• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재학특성

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Association between frequency of convenience foods use at convenience stores and dietary quality among high school students in Incheon (인천지역 일부 고등학생의 편의점 편의식 이용빈도와 식사의 질과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.383-398
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study investigated an association between dietary quality and use of convenience foods at convenience stores among high school students. Methods: A total of 474 high school students (225 boys and 249 girls) residing in Incheon participated in this questionnaire survey in June 2018. The subjects were divided into three groups according to the frequency of consumption of convenience foods at convenience stores; less than once a week, 1 ~ 2 times a week, and more than 3 times a week. Dietary quality was assessed using a nutrient quotient for adolescents (NA-Q). Logistic regression was used to investigate an association between dietary quality and use of convenience foods at convenience stores among high school students. Results: For boys and girls, higher monthly allowance was significantly associated with the higher frequency of consumption of convenience foods at convenience stores, whereas school grade, mother's occupational status, family size, extracurricular study, and eating speed were not significantly associated with the frequency of consumption of convenience foods. Higher intake frequency of cookies or sweet and greasy bread, processed beverage, Ramyon, night-time snack, and street food was significantly associated with the higher frequency of consumption of convenience foods for boys or girls. Boys and girls, who had a higher frequency of consumption of convenience foods at convenience stores had significantly greater odds for being in the low grade of dietary quality, especially in the moderation factor. Conclusion: The students who used convenience stores more often appeared to have more monthly allowance and to consume undesirable foods more often. Higher frequency of using convenience foods at convenience stores among high school students was associated with lower dietary quality. These study results can support efforts to provide nutrition education programs and guidelines to students who frequently use convenience foods at convenience stores.

Text Mining and Association Rules Analysis to a Self-Introduction Letter of Freshman at Korea National College of Agricultural and Fisheries (1) (한국농수산대학 신입생 자기소개서의 텍스트 마이닝과 연관규칙 분석 (1))

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, J.S.;Shin, Y.K.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.113-129
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    • 2020
  • In this study we examined the topic analysis and correlation analysis by text mining to extract meaningful information or rules from the self introduction letter of freshman at Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries in 2020. The analysis items are described in items related to 'academic' and 'in-school activities' during high school. In the text mining results, the keywords of 'academic' items were 'study', 'thought', 'effort', 'problem', 'friend', and the key words of 'in-school activities' were 'activity', 'thought', 'friend', 'club', 'school' in order. As a result of the correlation analysis, the key words of 'thinking', 'studying', 'effort', and 'time' played a central role in the 'academic' item. And the key words of 'in-school activities' were 'thought', 'activity', 'school', 'time', and 'friend'. The results of frequency analysis and association analysis were visualized with word cloud and correlation graphs to make it easier to understand all the results. In the next study, TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) analysis using 'frequency of keywords' and 'reverse of document frequency' will be performed as a method of extracting key words from a large amount of documents.

The Relationship between Using Both Hands Keyboard Input and Hand Function Among the Lifestyles of University Student (대학생의 라이프스타일 중 양손사용 스마트폰 자판 입력과 손 기능과의 관계)

  • Bae, Seong-Hwan;Kang, Woo-Jin;Kim, Na-Yeong;Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Jo, June-Hyeok;Baek, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to provide basic data for developing hand functional training programs using a keyboard to see if there is a relationship between the smart keyboard input speed using both hands, the Dexterity of the hand and the eye-hand coordination ability. The smartphone keyboard input speed, Purdue Pegboard, Grooved Pegboard Test, and Korean-Developmental-Test of Visual Perception-Adolescent were evaluated for 40 university students Province. An independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to identify differences in smartphone keyboard input speed, dexterity, eye-hand coordination ability and visual-motion using both hands according to the general characteristics of the subjects. Pearson correlation was also conducted to find out the relationship between hand-used smartphone keyboard input speed, hand dexterity, eye-hand coordination ability and visual-motor. As a result, the smartphone keyboard input speed using both hands showed a correlation with the dominant hand in the Purdue Pegboard Test (r=-.313, p<.05). In addition, the input speed of the smartphone keyboard is Copying(r=-.333, p<.05), Visual Motor Search(r=.455, p<.01), Visual Motor speed(r=-.453, p<.01) and Form Constancy (r=-.341, p<.05) in the item of K-DTVP-A. Therefore, it is believed that it will be helpful in the development of a treatment program using a smartphone, and it is expected that the effectiveness of a treatment program using a smartphone will be proven through additional experimental studies in the future.

