• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보기술 교육과정

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A Convergence Study on the Core Competencies of students: G university (G 대학 대학생 핵심역량 설정에 관한 융합연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Gyu;Jang, Kee-Duck;Chun, Yeol-Eo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2018
  • This research is based on core competency in order to provide diverse educational opportunities and to train compatible human resources according to industrial change. The research set up the core competency of university students according to document research and the importance of core competency of students, professors, faculty and parents. As a result, a total of 14 competencies were deducted by importance and validation from enrolled students, graduated students and professors. A total of 5 core competencies and 14 detailed competencies were deducted. Creativity, problem solving ability, self-directed overall problem solving abilities, expertise ability, data processing ability, technology application according to industry, consideration and serving character, community service, communicational ability, self-management, inter personal relationship, foreign language ability, global, leadership and competence were the 14 elements of this research. Based on the result of this study, it is necessary to improve the competence of university students by applying them to the curriculum development and operation and to find out the extent of the students competence enhancement through the development of future capacity measuring tools.

The Effects of Learning Transfer on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in Enterprise e-Learning - Focused on Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Work Environment - (지각된 유용성과 사용용이성이 기업 이러닝 교육의 학습전이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -자기효능감과 업무환경의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Dae-Bum;Gu, Ja-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2018
  • This research performed the empirical test for the effects of learning transfer on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy and work environment using 390 employees who have experienced e-learning in domestic and foreign companies. Analyzed the mediating effects of self-efficacy and work environment in addition to direct effect of each factor on learning transfer. The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use of e-learning learner had a positive(+) effect on self-efficacy and a positive influence on supervisor and peer support and organizational climate. Self-efficacy showed a positive effect on learning transfer, and supervisor support, peer support and organizational climate had a positive influence on learning transfer as well. Perceived usefulness also had a positive effect on learning transfer. However, perceived ease-of-use had no significant effect on learning transfer. As a result of the mediating effect analysis, self-efficacy and work environment were analyzed to have mediating effects between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning transfer. The implications of this study are as follows. First, this study designed a new research model that reflects factors influencing the effect of learning transfer on acceptance of e-learning that is common in corporate education. It has derived a research model of perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use, which were used as mediating variables for external characteristics factors, as independent variables, using self-efficacy and work environment as mediating variables, which were studied as external factors. Second, most of the studies on technology acceptance model and learning transfer are conducted in a single country. The reliability was enhanced by testing the study models using different samples from 26 countries. Third, perceived usefulness and ease-of-use in existing studies have been considered as key determinants of acceptance intention and learning transfer. This study explored the mediating effects of learner and environmental factors on the accepted information technology and strengthened and supplemented the path of learning transfer of perceived usefulness and ease-of-use. In addition, based on the sample analysis of various countries used in this study, it is expected that future international comparative studies will be possible.

Changes in Agricultural Extension Services in Korea (한국농촌지도사업(韓國農村指導事業)의 변동(變動))

