• Title/Summary/Keyword: 점토 물질

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R&D Review on the Gap Fill of an Engineered Barrier for an HLW Repository (고준위폐기물처분장 공학적방벽의 갭채움재 기술현황)

  • Lee, Jae Owan;Choi, Young-Chul;Kim, Jin-Seop;Choi, Heui-Joo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.405-417
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    • 2014
  • In a high-level waste repository, the gap fill of the engineered barrier is an important component that influences the performance of the buffer and backfill. This paper reviewed the overseas status of R&D on the gap fill used engineered barriers, through which the concept of the gap fill, manufacturing techniques, pellet-molding characteristics, and emplacement techniques were summarized. The concept of a gap fill differs for each country depending on its disposal type and concept. Bentonite has been considered a major material of a gap fill, and clay as an inert filler. Gap fill was used in the form of pellets, granules, or a pellet-granule blend. Pellets are manufactured through one of the following techniques: static compaction, roller compression, or extrusion-cutting. Among these techniques, countries have focused on developing advanced technologies of roller compression and extrusion-cutting techniques for industrial pellet production. The dry density and integrity of the pellet are sensitive to water content, constituent material, manufacturing technique, and pellet size, and are less sensitive to the pressure applied during the manufacturing. For the emplacement of the gap fill, pouring, pouring and tamping, and pouring with vibration techniques were used in the buffer gap of the vertical deposition hole; blowing through the use of shotcrete technology and auger placement and compaction techniques have been used in the gap of horizontal deposition hole and tunnel. However, these emplacement techniques are still technically at the beginning stage, and thus additional research and development are expected to be needed.

Study on Precipitation of the Minerals in the Soil of Imha Reservoir Watershed (임하호 유역 토양의 광물학적 침전성 연구)

  • Kim, Yeonjeong;You, Samhwan;Jeong, Hyungjin;Baek, Seungcheol;Lee, Sungmin;Seo, Eulwon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2010
  • The present study was undertaken to investigate the characteristic of suspended matter in soils of Imha-Dam area by turbidity. Soil sampling was conducted at 5 points of Yeongyang (Turbid area) and 2 points of Cheongsong (Clean area). Experimental analysis was conducted using those samples. The pH of water in the soils at turbid area was higher than that of clean area. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that every sample consists in mainly quartz, illite and feldspar before precipitation. After precipitation for 3 days, the content of quartz and feldspar was decreased and the content of illite was increased at turbid area. The soil of Sinheung (St. 6) at clean area was analyzed only illite. SEM-EDS analysis showed the much content of $SiO_2$ as to every sample before precipitation, but $K_2O$, MgO, $Al_2O_3$, CaO and $Fe2O_3$ with illite was increased after precipitation for 3 days as to every sample. Experimental results exhibited that the major mineral of turbid water was illite at turbid area and clean area.

Fracture Flow of Radionuclides in Unsaturated Conditions at LILW Disposal Facility (불포화 암반 파쇄대를 통한 핵종 이동)

  • Kim, Won-Seok;Kim, Jungjin;Ahn, Jinmo;Nam, Seongsik;Um, Wooyong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.465-471
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    • 2015
  • Adsorption experiments for radionuclides such as $^3H$, $^{90}Sr$ and $^{99}Tc$ were conducted using fractured rock collected in unsaturated zone. The released radionuclide through artificial barrier from the near surface repository can be transported by the flow of rainfall or pore water through fractures in unsaturated zone and reach to groundwater flow. Therefore, it is important to investigate transport behavior (retardation) of radionuclides through fractured rock for the safety assessment and long-term performance of repository. Fractured rock samples were collected and characterized by X-ray microtomography (XMT) analysis, which can be used to develop a more robust unsaturated fracture transport model. When fracture-filling materials are exist, distribution coefficient of $^{90}Sr$ is higher than without fracture-filling materials. In this study, batch sorption distribution coefficient ($K_d$) of radionuclide was determined and used to increase our understanding of radionuclide retardtion through fracture-filling materials.

Possibility about Application and Interpretation of Surface Nondestructive X-ray Diffraction Method for Cultural Heritage Samples by Material (유형별 문화재 시료의 비파괴 표면 X-선 회절분석법 적용과 해석 가능성)

  • Moon, Dong Hyeok;Lee, Myeong Seong
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2019
  • Preservation of the original form is the principle for conservation, management and utilization of cultural heritages. Thus, non-destructive analysis of these samples are important field of the conservation science. In this study, examined the applicability of nondestructive surface X-ray diffraction analysis (ND-XRD) for cultural heritage by materials (rock specimen, jade stone, pigment painted specimen, earthen artifact, metal artifact). In result, all type of sample is recorded suitable X-ray diffraction patterns for identifying mineral composition in case of surface condition with adequate particle size and arrangement. And diffraction pattern is reflected surface information than matrix. Therefore, ND-XRD is thought to be applicable not only mineral identification but also interpretation of manufacturing technique and alteration trend about layered sample (in horizontally or vertically). Whereas some exceptional diffraction patterns were recorded due to overlapping information on specific crystal planes. It caused by skip the sample treatment (powdering and randomly orientation). It could be advantageously used for mineral identification, such as preferred orientation of clay minerals. In contrast, irregular diffraction pattern caused by single crystalline effect is required careful evaluation.

