• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정원관

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Early Gonadogenesis and Sex Differentiation in the Viviparous Teleost, Ditrema temmincki (태생 경골어류, 망상어(Ditrema temmincki)의 초기생식소 형성 및 성분화)

  • LEE Jung Sick;LEE Young Don
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 1996
  • The appearance of the primordial germ cells (PGC's), early gonadogenesis, sex differentiation and sex ratio of the embryo in the viviparous teleost, Ditrema temmincki were investigated by using photomicroscopy. The PGC's were first observed in the fibrous mesenchymal tissue located between the early alimentary tract and the dorsal body wall in the late embryonic development stage. During the period from the hatching to the individual total length (TL) of 4.0 mm the PGC's were evenly distributed in the fibrous mesenchymal tissue between alimentary tract and body wall. But the period of TL 5.0 mm mesenchymal tissue separated from the dorsal body wall, the PGC's moved to the posterior mesenchymal tissue and formed the primitive gonad. During the early gonadogenesis, differentiation of the testis and ovary were distinguished from the arrangement of the germ cells and somatic cells. Gonad of embryo in TL 10.0 mm can be separated into the ovary and testis by external morphology. The testis had a separated form which was consisted with two lobes, and the ovary had a fused form in half-posterior part. In the testicular differentiation of the embryo, histological pattern of the seminiferous tubule appeared when TL of the embryo was to be 25.0 mm, for the seminal vesicle was formed In the individual TL of 30.0mm. The testis of the embryo with TL of 45.0 mm was similar to that of the adult fish in the external and internal structures. In the ovarian differentiation, formation of the ovigerous folds and the ovarian cavity were clearly observed when the TL reached to 30.0 mm. The ovary from the individual with TL of 60.0 mm was differentiated into a similar ovary as seen in the adult fish in the external and internal structure. Right before parturition the total length of the individual was approximately 63.0 mm of which the individual embryo has an ovary containing the oocytes in the chromatin nucleolus stage, or a testis containing the spermatogonia, respectively. And the embryonic sex ratio of female to male was 1.65 : 1. Ditrema temmincki is dioecism and the pattern of sex differentiation is belonged to a differentiation type.

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An Analysis for Effects of Stain Family Drugs on Osteogenic Differentiation using Human Periosteum-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (스타틴(statin) 약물이 성체줄기세포의 골분화에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Dong Kyu;Yun, Jeong-Won;Kim, Bo Gyu;Lee, A Ram;Moon, Sun Young;Byun, June-Ho;Hwang, Sun-Chul;Woo, Dong Kyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.1337-1344
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    • 2019
  • Osteoporosis is characterized by a reduction in bone mass and typically manifests as an increase in fractures. Because this disease is common in elderly populations and lifespans are rapidly increasing, the incidence of osteoporosis has also grown. Most drugs currently used for osteoporosis treatment target osteoclasts in the bone tissue to prevent absorption. However, these medications also cause certain side effects and, furthermore, cannot increase bone mass. Thus, in order to control osteoporosis, regenerative medicine that utilizes adult stem cells and osteoblasts has been extensively studied. Statins, also known as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, are cholesterol-lowering drugs that have been widely prescribed for cardiovascular diseases. Interestingly, recent studies have reported the beneficial effects of various statins on bone formation via the activation of osteoblasts. Thus, the current study investigated the effects of seven statin-family drugs on osteoblast activity during osteogenic differentiation using adult stem cells from human periosteal tissue. Specifically, statin effects on alkaline phosphatase activity, an early marker of bone cell differentiation, and on calcium deposit, a late marker of bone cell differentiation, were assessed. The results demonstrate that some statins (for example, pitavastatin and pravastatin) have a weak but positive effect on bone formation, and the findings therefore suggest that statin treatments can be a novel modulator for osteogenic differentiation and regenerative medicine using periosteal stem cells.

