• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재배사

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Changes in microbial phase by period after hepa filter replacement in King oyster(Pleurotus eryngii) mushroom cultivation (큰느타리 재배사에서 헤파필터 교체 이후 기간에 따른 미생물상 변화)

  • Park, Hye-Sung;Min, Gyong-Jin;Lee, Eun-Ji;Lee, Chan-Jung
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.398-402
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to set up a proper replacement cycle of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters by observing the microbial populations in the air of the cultivation house of Pleurotus eryngii, before and after HEPA filter replacement at different periods. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air during each cultivation stage was measured using a sampler before the replacement of the HEPA filter. The results showed that airborne microorganisms had the highest density in the mushroom medium preparation room, with 169.7 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 570 CFU/㎥ of fungi, and the removed old spaun had 126.3 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 560 CFU/㎥ of fungi. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air at each cultivation stage before the replacement of the HEPA filter was 169.7 CFU/㎥ and 570 CFU/㎥, and 126.3 CFU/㎥ and 560 CFU/㎥, during the medium production and harvesting processes, respectively. After the replacement of the HEPA filter, the bacterial density was the lowest in the incubation room and the fungal density was the lowest in the cooling room. The microbial populations isolated at each period consisted of seven genera and seven species before the replacement, including Cladosporium sp., six genera and six species after 1 month of replacement, including Penicillium sp., 5 genera and 7 species after 3 months of replacement, including Mucor plumbeus, and 5 genera and 12 species, 5 genera and 10 species, and 5 genera and 10 species, 4, 5, and 6 months after the replacement, respectively, including Penicillium brevicompactum. During the period after replacement, the species were diversified and their number increased. The density of airborne microorganisms decreased drastically after the replacement of the HEPA filter. Its lowest value was recorded after 2 months of replacement, and it increased gradually afterwards, reaching a level similar to or higher than that of the pre-replacement period. Therefore, it was concluded that replacing the HEPA filter every 6 months is effective for reducing contamination.

The first region of ginseng cultivation in the Joseon dynasty (조선 최초의 가삼 재배지에 대하여)

  • Koh, Seungtae
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2020
  • Ginseng, also known as Insam, has solidified its status as one of the supreme drugs classified as life time expansion drug since ancient times and was used as a panacea based on its pharmaceutical effectiveness. The demand for ginseng rapidly increased as the demand for ginseng, which targeted only noble class people, expanded to other social class people. Accordingly, the wild ginseng supply reached its limit due to the extinction caused by indiscriminate harvesting and the difficulty of harvesting, and thus the ginseng supply method shifted to the cultivation of high-priced ginseng rather than complicated wild ginseng foraging. Although the timing of ginseng cultivation (also called gasam) in Korea has been studied, the research on the first cultivation area has not been reported yet. In this study, we critically reviewed Korea's first ginseng cultivation site by arranging data related to ginseng cultivation, and the historical data cited here include Joseon Wangjo Sillog (The Annals of Joseon Dynasty), Imwon Gyeongjeji (The Mid-19 Century Encyclopedia Koreana on Rural Living, Edible plants and Herb Volumes), Oju Yeonmun Jangjeon Sango (An Encyclopedic Writing during the Latter Half Period of the Joseon Dynasty), Junggyeongji (The Junggyeong Town Chronicle), Jeungbo Munheon Bigo (The largest encyclopedia of Joseon Dynasty), Insamsa (The Ginseng History) and etc. As a result of data assortment and critical review, the first ginseng plantation in the Joseon Dynasty resulted in the Yeongnam region, and in Yeongnam region, I have no choice but to conclude that it is Punggi-myeon (currently Punggi-eup, Yeongju-si, Gyeongbuk).

Sod Production in South Korea (한국의 잔디 생산 현황)

  • Choi, Joon-Soo;Yang, Geun-Mo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to provide data on current sod production in South Korea. Fifteen items were surveyed including production acreage, species and cultivars, experience on farming, production cost and the others during April to October in 2006. To estimate production acreage, 73 turfgrass growers were interviewed. Estimated acreage for turfgrass production was 2,947 ha. Acreages by province were 1,417 ha in Jeollanam-do(48%), 442 ha in Jeollabuk-do(14.9%), 344 ha in Gyeonggi-do(11.6%), 248 ha in Gyeongsangnam-do(8.4%), and 240 ha in Chungcheongnam-do(8.1%), respectively. The major sod producing regions were Jangseong-gun, Hampyeong-gun, Yeonggwang-gun, Gochang-gun, Sacheon city, Iksan city, Yeoju city, Yeoncheon-gun. Percentage of turf growers over 50 years old was 72.4 percent, which means production was carried out mainly by old farmers. Grower's career over 10 years was 84.8%. Cultivated species and varieties were 'Junggi'(55.5%) of fine-textured Korean lawngrass, common Korean lawngrass(37.4%), Kentucky bluegrass(3.8%), and new zoysiagrass cultivars(0.1%), respectively. Sod size were variable. Sod size of $18{\times}18cm $ was 43.5 percent. Sales route was mainly through sod distributor(40.5%). Sod producing cost was $2,160{\sim}2,730$ won per square meter at Jeolla-do areas.