Characteristics of Sediments in the Kanghwa Tidal Flat on the west coast of Korea (한국 서해 강화 갯벌의 퇴적물 특성)

  • Woo, Han Jun;Bahk, Jang Jun;Lee, Yeon Gyu;Je, Jong Geel;Choi, Jae Ung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2004
  • The southern tidal flat of Kanghwa Island is one of the biggest flats on the west coast of Korea. Tide is typically a semidiurnal with maximum range of about 10m. The tidal flat receives large amount of sediments from Han River system. Surface sediments for sedimentary analyses were sampled at 83 stations in the study area in August 2003. The surface sediments consisted of five sedimentary facies. Generally, sandy mud sediments dominated in the southern tidal flat of Kanghwa Island, whereas sand sediments dominated in channel and subtidal zones of the western part of Kanghwa Island. The area of sandy mud sediment extended to eastward tidal flat compared to sedimentary facies in August 1997. Sedimentary facies analysis of three core sediments from the tidal flat to the south of the Kangwha Island revealed three sedimentary facies: trough-cross-bedded sand, laminated silt, and bioturbated silt. Distribution of the facies in the cores suggested that sedimentation rates has been generally high in the margin of main tidal channel, especially in the east of the Donggeum Island. Twelve-and-half-hour anchoring survey was carried out for measurements of hydrodynamic parameters at Yeomha channel near Choji Bridge(K1) and channel near Donggeum Island(K2) in June 2003. Residual flows indicated strong ebb-dominated tidal currents. Depth-integrated net suspended sediment loads for one tidal cycle were seaward movement with 309,217.9kg/m and 128,123.1kg/m at station K1 and K2, respectively. The higher value of net suspended sediment loads at station K1 suggested that lots of suspended sediments from Han River deposited in the eastern part of tidal flat.

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Behavior Characteristics of Fluoride with pH, Ion Type and Concentration, and Sediment Characteristics in River (pH, 이온종류 및 농도, 퇴적물의 성분에 따른 하천 내 불소의 거동특성)

  • LEE, Dong Min;Joo, Kwang Jin;Choi, ISong;Chang, Kwang Hyeon;Oh, Jong Min
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2018
  • Water quality is affected by the pollutants flowing into rivers since the interaction between water bodies and sediments in various environmental conditions. Especially, accumulation of sediments increases in the stagnant water areas due to a relative long hydrological retention time in the water bodies. Therefore, it is an important factor of water quality to understand characterization of the material behavior in water bodies and sediments. In this study, the objective of the conditional experiments was small and medium sized streams located in Gyeonggi-do. To estimate how the changes of fluoride behavior, depending on the pH, ion type, concentration, and clay contents. The pH results showed a trend that adsorption amount of fluorine decreased and the dissolution of fluorine increased following by pH increasing. The concentration and type of ions results showed that $Cl^-$ and $SO{_4}^{2-}$ ions had no significant effect on the adsorption ability of fluorine, the amount of dissolution was increased because $OH^-$ ion had active competition with fluorine in the reaction. The ingredient of sediment results showed that the amounts of fluoride adsorption and dissolution were reduced in samples, which contain relatively large amounts of Silt and Clay components. This means that the environmental conditions of water bodies greatly affect the adsorption and dissolution of fluoride in the sediments, so that proper management of fluoride in the sediments must precede an understanding of the environmental conditions of the water bodies.

Mineralogical Properties and Paragenesis of H-smectite (H-스멕타이트의 광물학적 특성과 생성관계)

  • Noh, Jin-Hwan;Hong, Jin-Sung
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.377-393
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    • 2010
  • Pumiceous tuffs occurring in the Beomgockri Group are examined applied-mineralogical characteristics and their controling factors to evaluate their potentials as the adsorption-functional mineral resources. The pumiceous tuffs are diagenetically altered to low-grade zeolitcs and bentonites in the Janggi area. Compositional specialty due to the presence of pumice fragments induces the altered tuffs to exhibit the characteristic adsorption property combined with cation exchange capacity, specific surface area, and acidic pH. Unusual lower pH in the adsorption-functional mineral substances is turned out to be originated from the presence of H-smectite having $H^+$ in the interlayer site of the sheet structure. On account of disordered crystallinity resulting from the exchanged $H^+$ in the interlayer site, the smectite commonly forms crenulated edges in the planar crystal form and exhibits characteristic X-ray diffraction patterns showing comparatively lower intensities of basal spacings including (001) peak than conventional Ca-smectite. Based on the interpretation of paragenetic relations and precursor of the H-smectite, a genetic model of the peculiar clay mineral was proposed. The smectite formation may be facilitated resulting from the precipitation of opal-CT at decreasing pH condition caused by the release of H+ during diagenetic alteration of pumice fragments. Because of the acidic smectite, the low-grade mineral resources from the Beomgockri Group may be applicable to the adsorption industry as the raw materials of acid clays and bed-soil.