Dose Related Effects of Poloxamer/Sodium Alginate Mixture in Prevention of Postoperative Adhesion Formation in Dogs (개에서 Poloxamer/Sodium Alginate 혼합물의 용량에 따른 복강 유착방지 효과)

  • Jeong, Won-Seok;Seong, Yun-Sang;Kwon, Young-Sam;Jang, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.547-555
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to determine the minimum dose of Poloxamer/Sodium alginate (PX/SA) mixture on preventing intraperitoneal adhesions to evaluate organ toxicity. Twenty five healthy adult mongrel dogs (weighing 4.68${\pm}$1.67 kg) were divided into five experimental groups composed of five dogs respectively; negative control group (NC, non-treated), positive control group (PC, 2% carboxymethyl chitosan solution treated), and experiment 1 group (E1, 0.25 ml PX/SA mixture of abraded area), experiment 2 group (E2, 0.5 ml PX/SA mixture of abraded area), experiment 3 group (E3, 1.0 ml PX/SA mixture of abraded area). Venous blood specimens were collected from all experimental animals for hematologic and biochemical analysis: WBC, fibrinogen, AST, ALT, ALP, BUN and creatinine. The anti-adhesion effect was evaluated using a serosa abrasion model. The denuded ileum was coated with PX/SA mixture, carboxymethyl chitosan solution or neither. The tensile strength of the adhesion site was evaluated with a tensiometer. For histopathological examination, tissue samples of the liver and kidney were collected from all dogs. According to the results, the frequency and tensile strength values for adhesion separation in PX/SA group were significantly lower than those in negative control group (p < 0.05). In E2 group, the tensile strength was significantly decreased in consideration of PX/SA dose. The values of AST, ALT, ALP, BUN and creatinine of the control and the experimental groups showed no statistical differences. No obvious microscopic differences were noted among tissue sections obtained from all groups. The results suggest that PX/SA mixture may be effective on reducing peritoneal adhesion formation in dog and that 0.5 ml PX/SA mixture of abraded area is most effective dose. Moreover, PX/SA mixture was considered not to have toxicity for the liver and the kidney.

A Statistical Survey of Foreign Bodies in Air and Food Passage (Report V) (식도 및 기도이물의 통계적 고찰(제5보))

  • 김기령;홍원표;이춘근;이정권;박기현;김상기
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1979.05a
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    • pp.6.2-6
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    • 1979
  • Foreing bodies of the esophagus and tracheobronchus are likely to occur whenever a child places an inedible object in the mouth and are common in the older age group particularily in edentulous individuals or preexisting disease. Our department had already reported the statistical survey at first in 1954, successively in 1962, 1963 and 1968, respectively according to the age, sex, variety of foreign bodies, location and duration of the lodgement. Now, we have experienced the new 186 cases during the consecutive 5 year period from January 1973 to December 1977 and reported as a 5th report comparing with previous report. The results were as follows. 1. In the incidence of foreign bodies, coins were the most common and pointed metal, disc, bony fragment were followed in order in the esophagus while the peanut and corn were common in the air passage. 2) 79 cases (56.4%) were males and 61 cases (43.6%) were females in the esophagus, which was not a significant difference to note. But in the air passage, males accounted for 33 cases (71.7%) compared to 13 cases (28.3%) of females. 3) In the aspect of age incidence, child 10 years or under accounted for almost all cases in the esophagus as well as in the air passage. 4) In the location of foreign bodies in the esophagus, the first narrowing was the most common, while in the air passage right bronchus had a high incidence but the difference of incidence between right bronchus and left bronchus was not remarkable. 5) The duration of lodgement was 24 hours or less in more than half of the all cases. 6) In the aspect of kind of coin, 10 won coins accounted for majority of the cases (67.0%) but the incidence of 100 won coins were tend to increase gradually in these years.

