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A Sasang Theory of Leadership (사상이론(四象理論)의 리더십 연구(硏究)에 적용(適用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Mam-in
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2000
  • The common concerns of leadership approaches were focused on finding leadership factors or necessity of leadership change to proper leadership styles adapt to contingent change through observing various leaders' behaviors for improving organizational effectiveness. Basically, they assumed that the human could be adapt to any conditions regardless of his inherent characters though it is perceived generally that human beings have different attitudes and behaviors toward the same fact, condition, situation, etc. In other words, inherent factors that cause individual differences have been neglected but concerned only about postnatal environments which influence human characters in previous leadership studies. A number of studies concerning inherent human characters have been worked in Asia for the past thousands years, which enable answering to the questions; why the human beings have different characters and personalities, and how to manage them in the given life conditions. In this research, four type human theory(called Sasang Theory) which has already been widely used in medical field in Korea will be introduced and applied to leadership theory to indicate inherent causal factors of the human character that are expected to influence leadership styles. In process, two different methods, one is for leadership theory and the other is for Sasang theory, have to be considered to match the different ideas. The theory is so predictable that the result implies possibilities of further future researches in the organizational fields by presupposing human behavior.

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The Case Study on Understanding and Adjustment about the Family Living Culture in Marriage Emigration Females - Focused on Mothers in a Day- Care Center in Seoul - (결혼이주여성의 가정생활문화 이해 및 적응에 관한 사례 연구 -서울지역 어린이집 어머니를 대상으로-)

  • Lee, Ae-Lyeon
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.299-321
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how marriage migration females understand and adjust to the culture of family life in Korea. The study was the conducted by extensively interviewing one member from each of a total of 16 women's multicultural families at a daycare center area in Seoul between June 16, 2010 and July 28, 2010. The results can be summarized as follows: All interviewees were marriage migration females, in the range 20 to 50 years of age, and with middle educational backgrounds. They all had middle-level incomes. Through the content analysis of the informants' responses, three major factors were found to influence the understanding and adjustment of to the culture of family living: personal factors, familial support, and sociocultural support systems. Among the personal factors, the intimacy of the married couples was trouble major factor. An issue that tended to arise was that Korean husbands' traditional culture in terms of their way of thinking was often different from that of the wife's culture. However, husbands supported their wives' outside activities and friendships in order to help them adjust to the culture of family living. The husbands made an effort to understand their wives' original culture and national food, often visiting restaurants that served their wives' national cuisine. In terms of familial support, the most important factors affecting marriage migration females were orienting the education of children to the mother's native language, cooking their national foods, and visiting the mother's nation with the children. Marriage migration females had the following requires: The teacher in the daycare center needed to be interested in children from multicultural families and encourage self-pride in the marriage migration females' children. In terms of sociocultural support systems, marriage migration females are conscious of the indisposition and lack of consideration in Korean life. However, the Korean government and local provinces are concentrating attention on education for marriage migration females in terms of language, because learning the language can help these women to become accustomed to the rituals of Korean life. Marriage migration females make an effort to understand and adjust to Korean family living culture that involves the food culture for ceremonial occasions, folk plays, and places of historic interest. A matter of importance is Korean people's effort to understand and adjust to multicultural family with their distinctive cultures. Welfare policy related to multicultural families involves adopting supportive laws and actions.

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Estimating Effects of Climate Change on Ski Industry - The Case of Ski Resorts in South Korea - (스키산업에 기후변화가 미치는 영향 분석 - 한국의 스키장을 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Song-Yi;Park, Chan;Park, Jin-Han;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.432-443
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    • 2015
  • Ski industry is sensitive to climate change. Many studies were carried out to learn the impact on climate change to large scale ski resorts around the world and the results are difficult to be applied to small scale ski resorts in general. So, this study targeted small ski resorts composing the ski industry of Korea and forecasted the impact of climate change. As a result, based on the mitigation efforts to minimize climate changes of the future (RCP 4.5), ski industry could be maintained at the same level of today. However, if climate change continues at the current trend (RCP 8.5), ski resorts will face loss of business days. If 100 days are considered as the minimum days to maintain the ski business, among 17 ski resorts in Korea, 3 ski resorts will be driven out of business by 2030s, 12 more ski resorts by 2060s and remaining 2 ski resort by 2090s will end the business. It means that smaller ski resorts has higher chance of facing difficulties in running business just as large scale ski resorts. Therefore, to sustain the ski business, technical and managerial efforts to adapt to the changing environment is needed.

