• Title/Summary/Keyword: 입지효율성

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Convergence of IT service providers and brick-and-mortar companies in an industrial cluster (정보기술서비스기업과 클러스터 오프라인기업의 컨버전스)

  • Yi, Jun-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1211-1224
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    • 2010
  • The study derives various anticipated benefits resulting from locating small and medium sized IT service firms in a specific industrial cluster area. The study also derives IT service agility factors to obtain competitive advantages vital to real-time global enterprises. The anticipated benefits were then used to analyze how they improve the firms' agility. Using questionnaire data, factor analyses were used to figure out eight anticipated benefit factors including coordination, information sharing, business costs, speciality, communication, trust improvement, mutual business understanding, and reciprocity. The eight empirically derived benefit factors were then used to examine how they affect the IT service agility including flexibility, speed, responsiveness, and lean efficiency. The results of regression analyses showed that each one of the anticipated benefit factors except communication influence one or more IT service agility factors.

Analysis of Efficient Pollution Reduction Facility using Pollutant Distribution Analysis (오염원 분포를 고려한 효율적 오염저감시설 적지분석)

  • Lee, Ji-Heon;Bae, Myung-Soon;Lee, Sang-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.465-469
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    • 2008
  • 수도권의 중요한 상수원인 팔당호 수질에 큰 영향을 주고 있는 경안천 유역의 오염배출량을 저감하기 위하여 많은 인공습지조성이 계획되었으나 이들의 위치선정의 적합성에 대한 분석이 부족한 실정이다. 또한 경안천은 상류에서 중류까지는 주변 농경지의 용수공급을 위해 많은 수중보가 설치되어 물의 흐름이 단절되어있어 수리적 요소에 인공요인으로 작용하고 있으며, 하류로 갈수록 하천이 곡선형태로 흐르고 하폭 또한 넓어져 자체적으로 유기물이 증가하기 좋은 환경을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 유역의 자연적, 인공적 요소를 고려한 물리적 모델을 구축하고 각 오염원특성별 부하량 분석을 통한 속성정보를 반영하였으며 오염저감시설설치 시나리오의 타당성분석을 분석을 수행하였다. 연구과정을 좀더 상세히 살펴보면 첫째, 비점오염원의 주된 경로중 하나인 축산계부하량 저감을 위하여 지형적 인자를 고려한 인공습지조성 적지분석 결과를 HSPF모델에 반영하였다. 둘째, 기존 오염 총량제에서 수행해오던 오염부하량 산정방식을 통해 산정된 양을 유역단위로 재분배 하여 오염원 분포를 반영하였다. 주요 오염부하량인 축산계와 토지계의 오염부하량만을 적용하였으며 일부 오염원 항목들은 생략하거나 하수처리시설을 통해 처리되고 있는 것으로 모의하였다. 셋째, 각 시나리오별 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 경안천 인공습지조성가능성 및 수질개선 효과를 예측하였다. 기존의 점오염원 처리시설만으로는 하천에서의 목표수질을 만족시키는데 한계가 있기 때문에 점오염원 저감시설뿐 아니라 비점오염원 저감시설인 인공습지를 기존의 처리시설에 연계하여 시나리오를 구성하였다. 기존습지시설의 오염저감율은 각 시설들의 평균값을 적용하였으며 처리효율은 BOD, TN, TP 각각 40%, 25%, 12%로 적용하였다. 오염원분포를 고려한 모의결과 현재 인공습지 입지대상지역들 중 좀 더 효율적인 오염저감 효과를 보이는 지역이 분석되었다.

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A Study on Introduction of Fire Prevention Sub-Manager for Efficient Fire Safety Management (효율적 소방안전관리를 위한 소방안전관리 보조자의 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Pil;Jeong, Mu-Heon
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 2013
  • In modern society, buildings has become larger, more complex and high-rise by the influences of locational and environmental characteristics from the changes of human lifestyles. Such features of the buildings, however, make building management and maintenance more difficult, especially in the aspects of health, security, and safety, etc. In order to secure safety and comfort in dwelling, housing, and working condition, it is essential to establish systematic plans and practices. Thus with the aim of investigating general status of fire safety management on specific buildings, this study mainly analyzed fire prevention manager's awareness on their works by conducting a survey, and suggested required systematic improvements for efficient fire safety management. As a result of the survey, it is concluded that introducing the system to appoint fire prevention sub-managers will promote more professional and classified management conditions.

