• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장기요양서비스 요구도

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Research and Analysis of Elderly Welfare Facilities to Prevent Fire (노인복지시설의 화재방지를 위한 실태조사 및 분석)

  • Jeong, Seong Hui;Shim, Kee Oh
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.186-186
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    • 2011
  • 고령화사회의 도래는 노인의 신체적 정신적 특성과 더불어 장기적인 보살핌과 보호에 대한 요구를 증대시키고 있다. 노인을 입소시켜 급식과 요양서비스를 제공해주는 노인복지시설은 점차 그 시설수가 증가할 것으로 예상되며 재난상황에 대비한 시설의 설계, 운영, 관리, 유지단계에서 화재방지대책에 대한 연구가 필요하다고 본다. 본 연구에서는 노인복지시설의 실태조사를 통해 양로시설에서는 입지유형과 시설규모별 특징을 분석하고, 노인요양시설에서는 시설의 설계방식과 운영방식에 따른 재난상황 발생시 문제점을 분석하였다. 중점 조사항목은 화재발생시 대피장소 확보, 대피시설 및 장비 유무, 인력배치 기준 준수 등 이며 각 시설별 도출한 취약점을 바탕으로 법 제도적 측면에서 개선방안을 제시하였다. 개선이 필요한 항목은 크게 3분류로, 첫째, 설계 및 건축 단계는 노인복지시설 건축허가 기준 재정립, 피난계단, 피난공간 등 기준 보완을 위해 건축 허가시 화재안전성 검토 등이 필요하다. 둘째, 운영 및 유지 단계는 피난 방화(防火)시설 관리 개선, 시설운영자의 책임안전관리, 소방시설 기능유지 강화 등이 필요하다. 셋째, 대응 및 경감 단계는 방재관련 운영관리매뉴얼, 장비 등의 정비 및 보완, 현장대응 및 전문능력 향상, 화재상황전파 시스템 개발 등이 필요할 것으로 분석되었다.

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Regional Comparison of Home Visiting Care Service Satisfaction among Elder Beneficiaries of the Long Term Care Insurance (장기요양보험 등급판정 대상자의 지역별 방문간호 서비스 이용 만족도 및 요구도: 대도시, 중소도시, 농촌 지역을 중심으로)

  • Kwak, Chanyeong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aims at comparing levels of service satisfaction with and needs for visiting nurse(VN) services among their beneficiaries in order to make a plan for extending VN services. Methods: The number of the subjects of this study is 270 in total. They were selected in random sampling in which 30 VN service recipients were randomly selected from each of 7 regions based on their grades and region types. Results: The highest total score for satisfaction with the VN services was 46.30, which the rural residents gave to their received VN services, then the metropolitan residents gave 44.57, and the small and middle size cities' residents 43.64. On the other hand, the highest total score for needs for VN services was 33.03, which the small and middle size cities' residents gave to their received VN services, then the rural residents gave 31.68, and the metropolitan residents 30.88. Conclusion: As the small and middle size cities' residents showed low satisfaction with and high needs for local VN services, policies need to be made to promote service providers' expertise and accessibility.

A Study on the Effects of Risk Factors and Protection Factors of Care givers on Job Change Intention: Focused on the Mediation Effect of Occupational Adaptation (요양보호사의 위험요인과 보호요인이 이직의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 직업적응의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Park, Su Jan;Kim, Youn Jae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that could overcome the crisis and adversity of the nursing care provider through understanding the effect of job adaptation on the turnover intention of the nursing care provider and to contribute to the various problems of the nursing care provider in the long term. In order to confirm this as an empirical research task, risk factors and protection factors, general characteristics of the survey subjects, job adaptation and turnover intention were selected, and the risk factors and protective factors of caregivers' As a mediator. So Seoul. The results of the questionnaire survey were as follows: 291 caregivers in the elderly medical welfare facilities in Gyeonggi area. First, as the relationship between the risk factors and protective factors of occupational caregivers and occupational adaptation were more severe, the higher the maladjustment of the workplace culture, the more the job satisfaction and organizational commitment were adversely affected. The emotional support, The higher the information support, the more satisfied and satisfied the job. Second, the relationship between the risk factors of the caregiver and the protective factors and the turnover intention, the higher the conflict of caregivers, the more unstable the workplace, the more difficult it is to adapt to work culture, Respectively. Finally, as a result of verifying the mediating effect of occupational adaptation on the relationship between risk factors and protective factors and turnover intention of caregivers, job satisfaction, which is a sub-factor of job adaptation, It is shown that they play mediating roles only in the relationship between stress and turnover intention, and do not play a mediating role in the relationship between protective factor self - efficacy and social support and turnover intention. In other words, if caregivers feel satisfaction about their job, they can be less stressed on their jobs, improve their self-efficacy, and have a positive attitude toward social support. Also, it was found that the more the caregiver 's immersion into the organization, the less job stress and turnover intention decreased, but the self - efficacy and social support perception were not influenced. Based on this, the director of the facility should strive to stabilize the operation of the facility and provide high-quality services by seeking ways to improve conflict resolution and adaptation to the workplace culture so that nursing care workers can adapt to their work. And it is required to develop active management strategies and institutional support for improving job satisfaction and organizational commitment of caregivers.

