• 제목/요약/키워드: 장기인

검색결과 15,452건 처리시간 0.035초

자유세계의 장기석유수급전망

  • Korea Petroleum Association
    • Korea Petroleum Association Journal
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    • 10호통권20호
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 1982
  • 이 자료는 최근 미국의 Socal사가 작성 발표한 자유세계의 장기에너지 수급전망을 요약ㆍ정리한 것이다. (편집자주)

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Study on Application Plan of Intelligent National Geospatial Data for Review of Unexecuted Urban Planning Facilities Infrastructure in Long-term (장기 미집행 도시계획시설의 재검토를 위한 지능형 국토정보의 활용방안 연구)

  • Choi, Seung Yong;Lee, Hyun Jik;Yang, Seung Ryong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2013
  • Since 2012, the local autonomous governments, under the recommendations regarding cancellation of local committees directing overly-unexecuted urban planning facilities, have tried to prove validity of such facilities. Factors such as specific standards of cancelation process, will execute policies, diversification of local conditions, connectivity to nearby facilities and possible arise of civil complaints, however, all hinder overly-unexecuted urban planning facilities from getting revitalized. Considering that these unexecuted facilities that local governments have to manage increase in number every year, the burden continuously increases for the governments due to the difficulty of setting aside budget for performing validity checks on such facilities. This research aims to analyze the criteria regarding efficient and systematic method on confirming validity of overly-unexecuted urban planning facilities, to establish into several different processes according to defined categories, and to objectify and quantify such standards. Also, using intelligent spatial information such as digital map, LiDAR data and ortho-images, spatial information analysis method suitable for reassessment was chosen and applied to execute validity analysis regarding overly-unexecuted urban planning facilities.

An Study on Long Run Effects of Determinants on Export of Korean Goods to US (한국의 대미국 수출 결정요인의 장기적 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Mun Seong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.409-433
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, I estimate long-run elasticities of US real GDP and real exchange rate between Korean Won and US Dollar on export of Korean goods to US and analyze changes in their trend by using VECM and rolling regression with a fixed window. For the purposes I use the year data from 1990 to 2013 which are selected from UNCTAD, Korea Trade Association(KTA), and Bank of Korea(BOK). The results are that the long-run elasticities of US real GDP vary from 2.849 to 2.938 for the period from 1990 to 2013 depending on the models in VECM and all of them are significant statistically. The elasticities of real exchange rate between Korean WON and US Dollar vary from 0.962 to 0.967 for the same period depending on the models in VECM and all of them are significant statistically. In case of the results through the OLS and the rolling regression, the long-run elasticities of US. real GDP are 3.015 for Basic Model, 2.949 for the modified Model 1, and 2.125 for the modified Model 2 for the period from 1990 to 2013 depending on the models and all of them are significant statistically. The average of long-run elasticities of real US GDP before the global financial crisis of 2008 is greater than that after the global financial crisis of 2008. On the other hand, the long-run elasticities of real exchange rate between Korean WON and US $ are 0.347 for Basic Model, 0.566 for the modified Model 1, and -0.217 for the modified Model 2 for the same period and all of them are significant statistically except for the modified Model 2. The average of long-run elasticities of real exchange rate before the global financial crisis of 2008 is greater than that after the global financial crisis of 2008.

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Convergence study of long-term care insurance system for elderly of awareness of middle-aged people and demand for dental services in the system (한국 중년층의 노인장기요양보험제도에 대한 인식과 구강보건진료에 대한 요구의 융합 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Ran;Youn, Mi-Sun;Choi, Yu-Ri
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제9권7호
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to awareness of dental care services in the elderly long-term care insurance system and retirement preparation of middle-aged people. The survey respondents had a 56.1% saving for old age life, And showed a tendency to they don't like depend on one's family(41.8%), elderly care was intended to use facility services and nursing care. 36.7% of respondents answered "I know a little" about the system. Also, the need for dental care services within the system was high (98.5%), If the service is provided, 92.3% of the respondents said that they would participate, otherwise unrecognized rate of dental care services in long-term care insurance was 85.2%. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the awareness of the part of dental care service in the system. The results of this study can be used as basic data for the improvement of the system of dental care services in long-term care insurance for elderly.

Estimation of Absorbed Dose for Anterior and Posterior Organs with Body Mass Index in Standing Whole Spine Examination (Standing Whole Spine 검사 시 체질량지수 (BMI)에 따른 전방 및 후방장기의 흡수선량 평가)

  • Shim, Ji Na;Lee, Yong-Gu;Lee, Youngjin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • 제53권12호
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 2016
  • Automatic exposure control (AEC) is frequently used in many hospitals for Standing Whole Spine examination which is able to control radiation dose with respect to the body type such as body mass index (BMI) and we can measure dose area product (DAP) based on respective patient information. However, few studies have been conducted organ absorbed dose evaluation based on location of patient organ. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between BMI and organ absorbed dose along with location of patient organ. For that purpose, we calculated absorbed dose with selected 5 patient organ (thyroid, breast, heart, kidney, and pancreas) using a PCXMC simulation tool with measured DAP. According to the results, measured DAP increases with BMI and organ absorbed dose decreases with BMI in anterior organs such as thyroid, breast, and heart. On the other hand, there is no correlation between organ absorbed dose and BMI in posterior organs such as kidney and pancreas. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the radiation effects are different with respect to BMI and location of patient organ in Standing Whole Spine examination.

The legal status of the breast in assessing physical disability (신체장애 평가에서 유방의 법적 지위 - 장기 해당 여부, 수유장애, 노동력상실에 대하여 -)

  • Kim, Bong Kyum
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.265-295
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    • 2017
  • Breast tissue is composed of skin, mammary gland(including lactiferous duct), subcutaneous fat layer. The anatomical position is on the anterior chest wall(the outside of the chest cavity) but not on the inside of the thorax. Therefore, when the internal organs in the thoracic cavity are defined and expressed as 'organs' and the internal organs of each are labeled for a long time, for the breast located outside the thoracic cavity, it is thought that there is considerable difficulty in defining and recognizing the breast tissue as organs. For this reason, it is necessary to discourage the controversy over whether or not the breast is contained in the chest(or intra-thoracic cavity). In order to completely exclude it, it is assumed that the "chest-abdomen" can be called the "intra-thoraxic or intra-abdominal." But it is difficult to change the terms in various laws and regulations, I think that it would be necessary to insert only the clue clause "Breasts are excluded" in the detailed criteria for grading. In order to include it, it is necessary to change the terms of the ordinance or to say that the breast is exceptionally included.

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