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Wetland Function Evaluation and Expert Assessment of Organic Rice-Fish Mixed Farming System (유기농 벼-담수어 복합영농의 습지기능평가 및 전문가 조사)

  • Nam, Hongsik;Park, Kwanglai;An, Nanhee;Lee, Sangmin;Cho, Junglai;Kim, Bongrae;Lim, Jongahk;Lee, Changwon;Choi, Seonu;Kim, Changhyun;Kong, Minjae;Son, Jinkwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2018
  • A mixed farming system that includes organic rice production and freshwater fish farming is being called into attention in Korean agricultural industry and rural areas in order to improve farm management and environmental conservation. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental and ecological value of such mixed farming practices. Expert assessment and rapid assessment method (RAM) of wetland evaluation were employed for this study. Experts have responded that biodiversity conservation including amphibian and reptile habitat (2.39), aquatic insect habitat (2.36), Fishery habitat (2.34), vegetation diversity (2.13), avian habitat (2.05), and experience and education were the most important function of mixed farming. The wetland function evaluation conducted using modified RAM indicated that rice-fish mixed system showed improvements in most of the evaluated functions, compared to the conventional rice paddies. The overall wetland function of rice paddies in rice-fish mixed system was greatly improved as compared with the conventional rice paddies. Rice paddies are known to play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, and provide ecosystem services such as climate modulation and carbon reduction. Rice-fish mixed system of farming may not only improve various ecosystem services of rice paddies, but may increase farm income through value added fish farming, as well as promotion of social services such as education and maintenance of tradition. Additional research is needed for quantitative analysis of the values gained from the most improved wetland function when mixed farming system is actually put into practice, and to utilize the results in advertising of the organic rice, and in various sectors such as food, education and direct payment policy.

Comparative Analysis of Ecological Health Conditions Before and After Ecological Restoration in Changwon Stream and Nam Stream (창원천.남천에서 생태복원 전.후의 생태건강도 비교평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Sang-Jae;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.307-318
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    • 2010
  • This study was to analyze the ecological conditions, based on physical habitat, chemical, and biological conditions before (2006, 2007) and after ecological restoration (2009) in five sites of Changwon Stream (CS) and six sites of Nam Stream (NS), respectively, and then to compare ecological health between the two period. The analysis of ecological health was based on the multimetric models of Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) and Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) along with water chemistry in the streams. For the study, the models of IBI and QHEI were modified as 8 and 11 metric attributes, respectively. For the evaluations, the survey was conducted in the period of 2006~2007 before the restoration and in 2009 after the restoration by the city. Chemical conditions, based on conductivity, in both streams showed a typical longitudinal declines along the axis of the upstream-to-downstream. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in water quality between the two periods. Values of IBI in the CS and NS averaged 21.6 and 19.7, respectively, indicating a C grade in the criteria of Ministry of Environment, Korea, and there was no significant differences in the IBI between the two periods. Values of QHEI after the restoration averaged 29.2 and 63.2 in the CS and NS, respectively and the values decreased markedly especially, in the NS (35.3) after the restoration. The habitat disturbance was mainly attributed to destructions (i.e., the narrower width of riparian vegetation and higher substrate exposure by the air) of artificial materials by massive flood in 2009. Overall, our results suggest that the restoration was not effective in the two streams between the two periods, even if the budget was used a lot and that such ecological restoration, not considered the natural disaster, may not effect for the stream restoration.

Site Characteristics and Vegetation Structure of the Habitat of Cauliflower Mushroom (Sparassis crispa) (꽃송이버섯 자생지의 입지특성 및 식생구조)