Study of the Ecosystem Model of Magazine on Special Genre Focusing on Collaboration System within Magazine Firm, Community and Creative User (전문잡지의 생태계 모델 분석 - 잡지사·커뮤니티·사용자의 협업체계를 중심으로)

  • Chang, Yong Ho;Kong, Byoung-Hun;Jin Jeon, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.4831-4843
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    • 2014
  • Magazines on specific genres have been operating collaborative, co-working and collective production systems for value maximization using an adaptation strategy on the dynamic, complex and uncertain value network of the magazine industry. The study used a case study method, and data collection was performed by observational research, depth interviews and survey research. The subjects of the study were 'magazine industry', 'magazine firm and community', and 'collaboration system within creative users'. According to the research results, the ecosystem of magazines on a specific genre has been evolving into an innovative value network system, which is combined with the magazine firm, community users and magazine platform. Second, the rapid introduction of smart device environment changes the way of the collaborating system, in which an action and interaction came out within the community, creative users and magazine firms. Third, the production agency shows strong action and interaction, which fits the magazine platform within the ecosystem of a magazine on a specific genre well. This model has a similar fractal structure to the game, publishing, drama, movie, comic, and animation contents industry, converging to an innovative technology-based-creative-industry.

Assessment of Flood Vulnerability to Climate Change Using Fuzzy Model and GIS in Seoul (퍼지모형과 GIS를 활용한 기후변화 홍수취약성 평가 - 서울시 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Jung-Eun;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.119-136
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    • 2012
  • The goal of this study is to apply the IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) concept of vulnerability to climate change and verify the use of a combination of vulnerability index and fuzzy logic to flood vulnerability analysis and mapping in Seoul using GIS. In order to achieve this goal, this study identified indicators influencing floods based on literature review. We include indicators of exposure to climate(daily max rainfall, days of 80mm over), sensitivity(slope, geological, average DEM, impermeability layer, topography and drainage), and adaptive capacity(retarding basin and green-infra). Also, this research used fuzzy model for aggregating indicators, and utilized frequency ratio to decide fuzzy membership values. Results show that the number of days of precipitation above 80mm, the distance from river and impervious surface have comparatively strong influence on flood damage. Furthermore, when precipitation is over 269mm, areas with scare flood mitigation capacities, industrial land use, elevation of 16~20m, within 50m distance from rivers are quite vulnerable to floods. Yeongdeungpo-gu, Yongsan-gu, Mapo-gu include comparatively large vulnerable areas. This study improved previous flood vulnerability assessment methodology by adopting fuzzy model. Also, vulnerability map provides meaningful information for decision makers regarding priority areas for implementing flood mitigation policies.

