• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전력시스템

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멕시코 로얄 은광산 잠재성 평가

  • Heo, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Ui-Jun
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.108-109
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    • 2010
  • IMPACT Silver 주식회사는 Zacualpan 프로젝트의 Royal Mines(이하 로얄 광산)을 인수했다. $124.5\;km^2$에 해당하는 지역의 소유권은 두 개의 멕시코 사기업으로부터 가행중인 광산의 채굴권 구입과 운영 중인 기반시설의 임대를 조건으로 한다. 프로젝트 지역은 멕시코시티로부터 남서방향으로 100 km와 Taxco Silver 광산으로부터 북서방향으로 25 km 떨어진 지점에 위치한다. 기반시설은 비포장 도로, 충분한 전력과 물의 공급 및 숙련공들을 갖추어 우수한 평가를 받고 있다. 소유권은 멕시코인의 개인소유 하에서 무한한 매장량 혹은 자원량을 갖고 운영된 채광과 가공시설을 인수하는 것이다. 소유권 지역을 대상으로 한 IMPACT Silver사의 주 탐사목적은 이미 알려진 광화대의 확장을 위한 잠재성 평가와 다른 지역에서 신규 광상의 유망지역을 발견하는 것이다. Zacualpan 프로젝트의 로얄 광산은 남동 Guerrero terrane의 북부에 위치한다. Teloloapan subterrane은 주로 저변성 녹색편암상으로 구성된 쥬라기 후기에서 백악기 초기의 화산성 퇴적층으로 구성된다. 대부분의 유망지역은 Lower Villa de Ayala층의 중성 내지 염기성 화산성 쇄설암을 모암으로 한다. 다상의 변성작용은 지역 전반에 걸쳐 나타나고, Zacualpan 광산지역에서 수반되는 광화작용을 규제한다. Zacualpan 광산지역은 Sierra Madre del Sur로 알려진 유망 광화대에 해당한다. 이 지역은 화산성 괴상 황화광상과 천열수 맥상광상이 우세하다. 대부분의 천열수 광화작용은 3.2-3.8억 년 전 마그마의 생성이 활발한 판구조 체제 동안 발생하였다. 역사적으로 가장 주요한 지역은 Lipton Vein이다. 현재 Zacualpan 지구에서 채광량은 은 200-500 g/t 정도로 보고되고 있다. 일부 지역은 고품위 은 광화작용(은 1,000 g/t 이상)을 수반하고 있으며, 이는 탐사의 주 타겟이 되고 있다. Zacualpan에서 은 광화작용은 은이 부화된 중유황 천열수 맥상광상으로 상당히 유명하다. Fresnillo, Pachuca 및 Taxco 광산을 포함한 멕시코 소유의 대규모의 잘 알려진 광산들이 이에 해당한다. 이러한 광산들은 부산물로서 금, 아연, 연이 생산된다. 이러한 광상들은 맥상과 각력상 및 산점상 또는 망상세맥의 형태로 산출된다. 광화작용은 석영과 탄산염 맥 내에 주로 황철석과 다양한 섬아연석, 방연석, 은 혹은 금 광물들을 수반한다. 경제성을 갖는 광화작용의 수직적인 연장은 평균적으로 대략 300 m이고, 멕시코 중부에 위치한 Fresnillo의 광화작용은 100 m에서 960 m의 연장을 갖는 것으로 알려져 있다. 아주 오랫동안 Zacualpan에서 광산관계자의 관측과 IMPACT Silver에서 최근 작업의 결과를 토대로, Zacualpan 광산지역의 탐사모델은 새로운 광상의 탐사를 위한 가이드로서 개발되었다. Zacualpan 광산지역에서 가장 높은 경제성을 갖는 광화작용은 북서와 남북방향의 맥 구조를 따라 수반된다. 이러한 맥 구조들은 종종 이 지역을 가로질러 수 km까지 추적되지만, 경제성을 갖는 광화작용은 맥 구조를 따라서 구조적으로 유리한 지역에서 부광대를 형성한다. 부광대를 형성하기 위한 가장 유리한 구조적 지역은 북서와 남북방향으로 발달한 맥 구조들이 교차하는 지역이다. 지난 30년간 채광된 주요 부광대는 폭이 2-6 m 이고 수평연장은 30-150 m 그리고 수직연장은 230-300 m에 이른다. 가장 높은 생산량을 보이는 부광대는 남북방향의 이차 맥들이 Guadalupe 광산의 Lipton 맥을 가로지르는 지역에서 발달한다. 남동쪽으로 현재 Compadres 광산의 Silver Shoot No. 1으로부터 고품위 은을 생산하는 지역은 북서방향의 San Agustin 맥이 북향의 Cometa Navideno 맥에 의해 절단되는 지역에서 산출한다. 모암은 광화작용을 규제하는 또 다른 중요한 요소이다. 광산지역에서 경제성을 갖는 모든 광화작용은 중성 내지 염기성 화산암 특히 안산암과 관련 모암에 배태된다. 부광대가 셰일 혹은 편암으로 전이되는 지역에서, 맥들은 소규모의 세맥으로 나뉘어 진다. Zacualpan의 전형적인 천열수 광상에서 부광대는 상부로 가면서 은의 함량이 증가하고, 하부로 가면서 연 아연의 함량이 증가하는 수직적 대상을 보인다. 금의 함량 변화는 보다 예측이 어려우나 상당히 중요하다. Zacualpan 광산지역의 탐사모델에 사용된 토양 채취, 정밀지도제작, 트렌치 및 시추탐광은 현재 IMPACT Silver사가 이 지역을 대상으로 한 가장 효율적인 탐사방법으로 입증되었다. Zacualpan 프로젝트의 로얄 광산은 하루 500 톤을 제련하는 기반시설과 수반된 채굴권을 갖는 가행 광산들을 포함한다. 현재 IMPACT Silver사는 두 곳의 타겟 지역에서 정밀지도제작, 토양 및 암석 채취, 12공 총 1866 m의 시추탐광에 의한 사전조사로 구성된 4 단계 탐사를 수행했다. 암석 1,953개, 토양 1,631 개, 389 개의 시추코어 시료가 채집되고 분석되었다. 이러한 작업은 추가탐사를 요구하는 수많은 유망 광화대를 규명했다. Compadres 광산에서 현재 가행중인 지하갱 시료는 레벨 1에서 0.9 m의 폭을 갖는 광체에서 은 680 g/t과 금 0.3 g/t, 레벨 3에서 1.67 m의 폭을 갖는 광체에서 은 12,591 g/t과 금 12.07 g/t의 품위를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 레벨 1에서 3까지 2-3 m의 폭과 30-40 m 연장으로 채광되었다. 시추탐광은 고품위를 갖는 몇몇의 중첩된 맥을 발견했다. Compadres 광산에서 남동방향으로 200 m지점에 위치한 Soledad 지역에서 5 개의 시추공으로부터 동일 맥 시스템이 발견되었고, 고품위 부광대의 상부로 간주되는 몇몇 중요 지점이 발견되었다. 초기 단계의 탐사는 유망 시추탐광 지역인 중간정도 내지 고품위 유망 광화대를 규명했다.

