• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장애인 서비스

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Implementation of Mobile Agent Multicast Migration Model for Minimizing Network Required Time (네트워크 소요시간 최소화를 위한 이동 에이전트의 멀티캐스트 이주 모델 구현)

  • Kim Kwang-jong;Ko Hyun;Kim Young Ja;Lee Yon-sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.2 s.98
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2005
  • The mobile agent has very various performance according to the element of communication number of times between hosts, quantity of transmission data agent's size, network state etc. specially, migration method is caused much effect in whole performance of distributed system. Most existing migration methods have simplicity structure that it moves doing to accumulate continuously result after achieving task by visiting host in the fixed order. Therefore, in case there are situation such as fault, obstacle, and service absence etc. This can be inefficient due to mobile agent increased network required time. In this paper, we design and implementation Multicast Migration Model for minimizing network required time by solving this problems. Multicast Migration Model includes components such as mobile agent including call module and naming agent, which provides object replication information and distributed server's location transparence. And we evaluate and compare with existing migration method applying prototype system to verify implemented migration model.

A Design of Network Management Framework employing active management program generation facilities (능동적 관리 프로그램 생성 기능을 지원하는 네트워크 관리 프레임워크 설계)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Lee, Myung-Jin;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.6 s.109
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2006
  • As the scale of network expands largely, most of users consume much cost for complex network that composes various network environments. In this paper, we propose a network management framework employing active management program generation facilities in order to reduce the cost and time for developing a network management program. The proposed framework consists of several basic components including configuration management, performance management, and fault management for real time network management. Besides those components, it has an added active program generator in order to actively create information of network objects that are managed through the basic components. Our framework manages the network with SNMP manager using the information of network objects. This information is generated automatically instead of the existing manual manner. We shows that the cost and time for developing a network management program is reduced through the construction and operations on the real network.

Design and Implementation of NNI Call Procedure for OBP Satellite B-ISDN (OBP 탑재 위성 B-ISDN 중계망 호 처리 절차의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, Seong-Ju;Park, Seok-Cheon;Kim, Nae-Su;Kim, Tae-Hui
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.8C no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2001
  • 위성통신 시스템은 기존의 지상망이나 광 케이블 기술에 비해 통신 대역폭의 유연성과 다중 접속 능력, 이동 통신, 광역성, 멀티포인트 및 브로드캐스팅 등의 고유의 특징으로 인해 초 고속 정보 통신망 구축에 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. 또한 위성통신은 앞으로 도래할 브로드 캐스팅 및 멀티미디어 서비스 등의 통신환경을 지원하며, 지상중계망의 장애 및 트래픽 폭 주시에 대체경로를 제공함으로써 지상망 중심으로 진화·발전되어 온 B-ISDN망과 상호 보 완적인 보완망으로서의 역할을 수행할 것이다. 따라서 지상 B-ISDN과 위성망의 통합은 지 상망의 효율성고 안정성을 향상시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 국가의 모든 통신망을 하나의 정 보 통신망으로 구성하여 국가의 정보를 효율적으로 이용, 관리 및 운용할 수 있기 때문에 위성망과 B-ISDN간의 연동에 대한 연구는 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 OBP(On-Board Processing) 탑재 위성 B-ISDN 중계망의 호 처리 절차 연구를 수행하는 것으로서, 위성 B-ISDN 구조와 각 지구국별 신호 기능 및 B-ISDN 신호 시스템인 DSS2(Digital Subscriber Signalling No.2) 계층 3 신호 프로토콜, B-ISUP(B-ISDN User Part) 프로토콜, S-BISUP(Satellite BISUP) 프로토콜의 구조를 분석하였다. 또한 점-대-다지점 연결을 위한 B-ISDN의 연결과 소유권 및 각각의 프로토콜에 대한 메시지와 프리미티브를 정의하여, 이 를 토대로 OBP 탑재 위성 B-ISDN 중계망 연동을 위한 기본 호 처리 절차를 설계 및 검증 하고, 이를 구현하였다.

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Design and Implementation of Electrocardiogram Data Interpretation system using AdaBoost Algorithm (AdaBoost 알고리즘을 이용한 심전도 정보 판독 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lim, Myung-Jae;Hong, Jin-Kyoung;Kim, Kyu-Ho;Choi, Mi-Lim
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2010
  • Diseases such as cardiovascular illnesses, according to the National Statistical Office opened reveals that 600-800 people were killed, blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, etc. will be a flow of blood disorders that occur in cardiovascular illnesses today are fulfilling the Master / Slave samangryulin disease appears high. Died of cardiovascular disease also told them the correct first aid survival when patients are accounted for approximately 40% of emergency rapid response is required. Therefore, this paper, the weak classifier in the AdaBoost algorithm to generate a strong classifier by combining effects throughout the analysis to measure the ECG, and cardiovascular disease that occurred to you as soon as the emergency management system that can deliver on the proposed Desk was. The electrocardiogram data measured by the ZigBee-based sensors, communication devices and emergency transport for emergency alarms in the determination and monitoring of the management desk by providing health services to enable the delivery was fast.

A Lean Logistics Model for Improving the Port Logistics in the Steel Industry (철강산업 린 기반 항만물류프로세스 개선 모델 구현)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Nam, Ho-Ki
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2008
  • This research focuses on the process improvement of port logistics by using Lean methodology. On the one hand, we firstly analyze the current situation and weakness of the processes in port logistics, and then re-design the current processes by the principles of Lean discipline. Based on the appropriately changed processes, the improvement scheme of port logistics will be figured out. On the other hand, we construct the port logistics system by implementing the improved processes. The port logistics' processes accomplished in steel company will be further assorted and identified. The relationship of wharves process, operational process, shipping process, construction process, quality process, and purchasing process are also defined. Every process has been improved by Lean Tools in order to analyze the value added or non-value added processes, to improve the service level, and to reduce the cycle time, inventory, changing time, re-working and waste. Based on above, the appropriate environment that is suitable to Lean process of port logistics will be established and the modeling that can help to implement the improvement scheme will be figured out.