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A Study on the Landscape-Oriented Persuasive Language from Naming the Apartment Brand in Korea - Focus on the Analysis of Category and Lexeme - (국내 아파트브랜드 명명(命名)에 담긴 조경지향적 설득언어 - 유형 및 어휘소 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2010
  • This study was intended to analyze and interpret the pattern of naming the domestic apartment brand from a semiologic viewpoint in a bid to review the meaning and value of apartment brand, while on the other hand, evaluating the characteristics of persuasive message pursued by current apartment brand in 2010, and consequently, the conclusion of the study is outlined as follows. 1. As a result of analyzing the coinage of branding naming, the words such as combination, joint and blending pattern tended to dominate, which seemed to attempt to represent the variety of values of the housing culture. Brand ideation tends to stress the character symbolism and polysemic message using syllepsis, and the experimental attempt to revive the traditional dwelling concept in a modern sense in a way of combining the archaic word with the Chinese character was found as well. 2. As a result of analyzing the frequency of verbal identity and lexeme of domestic apartments, those frequently used are in order of ville, nature, beauty(美), park, hi, green, palace(宮), nobility and center(tra), which are the lexemes representing the landscape, view, nature and dignity. 3. As a result of identifying the pattern of lexeme using analysis frame based on existing researches such as apartment brand positioning, the most important external core concepts controlling the direction and value of apartment brand are 'environment-orientated' and 'emotion-orientated', and internally, 'function-oriented'. Given the persuasive language expressing the 'environment-oriented' feature and the priority of brand lexeme are garden, park, view and the nature, a landscape-oriented persuasive message is seen to be surging in brand naming. 4. An emotion-oriented persuasive language such as dignity axis having major lexeme represented by palace, nobility, class and a pride axis having major semantic elements represented by human, I and you are used as major value concepts and persuasive language that lead domestic apartment brands to differentiation and upgradation. 5. Among the lexemes focusing on view from environment-oriented standpoint, hi, hill, tower, view, mark, heights are the trend pursued by high-rise apartment aiming at the view such as residential-commercial apartment, and thus the persuasive language focusing on high-rise concept is expected to become the element dominating the trend of apartment brand for the time being.

The Bibliographical Investigation of Sasang Constitution Diagnosis (사상체질(四象體質) 진단법(診斷法)의 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) - 외형(外形), 심성(心性), 증(證)을 위주(爲主)로 -)

  • Jung, Won-gyo;Kim, Jong-weon
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 1999
  • 1. Purpose of study There are many Constitution theories. But, In the Sasang Constitutional medicine, the theory and the practice are connected systematically. So it has been used in Korea popularly. Lee Je-Ma suggested that the external form, the mind, the symptom are the criteria of Sasang constitution diagnosis at the Discourse on the Four Principle and the Discourse on the Identifying Four Constitutions. But The clinical importance study of three diagnostic criteria - the external form, the mind, the symptom - has never been studied. Therefore, there are many obstacles of using the three diagnostic criteria totally. And I think that it needs a study which we apply the three diagnostic criteria to practice and approve the clinical importance of one another. I classify and investigate the previous methods of Sasang constitution diagnosis by the three diagnostic criteria in this study. 2. Method of study I investigate the previous methods of Sasang constitution diagnosis bibliographically by Dongyi Soose Bowon, Journal of Constitutional medicine and other books. 3. Result of study (1) Study of the external form The Study of Ki-sang(氣像) and Sa-ki(詞氣) by experience and intuition was done previously, and study of imaginay formulation of each constitution by measuring Chae-hyung(體形) and yong-mo(容貌) has being done recently. (2) Study of the mind For the objectification of study and diagnosis, self-reporting questionnaire has been used. The ideal choice to determine an indivisual constitution, as far as questionnaire go, is to take results from both the modified version Sasang Pattern Identification Questionnaire and QSCCII. (3) Study of the symptom For the study of the symptom - constitution symptom and constitution symptom of disease - the study of principles, the clinical study of the type of disease and symptom, the study which the pathologic view of Oriental medicine apply the view of Sasang Constitutional medicine have been done. We must try to objectfy Sasang Constitutional disease.