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Study on Hydrogen Production and CO Oxidation Reaction using Plasma Reforming System with PEMFC (고분자 전해질 연료전지용 플라즈마 개질 시스템에서 수소 생산 및 CO 산화반응에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Suck Joo;Lim, Mun Sup;Chun, Young Nam
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.656-662
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    • 2007
  • Fuel reformer using plasma and shift reactor for CO oxidation were designed and manufactured as $H_2$ supply device to operate a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). $H_2$ selectivity was increased by non-thermal plasma reformer using GlidArc discharge with Ni catalyst simultaneously. Shift reactor was consisted of steam generator, low temperature shifter, high temperature shifter and preferential oxidation reactor. Parametric screening studies of fuel reformer were conducted, in which there were the variations of the catalyst temperature, gas component ratio, total gas ratio and input power. and parametric screening studies of shift reactor were conducted, in which there were the variations of the air flow rate, stema flow rate and temperature. When the $O_2/C$ ratio was 0.64, total gas flow rate was 14.2 l/min, catalytic reactor temperature was $672^{\circ}C$ and input power 1.1 kJ/L, the production of $H_2$ was maximized 41.1%. And $CH_4$ conversion rate, $H_2$ yield and reformer energy density were 88.7%, 54% and 35.2% respectively. When the $O_2/C$ ratio was 0.3 in the PrOx reactor, steam flow ratio was 2.8 in the HTS, and temperature were 475, 314, 260, $235^{\circ}C$ in the HTS, LTS, PrOx, the conversion of CO was optimized conditions of shift reactor using simulated reformate gas. Preheat time of the reactor using plasma was 30 min, component of reformed gas from shift reactor were $H_2$ 38%, CO<10 ppm, $N_2$ 36%, $CO_2$ 21% and $CH_4$ 4%.

