• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재해석자료

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Performance of NCAR Regional Climate Model in the Simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon (NCAR 지역기후모형의 인도 여름 몬순의 모사 성능)

  • Singh, Gyan Prakash;Oh, Jai-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2010
  • Increasing human activity due to rapid economic growth and land use change alters the patterns of the Asian monsoon, which is key to crop yields in Asia. In this study, we tested the performance of regional climate model (RegCM3) by simulating important components of Indian summer monsoon, including land-ocean contrast, low level jet (LLJ), Tibetan high and upper level Easterly Jet. Three contrasting rain years (1994: excess year, 2001: normal year, 2002: deficient year) were selected and RegCM3 was integrated at 60 km horizontal resolution from April 1 to October 1 each year. The simulated fields of circulations and precipitation were validated against the observation from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis products and Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), respectively. The important results of RegCM3 simulations are (a) LLJ was slightly stronger and split into two branches during excess rain year over the Arabian Sea while there was no splitting during normal and deficient rain years, (b) huge anticyclone with single cell was noted during excess rain year while weak and broken into two cells in deficient rain year, (c) the simulated spatial distribution of precipitation was comparable to the corresponding observed precipitation of GPCC over large parts of India, and (d) the sensitivity experiment using NIMBUS-7 SMMR snow data indicated that precipitation was reduced mainly over the northeast and south Peninsular India with the introduction of 0.1 m of snow over the Tibetan region in April.

The Discovery and Exploration of the Tomb of Jang Mui during the Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 장무이묘의 발견과 조사)

  • Jung In-seung
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.18-35
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    • 2024
  • The Tomb of Jang Mui was discovered and investigated during the Japanese colonial era. It has provided key archaeological material for identifying the Daebang Commandery mentioned in historical records as Sariwon in Hwanghae-do Province when some bricks used in the construction of the tomb were found to be stamped with the official title "Prefect of Daebang Commandery." The discovery of the Tomb of Jang Mui served to confirm that the brick chamber tombs found along the Daedonggang River in 1909 were related to the Nangnang Commandery. It can be viewed as a major archaeological breakthrough that settled a debate over the locations of the Daesu River and Daebang Commandery that had been ongoing since the early Joseon Dynasty. Despite its significance for archeology and ancient Korean history, the circumstances of the discovery and investigations of the Tomb of Jang Mui have not been thoroughly examined. Inscribed bricks and roof tiles unearthed during the excavation conducted by Sekino Tadashi in 1912 are currently housed at The University Museum of The University of Tokyo. A number of other bricks excavated from the Tomb of Jang Mui are in the collection of the National Museum of Korea. Main agents of the investigations into these materials have not all been identified. Only some records on the materials collected during the investigations by Nomori Gen and others specify the main investigators. Inscribed bricks from other related tombs are also found in the Tokyo National Museum and at several universities in Japan. It is hoped that a comprehensive report incorporating all these materials can be written. Based on a reinterpretation of its structure conducted by Jung In-seung in 2010, the Tomb of Jang Mui has been dated to 348. This means it was not built during the Daebang Commandery period. The most compelling archaeological evidence regarding the location of the Daebang Commandery and its local capital has been undermined. It is hoped that active discussions will be held on the issue of the Daebang Commandery and its local capital.

Techne Odyssey: An Introductory Engineering Course based on Soft Engineering (공학기행: 소프트 공학 기반 공학 입문 강의)

  • Yoon, Joongsun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.575-580
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes an introductory engineering course for investigating the history of technology and the philosophy of technology. Soft engineering, a new engineering field to explore proper technology and appropriate ways of exercising engineering, was explored. Creative cases for technology are presented following the most creative, successful, and proficient periods-ancient Greek technology, the Renaissance, and Silicon Valley era. Ancient Greek technology was investigated in terms "techne" with the origin of technology and/or art, and their equivalence. The Renaissance period was investigated in terms of "Uomo universale (universal man)" with Firenze geniuses. The successful drivers for the Silicon Valley creativeness were based on "entrepreneurship" and continuation and revitalization of modern and near future technological cultures. The factors driving creativeness were explored. To approach the difficult goal to grasp the course subject issues, facts, and/or concepts of the history and philosophy of technology, this paper takes a stance as a tourist guide and tourists utilizing considerable offline onsite experience and online information. Categorized course materials were surveyed at the beginning of each period and presented according to the preference of the students to maintain the students' interests. Team efforts, including group discussions and project executions, have been encouraged to seek the aspects of creativeness and/or technology.