국가전자도서관 DL 사례

  • 공봉석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.293-312
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    • 1998
  • $\square$ 정보화 혁명의 대국민 인식수단과 초고속정보통신망의 주요 응용 서비스로서 부각 $\square$ 전통적인 정보이용방법에 대한 이용자들의 인식의 변화로 도서관 활성화 방안으로써 정보통신기술의 도입 $\square$ 선진 각국의 전자도서관 구축의 국가적 추진 $\square$ 국내 초고속정보통신망의 구축과 보급 확대 $\square$ 모든 국민이 지역, 시간의 제약없이 도서관에 접근하여 필요한 자료를 획득 $\square$ 정보획득시간 단축으로 국내연구자들의 연구력 증진 $\square$ 정보화의 지역격차 해소 $\square$ 국내 도서관의 전자도서관 사업 촉진 $\square$ 주요 전자도서관의 통합연동체제를 마련 $\square$ 주요 도서관별 대상분야 조정으로 중복투자 방지 $\square$ 초고속정보통신망의 주요한 응용서비스로 가시화 - 초고속정보통신망의 선도적 대국민 가시화 - 이에 따른 민간부문의 참여 및 투자 촉진 $\square$ 국가, 산업, 국민생활 정보화의 주요한 기반 구축 $\square$ 지역적 정보불균형 해소 - 일부지역에 편중되어 있는 정보를 인터넷을 이용하여 시.공간 제약없이 제공함으로써 정보의 불균형 해소 $\square$ 전자도서관의 기본모델 제시 -전자도서관의 주요기능인 타기관간 자료연동 및 검색시스템을 구현함으로써 향후 구축되는 전자도서관의 기본모델 제시 $\square$ 전자도서관간 자료공유체제 구축 -시범사업 참여도서관간 분산 관리하고 있는 정보의 공유를 위한 표준체제 구축(중략) 것으로 나타났다.까지 증가율을 보여 주었다. 것으로 나타났다.대표하는 압밀계수의 추정이 가능할 것으로 사료된다. $O_3$/라는 결정학적 관계를 가지며 에피탁샬 성장했음을 알 수 있었다.있었다.다(p<0.05)..8800-0.6800로 각각 표시되었다.~$\pm$10 V의 측정범위에서 memory window가 계속 증가하는 것을 보여주었다./$^{\circ}C$의 고주파 유전특성을 얻었다. 얻었다.끼쳤다.보였다.다. 싸이클링 성능을 보였다.다.보였다.다.고 입력 반사손실을 그림 I, 2, 3에 각각 나타내었다. 대책을 요구하고 있다.하는 경향을 보였다. 생존율은 48시간째부터 폐사하기 시작하여 144시간째에는 전량폐사하였다. 삼투압 조절 능력을 위한 여러가지 파라메타에서 15 $\textperthousand$구는 이상이 없는 것으로 추측되나, 0 $\textperthousand$구에서는 코티졸, Na$^{+}$, K$^{+}$, Cl ̄, 총단백질 및 AST에서 시간경과에 따른 삼투압 조절 능력에 문제가 있는 것으로 보여진다.c}C$에서 5시간 가열조리 후 잔존율은 각각 84.7% 및 73.3%였고, 질소가스 통기하에서는 잔존율이 88.9% 및 81.8%로 더욱 안정하였다.8% 및 12.44%, 201일 이상의 경우 13.17% 및 11.30%로 201일 이상의 유기의 경우에만 대조구와 삭제 구간에 유의적인(p<0.05) 차이를 나타내었다.는 담수(淡水)에서 10%o의 해수(海水)로 이주된지 14일(日) 이후에 신장(腎臟)에서 수축된 것으로 나타났다. 30%o의 해수(海水)에 적응(適應)된 틸라피아의 평균 신사구체(腎絲球體)의 면적은 담수(淡水)에 적응된 개체의 면적보다 유의성

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The Evolution of Innovation Cluster : Focusing on the Daedeok Innopolis (혁신클러스터의 진화 : 대덕연구개발특구를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Doohee;Cheong, Young Chul;Chung, Sunyang
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1207-1236
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    • 2018
  • This paper explores the life cycle of innovation cluster, especially focussing on the Korean representative innovation cluster, Daedeok Innopolis. For this purpose, we review theoretically how an innovation cluster has been growing up. In particular, we discuss how a cluster has been formed and activated by governmental innovation policies from an evolutionary perspective. By doing so, the study identifies the typical features of an innovation cluster according to each dimensions of the cluster life cycle. The results of this study are as follows: First, in this study, Daedeok Innopolis has characteristics of latency, emergence, growth, and maturity from evolutionary perspective. Second, the governmental structure of the Daedeok Innopolis is a strong government-led and top-down structure, which has features of inclusiveness and flexibility such as umbrella policy. Third, the Daedeok Innopolis can be seen that adaptive or renewal development, as while, it can be applied fine adjustment the innovation cluster policy towards the recognition of innovation obstacle at each dimensions of the life cycle. Therefore, these discussions expose what kind of policy interventions should be addressed to form and develop the innovation cluster according to the cluster life cycle, as while, the development of adaptive policies during the risk and take-off period. Ultimately, the study provides that a different kind of policy instruments and tools should be implemented according to innovation cluster development and its distinctive characteristic per each dimensions of the cluster life cycle.