A Design of PLL and Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for 2.7Gbps/1.62Gbps DisplayPort Transmitter (2.7Gbps/1.62Gbps DisplayPort 송신기용 PLL 및 확산대역 클록 발생기의 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Kim, Seong-Geun;Pu, Young-Gun;Hur, Jeong;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a design of PLL and SSCG for reducing the EMI effect at the electronic machinery and tools for DisplayPort application. This system is composed of the essential element of PLL and Charge-Pump2 and Reference Clock Divider to implement the SSCG operation. In this paper, 270MHz/162MHz dual-mode PLL that can provide 10-phase and 1.35GHz/810MHz PLL that can reduce the jitter are designed for 2.7Gbps/162Gbps DisplayPort application. The jitter can be reduced drastically by combining 270MHz/162MHz PLL with 2-stage 5 to 1 serializer and 1.35GHz PLL with 2 to 1 serializer. This paper propose the frequency divider topology which can share the divider between modes and guarantee the 50% duty ratio. And, the output current mismatch can be reduced by using the proposed charge-pump topology. It is implemented using 0.13 um CMOS process and die areas of 270MHz/162MHz PLL and 1.35GHz/810MHz PLL are $650um\;{\times}\;500um$ and $600um\;{\times}\;500um$, respectively. The VCO tuning range of 270 MHz/162 MHz PLL is 330 MHz and the phase noise is -114 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. The measured SSCG down spread amplitude is 0.5% and modulation frequency is 31kHz. The total power consumption is 48mW.

Optimization Process Models of Gas Combined Cycle CHP Using Renewable Energy Hybrid System in Industrial Complex (산업단지 내 CHP Hybrid System 최적화 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Kwang Min;Kim, Lae Hyun
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2019
  • The study attempted to estimate the optimal facility capacity by combining renewable energy sources that can be connected with gas CHP in industrial complexes. In particular, we reviewed industrial complexes subject to energy use plan from 2013 to 2016. Although the regional designation was excluded, Sejong industrial complex, which has a fuel usage of 38 thousand TOE annually and a high heat density of $92.6Gcal/km^2{\cdot}h$, was selected for research. And we analyzed the optimal operation model of CHP Hybrid System linking fuel cell and photovoltaic power generation using HOMER Pro, a renewable energy hybrid system economic analysis program. In addition, in order to improve the reliability of the research by analyzing not only the heat demand but also the heat demand patterns for the dominant sectors in the thermal energy, the main supply energy source of CHP, the economic benefits were added to compare the relative benefits. As a result, the total indirect heat demand of Sejong industrial complex under construction was 378,282 Gcal per year, of which paper industry accounted for 77.7%, which is 293,754 Gcal per year. For the entire industrial complex indirect heat demand, a single CHP has an optimal capacity of 30,000 kW. In this case, CHP shares 275,707 Gcal and 72.8% of heat production, while peak load boiler PLB shares 103,240 Gcal and 27.2%. In the CHP, fuel cell, and photovoltaic combinations, the optimum capacity is 30,000 kW, 5,000 kW, and 1,980 kW, respectively. At this time, CHP shared 275,940 Gcal, 72.8%, fuel cell 12,390 Gcal, 3.3%, and PLB 90,620 Gcal, 23.9%. The CHP capacity was not reduced because an uneconomical alternative was found that required excessive operation of the PLB for insufficient heat production resulting from the CHP capacity reduction. On the other hand, in terms of indirect heat demand for the paper industry, which is the dominant industry, the optimal capacity of CHP, fuel cell, and photovoltaic combination is 25,000 kW, 5,000 kW, and 2,000 kW. The heat production was analyzed to be CHP 225,053 Gcal, 76.5%, fuel cell 11,215 Gcal, 3.8%, PLB 58,012 Gcal, 19.7%. However, the economic analysis results of the current electricity market and gas market confirm that the return on investment is impossible. However, we confirmed that the CHP Hybrid System, which combines CHP, fuel cell, and solar power, can improve management conditions of about KRW 9.3 billion annually for a single CHP system.

Analysis of Predicted Reduction Characteristics of Ash Deposition Using Kaolin as a Additive During Pulverized Biomass Combustion and Co-firing with Coal (미분탄 연소 시스템에 바이오매스 혼소시 카올린 첨가제 적용에 따른 회 점착 저감 특성 예측 연구)

  • Jiseon Park;Jaewook Lee;Yongwoon Lee;Youngjae Lee;Won Yang;Taeyoung Chae;Jaekwan Kim
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2023
  • Biomass has been used to secure renewable energy certificates (REC) in domestic and overseas coal-fired power plants. In recent years, biofuel has been diversified from traditional wood pellets to non-woody biomass. Non-woody biomass has a higher content of alkaline metals such as K and Na than wood-based biomass, resulting in a lower melting point and an increase in slagging on boiler tubes, which reduces boiler efficiency. This study analyzed the effect of kaolin, an additive commonly used to increase melting points, on biomass co-firing to coal through thermochemical equilibrium calculations. In a previous experiment on biomass co-firing to coal conducted at 80 kWth, it was interpreted that the use of kaolin actually increased the amount of fouling. In this study, analysis showed that when kaolin was added, aluminosilicate compounds were generated due to Al2O3, which is abundant in coal, and mullite was formed. Thus, it was confirmed that the amount of slag increased when more kaolin was used. Further analysis was conducted by increasing the biomass co-firing rate from 0% to 100% at 10% intervals, and the results showed non-linear liquid slag generation. As a result, it was found that the least amount of liquid slag was generated when the biomass co-firing rate was between 50 and 60%. The phase diagram analysis showed that high melting point compounds such as leucite and feldspar were most abundantly generated under these conditions.