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A Landscape of Joseon Dynasty in Late 19th Century through Experience Record of Modern Westerners - Focused on Landscape Vocabulary and Content Analysis - (근대기 서양인들의 조선견문기를 통해 본 19세기 말 조선의 경관 - 경관 관련 어휘와 내용 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to illuminated landscape of Joseon Dynasty in the end of 19th century when Joseon dynasty began to modernize through the perspective of Westerners. Historical meaning to Western people's landscape records has been preceded. And landscape typology and their perception were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the Westerners who visited Joseon dynasty at that time were involved in the historical and political situation of the Joseon Dynasty or understood their culture through traveling for so long. And record of Westerners is a significant data to analyze scenery at that time because common contents appear in various books. Second, the landscape of Joseon dynasty that appears in Western records was mainly recorded in small towns and villages, natural environments, scenic sites, historic sites, modern facilities, and cultivated areas. Small towns and villages are mainly mentioned with shabby alleys and dense houses. And natural landscape were identified to mountain landscapes and diverse geomorphological landscape that surrounding vegetation along the coast and rivers. The palaces, fortress and temples were recorded as main objects of scenic sites and historic site. And western-style buildings such as foreign legations and settlements, churches and schools were mentioned in the modernized facilities. A cultivated land was confirmed to be underdeveloped and neglected, but as range of view became wider, it was seen to a peaceful and prosperous rural landscape. Third, Westerners' landscape perception of Joseon dynasty at that time can be deduced from positive or negative perceptions. The residential environment was perceived as negative because it was unsanitary and backward. On the contrary, outstanding natural landscapes, scenic sites and historic sites, and upper class gardens were perceived as positive. For modernized landscapes, positive and negative perceptions were similarly mentioned. Positive perceptions were formed in improvement of civilized landscape, and appeared negative perception because damaged traditional landscapes and heterogeneity.

The Landscape Components Illustrated in Tea-drinking Pictures of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 다화(茶畵)에 나타나는 경관요소)

  • Choi, Mi-Young;Hong, Kwang-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to look into the tea-drinking pictures of the Joseon Dynasty in order to find the unique landscape traits of tea-drinking spaces of the era. A number of tea-drinking pictures were drawn during the Joseon Dynasty period and in most cases, the names of the painters are stated as well. These factors make tea-drinking pictures a seminal source that illustrates the landscape traits of the last Dynasty of Korea. For those pictures contain the main components of landscape such as the tastes of 'Yangban'(noblemen), natural characters, and space traits. Since tea was first introduced in Korea during the Three Kingdom Period, tea-drinking culture has a long history in the country. There have been various studies about tea and many study results have been presented. Few research, however, have looked into tea culture from the point of landscape. Under the premise that tea-drinking pictures of Joseon Dynasty can be a cultural code that explains Korean tea-drinking culture, this thesis looked into those pictures from various angles and analyzed them in order to elucidate the attributes of scenery components of tea-drinking spaces that Koreans have forged and developed, and following results could be found. The Landscape components illustrated in tea-drinking pictures of the Joseon Dynasty can be divided into the element of architecture, the element of water, stone and plants. First, for the element of architecture, it was found that tea-drinking took place in anywhere in Korea without specific tea-drinking buildings or gardens unlike the case of Japan. This has to do with traits of Koreans who were not bound by formality and truly loved nature. Second, for the element of water, water contributed to making harmonious landscape. Third, for the element of stone, it was clear that stone had a practical role in providing comfortable place for lying and enjoying tea-drinking and scenery. Fourth, plants made elegant figure in the landscape and were planted in accordance with their inner meaning. Tea-drinking pictures of the Joseon Dynasty elucidates that when it comes to tea-drinking, Koreans were not obsessed with a formality of tea-drinking, or a set of tea ceremony, which is profoundly different with Japanese, and Koreans did not put a limit on a place for tea-drinking because for Koreans any place they sat could be a great place for tea-drinking.