Applicability of Robust Decision Making for a Water Supply Planning under Climate Change Uncertainty (기후변화 불확실성하의 용수공급계획을 위한 로버스트 의사결정의 적용)

  • Kang, Noel;Kim, Young-Oh;Jung, Eun-Sung;Park, Junehyeong
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the applicability of robust decision making (RDM) over standard decision making (SDM) by comparing each result of water supply planning under climate change uncertainties for a Korean dam case. RDM determines the rank of alternatives using the regret criterion which derives less fluctuating alternatives under the risk level regardless of scenarios. RDM and SDM methods were applied to assess hypothetic scenarios of water supply planning for the Andong dam and Imha dam basins. After generating various climate change scenarios and six assumed alternatives, the rank of alternatives was estimated by RDM and SDM respectively. As a result, the average difference in the rank of alternatives between RDM and SDM methods is 0.33~1.33 even though the same scenarios and alternatives were used to be ranked by both of RDM and SDM. This study has significance in terms of an attempt to assess a new approach to decision making for responding to climate change uncertainties in Korea. The effectiveness of RDM under more various conditions should be verified in the future.

Recent Trends in Integrative Insect Nutrition: A Nutritional Geometry Perspective (통합곤충영양학에 관한 최신 연구동향: 영양기하학적 관점을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kwang Pum;Jang, Taehwan;Rho, Myung Suk
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2022
  • Nutrition dictates nearly all biological processes and determines Darwinian fitness in all living organisms, including insects. Research on insect nutrition has a long history in the field of insect physiology and the importance of understanding insect nutrition has become increasingly apparent with the growing need for producing insects as food and feed. Nevertheless, it is only in recent years that we have witnessed a major breakthrough in our knowledge of insect nutrition. The multivariate, interactive, and dynamic nature of nutrition has long hampered our complete understanding of insect nutrition. However, the challenge posed by such nutritional complexity has been overcome with the advent of the Nutritional Geometry, which is an integrative and multidimensional framework that enabled us to model complex interactions between multiple nutrients. In this review, we introduce the basic concepts and principles of the Nutritional Geometry and describe how this innovative framework has revolutionized the field of insect nutrition and has placed nutrition in the centre of the interface between physiology, ecology, and evolution. We close this review by discussing potentially fertile research areas that can benefit tremendously from the application of this powerful nutritional paradigm in the future.

An Exploratory Study on the Experience of the female Elderly using a Long-Term Care: Centering on Users of Home-Visit Bath (장기요양보호를 이용하는 여성노인의 경험에 관한 탐색적 연구: 방문목욕 이용자를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Gun-cheol
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1345-1357
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    • 2010
  • This research, with the participants of the female elderly using a home-visit bath among long-term care services, made an in-depth analysis of what they experience while getting a home-visit bath. We conducted in-depth interviews with 8 elderly people. According to the result, the female elderly experienced the absence of a caregiver, difficulty in carrying out daily life due to physical diseases, getting what they need by themselves, getting comfortable in body and mind, accepting their given situation though feeling shame at getting a bath, and expressing their desires. In addition, they had a close relationship with a care helper. On the basis of the results, a systematic training system which could intensify the professionalism of care helpers was suggested. For the enhancement of the elderly's emotional stability in a long-term care, an integrated case management system was also suggested, which supports the family by organizing an integrated network by region between a long-term care service, home-visit care service, welfare center, and the National Health Insurance Corporation.