• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적극적 상호작용

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A Study on Jewelry Industry and Design Status of Italy (이태리 귀금속 산업 및 디자인 현황에 관한 고찰)

  • 최승욱
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1999
  • In Italy, numerous jewelry ornaments have been actively manufactured from long time ago, since Italian has been highly interested in jewelry from the ancient limes, therefor jewelry industry of Italy has been improved at an alarming pace with latest cutting-edge technology through their highly-talented artistic sense and workmanship of precious metals that have been inherited without any interruption based on the traditional history and culture. One out of five ornaments in the whole world is made in Italy, so Italy is the biggest maker to manufacture ornament made of gold, silver and precious stone recording more than 70 billion dollar of annual sales. The diversified composite factors-handmade oriented ornaments with artistic concept based on their inherited craftsmanship from generation to generation and refinedly and sensationally harmonized design -have resulted in development and mass manufacturing for ornaments. Now days the jewelry maker of Italy have actively introduced improved management know-how and international approach for marketing and made a strenuous effort to newly technology and creative design through close relationship with designers.

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Development of Social Studies Class Program in Secondary School for the Cultivation of Global Citizenship: Applying Co-op Co-op Model (세계시민성 함양을 위한 중학교 사회과 수업 프로그램 개발: 자율적 협동학습(Co-op Co-op) 모형을 적용하여)

  • Choi Yu Seong;Kim Young Soon
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.19 no.14
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    • pp.295-321
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the value of global citizenship and cooperative learning, and one of the effective ways to educate citizens around the world is to present a Co-op Co-op model for cooperation, which can be used in social studies class in secondary schools. While the need and importance of global citizenship education is emerging as a way to respond to the rapid globalization, there is still a lack of research on the teaching programs available at secondary schools. Therefore, through theoretical discussions, this paper identified diversity, cooperation with others, respect for democratic processes, active participation, and responsibility for global issues as key values of global citizenship. Based on this, class programs were developed and presented based on the first unit of social studies in secondary school 『Human rights and constitutional』 unit using Co-op Co-op among various cooperative learning models. The contents to be modified and supplemented by asking a group of experts from current teachers to review the program to ensure the validity and reliability of the class program developed in this study.

A Study on the Optimization of Edutainment Website design For Juvenile Users (에듀테인먼트 기반의 어린이 웹사이트 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • 손은미;임은정;이현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2002
  • As the Internet has been a daily instrument of our lives, the numbers of Internet users are increasing rapidly. Especially, we have to pay special attention to about rapid increasing of juvenile users. In the 1990's, Kids are growing up literally surrounded by new technologies and mu1timedia experiences. For these kids, most of the techno1ologies that we adults find surprising or even incredible are a part of their everyday landscape, a fact of life. Currently, only few of research and discussion has gone into understanding this field. And most of these web sites, set importance on furnishing information only. So educational characters of web are not manifested fully as well as children soon get board with learning with Internet so that feel difficulties in searching and accepting information. At this point, we must try to develop educational sites Not only to show information but also to offer a rich and entertaining time for kids while providing playful teaming and increased technological fluency. Fer this purpose, Web site should be all about combining play with learning. Site navigation should be easy and the pages load quickly. The page download time is also being considerable, which could send kids withy mouse-fingers looking for entertainment elsewhere. Everything about the site must have a familiar feel, uses adequate colors to be satisfied with the juveniles. Multimedia can help the communications in the websites. To maximize the educational effect, technological research and continues invest are need, in addition to usability test.

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New Paradigm Changes in Animation in the Era of Media Convergence (미디어 컨버전스 시대 애니메이션의 새로운 패러다임 변화)

  • Lee, Sang-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the animation market requires a new consumption form of animation contents that can meet the trend and environment of a new era. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to seek new changes in paradigm by analyzing the animation examples from media to media in order to confirm in which form animation genres are changed in the ers of media convergence. The finding shows that the paradigm changes in animation are essentially caused by the development of internet communication technology, the interactiveness, and the emergence of new media by media characteristics. As a result, the environment of consumption involves the introduction of active marketing centered on personal media and the new insight into the genre of animation, and the industry of animation has a high possibility of developing into a leading industry in the future based on the development of creation technology and on the paradigm of empirical economy and requires the animation education based on new media. This study will find its significance in that it may provide the basis of study in terms of theory and practice of the creation animation research focused on new media.