  • Oh, Deuk-Sil;Park, Joon-Moh;Park, Hyun;Ka, Kang-Hyeon;Chun, Woo-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2009
  • From 2006 to 2008, natural habitat of Sparassis crispa were surveyed for investigating ecological conditions at sixteen different sites in Korea. The investigated sites showed very wide altitudinal distribution ranged from 240 meters to 1,100 meters above the sea level. In general, S. crispa showed distinct feature of heart-rot fungi as it occurs on soils around the stems of larch (Larix kaempferi) and Korean white pine (Pinus koraiensis). But it also could be found on stems or on the stumps of dead trees, which indicated that the fungus might have several invasion routes and capabilities to grow on various ecological conditions. All of the sixteen sites were pure stands consisted with conifers such as larch or Korean white pine. The dominant tree layer showed $15.3{\sim}38.0$ meters for tree heights, thicker than twenty centimeters for the diameter at breast height (DBH), and all of them were older than thirty years. Since the stands were pure stand, species diversity of trees in the sites was extremely low. While the dominant tree layer showed only pure coniferous stand, the co-dominant tree layer, shrub layer and herbaceous layer showed more diverse features with higher Shannon-Wiener (H') indices. Soil texture of thirteen sites among sixteen investigated sites were loamy soils, and the contents of organic matter in soil were more or less higher than general forest soils in Korea with $3.79{\sim}14.32%$. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) was also relatively higher than general forest soils with $16.1{\sim}27.2$ cmol+/kg. The data indicated that the cauliflower mushroom occurring sites were relatively fertile than general forest soils. The soils were acidic with pH ranged from 4.2 to 5.2, which were typical features for conifer stands in Korea.

A Comparative Study of Landscape Characteristics on Bridges in Palaces of Korea and China - Focusing on the Chosun Dynasty and Ming and Qing Dynasties - (한국과 중국의 궁궐 내 교량에 관한 경관특성 비교 연구 - 조선시대와 명·청시대를 중심으로 -)

  • Zhang, Fu-Chen;Lee, Ai-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • A bridge is a structure constructed on water or in the air for convenient passage. Compared to other buildings, the building materials and structures of bridge required unique functions to cross the space. It depends on the productivity of the building, the level of science and technology, and the ecological environment of the building site. Also, it has important relationship with functions such as politics, military, economy, and life. Most of the academic research on bridges is focused on research in the field of bridge-building technology, so the study on the landscape aesthetics and history of bridges is lacking. Against this backdrop, the study will be valuable as a accumulation of both countries' understanding of bridge types, history and culture, as well as technical and aesthetic data, by analyzing the bridges located within the palaces of Korea and China. The research method is to analyze the bridge through field survey and literature analysis.. First, the bridges of royal palace of Korea and China are to be classified quantitatively as physical shapes, landscapes, and decorations by comparing the materials, forms, landscapes, and decorative culture of bridges. Second, characteristics, common points, and differences are extracted by classifying bridges of both countries. Also, the results are discussed based on the physical environment or cultural background. This would be worth cross-referencing in the building technology and aesthetics of the two countries. For the first important characteristics of result, main materials of Korean and Chinese palaces are stone. However, the bridge in China's royal palaces is also focused on wood. Second, in terms of form, the bridges in the royal gardens of Korea and China are all based on the beam bridge. However, the specific form, ratio, style of the beam bridge, and airspace of arched bridge are very different. Third, most of the connection methods are focused on the over bridge. It values the convergence with the surrounding landscape. Due to the difference in the area and location of water, the bridge in the Korean palace is more focused on the convergence of the surrounding buildings and plants, while the bridge in the Chinese palace is more concerned about the harmony of hydration. Fourth, the decoration places importance on the artistry and aesthetics of both the bridges in Korea and China. There is a difference in style in the same type of decoration due to culture.

Community Structures of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Mt. Yeogwi in Jin-do Island (진도 여귀산 상록활엽수림의 군집구조)

