrient is affected by DM productivity of each crop. The result of this study indicated that sorghum×sudangrass hybrid (summer crop) and rye (winter crop), sorghum×sudangrass hybrid (summer crop) and Italian ryegrass (winter crop) cropping system could be recommended as producing high yield of organic forage in southern region of Korea.
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
MBS (Multicast Broadcast Service) is defined in WiBro networks for implementing multicast-based services. However, most of the WiBro networks currently used in Korea do not have the MBS functionality and it causes some difficulty in implementing multicast-based services. This paper evaluates the performance of VoIP-based group communication services when implementing using the following two cases: unicast-based and multicast-based group communication systems. The performance evaluation is done using QualNet for each case in terms of the amount of network resource for the service, the delay and delay jitter of packets, and the difference of the delay of members in a group. The simulation result shows that the number of groups and members in a group in a WiBro network is limited because the amount of network resource for the service is increased according to the number of members in a group, and so, the MBS service is required in a WiBro network for a fully-fledged service of VoIP-based group communications. The simulation result also shows that, when a packet bundling is used, the number of groups and members in a group that can be supported in a WiBro network can be increased due to the decrease of the amount of network resource for the service.
To investigate the varietal variations in absolute density of milled rice grain and its relations with other grain characters, the 235 rice varieties which consist of 30 Tongil type rices, 72 Japonica rices and 133 Indica rices were tested on grain size, volume, hardness, chalkiness and 1000 grains weight of brown rice, ADV, amylose content, starch composition on SEM and absolute density of milled rice grain using completely ripened grains. Average absolute density of milled rice grain was 1.496g / cm3 in Tongil type rices, 1.506g / em in Japonica rices, and 1.500g / cm3 in Indica rices. It was correlated positively with days to heading and grain hardness, and negatively with chalkiness, volume, grain weight and grain length of brown rice. Regression analysis indicated that grain volume and weight were the major characters affecting the density. However, since the absolute density of milled rice grain did not show great varietal variations it might not seem important as one of the characters contributing to the grain yield, while it could be a factor affecting the grain quality because there were definite varietal differences even though small. The microscopic feature of starch composition on SEM revealed differences between clear and chalky parts of the grain in shape and compactness of starch composition but did not discriminate between high and low-density grains.
Tanakius kitaharae and Glyptocephalus stelleri, belonging to the family Pleuronectidae, were very similar in external morphology not only during adult periods, but also during larval periods. In this study, we compared larval development and growth of the two pleuronectids species in detail. Fifty-eight specimens of T. kitaharae larvae and five specimens of G. stelleri larvae were collected from the East Sea, southern Korean Strait, and the adjacent waters of Jeju Island during 2014~2016, and were identified using morphological and molecular markers. Flexion larvae of T. kitaharae (10.23~16.77 mm total length, TL) and G. stelleri (14.33 mm TL) were similar in morphometrics, but can be distinguished by the melanophores in the fin membranes (present in the former vs. absent in the latter), and the melanophores at posterior margin of shoulder girdle (absent in the former vs. present in the latter). Postflexion larvae of T. kitaharae (17.12~24.92 mm TL) and G. stelleri (27.71~32.95 mm TL) differed in the number of melanophores on the mid-lateral caudal region (two in the former vs. five in the latter), and that on the dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores (five or six in the former vs. one row in the latter). Tanakius kitaharae and G. stelleri larvae differed in size at the beginning of metamorphosis. The left eye of T. kitaharae larvae between 23.13~24.92 mm TL reached the dorsal margin of the head while that of G. stelleri larvae between 38.66~42.67 mm TL did not reached yet.
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
This experiment was conducted to investigate the selection of regional double cropping system for production of organic forage in middle part of Korea. The species of forage crop used in this experiment were corn, sorghum×sudangrass hybrid and japanese millet for summer crops and rye and Italian ryegrass for winter crops. Sorghum×sudangrass hybrid showed higher DM (dry matter) and TDN (total digestible nutrient) yield than that of corn. Dry matter yield of corn decreased to 56% that of control because of weed. In winter crops, DM and TDN yield of rye is higher than that of Italian ryegrass. Rye was more adequate to produce organic forage in middle part of Korea. We could not find out the difference of nutrient value between each treatments. It means that the amount of nutrient is affected by DM productivity of each crop. The result of this study indicated that sorghum×sudangrass hybrid (summer crop) and rye (winter crop) cropping system could be recommended as producing high yield of organic forage in middle part of Korea.
목적 : 안구제거술 후에 삽입한 hydroxyapatite 안구보충물내로 혈관신생이 완전하게 일어 나는 시기를 알아보기 위함이다. 방법 : 안구제거술을 받은 43예의 환자(남자 33예, 여자 10예, 14-56세)에게 대부분 변경되지 않은 방법으로 hydroxyapatite 안구보충물을 삽입한 후 10-23주 사이에 다양한 간격(10-12 주 2예, 13-16주 18예, 17-20주 20예, 21-23주 3예)을 두고 99mTc−MDP 골주사를 시행하여 보충물내로의 혈관신생 정도를 전향적으로 측정하였다. 정면 및 측면촬영의 정적영상에서 안구보충물의 방사능섭취가 비교(nasal bridge)의 방사능섭취보다 약할 경우를 grade 1, 같을 경을 grade 2, 강할 경우를 grade 3로 나누었으며 grade 2와 3을 혈관신생이 완전하다고 정의하였다. 또한 43예 모두에서 방사능섭취 정도와 관계없이 안구보충물 삽입후 평균 21주되는 시기에 안구보충물에 구멍을 내어 이 구멍으로부터의 출혈여부를 확인한 후 운동성나사(motility peg)를 끼워 의안(prosthesis)과 연결하였다. 43예중 7예에서는 99mTc−MDP 골주사와 조영제주입후의 자기공명영상(Gd-DTPA T1-weighted images)을 같은 날짜에 시행하여 각각의 예에서 방사능섭취 정도와 조영제증강 정도를 비교하였다. 결과 : 안구보충물내로 완전하게 혈관신생이 일어났던 grade 2와 3의 비율은 안구보충물삽입후 10-12주에서는 0%, 13-16주 33%, 17-20주 50%, 21-23주 67%로써 시간경과에 따라 점차 증가하였다. 골주사소견에 관계없이 안구보충물 삽입후 평균 21주되는 시기에 보충물 앞쪽에 구멍을 내었을 때 43예 모두에서 완전한 혈관신생을 의미하는 출혈을 볼 수 있었다. 99mTc−MDP 골주사와 조영제주입후의 자기공명영상을 둘 다 시행한 7예 각각에서 방사능섭취의 정도와 조영제증강의 정도가 거의 일치하였다. 결론 : 본 예비연구의 결과로써 hydroryapatite 안구보충물 삽입후 21주째에 99mTc−MDP 골주사를 시행하는 것이 좋을 것으로 생각되며, hydroxyapatite 안구보충물내로의 완전한 혈관신생 여부를 보는 데에는 99mTc−MDP 골주사가 조영제주입후의 자기공명영상보다 더 경제적이라고 할 수 있겠다.
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그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.