A Study on Estimation of Caring Demand for Extended Care Facilities by Activities of Daily Living (ADL(Activities of Daily Living)을 이용한 무료노인요양시설 수용노인의 돌봄필요도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chul-Woung;Moon, Ok-Ryun;Lee, Sang-Yi;Yoo, Jae-Won;Yi, Sang-Gu
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.564-578
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    • 1998
  • Most extended care facilities have admitted both the healthy and unhealthy elderly, among which members' average caring demand vary. The Aged Welfare Law, however, currently provides no reasonable basis on the staffing policy for extended care facilities. It just reflects the admitted number of the elderly rather than differences in members' average caring demand among facilities. This study is designed to estimate the need for caring staff on the basis of the correlation between the individual health status measured by various tools including Activities of Daily Living and caring demand by actual service time for each one. The sample included all of the admitted elderly(187 persons) in 4 extended care facilities, two in Seoul and the other two in Kangwon-Do over the survey period October 5 through October 20, 1996. The survey process consisted of 3 stages. (1) The current staffing information was collected through self-completed written questionnaires left for head of official in each facility. (2) Six graduate students at School of Public Health interviewed all residents to collect information on their health status and sociodemographics. The response rate for the interview was relatively high(85%). (3) Information on direct and indirect caring time consumed for each residents came from self-completed written questionnaires given to nurses and helpers in each target facilities. Analysis of the data was made using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression technique through SAS program. Based on this procedure, the following was found. 1. No facility meet the staffing standard in the Aged Welfare Law completely. 2. It is actual service time that is most correlated with ADL(Activities of daily living). 3. When all of the elderly are divided by four groups based on the level of ADL, the mean values of needed caring time in each group are 15, 21, 36 and 88 minutes respectively. 4. There is no significant difference among facilities in distribution of elderly person by group. 5. No facility meets the estimated number of nurses and helpers which reflects health status of the admitted elderly. Therefore, it is required that severity of the admitted elderly be considered in establishing staffing standard for extended care facility.

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A potential user' Need of Utilization and Development Direction of Day Care Center (노인주간보호시설에 대한 잠재이용자의 이용욕구 및 발전방향)

  • Jeong, Ji-Na
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify a potential user's need for use and operational of the elderly day care center and to identify the problems and suggest development directions. The data collection was conducted on 320 ordinary people living in J-do through a questionnaire, and sought to understand the operational status of in-depth interview institutions for the heads and employees of six center. As a result of the analysis, a potential user's ware not aware of the functions and specific roles of day care center, the cost of facilities was covered by the government, and that facilities and the environment were important factors when using the center. In-depth interviews show that the current policy or system is far from reality and does not fit the status or role of the workers and the operational status of the agency, requiring the re-establishment of the on-site system. Based on the research results, the development direction of day care facilities requires active promotion and strengthening of family support for improving and enhancing awareness of day care facilities to citizens at the national level. Second, the quality of nursing services should be enhanced through improvements in facilities and the environment that reflect users' needs. Third, The government should improve the quality of nursing services by improving the poor employment conditions and treatment of workers to fit the reality.

Theoretical Comparison between Social Model of Disability and Independent Living Model (장애에 대한 사회적모델과 자립생활모델에 대한 이론적 비교 연구)

    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.39-63
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    • 2010
  • This research is to make the identity of the two models clear by reviewing the similarities and differences between Social Model of Disability from U.K. and Independent Living Model from United States. Research results are as follows. As for differences, Social Model of disability intended to change disability paradigm by focusing society itself as the cause of disability rather than individuals, however Independent Living Model stressed on the freedom and control through disabled people's life with self-advocacy group and personal assistants. As for similarities, there are self-representatives, social responsibility for disability, alienation of people with intellectual disabilities at the initial stage, background in legislating Disability Discrimination Acts in both countries. This result has its significances because it shows theoretical framework which make it possible to review further how disability practice and movements understand the two models regardless of their real contents and how the two affected the induction and proceeding of Korean Discrimination Act and Independent Living Paradigm in the Disability Welfare Act.