Soil Environmental Characteristics and the Growth of Young Rice Seedlings (토양환경(土壤環境)의 특성(特性)과 벼 어린모의 생육(生育))

  • Hur, Bong Koo;Jo, In Sang;Um, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to obtain the effects of soil environment and characteristics on the growth and yield of young rice seedling. Twenty four rice fields were selected among the labor saving mechanization complex, and the growth statu s and various soil characteristics were investigated The young rice seedling planted soils were located at the range of elevation 5m to 210m, and the average water holding days was 5.1 days, and drainage class were mainly moderately well to imperfectly. The plant height on 30th day after machine transplanting were higher and the tiller numbers were smaller at the higher clay contents at moderately well and imperfectly drained soils. In case of sandy loam soils, the better the drainage class, the higher plant and more tillers. Soil hardness was lower in sandy loam, and the bulk densities of loam, silty clay loam and poorly drained soils were lower than the other fields. There were not differences of soil chemical properties between the soil textural groups but organic matter content were higher in poorly drained soils. The rice yields of young seedling planted fields were negatively correlated to soil bulk density and highly significantly correlated to the exchangeable calcium contents of the soils. The average yield of young rice seedlings was 487kg/10a, 2.5% higher than semi-adult rice seedling of 475kg/10a.

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Development of Short-term Cultivation Technology Using the Rain Shelter Greenhouse of Gastrodia elata Blume (천마 비가림시설을 활용한 단기재배기술 개발)

  • Chang Su Kim;Sang Young Seo;Min Sil Ahn;Eun Suk Lee;Young Eun Song;So Ra Choi
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.82-82
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    • 2022
  • 천마(天麻, Gastrodia elata Blume)는 난초과(蘭草科, Orchidaceae)에 속하는 식물로 잎과 뿌리가 없어 탄소동화능력이 없으며, 뽕나무버섯균과 공생하는 기생식물이다. 주요 함유된 성분은 gastrodin, 4-hydroxylbenzyl alcohol, vanillin, vanillyl alcohol, ergothioneine 등이 있고, 주로 진정(鎭靜), 진경(鎭痙), 통락(通絡)의 효능이 있으며, 두통, 반신불수, 언어장애, 현훈(眩暈), 고혈압 등에 사용되고 있다. 천마는 노지 재배에 따른 안정생산 문제가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 혹한, 폭우 등 기상환경에 따른 연차간 수량성 차가 673~1,175kg/10a로 크고, 정식 후 원목·종균·자마의 공생관계 형성이 늦어져 자마 생존율이 70% 이하로 낮으며, 18개월 장기 재배 시 생육 환경이 불량해져 썩음병이 많이 발생하고 있다. 본 연구는 비가림시설, 종균 선(先) 접종 배양목 및 20g 이상의 자마를 사용하여 재배기간을 18개월에서 12개월로 6개월을 단축하고자 수행하였다. 본 실험은 종균 선접종 배양목 생산을 위해 원목의 종균 접종 시기는 4월 하순, 6월 상순, 7월 중순으로 40일 간격으로 처리하였고, 이렇게 생산된 배양목을 활용하여 정식은 이듬해 4월 상순, 수확은 그 이듬해 3월 하순으로 설정하였다. 또한, 종균 선접종 배양목을 활용한 천마의 정식 시기는 3월 상순, 4월 상순, 5월 상순으로 30일 간격으로 처리하였고, 수확 시기는 이듬해 2월 하순, 3월 하순, 4월 하순으로 설정하여 천마의 생육상황 및 생산성을 조사하였다. 원목의 종균 접종시기를 검정한 결과, 자마 생존율은 4월 하순과 6월 상순 처리가 무처리에 비해 15%가 높았고, 천마 수량은 무처리 대비 4월 하순과 6월 상순 처리구에서 각각 2.07배, 1.64배 높았다. 천마의 정식 시기를 검정한 결과, 천마의 유효적산온도는 2,400℃로 3월 상순 처리구는 2,446℃로 충족하였고, 4월 중순 처리구는 2,375℃로 거의 충족하였으나, 5월 상순 처리구는 2,178℃로 222℃가 부족하였다. 자마 생존율은 3월 상순 처리 시 95%로 가장 높았고, 정식 시기가 늦어질수록 자마 생존율이 낮아지는 경향을 보였으며, 수량성은 5월 상순 처리 대비 3월 상순이 3.56배, 4월 상순이 3.43배 높았다. 따라서, 자마 생존율, 유효적산온도, 천마 수량성 등의 결과에 따라 원목의 적정 종균 접종 시기는 4월 하순과 6월 상순 사이고, 천마의 적정 정식 시기는 3월 상순과 4월 상순 사이며, 비가림시설, 종균 선접종 배양목 및 우량자마를 활용하면 재배기간을 노지 대비 6개월 이상 단축할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.