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A Study on the Industrial Revitalization through the Performance Analysis of the Korean Government's Cloud Policy in Service Consumer's Perspective (국내 클라우드 정책의 성과 분석을 통한 수요자 관점의 산업 활성화 연구)

  • Joe, Moon Jeung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2020
  • The Korean government has pursued various policies to revitalize the cloud industry since 2009. In particular, the government enacted the 'Cloud Computing and Privacy Security Act' for the first time in the world in 2015, creating institutions and support programs to boost the cloud industry. As a result, the volume of the cloud industry has increased significantly, and the number of companies and professionals have increased. In this paper, the researches analyzed the situation of Korean cloud market, usage of cloud computing in enterprises, effects and problems of cloud-enabled companies based on the industrial survey conducted from 2016 to 2019, In this study, the results showed concerns of security, uncertainty about cost savings, and IT capabilities of enterprises as problems in revitalizing the cloud industry. The researches also propose strategies, perception changes, and development processes for companies to resolve the problems.

Research on Spectral Interference of Microwave Systems (마이크로웨이브 시스템의 주파수 간섭에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae-Soo;Kim, Yoon-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Young
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2012
  • In the many countries, research about ultra wideband wireless transmission technique is widely studied for efficient utilization of frequency resource due to a sudden increase of demand of frequency resource all over the world. The ultra wideband communication system has the some specific advantages. First, it can transmit data with high speed, second short transmission range can increase the frequency reuse rate, and finally it has high security property. However, there is a interference between ultra wideband system and other communication system but study to solve this problem is insufficient. To efficient utilization of limited frequency resource, a novel frequency avoidance technique and setup the standardization of frequency interference must need. So, the purpose of this paper is that increases communication efficiency of microwave communication systems to analyze the technical trends for transmission of the low power device, and to research the implementation and technical research of wireless access network technique of wideband communication systems.

A PMIPv6-based Distributed Mobility Control Scheme Considering a User's Movement Locality (사용자 이동 지역성을 고려한 PMIPv6 기반의 분산형 이동성 제어 기법)

  • Kong, Ki-Sik
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2013
  • The current centralized mobility control protocols such as proxy mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) are dependent on a central mobility anchor to process all control/data traffic. However, such centralized mobility control protocols have some drawbacks such as traffic concentration into the core network and serious service degradation in case of the failure of such a centralized mobility anchor, etc. In this paper, therefore, in order to alleviate these drawbacks, we propose a PMIPv6-based distributed mobility control scheme considering a user's movement locality. Performance evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has apparent potentials to alleviate serious drawbacks of S-PMIP, which is a closely-related distributed mobility control scheme, as well as PMIPv6, while reducing the total mobility control cost.

A Study on the Satisfaction of the Elderly with Mild Dementia using the Dementia Care Center (경증치매노인의 치매안심센터 이용만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2020
  • This study is done to provide basic data on the effective operation of the new policies by examining the satisfaction level of the elderly with dementia visiting dementia care centers located in 25 autonomous districts of S city. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 217 elderly with dementia who visited the above dementia care center from July 1 to September 30, 2019. The satisfaction tool is a chart score scale that displays negative-positive expressions at both ends of a straight line. The result shows that satisfaction level is significantly higher in the group with trust in the visiting institutions than in the group with distrust (t=9.74, p<.001), higher in cognitive impairment group than in dementia group (t=0.13, p=.034), and higher in mild depression group than in more severe depression group (t=2.31, p=.022). Satisfaction ratios analyzed by logistic regression shows significant differences in factors like gender, age, education, and walking pattern. In conclusion, it is important to run health support programs that consider user characteristics to improve the satisfaction of newly introduced dementia care centers.

Differences in Utilization of Health Care Services by the Type of Disability (장애 유형별 의료서비스 이용의 차이)

  • Yoon, Tae-Ho;Jeong, Baek-Geun;Kang, Yune-Sik;Lee, Sang-Yi;Kim, Chul-Woung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2007
  • The disabled population is a vulnerable group, having very complex medical conditions, but little is known about differences in the level of access by type of disability. This study was performed to investigate the differences of health care utilization by the type of disability. The database was constructed from registry of the disabled and health insurance and medical aid claims data submitted to the Korea Health Insurance Cooperation during in the year 2003. The disability classified three groups according to the Disabled Welfare Act; physically disability with external dysfunction, physically disability with organic disease, and mentally disability. There were huge differences in health care utilization by the type of disability. For the inpatient care, those with a mental disability were more likely to utilize health care services in terms of average visit number of medical facilities and visit days per case, but the treatment amount per case was the highest in physically disabled with organic disease. For the outpatient care, those who the physically disabled with organic disease were more likely to utilize health care services in terms of average visit number of medical facilities, treatment amount per case, and the treatment days per case. Also, those who physically disabled with organic disease were more likely to utilize general hospital for both inpatient and outpatient care, and spent more out-of-pocket expenditure. As the number of persons with disabilities rises, the need to consider new approaches to protecting their health grows increasingly. Especially, Korean health care system should be refined to be more responsive to the needs of the type of disability.