A Study on the Editorial Staffs of The Independent ("독립신문"의 참여 인물 연구)

  • Chae, Baek
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.36
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    • pp.135-161
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to examine who had participated as members of the editorial staffs and their role in the Independent. In spite of the historical significance of the Independent, this topic was not treated properly by related studies. Moreover many studies mainly based on the Philip Jaisohn's autobiography showed the tendency to overemphasize his role. This study tried to overcome the limitations of the existing studies by critical reinterpretation of the historical materials and some new documents. The result of this study shows that 9 persons participated in the Independent. They are Philip Jaisohn, Joo Si-kyung, Yoon Chi-ho, Homer B. Hulbert, Son Seung-yong, Lee Jun-il, Henry Gerhart Appenzeller, H. Emberley and George Cobb. Five person including Jaisohn were Koreans and the rest were foreigners. Hulbert took part in editing English edition confidentially during some month from the beginning. Son Seung-yong seems to be the only one man to participate from beginning to end. Lee Jun-il was not a editorial staff but a treasurer, and Cobb participated temporarily in proofreading. Hulbert and Cobb were not official staff.

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The meaning of experience and immersion to the diffusion of digital contents and consumption behavior based on arousal (디지털 콘텐츠의 확산과 공감 기반 소비행동에서의 경험과 몰입의 의미)

  • Kim, Yeonjeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study investigate the main factors of the diffusion of digital contents and consumer's participation behavior, consumption culture and examine the experiential perspective to consumer's information selection behavior. In digital network, the social presence, challenge, self-presentation, arousal and emotional feeling were significant variables to flow experience. Experiential perspectives focused on the search of identity and self-determination were main basic perspective to explain the diffusion of digital contents, consumer participation. This research result applied to media and device strategy to up-coming digital convergence and adapted to product planning and development, user friendly navigation and emotional human-centered service module.

Development of Strain-softening Model for Geosynthetic-involved Interface Using Disturbed State Concept (DSC를 이용한 토목섬유가 포함된 경계면의 변형율 연화 모델 개발)

  • Woo, Seo-Min;Park, Jun-Boum;Park, Inn-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2003
  • In this study, a constitutive model called the disturbed state concept (DSC) was modified to be applied to the interface shear stress-displacement relationship between geosynthetics. The DSC model is comprised of two reference states, namely the relative intact (RI) and the fully adjusted (FA) state, and one function, namely the disturbance function. This model is a unified approach and can allow for various models as an RI state such as elastic-perfectly plastic model, hierarchical model, and so on. In addition, by using this model, the elastic and plastic displacements can be considered simultaneously. Comparisons between the measured data and predicted results through the parameters determined from four sets of large direct shear tests showed good agreements with each other, especially for the smooth geomembrane-involved interface. Although there are slight differences at peak shear strength for textured geomembrane-involved interface, this model can still be useful to predict the position of displacement at peak strength and the large displacement (or residual) shear strength.

Prediction of Annual Energy Production of Wind Farms in Complex Terrain using MERRA Reanalysis Data (MERRA 재해석 자료를 이용한 복잡지형 내 풍력발전단지 연간에너지발전량 예측)

  • Kim, Jin-Han;Kwon, Il-Han;Park, Ung-Sik;Yoo, Neungsoo;Paek, Insu
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2014
  • The MERRA reanalysis data provided online by NASA was applied to predict the annual energy productions of two largest wind farms in Korea. The two wind farms, Gangwon wind farm and Yeongyang wind farm, are located on complex terrain. For the prediction, a commercial CFD program, WindSim, was used. The annual energy productions of the two wind farms were obtained for three separate years of MERRA data from June 2007 to May 2012, and the results were compared with the measured values listed in the CDM reports of the two wind farms. As the result, the prediction errors of six comparisons were within 9 percent when the availabilities of the wind farms were assumed to be 100 percent. Although further investigations are necessary, the MERRA reanalysis data seem useful tentatively to predict adjacent wind resources when measurement data are not available.