  • Jang, Jeong Jae;Kim, Joon Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.6
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    • pp.410-419
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    • 2005
  • Community structure of evergreen broad-leaved forest of Mt. Yeogwi in Jin-do was investigated to secure sustainable conservation of evergreen broad-leaved forest. Twenty survey plots of $20m{\times}20m$ were established along the elevation from 200 m to 390 m above the sea level in the northwestern slope. The woody species were tallied at each plots. DBH distribution of the major evergreen broad-leaved trees was investigated to find out the spatial distribution. Cluster analysis was applied to a set of vegetation data, that is, importance value to classify the forest community. Species diversity, evenness and species correlation were analysed. Canonical correspondence analysis was also applied to vegetation data and soil environmental data. Cluster analysis showed that the forests of Mt. Yeogwi were classified into 2 community groups, such as Camellia japonica community group and Quercus acuta community group. C japonica community group was subdivided into C japonica- evergreen broad-leaved trees community, C. japonica-Neolitsea sericea community, and C. japonica-deciduous broad-leaved trees community. Q. acuta community group was subdivided into Q. acuta-C. japonica community, and Q. acuta community. C. japonica, Q. acuta, N. sericea, Machilus thunbergii and Illicium religiosum were dominant evergreen broad-leaved tree species, while Styrax japonica, Lindera erythrocarpa, Cornus kousa, Prunus sargentii, Albizzia julibrisin and Quercus acutissima were major deciduous tree species. Species diversity was greater in Q. acuta community group (0.8231 for Q. acuta-C. japonica community, and 0.8135 for Q. acuta community) than in C. japonica community group (0.7674 for C. japonica-evergreen broad-leaved trees community, 0.6164 for C. japonica-N. sericea community, and 0.7931 for C. japonica-deciduous broad-leaved trees community). DBH 2 cm~10 cm of major evergreen broad-leaved trees occupied 80% of all. C. japonica of less than DBH 5 cm tended to aggregate but distribute randomly or regularly with increasing DBH. Q. acuta distributed more aggregately than C. japonica and Machilus thunbergii for more than 15 cm of DBH. C. japonica correlated negatively with Q. acuta, I. religiosum and C. kousa, but positively with N. sericea. with significance at 1% level. Q. acuta correlated negatively with C. japonica, N. sericea and M. thunbergii but positively with l. religiosum. There were also negative correlation between N. sericea and C. kousa. CCA showed that forest communities were correlated with soil variables such as CEC, soil organic matter and soil pH. With increased soil organic matter and CEC, and decreased soil pH, C. japonica was dominant and forest community and Q. acuta and N. sericea tended to develop in the evergreen broad-leaved forest.

The Efficiency and Improvement of the Highway Wild-Life Fences for Decrease of Mammals Road-kill - In Case of Manjong~Hongchun Section on Jungang Highway - (포유류 로드킬 저감을 위한 고속도로 유도울타리 효율성 및 개선방안 연구 - 중앙고속도로 만종~홍천 구간을 사례로 -)

  • Song, Jeong-Seok;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok;Jun, Ik-Yo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.649-657
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    • 2011
  • This study had targeted the Manjong Junction~Hongchun interchange section of Jungang highway in order to analyze the efficiency and improvement of the highway wild-life fences. Being analyzed wild-life fence as an effective facility for the prevention of road-kill, it had founded that the wild animals did not jump over even the two layer guardrail, concrete barrier and noise barrier, fence for rock fall. For the section with high road-kill decrease effect after installing the wild-life fence, the effect was higher at wild-life fence with the height of 1.0m where the door had not been installed and the well connected points of road facility than the area with fence height of 1.5m. The road-kill decrease effect was also high at the well managed areas even if the door has not been installed. Also, road-kill had occurred by concentrating around the end of wild-life fence after installing the fence, Moreover road-kill had also occurred around the cutting section. The door of wild-life fence had higher amount of road-kill occurrence as the installation interval was closer. it was analyzed that the door management has a lot of effect on road-kill decrease. The fence for rock fall, two layer guardrail and concrete barrier having the effect of wild-life fence installed on the road would have to be installed by connecting with wild-life fences through proper facility improvement. Although the door should not be installed if possible, it should be installed as automatic door or gravity door to prevent the door from leaving the door open. An escape route has to be formed for the prompt escape away from the road for the animals entered through the ending section of the fence. The eco-corridor has to be made by restoring the soil layer of dual purpose eco-corridor forming a planting area. Also, the dead body after the accident has to be disposed to the outer section of the road immediately in order to prevent the secondary road-kill by the predator from the road-kill. The fence has to be installed as 500m or longer in both ways, in other words 1,000m or longer, from the targeted spot of minimum accident prevention while connecting up to the bridge or box culvert, etc that are next road facilities if possible to guide wild animals safely to the eco-corridor.

