• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보문화센터

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A Study on the Strategy for Developing Specialized Collections of Gyeongbuk Library (경북도서관 특화장서 개발 전략 연구)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon;Oh, Seon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.143-168
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    • 2021
  • In most countries, public libraries play a role as a knowledge and information hub for local communities, a complex cultural space, and a third place for meetings and communication. Among the work of public libraries for this purpose, the key point is systematic collection development, and the established collection is essential for all knowledge and information services. In particular, local representative libraries must perform legal duties as a comprehensive knowledge information center for metropolitan governments, and develop, preserve, and service specialized collections that are difficult for other public libraries. Therefore, we analyzed the development cases of specialized collections of public libraries in large cities in foreign countries and local representative libraries in Korea, surveyed the degree of awareness of specialized collections for employees of public libraries and the cultural to geography in Gyeongbuk region. Based on the background information, this study proposed the development plan and establishment strategy of the Gyeongbuk Library specialized collection, which was named "Gyeongbuk Knowledge and Cultural Heritage."

A Study on Value Evaluation of Smart Intermodal-Transfer Service (복합환승센터 스마트환승정보서비스에 대한 이용자 가치 추정 연구)

  • Lim, Jung-Sil;Kim, Sung-Eun;Lee, Chunl-Ki
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2012
  • Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs prepared the method to update traffic connection system by amending "National Transport System Efficiency Act(hereinafter Act)". The key is a development of Intermodal Transfer Center. The law and guideline related with Intermodal Transfer Center requires the installation and operation of transfer information guide facility to improve user's convenience. However, there are no sufficient studies that can be used as references for the method to construct transfer support information system related with user's preference. The study performed the research about user's service satisfaction in relation with transfer support information service, which was embodied in model operation process, on the basis of transfer support information system of Intermodal Transfer Center applied to Gimpo Airport. The analysis result about service preference, importance of each supplied information, service satisfaction and consideration for service embodiment can be used as a guideline to embody the user information service of Intermodal Transfer Center. In addition, through CVM, the study estimated and proposed the service valuation of smart intermodal transfer service that provides customized information to cope with user's situation and traffic means operation status among transfer support information service. It is determined that the study will measure the benefit of Intermodal Transfer Center user by using monetary value when smart intermodal transfer service is supplied and provide the ground to expand high-tech transfer information service with high usefulness and convenience.

Cultural Backgrounds of Reviewers, Negative Emotions, and Review Helpulness: Based on Impression Management Theory (리뷰어의 문화적 배경, 부정적 감정표현, 그리고 리뷰유용성: 인상관리 이론을 중심으로)

  • Jungwon Lee;Ohsung Kim;Cheol Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2024
  • Online consumer reviews provide a variety of information from the customer perspective in terms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Negative emotional expression is a potential antecedent of review usefulness, and can also influence potential consumers' attitudes and decisions. In addition, because national culture provides a perspective from which individuals view the world and act, it is highly likely that differences in negative emotional expression will occur depending on culture. This study explores the relationship between national culture and negative emotional expression based on impression management theory and ultimately analyzes the impact on review usefulness. For empirical analysis, 16,076 reviews of 140 hotels located in Seoul were collected and analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. As a result of the analysis, it was found that power distance and masculinity culture dimensions had a positive effect on reviewers' negative emotional expressions, while uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation had a negative effect. In addition, negative emotional expression was analyzed to have a positive effect on review usefulness even when review ratings were controlled.

Using multi-sensor for Development of Multiple Occupants' Activities Classification Model Based on LSTM (다중센서를 활용한 LSTM 기반 재실자 행동 분류 모델 개발)

  • Jin Su Park;Chul Seung Yang;Kyung-Ho Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1065-1071
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    • 2023
  • In this paper discuss with research developing an LSTM model for classifying the behavior of occupants within a residence. The multi-sensor consists of an IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) sensor that measures indoor air quality, a UWB radar that tracks occupancy detection and location, and a Piezo sensor to measure occupants' biometric information, and collects occupant behavior data such as going out, staying, cooking, cleaning, exercise, and sleep by constructed an experimental environment similar to the actual residential environment. After the data with removed outliers and missing, the LSTM model is used to calculate accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of the occupant behavior classification model, T1 score.

Comparative Analysis on the Service Quality and Satisfaction of the Cultural and Educational Programs in the Public Libraries and the Culture & Art Centers Using Structural Equation Model (구조방정식을 이용한 공공도서관과 문예회관의 문화교육프로그램의 품질과 만족도에 관한 비교분석)

  • Oh, Dong-Geun;Yeo, Ji-Suk;Choi, Sung-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.291-307
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the participants' perception and satisfaction score for culture and education programs operating in public libraries and culture & art centers in Daegu Metropolitan City. Attendees of the public libraries' programs have higher overall satisfaction, customer loyalty on the contents of the program and lecturers than those of the culture & art centers' programs. Attendees of the culture & art centers' programs rated staff supports and services, facilities and educational equipments higher than those in the public libraries' programs. This study calculates the LCSI score in public libraries(78.02) and culture & art centers(77.22).