Solving Three Types of Analogy Tasks by the Mathematically Gifted (영재아들의 세 유형의 유추 과제 해결)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hwa
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2009
  • The powerful role of analogical reasoning in discovering mathematics is well substantiated in the history of mathematics. Mathematically gifted students, thus, are encouraged to learn via in-depth exploration on their own based on analogical reasoning. In this study, 57 gifted students (31in the 7th and 26 8th grade) were asked to formulate or clarify analogy. Students produced fruitful constructs led by analogical reasoning. Participants in this study appeared to experience the deep thinking that is necessary to solve problems made with analogies, a process equivalent to the one that mathematicians undertake. The subjects had to reflect on prior knowledge and develop new concepts such as an orthogonal projection and a point of intersection of perpendicular lines based on analogical reasoning. All subjects were found adept at making meaningful analogues of a triangle since they all made use of meta-cognition when searching relations for analogies. In the future, methodologies including the development of tasks and teaching settings, measures to evaluate the depth of mathematic exploration through analogy, and research on how to promote education related to analogy for gifted students will enhance gifted student mathematics education.

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A Study on the Objectivity of Scientific Knowledge: Focused on Michael Polanyi's Epistemology (과학지식의 객관성에 관한 고찰: 마이클 폴라니의 인식론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Man-Hee;Kim, Beom-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.100-116
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the objectivity of scientific knowledge, focusing on Michael Polanyi's epistemology. The objectivity of scientific knowledge could be examined in epistemological and ontological view. The former relates to the rationality, but the latter to the reality. Since the middle of 20th century science philosophers have debated about the objectivity of scientific knowledge. Their opinions are divided three parts by the criteria of objectivity in relation to the rationality. Exactly Objectivism approves the rationality of scientific knowledge, and Falsificationism accepts the panial rationality, but Relativism denies any rationality. In this paper, we will study the objectivity of knowledge in relation to the subjectivity, especially throughout the theory of Kant, Kierkegaard and Wang Yang-ming. Experienced good scientist Polanyi(1946; 1958) have ever suggested the new epistemology as the name of 'personal knowledge'. He argues that scientific knowledge is personal by faith, trust, passions, tacit understanding, method rules embodied in practice. Some implications were discussed for science education from the view of Polanyi. The first holds that science class needs human voice throughout the personal commitment. The second holds that intellectual passions should he recovered. The third holds that the teacher should act like real scientist. Finally, the theory of science education should be established for ourselves.

Jurassic (~170Ma) Zircon U-Pb Age of a "Granite Boulder" in the Geumgang Limestone, Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Korea: Reinterpretation of its Origin (옥천변성대 금강석회암 내 "화강암 거력"의 쥬라기(~170 Ma) 저어콘 연대: 성인에 대한 재해석)

  • Cheong, Wonseok;Cho, Moonsup;Yi, Keewook;Lee, Min Sung;Kim, Yoonsup
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2016
  • A "granite boulder", ~70 cm in size, was reported from the Geumgang Limestone, and has been considered as a glaciogenic dropstone. Since this interpretation has enormous implications for unraveling the evolution history of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, we re-examined the contact relationship and structure of the "granite boulder", and estimated its emplacement age based upon SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating. The weighted mean $^{206}Pb/^{238}U$ age pooled from 6 spot analyses of two specimens is $170{\pm}2Ma$ ($2{\sigma}$, MSWD=2.2). This zircon age suggests that the "granite boulder" in the Geumgang Limestone is a part of Jurassic granite, rather than a glaciogenic dropstone.