Study on the relationship between dietary habits and the quality of life of some high school students in Seoul based on the nutrition quotient for adolescents (NQ-A) (청소년 영양지수(NQ-A)를 활용한 서울지역 일부 고등학교 학생의 식행동과 삶의 질의 관련성 연구)

  • Ho-Jung Kim;Jung-Sug Lee;Yookyung Kim
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.320-335
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study examined the impact of adolescents' dietary behavior on their quality of life using the nutrition quotient for adolescents (NQ-A) for some high school students in Seoul. Methods: The subjects were 176 high school students living in Seoul. The NQ-A was used to assess the dietary quality, and the quality of life was assessed by categorizing it into life satisfaction, environment, health, participation and safety, leisure activities, and emotional factors using survey questions validated through previous studies. Results: The NQ score of the survey subjects was 49.30 points. Based on the NQ scores, 7.4%, 46.6%, and 46.0% of participants were categorized as the 'high', 'medium', and 'low' groups, respectively. The total NQ score and balance, diversity, and practice factor scores were positively correlated with life satisfaction, environment, health, participation and safety, and leisure activities among the quality of life subscales. Regression analysis showed that the total NQ score was positively associated with life satisfaction, health, leisure activities, and emotions; the moderation factor was negatively associated with life satisfaction and health. The balance factor was positively associated with the environmental factor. The practice factor was positively associated with health, leisure activities, and emotions, and the environment factor was negatively associated with emotions. Conclusion: These results show that adolescents' quality of life is closely related to their diet, so it is necessary to maintain a balanced and varied food intake and desirable eating behaviors to improve adolescents' quality of life. Furthermore, adolescents' quality of life is influenced by other factors. Therefore, further research is needed to assess the quality of life, including dietary factors, as well as physical, emotional, psychological, and social development.

A Study on Effects of the vocal psychotherapy upon Self-Consciousness (성악심리치료활동을 통한 자기의식 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Joo
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.66-83
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to learn both effects of the vocal psychotherapy on the self-consciousness and the variety of the self-consciousness on the vocal psychotherapy in return. The research for this study was performed to three subjects who were students of E university, Seoul, ten times for sixty minutes. The subjects were all volunteers for the advertisement on a music-therapy program searching for them on the web site of E university. The vocal psychotherapy program consists of four steps and each of them consists of two to four short terms again. Both before and after the experiment, examinations on self-consciousness were done to recognize the change of the subjects' self-consciousness which would be caused by the vocal psychotherapy activity. After every short term, the subjects were asked to write reports to closely analyze the change of self-consciousness according to the terms and the variety of the subjects. The effect of the vocal psychotherapy activity on the changes of scores in the self-consciousness examination is the first thing to point out on this study. There appeared some personal varieties on the total scores of the examination and scores of some sub-categories. Especially, there were different scores on the private self-consciousness, the public self-consciousness, and the social anxiety between before and after performing the vocal psychotherapy program. Subject A, who had got the best score of all on the scope of the private self-consciousness, showed the steepest decrease on the very scope. On the contrary, the subject showed decrease of scores of the public self-consciousness and the social anxiety in the relatively little rate. Subject B, who had got the highest score of the three on the public self-consciousness, showed the steepest decrease on that of all scopes and showed no difference on the social anxiety scope. In the case of the last one, subject C, who had relatively low scores on the private and public self-consciousness than the others, the private self-consciousness score increased but the public self-consciousness and the social anxiety scores decreased. The changes of the scores of each questions were examined in order to see possible other changes that had not been exposed on the changes of the total and sub-categories scores. As a result of that, of all twenty-eight questions, there were changes about one to two points. Subject A showed the difference with thirteen questions, subject B with sixteen and subject C with nineteen questions. The rate of change of subject C was relatively small but more questions changed and the change of score was wider than the others. Considering all those results, It can be possibly said that the vocal psychotherapy affects the changes of the scores of sub-categories in self-consciousness examination. The next thing to point out on this study is the change of recognition that was exposed on the subjects' report after every short term of the program. As a result of the close analyzing, according to the short terms and variety of self-consciousness, recognizing the way express subjects themselves by voice and recognizing their own voices appeared to be different. How much they cared about others and why they did so were also different. According to the self reports, subject A cared much about her inner thought and emotion and tended to concentrate herself as a social object. There appeared some positive emotional experiments such as emotional abundance and art curiosities on her reports but at the same time some negative emotions such as state-trait anxiety and neuroticism also appeared. Subject B, who showed high scores on the private and public self-consciousness like subject A, had a similar tendency that concentrates on herself as a social object but she showed more social anxiety than subject A. Subject C got relatively lower points in self-consciousness examination, tended to care about herself, and had less negative emotions such as state-trait anxiety than other subjects. Also, with terms going on, she showed changes in the way of caring about her own voice and others. This study has some unique significances in helping people who have problems caused by self-estimation activated with self-consciousness, using voices closely related to one's own self, performing the vocal skills discipline to solve the technical problems. Also, this study has a potentiality that the vocal psychotherapy activity can be effectively used as a way affects the mental health and developing personality.