The Effects on CRM Performance and Relationship Quality of Successful Elements in the Establishment of Customer Relationship Management: Focused on Marketing Approach (CRM구축과정에서 마케팅요인이 관계품질과 CRM성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyeong-Yu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.119-155
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    • 2008
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM) has been a sustainable competitive edge of many companies. CRM analyzes customer data for designing and executing targeted marketing analysing customer behavior in order to make decisions relating to products and services including management information system. It is critical for companies to get and maintain profitable customers. How to manage relationships with customers effectively has become an important issue for both academicians and practitioners in recent years. However, the existing academic literature and the practical applications of customer relationship management(CRM) strategies have been focused on the technical process and organizational structure about the implementation of CRM. These limited focus on CRM lead to the result of numerous reports of failed implementations of various types of CRM projects. Many of these failures are also related to the absence of marketing approach. Identifying successful factors and outcomes focused on marketing concept before introducing a CRM project are a pre-implementation requirements. Many researchers have attempted to find the factors that contribute to the success of CRM. However, these research have some limitations in terms of marketing approach without explaining how the marketing based factors contribute to the CRM success. An understanding of how to manage relationship with crucial customers effectively based marketing approach has become an important topic for both academicians and practitioners. However, the existing papers did not provide a clear antecedent and outcomes factors focused on marketing approach. This paper attempt to validate whether or not such various marketing factors would impact on relational quality and CRM performance in terms of marketing oriented perceptivity. More specifically, marketing oriented factors involving market orientation, customer orientation, customer information orientation, and core customer orientation can influence relationship quality(satisfaction and trust) and CRM outcome(customer retention and customer share). Another major goals of this research are to identify the effect of relationship quality on CRM outcomes consisted of customer retention and share to show the relationship strength between two factors. Based on meta analysis for conventional studies, I can construct the following research model. An empirical study was undertaken to test the hypotheses with data from various companies. Multiple regression analysis and t-test were employed to test the hypotheses. The reliability and validity of our measurements were tested by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and principal factor analysis respectively, and seven hypotheses were tested through performing correlation test and multiple regression analysis. The first key outcome is a theoretically and empirically sound CRM factors(marketing orientation, customer orientation, customer information orientation, and core customer orientation.) in the perceptive of marketing. The intensification of ${\beta}$coefficient among antecedents factors in terms of marketing was not same. In particular, The effects on customer trust of marketing based CRM antecedents were significantly confirmed excluding core customer orientation. It was notable that the direct effects of core customer orientation on customer trust were not exist. This means that customer trust which is firmly formed by long term tasks will not be directly linked to the core customer orientation. the enduring management concerned with this interactions is probably more important for the successful implementation of CRM. The second key result is that the implementation and operation of successful CRM process in terms of marketing approach have a strong positive association with both relationship quality(customer trust/customer satisfaction) and CRM performance(customer retention and customer possession). The final key fact that relationship quality has a strong positive effect on customer retention and customer share confirms that improvements in customer satisfaction and trust improve accessibility to customers, provide more consistent service and ensure value-for-money within the front office which result in growth of customer retention and customer share. Particularly, customer satisfaction and trust which is main components of relationship quality are found to be positively related to the customer retention and customer share. Interactive managements of these main variables play key roles in connecting the successful antecedent of CRM with final outcome involving customer retention and share. Based on research results, This paper suggest managerial implications concerned with constructions and executions of CRM focusing on the marketing perceptivity. I can conclude in general the CRM can be achieved by the recognition of antecedents and outcomes based on marketing concept. The implementation of marketing concept oriented CRM will be connected with finding out about customers' purchasing habits, opinions and preferences profiling individuals and groups to market more effectively and increase sales changing the way you operate to improve customer service and marketing. Benefiting from CRM is not just a question of investing the right software, but adapt CRM users to the concept of marketing including marketing orientation, customer orientation, and customer information orientation. No one deny that CRM is a process or methodology used to develop stronger relationships being composed of many technological components, but thinking about CRM in primarily technological terms is a big mistake. We can infer from this paper that the more useful way to think and implement about CRM is as a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of marketing concept about customers, marketing effectiveness, and market trends. Finally, a real situation we conducted our research may enable academics and practitioners to understand the antecedents and outcomes in the perceptive of marketing more clearly.

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