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A Study of the Plan for Library Operation and Curation Provision as a Community Memory Preservation Center (공동체 기억보존센터로서의 도서관 운영 및 큐레이션 제공 방안 연구)

  • Kwak, Woojung;Noh, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.53-70
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    • 2020
  • This study was intended to present the need for building the library as a hub of the community memory preservation which provides the collection, sharing, and curation services of the locality specific historical and local data based on the policy task, namely supporting the collection, preservation, and management system of the community's life memory. To this end, the current status of data collection, management, and operation of institutions serving regional-based materials such as cultural centers and regional archives was grasped, and the cases and status of curation services in libraries were investigated and analyzed. The discussion proposed via the results of the study are as follows. First, to the culture center, external demand has been increased from the aspect of social education including festivals, cultural and art event, cultural and art educational business, art activities business of local residents and managerial business is to be carried out, which makes it difficult for the culture center to manage its businesses. Accordingly, it is necessary to collect and preserve regional various data at the pubic libraries playing various roles including provision of informative services, cultural programs and information sharing places to local residents and provision of services to vulnerable social group. As the existing libraries have a plan to collect data systematically, it is considered that those libraries will smoothly operate the data management through cooperation with existing culture centers and various cultural organizations. Second, it appears that a plan will be needed to set up all the data including the ones owned by libraries, local administrative agencies, individuals and other competent agencies in online database so that they are easily available to the public and always available in the libraries because there are a lot of data which cannot be moved to other place and it is actually difficult to concentrate and set up all the data to those libraries.

A Case Study on the Restoration to Designated State Based on the Scientific Analysis of Gold Threads of Gwanghwadang-Wonsam (광화당 원삼의 금사 분석과 원형복원 사례)

  • An, Boyeon;Lee, Ryangmi;Lee, Jangjon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2021
  • Gwanghwadang-Wonsam was designated as National Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 52 in 1979, it is in good condition. However, a problem is the attached a phoenix insignia badge that did not exist when it was designated recently. As it became known as the only purple Wonsam artifact with "phoenix insignia", raising the need for its conservation. In this regard, scientific analysis was required to correct misinformation about designated cultural assets and restore the original designated state by analyzing the history of the Gwanghwadang-Wonsam, other relics of the phoenix insignia and its making design patterns. An X-ray fluorescence analysis was used to confirm that the Phoenix insignia's metal threads were titanium-plated silver. Phoenix insignia using titanium-plated gold thread was not identified in Gwanghwadang-Wonsam photographs in 1986, and the TiN-type membrane plating method was used in various industries in the 1990s, which can be estimated to be attached in the early and mid-1990s. Especially, the scientific analysis results from the X-ray fluorescence analysis in this study provide key evidence for conservation processing. This study demonstrates the importance of investigating relics and similar artifacts in the conservation process of inherited relics and as a precedent for restoration that corrects misinformation about designated cultural properties.

Standardization of Digital Archiving and OAIS Reference Model (디지털 아카이빙의 표준화와 OAIS 참조모형)

  • Lee, So-Yeon
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.45-68
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    • 2002
  • OAIS Reference Model has become a basis for exchanging ideas and cooperating among institutions and various sectors concerned with digital archiving. It has been also recently approved as a new ISO standard. This paper reviews major concepts and issues that the reference addresses. It also introduces current activities of institutions and projects that have contributed to the development process of the model. Conclusion is devoted to address the importance of cooperation among cultural institutions. These institutions are taking the responsibility of preserving digital information for the long-term as authentic as possible and delivering it to the next generation.

Reflection and Direction of Lifelong Learning Activities in the Public Libraries of Korea (도서관 평생학습활동의 성찰과 향방)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2006
  • The public library is the local centre of information, the gateway to knowledge. Based on these identities, the public libraries should provide a basic condition for lifelong learning, cultural activities, and. information literacy skills of the individual and social groups. The purpose of this paper is to reflect the lifelong learning activities of public libraries and suggest it's directions in Korea. The lifelong learning of public libraries for the future needs to focus on a closer connection with library core competences, supporting information literacy, reducing and bridging the digital divide for individuals with disabilities and the aged.

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사례보고 - Multi Functioning 전문도서관을 엿보다

  • Kim, Su-Nam
    • KLA journal
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    • v.46 no.9 s.364
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    • pp.22-25
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    • 2005
  • 지난 7월 20일 미국대사관 자료정보센터 주최로 '미국에서의 도서관 역할과 미래' 에 대한 워크숍이 개최되었다. 이날 모임에는 약 100명의 공공, 대학, 전문, 특수도서관 사서 및 조사부 기자들이 참석하였으며, 도서관 환경의 급격한 변화 속에서 우리 도서관과 사서가 어떻게 미래를 준비할 것인가에 대하여 미국 도서관계 인사들의 발표에 이어 청중들간의 활발한 토의가 있었다. 해외 도서관 인사들의 새로운 시각이 국내 도서관계에 도움이 되었으면 하는 바람에서 주요 발표내용을 요약하여 이번 호에 게재한다.

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