Evaluation of Heat Transfer Mechanisms and Damage Assessment through Fire Testing of Lithium-Ion Batteries (리튬이온 배터리의 화재 시험을 통한 열 전달 메커니즘 및 손상 평가)

  • Jeong-Ho Shin;Yong-Hyeon Kim;Eun-Ju Kim;Young-Chul Bae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to evaluate battery damage and heat transfer mechanisms through fire tests on lithium-ion batteries, and to explore ways to improve the efficiency and safety of battery management systems (BMS). Temperature changes in each sector are measured at points T1, T2, and T3 observing and recording the reactions of surrounding cells for 10 minutes after applying electricity to the ignition electrode. The results show that the batteries in sectors A and B fully ignite, causing severe physical damage, while the batteries in sector C do not ignite and sustain minimal damage. This confirms that the distance between sectors plays a crucial role in reducing ignition and heat propagation. The study suggests that considering the distance between sectors in the design of thermal management systems for lithium-ion batteries can significantly mitigate ignition and heat spread. Future experiments with various battery models and conditions will further propose the ways to enhance the efficiency and safety of BMS.

Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Emergency Medical Services: Busan (부산시 응급의료서비스의 시공간적 분포특성)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo;Kim, Jeong-Geon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed the appropriateness of the spatial distribution of fire stations and emergency medical facilities, the main providers of emergency medical care, in Busan. The area over which the 119 emergency medical services were situated in relation to the dispatch and transport of urgent rescue services was examined. Addresses of patients requiring 119 emergency services were obtained and stored as individual units so that they could be analyzed in a Geographic Information System(GIS). The time taken by emergency services to reach patients and transport them to a hospital or other facility was measured in seconds. By inputting additional information such as the location of the 119 dispatch centers, jurisdictions, and emergency medical facilities, the GIS allowed for analyses not only of the temporal but also the spatial aspects of emergency medical services. The results showed that of 16 Gu/Gun and 226 Eup/Myen/Dong in the Busan area, only 41% of Busan's emergency medical services could respond to and transport patients within five minutes. In all districts, most emergency medical services were provided within five to ten minutes. However, the pattern of hospital use to transfer patients to hospitals was inefficient. Based on the temporal and spatial distributions of fire stations and emergency medical agencies, and on their dispatch and transport times, this study sets out and compares ideal dispatch and transportation patterns for the efficient use of Busan's emergency medical services and resources.

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A Policy Study on the Radioactive Waste Management and Research and Development (방사물 폐기물 관리 및 원자력 환경 기술 개발 활성화를 위한 정책 요소 분석)

  • 오세기;신영균
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.370-379
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    • 2002
  • In the Korean electricity supply structure, the role of nuclear power generation is essential. But, the delaying of radioactive waste management program induces negative impact to the stable electricity supply. Despite the continuing endeavors of Korean Government and nuclear power industry, radioactive waste management program of Korea is experiencing a continuing setback. In this background, the study examined the past and current policy and recommends that; Long term safety assurance should be the prime objective of radioactive waste management; Siting process should be transparent and opened to the public with the involvement of safety regulatory authority; A new neutral organization which has no conflicts of interest with any other existing organizations should be established to coordinate and manage the R&D programs.

Analysis of Development Project Conditions and Potential Demand Characteristics in High-Speed Rail Station Areas (전국 고속철도 역세권의 개발 사업여건 및 잠재수요 특성 분석)

  • Bae, Seong-Ho;Ma, Kang-Rae;Kim, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2024
  • As the problem of lowering the efficiency of urban services in small and medium-sized cities in the non-metropolitan area intensifies, the necessity of developing a railway station area is being emphasized to form a compressed urban space through regional bases. Although major station areas in large cities are being developed in the form of complex, the analysis of the development location characteristics of the small and medium-sized city station areas is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of development project conditions and potential demand in the high-speed rail station areas across the country, identify the differences in locational characteristics according to the type of city, such as 'metropolitan city', 'large city in non-metropolitan city', 'medium and small city in non-metropolitan city', and find out the appropriate development method. As a result of the analysis, it was analyzed that the 'metropolitan area metropolitan area' has high potential demand and poor business conditions. On the other hand, in the case of the non-metropolitan area, it was analyzed that the 'small and medium-sized city station area' has good business conditions and low potential demand characteristics, and the 'large city station area' has intermediate characteristics. This suggests the need for different development methods in the development of metropolitan and small and medium-sized city station areas. The analysis results of this study show that it is desirable to encourage private participation in large-scale metropolitan station areas, which require large-scale input, to maximize potential demand, and to encourage private participation through public-led projects based on favorable business conditions or development based on regional characteristics.