A Study on Occupational Reminiscence Therapy(ORT) Program for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI) in Local Community (지역사회 경도인지장애 노인의 작업회상치료 프로그램의 효과)

  • Cha, Yu-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to apply occupational reminiscence therapy (ORT) to the elderly diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who reside in the local community and determine its effects on cognitive functions, physical health, communication and interaction skills, and depression. The participants were elderly diagnosed with MCI who visited YW community health center on a regular basis and were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received eight one hour sessions of ORT once a week. Individual interviews were then conducted with the participants to determine if an event or activity had been commonly experienced, after which the program was modified and supplemented as necessary by referring to previous programs. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated, and differences before and after ORT's were identified by paired t-tests. Moreover, the Mann-Whitney U-test was conducted to identify differences in variances between groups. Only participants in the experimental group (n=9) reported significant improvements in cognitive function, physical health status, communication and interaction skills, and depression when compared to those in the control group (n=9). Therefore, it is expected that ORT will be actively used as a non-pharmacological intervention for preventing dementia and improving the health of elderly persons with MCI.

Funds of Knowledge and Features of Teaching and Learning in the Hybrid Space of Middle School Science Class: Focus on 7th grade Biology (과학 수업의 혼성공간에서 드러나는 중학생의 지식자본 및 교수학습 특성: 7학년 생명 영역을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Minjoo;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.731-744
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    • 2014
  • Extracting students' own culture and resources as main sources in science class, we begin a research to explore teaching and learning settings that are more responsive to adolescents. This study has been designed to explore the funds of knowledge that students bring into middle school science class. It also focused on the features of teaching and learning settings that stimulated the autonomous inflow of students' funds of knowledge as resources of science learning. Data from participant observations and in-depth interviews with 7th grade students were qualitatively analyzed based on grounded theory. We found that students' funds of knowledge were formed from their family life, neighbor communities, peer group, and pop culture. The funds of knowledge based on peer culture emerged as the most salient factor of students' enhanced participation and utterance. Common features of classes that stimulated the inflow of funds of knowledge were analyzed to be: (1) hybrid spaces for learning designed in advance: (2) sharing and enlargement of the funds of knowledge that has been brought into the class: and (3) common orientation of the community of practice for knowledge co-construction and shared outcomes. From these findings, this paper discussed the educational implications for promoting students' potential resources to actual sources of science class. It also discussed students' development of participation specifically among the generally marginalized students. Science classes based on the funds of knowledge of students offer an increased possibility of knowledge co-construction through the hybridized interactions of student's everyday lives and science knowledge and lead to more meaningful learning experiences.

The Effectiveness of Image and Attitude on Extension Brand Loyalty in the Foodservice Industry (확장된 외식브랜드이미지와 브랜드태도가 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Kum-Tack
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2009
  • In the severely competitive market, brand extension strategy has become a key strategy to the companies that are trying to expand in the new market and to cut down the marketing cost. In conclusion, following results are deduced. First, hypothesis 1(H-1) refers to the relationship between image of extension brand and attitude of extension brand, and it shows path-coefficients value of 0.43, and t-value of 4.21 which supports the hypothesis statistically. Second, H-2 is the result of the analysis of relationship between attitude of extension brand and loyalty of extension brand and consequently the hypothesis is supported by the path-coefficients value of 0.29 and t-value of 3.08. The results of this study provided very useful information for both foodservice industry and academics. At first, in the theocratical point of view, this study suggests a new concept the foodservice brand extension. Consequently in marketing point of view, the results of this study recommend several strategies of foodservice brand extension using foodservice image, attitude and loyalty.