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Ecology and Growth of Weeds and Weedy Rice in Direct-seeded Rice Fields (직파재배답(直播栽培沓)에서의 잡초(雜草) 및 적미(赤米) 발생(發生) 생태(生態))

  • Choi, C.D.;Moon, B.C.;Kim, S.C.;Oh, Y.J.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 1995
  • This experiment was carried out at Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station since 1992 to obtain basic information on ecology of weeds and weedy rice in direct-seeded rice fields. Annual grass weeds of Echinochloa sp., Leptochloa sp., Digitaria sp. and Setaria sp.(C4 plant) and weedy rice(C3 plant) were important species in direct seeded rice compared to transplanted rice field. Period of seedling emergence of barnyard grass was varied from 8 days to 20 days depending on seeding date while it was shorter 4 to 6 days than rice. Weed occurrence and the degree of yield loss were varied by cultivation method. In direct seeding method weeds increased 2 to 3 times compared to manual transplanting. The greatest yield loss was recorded in direct seeding(40 to 100%) followed by mechanical transplanting(25 to 35%) and hand transplanting(10 to 20%), in order. Double cropping of rice-barley was reduced weeds about 30% than rice single crop due to alleopathic effect of barley residue or stubble. Weedy rice(red rice) occurrence was closely related with seeding date and tillage methods. Early seeding and reduced tillage enhanced the growth of weedy rice.

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Development of suitable substrate of Sparassis latifolia for bottle cultivation (꽃송이버섯 병재배 적합 배지 개발)

  • Gwon, Hee-Min;Lee, Yun-Hae;Choi, Jong-In;Jeon, Dae-Hoon;Lee, Yong-seon;Lee, Young-Soon;Kim, Jeong-Han
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2019
  • This study sought to identify the optimum substrate composition for the stable bottle cultivation of Sparassis latifolia. The main substrate was fermented larch sawdust. Six nutrient sources were mixed at a maximum volume ratio of 20%. The fresh weight of fruit body was the highest at 128.5 g for GMSL69033 and 126.6 g for 'Neoul' in the treatments of beet pulp and corn flour in a volume ratio of 15:5. In addition, the total cultivation period was 94 days, which was shorter than that required for other treatments. The selected substrate characteristics were pH 4.7, C:N (carbon to nitrogen) ratio of 106:4, moisture content of 70%, and air filling porosity of 38%. We plan to develop new income items through research on mycelial incubation and fruit body growth conditions.

History of Mushroom Industry in Korea (한국 버섯산업의 발전사)

  • You, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • Mushroom cultivation in Korea was launched in the early 1960's. At that time Korean government started a program for increasing cultivation of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) to export agricultural products and to increase farm income. National research institutes under Rural Development Administration, Korea Forest Service, etc. play a leading role in mushroom industry as follows : Development and spread of genetically superior commercial strains, good spawns, and cultivation techniques. Training and field advice to lead farmers for mass production of high quality mushrooms. Political support of facilities and establishments for mushroom cultivation. Several mushrooms including oak mushroom, button mushroom, oyster mushroom, winter mushroom, Ganoderma, P. eryngii, etc. have been popularized for their cultivation techniques and produced in large quantities in the farm. According to a recent statistics, mushrooms have been grown by about 20,000 farm households, in Korea and the gross production of fresh mushrooms is estimated about 170,000 M/T. The gross production of oyster mushroom is the highest followed by winter mushroom, oak mushroom and button mushroom. The gross amount of mushroom production stands over 700 billion won. Thus, mushroom industry goes to the most important cash crop to be produced yearly.

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Energy Consumption in Mushroom Canning Factory (양송이통조림 가공중의 에너지소비량 조사연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Sun;Park, Know-Hyun;Shin, Hyu-Nyun;Shin, Dong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.328-333
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    • 1981
  • As a step to investigate energy conservation in canneries, energy consumption pattern and energy usages of various unit operations in a mushroom cannery were examined. The results are as follows; 1. In the mushroom cannery, fuel oil and electricity were used mainly for temperature control of mushroom growing house in winter and various cultivation operation respectively. To grow and process 1 kg of mushroom, thermal energy of 4634 kcal and electrical energy of 0. 116 kwh were consumed. About 80% of all energy was consumed for cultivation. 2. Steam qualities at each respective processing line were $92{\sim}94%$, giving no great differences among lines. 3. As a direct energy in 1 day processing operations of 8 tons of mushroom, thermal energy of $301.5{\times}10^{4}kcal$ and electrical energy of 60.1 kwh were used. The energy intensive operations were blanching (35%) and retorting (38%).

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