The Relative Height Error Analysis of Digital Elevation Model on South Korea to Determine the TargetVertical Accuracy of CAS500-4 (농림위성의 목표 수직기하 정확도 결정을 위한 남한 지역 수치표고모델 상대 오차 분석)

  • Baek, Won-Kyung;Yu, Jin-Woo;Yoon, Young-Woong;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Lim, Joongbin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1043-1059
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    • 2021
  • Forest and agricultural land are very important factors in the environmental ecosystem and securing food resources. Forest and agricultural land should be monitored regularly. CAS500-4 data are expected to be effectively used as a supplement of monitoring forest and agricultural land. Prior to the launch of the CAS500-4, the relative canopy height error analysis of the digital elevation model on South Korea was performed to determine the vertical target accuracy. Especially, by considering area of interest of the CAS500-4 (mountainous or agricultural area), it is conducted that vertical error analysis according to the slope and canopy. For Gongju, Jeju, and Samcheok, the average root mean squared differences were calculated compared to the drone LiDAR digitalsurface models, which were filmed in autumn and winter and the 5 m digital elevation model from the National Geographic Information Institute. As a result, the Shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model showed a root mean squared differences of about 8.35, 8.19, and 7.49 m, respectively, while the Copernicus digital elevation model showed a root mean squared differences of about 5.65, 6.73, and 7.39 m, respectively. In addition, the root mean squared difference of shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model and the Copernicus digital elevation model according to the slope angle were estimated on South Korea compared to the 5 m digital elevation model from the National Geographic Information Institute. At the slope angle of between 0° to 5°, root mean squared differences of the Shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model and the Copernicus digital elevation model showed 3.62 and 2.52 m, respectively. On the other hands root mean squared differences of the Shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model and the Copernicus digital elevation model respectively showed about 10.16 and 11.62 m at the slope angle of 35° or higher.

Ecological Renewal Plan of Urban Parks for the Revitalization of Urban Green Axis in Gangdong-Gu (강동구 도시 녹지축 기능 활성화를 위한 도시공원의 생태적 리뉴얼 방안 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Ah;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2023
  • In this study, among the construction-type parks in Gangdong-gu, targeting parks with high environmental and ecological value located on the urban green axis, a plan was prepared for the ecological renewal of urban parks, and a design that applied to them was proposed. The renewal target site was selected by analyzing the general condition of Gangdong-gu and urban parks, the land use and green area ratio, park green area, and the green axis of Gangdong-gu. Gangdong-gu has 54 parks, including 2 neighborhood parks and 52 children's parks. In the first stage of the current status review, 17 parks were extracted through locational value analysis, such as location and adjacency to the natural axis and green axis. In the second stage, eight parks were selected among the first-stage extraction parks based on the ratio of green spaces and open spaces within each park service area. In the third stage, two of the second stage extraction parks were selected based on whether the legal standard of the park area was met, and in the fourth stage, one of the third stage extraction parks was selected through an aging survey of the park. As for the urban ecological status of the renewal target site, the status of land use in the aspect of entropy reduction, the status of soil cover in the aspect of water circulation, and the status of planting structure in the aspect of biodiversity were investigated. As for the status of the three renewal sites, the green area was insufficient at 18.3-45.3%, and the facility area was 54.7%-81.7%, which was judged to have low urban temperature reduction effects. The impervious pavement area accounted for 34.5% to 48.9% of the park area, accounting for most of the facility area, and it was judged that the water circulation function was insufficient. The planting structure consisted of a single layer and a double layer structure, and although the tree layer was good, the lower vegetation was poor, and there was no planting site of edible plants or large hardwood trees, so the biodiversity was low. After the ecological renewal design of Seonrin Children's Park, Dangmal Children's Park, and Saemmul Children's Park, which were selected as the renewal targets in this study, the ecological area ratio of each park increased by 1.4 to 3 times than before the renewal. If the urban parks located on the urban green axis are examined from the perspective of the urban ecosystem and renewed ecologically, it is judged that the expected effect will be high in reducing entropy, improving water circulation, and laying the foundation for biodiversity in terms of the urban ecosystem.