Analysis the Use of Concrete Fine Aggregates of Coal Gasification Slag (콘크리트용 잔골재로서 석탄가스화 용융슬래그(CGS)의 활용성 분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Taek;Han, Min-Cheol;Hyun, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2019
  • This study is analysis of the utilization as a concrete fine aggregate on CGS, a by-product of Integrated coal gasification combined cycle(IGCC). That is, in KS F 2527 "Concrete aggregate," properties of 1~12times to CGS were evaluated, focusing on quality items corresponding to natural aggregate sand(NS) and melted slag aggregate sand(MS). As a result, the distribution of grain shape, safety and expansion were all satisfied with KS standards by physical properties, but the quality was unstable at 7~12times of water absorption ratio and absolute dry density. The particle size distribution was unstable due to asymmetry distribution of coarse particles, and particles were too thick for 7~12times. The passing ratio of 0.08mm sieve was also out of the KS standard at part factor of 7~12times, but chloride content, clay contents, coal and lignite were all satisfactory. Meanwhile, chemical composition was satisfactory except for $SO_3$ in 1~6times, and content and amount of harmful substances were all within the specified value except for F in 7~12times. As a result of SEM analysis, the surface quality and porosity were 7~12times more than 1~6times, and it was the quality was degraded. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the quality deviation by using separate measures in order to utilize it as concrete aggregate in the future, and if it is premixed with fine quality aggregate, it will contribute positively to solve aggregate supply shortage and utilize circulation resources.

Mantle Source Lithologies of Late Cenozoic Basaltic Rocks and Two Varieties of Enriched Mantle in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 신생대 후기 현무암의 근원 맨틀 암상과 두 종류의 부화 맨틀)

  • Choi, Sung Hi
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.183-197
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    • 2022
  • Geochemical data, including Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg-Zn isotopes, reported on the late Cenozoic intraplate basaltic rocks in the Korean Peninsula (Mt. Baekdu, Jeongok, Baengnyeong Island, Pyeongtaek, Asan, Ganseong, Ulleung Island, Dok Island, and Jeju Island) are summarized to constrain their mantle source lithologies, and the nature of mantle end-members required. In the Sr-Nd isotope correlation diagram, Jeju basalts plot in the field of EM2-type oceanic island basalts (OIB), while the other basalts fall in the EM1-type OIB field. In Pb-Pb isotope space, Jeju basalts show a mixing array between Indian MORB and EM2 component, whereas the other basalts display an array with EM1 component. The Korean basalts were derived from a hybrid source of garnet lherzolite and recycled stagnant slab materials (eclogite/pyroxenite, pelagic sediments, carbonates) in the mantle transition zone. The EM1 component could be ancient (~2.0 Ga) K-hollandite-bearing pelagic sediments that were isolated for a long period in the mantle transition zone due to their neutral buoyancy. The EM2 component might have been relatively young (probably Pacific slab) and recently recycled clay-rich pelagic sediments. Eclogite and carbonates are unlikely to account for the EM components, but they are common in the mantle source of the Korean basalts.

Nanoconfinement of Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide in Palygorskite (팔리고스카이트 내 수소 및 이산화탄소 나노공간한정)

  • Juhyeok Kim;Kideok D. Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2023
  • Carbon neutrality requires carbon dioxide reduction technology and alternative green energy sources. Palygorskite is a clay mineral with a ribbon structure and possess a large surface area due to the nanoscale pore size. The clay mineral has been proposed as a potential material to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) and possibly to store eco-friendly hydrogen gas (H2). We report our preliminary results of grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations that investigated the adsorption isotherms and mechanisms of CO2 and H2 into palygorskite nanopores at room temperature. As the chemical potential of gas increased, the adsorbed amount of CO2 or H2 within the palygorskite nanopores increased. Compared to CO2, injection of H2 into palygorskite required higher energy. The mean squared displacement within palygorskite nanopores was much higher for H2 than for CO2, which is consistent with experiments. Our simulations found that CO2 molecules were arranged in a row in the nanopores, while H2 molecules showed highly disordered arrangement. This simulation method is promising for finding Earth materials suitable for CO2 capture and H2 storage and also expected to contribute to fundamental understanding of fluid-mineral interactions in the geological underground.