  • Fujita, Yasuki;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2000
  • When the marcher visited Korea in fall 1994, he was shocked to see high rise apartment buildings around the capitol region including Seoul and Suwon, resulting from rising demand of housing because of urban migration followed by second and third industrial development. After 6 years in March 2000, the researcher witnessed more apartment buildings and vinyl house complexes, one of the evidences of continued economic progress in Korea. Korea had to receive the rescue finance from International Monetary Fund (IMF) because of financial crisis in 1997. However, the sign of recovery was seen in a year, and the growth rate of Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in 1999 recorded as high as 10.7 percent. During this period, the Korean government has been working on restructuring of banks, enterprises, labour and public sectors. The major directions of government were; localization, reducing administrative manpower, limiting agricultural budgets, privatization of public enterprises, integration of agricultural organization, and easing of various regulations. Thus, the power of central government shifted to local government resulting in a power increase for city mayors and county chiefs. Agricultural extension services was one of targets of government restructuring, transferred to local governments from central government. At the same time, the number of extension offices was reduced by 64 percent, extension personnel reduced by 24 percent, and extension budgets reduced. During the process of restructuring, the basic direction of extension services was set by central Rural Development Administration Personnel management, technology development and supports were transferred to provincial Rural Development Administrations, and operational responsibilities transferred to city/county governments. Agricultural extension services at the local levels changed the name to Agricultural Technology Extension Center, established under jurisdiction of city mayor or county chief. The function of technology development works were added, at the same time reducing the number of educators for agriculture and rural life. As a result of observations of rural areas and agricultural extension services at various levels, functional responsibilities of extension were not well recognized throughout the central, provincial, and local levels. Central agricultural extension services should be more concerned about effective rural development by monitoring provincial and local level extension activities more throughly. At county level extension services, it may be desirable to add a research function to reflect local agricultural technological needs. Sometimes, adding administrative tasks for extension educators may be helpful far farmers. However, tasks such as inspection and investigation should be avoided, since it may hinder the effectiveness of extension educational activities. It appeared that major contents of the agricultural extension service in Korea were focused on saving agricultural materials, developing new agricultural technology, enhancing agricultural export, increasing production and establishing market oriented farming. However these kinds of efforts may lead to non-sustainable agriculture. It would be better to put more emphasis on sustainable agriculture in the future. Agricultural extension methods in Korea may be better classified into two approaches or functions; consultation function for advanced farmers and technology transfer or educational function for small farmers. Advanced farmers were more interested in technology and management information, while small farmers were more concerned about information for farm management directions and timely diffusion of agricultural technology information. Agricultural extension service should put more emphasis on small farmer groups and active participation of farmers in these groups. Providing information and moderate advice in selecting alternatives should be the major activities for consultation for advanced farmers, while problem solving processes may be the major educational function for small farmers. Systems such as internet and e-mail should be utilized for functions of information exchange. These activities may not be an easy task for decreased numbers of extension educators along with increased administrative tasks. It may be difficult to practice a one-to-one approach However group guidance may improve the task to a certain degree.

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User Gestures as a Voluntary Action in Products Design - Focused on a Gesture Discovered in User Positive Action to Transform Products (제품디자인에 있어서 자발적 행위로의 유저제스처 -사용자의 긍정적 제품변형행위에 관한 제스처를 중심으로-)

  • 진선태;우흥룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2004
  • Creativity is a important keyword for users as well as for main design organization who needs it. But little attention has been given to the aspect of user's creativity, also there has been a few attempt to apply it into design development until now. Nowadays in design areas, user's experiences and actions are changing the passive states receiving meanings into the active states creating meanings voluntarily. It is resonable to suppose that creative stage is important for users and they have the possibility of new ideas of uses and creating new productions. User's experiences of objects includes that of being formed or supported previously and that of voluntary interpretations acquired for himself, which it may be the possibilities predicted in design process or unknown user's action areas. It is likely that creative use process by themselves are the actions applied and deviated from usability and function by main design organization, also creative productions are arranged and made by users. These have a scope of examination and research in probability that is occurs frequently in user. In this research, approaching with a term, 'User gestures', User gestures are the characteristic action areas based on user's voluntary behaviors, where are revealed a unessential and non-operational function as a action itself and various transformation and creation of products as a outcome of action. This fact proves clearly that user gestures have a worth of alive spectrum to observe aspects of user culture and could be a attractive approach to seek easily new design concept for designer and developer. A further direction of this study will be following areas, Ethnography methods research of user gestures, Cultural research to phenomenon of user design and UGSBD(User gesture scenario based design) research. And it seems probable that they are applied in design development as follows, User initiative customization products, User participatory recycling products and creativity-experience design.

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Governance of Regional Innovation Policies of the Ruhr Area in Germany (독일 루르지역의 지역혁신정책 거버넌스 연구: 혁신주체간 협력관계를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2006
  • The Ruhr region used to be a large industrial area, working as an engine of economic growth of the Germany. However, the region has been suffering from economic and social problems originating from de-industrialization. Since the 1970s, various levels of governments have attempted to solve the problems with policies of regional innovation, e.g., establishing technology parks, competence centers, and business incubators to promote start-ups, technology transfers, and networks between governments, businesses, universities, public research institutes, and the public. In this context, this paper attempts to analyse governance of regional innovation policies of the Ruhr area, based on an analytical framework developed by a groups of researchers, i.e.. Bae et al (2006), The paper concludes that the roles of governments are important in creating and implementing regional innovation policies of the Ruhr area, the policies heavily rely on the R&D capacity of local universities and public research institutes; and various levels of governments have different roles to play.