Spatial Characteristics by Physical Distribution System and Sales Activities of Agricultural Co-operation Chain Stores in Korea (농협 연쇄점의 물류체계와 판매활동의 공간적 특성)

  • 韓柱成
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.258-277
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    • 2001
  • Agricultural Co-operation chain stores were highly the utility of distribution rationalization for commercial distribution by informatisation and by multi-polarizied of large physical distribution center of Inventory intensive type consisted of intensive physical distribution. and transportation of commodities from physical distribution center have act by outsourcing. Therefore, the methods of distribution of commodities of life and agricultural products are distinguished from route distribution and regular time collective distribution. the method of distribution is formated the distribution field b\ulcorner characteristic of commodity. On the other hand, spatial characteristics by sales activities of commodities was clarified by types of stole commodity according to level of paddy agriculture development and level of service industrial employment. But manufactured foodstuffs and miscellaneous goods. that is commodities of life clarified the fact selling that is not influenced by regional type.

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DEM based Dual-Drainage Urban Inundation Analysis Model Considering Building Effect (건물영향을 고려한 DEM기반 Dual-Drainage 도시침수해석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hee;Han, Kun-Yeun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.306-310
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    • 2007
  • 건물영향을 고려한 DEM기반 Dual-Drainage 도시침수해석모형은 배수시스템 해석 모형인 SWMM모형과 도시침수해석 모형인 DEM 기반 침수해석모형(이창희 등, 2006b)을 통합하고, 두 모형간의 유량의 전송과정을 수리학적 관계를 고려한 Dual-Drainage 도시침수해석모형(이창희 등, 2006c)에서 건물의 영향을 고려할 수 있도록 개발된 모형이다. 수치지도로부터 대상유역의 건물 데이터를 추출할 경우 이들 건물들은 매우 복잡하게 배치되어 있으므로 건물 모두를 다 고려하는 격자를 구성하는 것은 어려운 일이다. 그러므로, 건물들이 셀 내에 차지하는 비율을 구하여 침수지역 해석에 이용되었다. 본 모형을 통해 건물에 의한 점유면적 및 흐름의 방해 등으로 인하여 침수심 및 침수범위의 변화를 고려할 수 있으며, 건물 영향으로 인한 침수해석을 통해 침수유량의 도달 시간 및 시간별 침수범위를 보다 정확히 예측할 수 있다. 홍수 기간동안 지표침수유량 및 시간별 배수과정을 분석하여 범람수심 및 범람지역을 주요 시간대별로 계산하였고, 실측치인 침수흔적도와 비교함으로써 모형의 적용성을 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 침수해석 모형을 이용하여 최고침수위와 최고침수범위를 비교적 단시간에 효율적으로 계산함으로써 홍수피해와 투자액을 감안한 경제적인 배수시설의 결정을 위한 기본자료로 활용될 수 있으며, 국가 중요 시설물의 입지 선정, 주민의 보호 및 이동 등을 포함한 홍수피해의 판단자료로 이용될 수 있다.

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A Study on Growth Condition and Management of Protected Trees in Kimpo (김포시 보호수의 생육실태와 관리방안 연구)

  • Doo, Chul-Eon;Lee, Jong-Bum;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2012
  • This study is determined by tree vigor of analyzing of each object's growth condition in Locational Characteristics and compare the result with impediment extent rate in crown area to provide the management Study about the influence of man-made structures in numbers of protected trees. 68 places where are in the list of Kimpo protected trees were researched in Natural environments, vital degree of trees, number of trees. Crown area was calculated surveying it around the directions of North, East, South and West branching out. Impediment in the area was analyzed after classified into artificial impediment like paved surface(ascon, concrete, block, etc.), a building and a breast wall and natural impediment like soil, stonework and gravel and conclusions are as follow. In analyzing of natural environments, he ground where protected trees have located is consist of 72.05 of manmade structure and artificial in all. There are many protected trees which have less space than crown area for growth suggested by Woo-kyung Sim and Se-kyun Shin in 1992. And it was analyzed that making growth space for protected trees and management of impediment are urgently needed because of that the proportion of impediment covering the crown area has increased as cities are becoming more urbanized results in transforming of trees and weakness of tree vigor. This research shows that under 20% of in crown area is tree vigor determination 1-2 grade 21-50% under is 2-3 grade, higher than 50% is 3-5 grade. More impediment have more difficulty for growing, with the management of root system of protected trees need to be under 20% of rate of land is necessary was improved. As follows are suggested about the standard of management in artificial impediment which influence the number of trees. Firstly, impediment in crown area must be restricted under 20%, but in case outside of the area is not artificial the rate could be higher considerable. Secondly, protected trees growth space secured as much as crown area and impediment must be installed outside the crown area. Thirdly, to move the protected trees, condition of growth space secure must be considered. Fourthly, to develope land, the area around protected trees should be utilized in a park, the area of impediment installation in crown area should be limited as well. Fifthly, As many shown in previous research, for the improvement of old big trees and protected trees, need the tax favor of landowner and purchase of around land, to manage, it needs the budget of local government and advice of expert. Also the study on how various kind of impediment nearby protected trees influence on them has to be continued.