Discuss on the Historical Development and Change of Chinese Piquancy Addiction (중국사람들의 매운 맛 기호의 역사적 추이에 대한 논술)

  • Zhao, Rong-Guang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 2008
  • It determines Chinese addiction to piquancy that the Chinese traditional food production laid excessively particular stress on agriculture coming into being long before in the history and the state of Chinese food living was that the people were very difficult to live. The history of Chinese addiction to piquancy could be traced back to prehistory. And in Chinese “hot” is separated from “peppery” and it refers in particular to the piquancy more than general peppery. The character of “Hot” appeared after Han Dynasty in Chinese. Capsicum was brought to China from the sea in the middle of Ming Dynasty. Then it surpassed the formers soon and became the most popular and addictive piquancy food in China. Capsicum has many names in China, such as “$F{\bar{a}}nji{\bar{a}}o$”, “$H{\bar{a}}iji{\bar{a}}o$”, “$L{\grave{a}}ji{\check{a}}o$”, “$L{\grave{a}}h{\breve{u}}$”, “$L{\grave{a}}zi$”, etc., and they indicate the geographical and humanistic character of the distribution. (eight books on preserving one’s health) is the earliest history record about capsicum in existent Chinese history record that was finished in 1591. In this article the author puts new opinion forward on the record in this book. It is because the hottest piquancy of capsicum, capsicum’s better adaptability and low cost to plant combine with Chinese piquancy addiction at large that capsicum can replace the status of pepper and other traditional peppery flavorings soon and cause worldwide attention to the Chinese piquancy addiction finally. The human common characters of unchangeable inertia, depending to fully grow addiction and aggrieved delight are the most important reasons to cause piquancy addiction that has formed a custom through long-repeated practice and this custom do not change with condition change. The unbalanced spread process of capsicum in China shows that the region is poorer and the addictive degree is deeper.

Assessing forest net primary productivity based on a process-based model: Focusing on pine and oak forest stands in South and North Korea (과정기반 모형을 활용한 산림의 순일차생산성 평가: 남북한 소나무 및 참나무 임분을 중심으로)

  • Cholho Song;Hyun-Ah Choi;Jiwon Son;Youngjin Ko;Stephan A. Pietsch;Woo-Kyun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.400-412
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the biogeochemistry management (BGC-MAN) model was applied to North and South Korea pine and oak forest stands to evaluate the Net Primary Productivity (NPP), an indicator of forest ecosystem productivity. For meteorological information, historical records and East Asian climate scenario data of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) were used. For vegetation information, pine (Pinus densiflora) and oak(Quercus spp.) forest stands were selected at the Gwangneung and Seolmacheon in South Korea and Sariwon, Sohung, Haeju, Jongju, and Wonsan, which are known to have tree nurseries in North Korea. Among the biophysical information, we used the elevation model for topographic data such as longitude, altitude, and slope direction, and the global soil database for soil data. For management factors, we considered the destruction of forests in North and South Korea due to the Korean War in 1950 and the subsequent reforestation process. The overall mean value of simulated NPP from 1991 to 2100 was 5.17 Mg C ha-1, with a range of 3.30-8.19 Mg C ha-1. In addition, increased variability in climate scenarios resulted in variations in forest productivity, with a notable decline in the growth of pine forests. The applicability of the BGC-MAN model to the Korean Peninsula was examined at a time when the ecosystem process-based models were becoming increasingly important due to climate change. In this study, the data on the effects of climate change disturbances on forest ecosystems that was analyzed was limited; therefore, future modeling methods should be improved to simulate more precise ecosystem changes across the Korean Peninsula through process-based models.