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Effects of peer teaching on self-leadership, psychological capitals and learning satisfaction among nursing freshmen (동료교수활동이 간호학과 신입생의 셀프리더십, 심리역량 및 학업만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, In-Sook
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this primitive experimental study was to find the effects of peer teaching on self-leadership, psychological capitals(hereafter, psycap) and learning satisfaction of nursing freshmen. The data measured before and after 12 times peer teaching for 30 minutes were analyzed with SPSS 21 for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and paired t-test. There were significant increases in academic satisfaction of low subjective school grades group, and in resilience of below average prefer discussion group before and after treatment. There were significant differences in self-leadership and psycap before and after treatment(p=.002, p=.044), confidence and resilience among sub-domains of psycap increased significantly(p=.006, p=.015). Finally, peer teaching have increased self-leadership and psycap of nursing freshmen. Therefore, further studies are proposed to apply various types of peer teaching in nursing curriculum.

A Study of an Instructional Design Strategy for Improving the Collaborative Teaching Between School Librarians and Subject Teachers in Library-Assisted Instruction (도서관 활용수업에서 사서교사와 교과교사의 협동수업 향상을 위한 교수설계 전략에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2010
  • This study aims for developing an instructional design strategy to improve collaborative teaching between teacher librarians and subject teachers in library-assisted instruction. Collaborative teaching is an important management activity enhancing teaching role of teacher librarians in their school community. But in the actual condition the level of the library-assisted instruction as its practical strategy is cooperation and subject teachers are leading teaching and learning except for selecting resources. Because library-assisted instruction is resource-based learning, the procedural knowledge of information literacy curricula and topics of subject specific curricula should be designed as a whole. Also, there must be possibilities of reducing trial and error and expanding successes. From these sides, the collaborative design strategy for library-assisted instruction can be planned like 'statement of learning situation-co designing-co teaching-co evaluating'.

Governance of Regional Innovation Policies of the Lorraine Region in France (프랑스 로렌지역 지역혁신정책상의 거버넌스 구조: 혁신주체간 협력관계를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jun-Gu
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2006
  • The Lorraine region of France is one of the regions in the core of Europe that suffered most from the decline of its traditional industries. Since the 1970s, various levels of governments have attempted to solve the economic and social problems originating from de-industrialization with policies of regional innovation, e.g., establishing technopole, the creation of the technology transfer network, the launch of the RTP project, and business incubators to promote start-ups, technology transfers, and networks between governments, businesses, universities, public research institutes, and the public. In this context, this paper attempts to analyse governance of regional innovation policies of the Lorraine region, based on an analytical framework developed by a groups of researchers, i.e.. Bae et at (2006). The paper concludes that the roles of governments are important in creating and implementing regional innovation policies of the Lorraine region; the policies heavily rely on the R&D capacity of universities and public research institutes; and various levels of governments have different roles to play.

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The Overview on the Introduction and Development of Records Management in Japan : Historical process and roles of the Records Management Society, Japan (일본(日本)에 있어서 기록관리학(記錄管理學)의 발전상황(發展狀況)과 기록관리학(記錄管理學)의 역할(役割))

  • Takayama, Masaya
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2001
  • The idea of the vertical filing had been introduced in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. This is regarded as a root of the management of business records and office works. After the Secund World War, The Occupied Army introduced the American method of the document management and the method as the filing system had been generalized among many offices. However, the filing method bad been regarded the needed skills for clerical staff. The business documents and records have increased in volumes and recognized their value as information resources in business and management. These movements have become a good grounding in introducing and development of records management. To spread the idea and method of records management in business offices, it is required that academic research and training systems must be developed and established. In such situation, The Records management Society, Japan has been established in1989 and the graduate corse on records management has been established in Surugadai Univ. in 1999. Those are the center of research and studying activities on records management in Japan.

The Effect of Motivation of Preliminary Entrepreneur on Entrepreneurial Spirit in Service Industry -Focused on Participant of Cyber University- (예비 서비스 창업자의 동기요인이 기업가정신에 미치는 영향 -사이버대학교 수강자를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoe;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.511-537
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    • 2011
  • The start-up program of service company is able to give the positive effect to the job creation and growth but actually the rate of success for start-up program in service industry low and thus the effective support program is required. Recently, it is required that entrepreneurial spirit for success of start-up program in service industry. We examined entrepreneurial spirit between participation motivation in service industry. The results are as follows. As a result of survey for education program participant, it was found that 4 causes of Entrepreneurial Spirit such as innovation thought, market-oriented thought and art-oriented thought, management thought are all significant and especially, the effect of management thought showed somewhat high level in entrepreneurial spirit. Hereafter, this study may help to guide the motivation of preliminary entrepreneurs as food & beverage, restaurant business, retailer, other service industry.

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