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Web System Development Process based on Domain Features : Content centric Domain and Data centric Domain (도메인 특성에 근거한 웹 시스템 개발 프로세스 : 컨텐트 중심 도메인 및 데이터 중심 도메인)

  • Park, Su-Yong;Im, Seong-Jae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2002
  • As the technical aspect of the web system development is, unlike the existing main frame or client/server environment, greatly influenced by the dynamic and variable factors and carried out in a comparatively short period, practical and efficient process to which the developer may adapt with ease is very much required for the web system development. However, while the technological substitute, language and architecture composition have been much discussed, in connection with web system development growing rapidly, standardized development process and its deliverables have been rarely discussed. This thesis analyzes problems of the existing web system development processes and as the substitutes for them, proposes web system development process based on the domain features derived from the concepts of iteration and increment. For the classification of domains, five domains in total are set by interlocking web system factors and web site types and the workflows for two domains applied to projects are incorporated focused on work content and deliverables. The proposed process applies to the development of intranet system and is compared with the existing web development processes by the measure classified into components and elements.

Analysis on Visual Grammar of Female Images in Cover of Feminist Magazine Covers (페미니스트 잡지 표지 사진의 여성 이미지에 대한 시각 문법 분석)

  • Joo, Hae-Rin;Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzes the characteristics regarding the image of women in feminist magazine covers. Along with fundamental analysis of the female image that appeared on the covers of feminist magazines and the grammar of visual design by Kress and van Leeuwen, a methodology of socio semiotic research, this study explores the structure and driving principles of symbols that have organized female images. The subject of analysis is set to 200 covers of magazines published from the 1960s to the 2010s. Through analysis, first, female images represented in the covers of feminist magazines showed women of various races, age groups, appearances, and occupations, and the degree od emphasis on the physique was fewer and natural-looking. Second, the study confirms that feminist magazines actively utilize representational and interactive metafunctions to deliver symbolic information such as messages of confidence, strength, and courage. Third, the organized symbols affected the recipient's understanding and interpretation of images. I hope this study helps to contemplate ways to express female images and the dynamic and diverse aspects of women.

A Study on the UIC(University & Industry Collaboration) Model for Global New Business (글로벌 사업 진출을 위한 산학협력 협업촉진모델: 경남 G대학 GTEP 사업 실험사례연구)

  • Baek, Jong-ok;Park, Sang-hyeok;Seol, Byung-moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2015
  • This can be promoted collaboration environment for the system and the system is very important for competitiveness, it is equipped. If so, could work in collaboration with members of the organization to promote collaboration what factors? Organizational collaboration and cooperation of many people working, or worth pursuing common goals by sharing information and processes to improve labor productivity, defined as collaboration. Factors that promote collaboration are shared visions, the organization's principles and rules that reflect the visions, on-line system developments, and communication methods. First, it embodies the vision shared by the more sympathetic members are active and voluntary participation in the activities of the organization can be achieved. Second, the members are aware of all the rules and principles of a united whole is accepted and leads to good performance. In addition, the ability to share sensitive business activities for self-development and also lead to work to make this a regular activity to create a team that can collaborate to help the environment and the atmosphere. Third, a systematic construction of the online collaboration system is made efficient and rapid task. According to Student team and A corporation we knew that Cloud services and social media, low-cost, high-efficiency services could achieve. The introduction of the latest information technology changes, the members of the organization's systems and active participation can take advantage of continuing education must be made. Fourth, the company to inform people both inside and outside of the organization to communicate actively to change the image of the company activities, the creation of corporate performance is very important to figure. Reflects the latest trend to actively use social media to communicate the effort is needed. For development of systematic collaboration promoting model steps to meet the organizational role. First, the Chief Executive Officer to make a firm and clear vision of the organization members to propagate the faith, empathy gives a sense of belonging should be able to have. Second, middle managers, CEO's vision is to systematically propagate the organizers rules and principles to establish a system would create. Third, general operatives internalize the vision of the company stating that the role of outside companies must adhere. The purpose of this study was well done in collaboration organizations promoting factors for strategic alignment model based on the golden circle and collaboration to understand and reflect the latest trends in information technology tools to take advantage of smart work and business know how student teams through case analysis will derive the success factors. This is the foundation for future empirical studies are expected to be present.

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