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The Determinants of Health Promoting Behavior in Students on Dept of Dental Hygiene (치위생과 학생의 건강증진행위 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Lee, Hyang-Nim
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2004
  • This study was examed in order to determine influential factors of health promoting behavior on Dental Hygiene students the health promoting behavior. So examed students' health promoting behavior, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, a health locus of control, self-esteem. A the result of this study were as follows: (1) Performance mean score in health promoting behavior was 2.60, self achievement score was 2.89, health responsibility score was 2.12, exercise score was 1.89, nutrition score was 2.45, interpersonal support score was 2.97, stress management score was 2.63. Performance mean score in self-efficacy was 2.56, perceived benefit was 3.45, perceived barrier was 2.32, a health locus of control score was 3.04, self-esteem score was 2.81. (2) Performance in health promoting behavior was significant differences in year, religion, economical level, experience of disease on family, perceived health status(p<0.05), perceived oral health status(p<0.001). Performance in self achievement was significant differences in year, economical level, perceived health status(p<0.05), religion, perceived oral health status(p<0.01). Performance in health responsibility was significant differences in year, religion, economical level, BMI(p<0.05) and experience of disease on myself, perceived oral health status(p<0.001). Performance in excercise was significant differences in mother's educational level, experience of disease on family, perceived oral health status(p<0.05) and nutrient was economical level, perceived oral health status(p<0.01), perceived health status(p<0.05). Performance in interpersonal relations was only significant differences perceived oral health status(p<0.05) and in stress management was year, perceived oral health status(p<0.05). (3) Performance in self-efficacy was significant differences in economical level, health status(P<0.05) and perceived health status, perceived oral health status(p<0.01). Performance in perceived benefit was significant differences in religion(p<0.05). Performance in perceived barrier was significant differences economical level, perceived oral health status(p<0.05), experience of disease on myself(p<0.01). Performance in a health locus of control was significant differences year(p<0.05), performance in a perceived oral health status(p<0.01). (4) Performance in health promoting behavior was significantly correlated with self-efficacy(r=0.376), perceived benefit(r=0.188), perceived barrier(r=-0.155), a health locus of control (r=0.064), self-esteem(r=0.318). (5) Self-efficacy was the highest factor predicting health promoting behavior.

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A Research on Investigation Results of Teenagers' Civic and Ethic Awareness - Confucian values and a Treatise of Human Nature (유교사상을 통한 청소년의 시민윤리의식 실증조사연구)

  • Moon, Ki-young;Lee, In-young
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.52
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    • pp.393-424
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the relationship between South Korean youths' Confucian values and sense of citizen ethics while presenting outlook on the sense of citizen ethics based on the theory of human nature. The purpose of this study, by doing so, is to present educational measures. For this purpose, empirical research method was applied in this study. In the empirical study, youths were surveyed and the answers were statistically analyzed and discussed with a view to achieve the study purpose. In the empirical research part of the study, Korean youths' awareness on Confucian values was examined along with its relationship with the sense of citizen ethics. The effect of Confucian values on sense of citizen ethics and their relationship were analyzed to evaluate the receptivity of youths on Confucian ideas and usefulness of sense of citizen ethics. This study investigated a total of final 311 sets of data from male and female students at middle and high schools located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, South Korea. First, to identify the youths' Confucian values and level of sense of citizen ethics, descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. As a result, the survey subjects were found to have, concerning the Confucian values, world view M=3.54, human relations view M=3.66, morality cultivation M=3.76, and social order M=3.45, higher than 3.0 to represent positive levels. The morality cultivation, in particular, was recorded the highest among all whereas the social order was relatively lower, which represents the degree of relying on Confucian values to establish social order. Second, the sub-variables of Confucian values were verified according to the personal characteristics of the surveyed youths and differences in their entire perception was investigated. As a result, according to gender, morality cultivation was found higher in female students (M=3.85) than in male students (M=3.64). According to the subjective economic level of their household, world view was found higher in upper class (M=3.98) than middle-low class (M=3.25) and low class (M=3.22) while human relations view was found higher in middle-upper class (M=3.79) than low class (M=3.46). As for the family type, morality cultivation was found higher in extended family (M=3.83) than nuclear family (M=3.62); and social order was higher in extended family (M=3.54) than nuclear family (M=3.36). Third, to verify the study theme of identifying the effects of youths' Confucian values on sense of citizen morality, hierarchical regression analysis was employed in this study, which used the multi-level model of multiple regression analysis. As a result, the Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) correlations with the entire sense of citizen ethics in order of human relations view(${\beta}=.499$), world view(${\beta}=.412$), social order(${\beta}=.341$), and morality cultivation(${\beta}=.241$). Confucian value showed significant positive (+) correlations with autonomy in order of morality cultivation(${\beta}=.458$), human relations view(${\beta}=.454$), social order(${\beta}=.362$), and world view(${\beta}=.158$). Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) correlations with community spirit in order of human relations view(${\beta}=.295$), social order(${\beta}=.281$), and morality cultivation(${\beta}=.232$). As shown in the findings above, youths' Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) effects on the sense of citizen ethics. It is noted that the higher the Confucian values, the more positive the sense of citizen ethics would be. Consequentially, the Confucian values was identified to play an important role in the sense of citizen ethics in the modern society. Based on this analysis, this study presented specific measures - the necessity and possibility of education on sense of citizen ethics under the theory of human nature. To this end, this study proposed to find an optimal interface between the contemporary sense of citizen ethics and Confucian ethics through the respect for human life and nature, man of virtue as the ideal human model, and united society as a desirable society model.