Demand and willing to pay for oral hygiene service in long-term care insurance of elderly (노인장기요양보험 재가급여 수급자의 구강위생서비스 요구도와 비용지불의사)

  • Kim, Han-Nah;Kim, Gi-Yon;Noh, Hie-Jin;Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.204-209
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the demand and willingness to pay for oral hygiene services among elderly people with long-term care insurance. Methods: Our study was a cross-sectional analysis. Subjects comprised 126 elderly individuals from long-term home-care centers. A total of 28 centers were selected through convenience sampling from among 78 centers in ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$. For analysis, semi-structured questionnaires that required about 20-30 minutes to complete were used. Analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 software. Results: The overall demand for oral hygiene services was 44.4%, and willingness to pay was 31.0%. Thirty-three people (58.9%) of elderly those who have demand for an oral hygiene service were willing to pay for the service, and 64 people (91.4%) who did not have a demand were not willing to pay for it. Among those with partial dependence on brushing, 65.6% had demand for oral hygiene services and 50.0% were willing to pay costs. Among basic livelihood beneficiaries, 69.6% were willing to pay for oral hygiene services; general subjects and relievers were less willing to pay. Conclusions: The overall demand for oral hygiene services among elderly people was 44.4%, and the willingness to pay was as low as 31.0%.

The need for oral welfare products services among elderly facility workers (일부 노인시설 종사자의 구강복지용구 서비스 요구도에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Kim, Sun-Mi;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Jeon, Hyun-Sun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to prepare basic data to propose the necessity and utilization of oral welfare products in the welfare services of the long-term care insurance system, focusing on facility workers working in elderly facilities. Methods: The analysis was conducted on 144 workers working at some local elderly facilities. The questionnaire was constructed by classifying the use of oral welfare tools into 6 questions and the necessity and demand for oral welfare devices into 13 questions. Frequency analysis and technical analysis were performed for data analysis, and one-way ANOVA was performed for differences in the necessity and demand for oral welfare equipment. The statistical significance level was p<0.05. Results: As a result of examining the awareness of the necessity and demand for oral welfare equipment among workers in elderly facilities, the awareness of the necessity of including oral welfare equipment in the items of welfare equipment in the current long-term care insurance system was high at 4.15 points. As a result of analyzing the correlation between awareness of care products and the need and demand for oral welfare equipment, it was confirmed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation (p<0.01). Conclusions: In the long-term care insurance system for the elderly, oral welfare products need to be considered for welfare equipment services. The provision of oral welfare products within the long-term care insurance system for the elderly can provide opportunities and services to select various self-care tools. In addition, it is expected that it will be possible to promote changes in the long-term care insurance system for the elderly and to improve the system in a variety of positive ways.

Needs for Integrated Care for Older Adults in Seoul (서울특별시 지역사회 거주 노인의 통합돌봄 요구)

  • Kim, Hyeongsu;Ko, Young;Son, Miseon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the care needs of the older adults aged 65 and over and to identify characteristics of care need groups. This was a secondary analysis study using data from 2017 National Survey of Older Persons in Seoul. There were 50.4% in the general group without any support needs, 17.9% in the medical needs group, 14.2% in the welfare needs group with support needs of daily living or social activity, and 17.5% in the complex needs group with both medical and welfare needs. Significant differences were shown in most variables of the general characteristics, grading of long-term care or disability, financial burden and caregiving, health behaviors, health status, and life satisfactions among groups (p<.001). The complex care need group should be provided with integrated care service for medical and welfare through multidisciplinary team approach.

Conjunctive Predictors of Suicidal Ideation in Korean Elderly : Panel Data Analysis (한국 노인의 자살생각에 관한 융복합 예측요인 : 패널자료분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2019
  • In 2016, the number of suicides per 100,000 population in Korea was 24.6, which is the highest record of OECD countries. The number of suicide deaths increased with age. Elderly people have a higher risk of completed suicide than any other age group. The purpose of this study was to analyze the panel data of the Korean Welfare Panel Study to identify the factors affecting the suicide of Korean older people. This study analyzed the data of the 11th Korean Welfare Panel Study, which was constructed in 2016. The mean age of the participants was 75.55 years and 37% were man and 63% were women. The annual prevalence of suicidal ideation was 3.4%. The effects of depression(Exp(B)=1.113) and subjective health status((Exp(B)=.767) on suicidal ideation was statistically significant by stepwise logistic regression analysis(Nagelkerke $R^2=.248$). Therefore, for the effective application of suicide prevention program for the older people, assessment of subjective health status and depression screening should be preceded.