Some Chemical Properties and Composition of Lipid Extracts of Riced Dehydrated Potato Granules (감자분말(粉末)의 지방질조성(脂肪質組成)과 저장중(貯藏中)의 변화(變化)에 관(關한) 연구(硏究))

  • Yoon, Jeong-Won;Hong, Bum-Shik;Yang, Han-Chul;Kim, Dong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 1978
  • Riced dehydrated potato granules with a good reconstituton quality was made from Irish Cobber (IC) and Shimabara which are representative varieties in Korea. A part of IC potato granules was packed in small vinyl-bags while the rest, including some BHA (75ppm)-treated granules, was packed in $301{\times}407$ plain tin cans. These granules were stored in a room at room temperature, and their physico-chemical properties and lipid composition were studied. The color of the granules was measured with a Hunter-type Tristimules colorimeter. L, $a_L,$ and $b_L-values$ were respectively 83.8, -1.1 and 18.3. Variety and package-type did not affect the color. In general, it was darker than that of commercial wheat flour, but whiter than that of commercial defatted soy flour. At $100^{\circ}C$, the granules, irrespective of variety and package-type, absorbed water rapidly, and reached the maximum moisture content of $90{\sim}92%$ in 3 min., whereas they absorbed water more slowly at $8{\sim}14^{\circ}C$, and reached the maximum content of $72{\sim}74%$ in 5 minutes. Peroxide, TBA, carbonyl, acid, and iodine values of the granules after 3 months storage were respetively $150{\sim}460\;meq/kg,\;20{\sim}26,\;154{\sim}380$ micromole, $24{\sim}59,\;and\;70{\sim}78$. Except iodine values, all the chemical values were affected by variety and package-type. Ether and $CHCl_3-extracts$ of the granules from IC and Shimabara were subjected to GLC and TLC analyses. In case of IC, the major fatty acids were palmitic, stearic, and oleic (30.0, 18.8, 40.6), while in case of Shimabara they were palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids (26.7, 39.6, 23.4%). The major lipid classes were, in both cases, triglycerides and phospholipids. Their contents were raspectively 19.1 and 43.1 (IC), and 30.1 and 37.4% (Shimabara).

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Toesikje Garden and Landscape Culture in the Middle Goryeo Dynasty as Viewed through 'Dongkukesangkukjip' ('동국이상국집(東國李相國集)'을 통해 본 고려중기 퇴식재(退食齋) 원유와 조경문화)

  • Shin, Sang-Sup;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2010
  • In reviewing 'Dongkukesangkukjip(東國李相國集)' a selection of prose and poetry describing Toesikje, the house of Kee Heung-soo, a military official in the middle Goryeo Dynasty, the outcome of the study intended to infer garden scenery and landscape culture managed and possessed by high society at that time is outlined as follows. First, Kee Heung-soo, the owner of the house and Lee Kyu-bo, the author of Toesikje Palryeng(退食齋八詠) are thought to be those who first designated the 8 scenic points and recreated the concept of public enjoyment of into the concept of personal enjoyment in Korea. Second, the spatial configuration of the Toesikje garden is presumed to be in the Gee-Seung-Jeon-Gyul(introduction-development-turn-conclusion) style in which a fairyland is built to enjoy a free and peaceful life, while anticipating coming days and pursuing creation-prosperity-transcendence-return. Third, the viewpoint structure of the scenery Wongyeong(Toesikje), Donggyeong(Youngcheondong), Cheonggyeong(Cheokseojung), Myunggyeong(Dokrakwon), Jingyeong(Yeonmukdang), Sigyeong(Yeoneuiji), Yunggyeong(Nokgunheon), and Hyungyeong(Daehoseok) contains a symbolic universal vision of Palchejigyeongsek(the 8 scenic points) which incorporates Samwon(heaven, earth and water) and Obangwi(orientations), and the harmonization principle of the scenic points where the building and garden are harmonized. Fourth, Je, Dang, and Heon, Jeong(齋, 堂, 軒, 亭) are introduced to the garden, and Geehwayeecho, Jingeumgeesoo, Gasan and Goeseok(stone) were used in a variety of ways. Fifth, it was found that the management of Shinseongyeong and enjoyment of Yoosanggoksu events, with the study and seeking of perfect knowledge and discipline, wandering and rest led to a sublime appreciation of aesthetic beauty and divine glory. Sixth, a miniature garden was built to enjoy the view from above, together with the view in the distance, and a culture of secluded living, along with scenery expressing the heart's desire for Utopia was induced.