A Survey on the Perception of the Counterplans of Medical Accident and Dispute of Dental Hygienist (의료사고 및 의료분쟁에 대한 치위생사의 인식도 조사)

  • Oh, Jin-Ho;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Ahn, Hyoung-Joon;Kang, Jin-Kyu;Choi, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.9-33
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    • 2007
  • In the field of dentistry, there existed relatively few emergency patients or patients who need intensive care and thus had low medical dispute rates. However, these days, there is a general tendency of increased medical disputes. Although many medical disputes are caused by medical accidents of the dentists, because dental assistants are also lawfully involved in practicing dentistry, there is a possibility of medical disputes or medical accidents caused by dental assistants. Therefore, the role of the dental assistants cannot be ignored. This study consists of a survey given to dental hygienists currently working in general hospitals, dental hospitals and private dental clinics. Following is the results of the analysis of 275 respondents' backgrounds, medical disputes rates including patients' complaints, their understanding of medical regulations and their general understanding of overall dental practice and medical disputes. 1. 251 of 274(91.6%) respondents doubted the risk of medical accident and dispute. 2. 81(29.5%) dental hygienist experienced complaint from patients. They have been working in the private dental clinic, the rate of this experience was high. 3. 349 case of 1805(19.3%) the complaints by patients, highest percentage among its category, were those regarding dental fees and poor service. 4. 129 case of 1805(7.1%) patients' complaints, highest percentage among it's subcategory, were those regarding the absence of explanations of precautions or request of agreements before dental treatment. 5. 252 of 267 (94.4%) dental hygienists chart after a scaling treatment. However, only 55(20.7%) dental hygienists chart the fact of explaining the precautions. 6. 6(2.2%) dental hygienists do not inspect patients' medical history, if patients don't mention it. 7. 104 of 274(38.0%) dental hygienists responded to be capable of administering first aid treatment. 8. 115(41.8%) dental hygienists have a first aid kit and equipment. 9. In case of medical dispute, 268(97.8%) dental hygienists respond that, charting plays a big role in resolving the dispute. 10. In case of medical dispute, 272(93.3%) dental hygienists respond that, explanation and agreement before treatment have an important role in settlement of dispute 11. Only 160(58.4%) dental hygienists responded correct answer that the duration of keeping medical records is 10 years. 12. 124(45.3%) respondents thought that it is legal for a dental hygienist to take a panoramic dental X-ray, 71(25.9%) respondents thought that it is legal practice cervical resin treatment by dental hygienist, and 37(13.5%) respondents thought that it is legal extract primary teeth by dental hygienist. 13. 24(18.76%) respondents thought that it doesn't matter to tell patient's state to others 14. 272(99.27%) responded that receiving education for the prevention of medical disputes was needed and of them, 61.0% thought it was urgent. 15. 186(64.2%) has never had classes regarding the prevention of medical disputes while in school and 212(77.4%) has not had the same type of classes after graduating from school. 16. 256(93.4%) responded that there will be even more of an increased number of medical disputes. Among them, 83.3% of respondents though that due to the increased opportunity of acquiring information through the internet and mass media. The study shows that 29.5 percentage of dental hygienists have experienced the medical disputes and complaints and they are lack of recognition of medical regulations and dental hygienist's official duty. So, there is a big potential of the percentage to increase. Therefore, the correct understanding of explaining precautions and requesting agreement before dental treatments and performing them are mandatory. Moreover, classes regarding the prevention and counterplans of medical disputes need to be widely offered.