• Title/Summary/Keyword: 임상적 결과

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슬개건을 이용한 전방 십자 인대 재건술

  • Lee Byung-Il;Choi Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.100-105
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    • 2003
  • 자가 중간 1/3 슬개건골을 이용한 관절경적 전방 십자 인대 재건술은 슬관절의 안정성 회복 및 임상적 결과가 비교적 만족 할만 하나 슬개-대퇴간 동통 공여부 감각 소실 또는 저하 등의 슬개골 주위 합병증이 발생하므로 이러한 문제점을 가능한 줄이고 기능적 회복을 도모하는데 이식건 채취 방법에 있어서 분리된 절개를 이용하고 속이 빈 원형의 톱날 기구(Hollowsaw)를 사용함으로써 결과의 향상을 기대 할 수 있을 것으로 사료되나 추후 보다 면밀하고 장기적인 추시 관찰이 됫받침 되어야 할 것이다

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Bronchoscopic Diagnosis in ICU Patient Accompanying Pneumonia (폐렴이 동반된 중환자실 환자에 대한 기관지내시경적 진단)

  • Chang, Jung Hyun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 1997
  • Background : To assess the diagnostic role of bronchoscopic lavage for the evaluation of pneumonia in intensive care unit(ICU), the results were compared to blind endobronchial specimen. Method : From September 1993 to August 1996, twenty-eight ICU patients suspected pneumonia on the basis of clinical evidence and performed bronchoscopy under the diagnostic or therapeutic purpose were studied retrospectively for the clinical findings including culture of bronchoscopic and blind endobronchial specimen. Bronchoscopic specimen was got through small amount of bronchoalveolar lavage with 20-40ml saline, one or two times on the suspected site. Results : l. Main reasons of ICU admission were respiratory and impending respiratory failure Nosocomial pneumonia was most common with 16 cases; each for community acquired and immunocompromised type with 6 cases. Diagnostic purpose of bronchoscopy was performed in 20 cases as 71 percent in total, whereas therapeutic removal of secretion in 8 cases. The complication during bronchoscopic evaluation was trivial. 2. The agreement between blind endobronchial and bronchoscopic specimen on microbial culture was only 39.3 percent. However, 2 cases each for aspergillosis and tuberculosis were diagnosed under bronchoscopic evaluation. 3 The application of mechanical ventilation occured significantly frequently in multidrug resistant pneumonia compared with other pneumonia in terms of bronchoscopic specimen. 4. The application of mechanical ventilation was significantly common in nosocomial pneurmonia compared with other types of pneumonia. Conclusion : The selective bronchoalveolar lavage and therapeutic removal of bronchial secretion with bronchoscopy in ICU patient accompanying pneumonia is a very useful tool with safety. The multidrug resistant pneumonia or nosocomial pneumonia could be closely associated with the use of mechanical ventilation.

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Implementation of database and E-CRF for efficient integration of Korean clinical data (한의 임상 정보의 효율적 통합을 위한 한의임상 데이터베이스 및 E-CRF 입력 시스템 구축)

  • So, Ji Ho;Jeon, Young Ju;Lee, Bum Ju
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2016
  • Recently, researches for the integration and standardization of clinical data in the Western medicine and Korean medicine is in progress. If an integration of similar clinical data as well as heterogeneous clinical data is possible based on one standardization, we can able to derive implicit medical knowledge from integrated clinical data. In this paper, we implemented Korean clinical database based on internationally known CDISC standardization to efficiently store Korean clinical data and constructed E-CRF system for convenient data input in clinical sites. Furthermore, we showed example of an integration of Korean clinical data from 4 clinical sites. The results of our study will help to establish the foundation for the extraction of implicit medical knowledge from integrated clinical data. Also, our results may support efficient management through data integration, prevention of repetitive or unnecessary clinical trials, facilitation of collaborative study and convenient research through the distribution of refined clinical data.

Validation Study of Clinical Utility and Usability on Korean Version of the Life-Space Assessment to Assess Community Mobility (지역사회 이동성을 측정하는 한국어판 생활공간 평가(Korean Version of the Life-Space Assessment; K-LSA)의 임상적 유용성 및 사용성 검증 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hui;Chang, Moon-Young
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of study is to validate the clinical utility and usability of the Korean version of the Life Space Assessment(K-LSA) which is an assessment tool of community mobility of older adults. Methods : Surveys on the clinical utility and usability of the K-LSA are carried out with a total of aoaa60 occupational and physical therapists. The surveys included the multiple choice questions on the clinical utility and open questions on the usability. Responses to multiple questions are post processed by frequency analysis and technical statistics, and responses to the open questions are categorized by common factors in each questions. Results : Average value of clinical utility ranges from 3.6 to 4.0 with positive responses of 'fair (3 point)', 'agree (4 point)' and 'strongly agree (5 point)' being 95~100%. Average value for clinical usability ranges from 3.6 to 4 with positive answers of 'fair (3 point)', 'easy (4 point)' and 'very easy (5 point)' being 88.3~100%. Additionally out of open-type questions of clinical usability, it was pointed out that the concept of 'neighborhood' for the life space level 3 and 4 is unclear. Conclusion : The current study and research outcomes showed that the K-LSA is a validated tool in Korean health care system for the clinical utility and usability in measuring community mobility, and that it is straightforward in practical use. It will help clinicians and therapists promote the social participation of older adults, and set an intervention goal for enhancing community mobility. It will further help clinicians and researchers in education and research for medical intervention and goal-setting.

Coracoclavicular Ligament Augmentation Using Tight-Rope® for Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation - Preliminary Report - (Tight-Rope®을 이용한 급성 견봉 쇄골 관절 탈구의 치료 - 예비 보고 -)

  • Kweon, Seok Hyun;Choi, Sang Su;Lee, Seong In;Kim, Jeong Woo;Kim, Kwang Mee
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation treatment with coracoclavicular ligament augmentation using Tight-Rope$^{(R)}$ (Arthrex). Materials and Methods: From October 2009 to March 2011, 30 patients with acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation underwent coracoclavicular ligament augmentation using Tight-Rope$^{(R)}$ and were followed up for at least 12 months after surgery. The radiologic results were qualified according to serial plain radiographs, and the clinical results according to University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) Shoulder Scale, Constant score, and VAS pain score. Results: Using the UCLA scoring system, excellent results were observed in 22 cases (73%), good results in five cases (17%), fair results in two cases (7%), and a poor result in one case (3%). The average Constant score was $92.5{\pm}7.5$. According to radiologic results, anatomical reduction was achieved in 26 cases, and two cases showed a moderate loss of reduction, and two cases showed complete re-dislocation. Clinical results for patients with re-dislocation were unsatisfactory and reoperation was required. Conclusion: Coracoclavicular ligament augmentation using Tight-Rope$^{(R)}$ is a good option providing reliable functional results in patients with acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation.

The Result of Repeat Discectomy for Ipsilateral Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation (재발성 요추 추간판 탈출증에 대한 추간판 재절제술의 결과)

  • Kim, Woo-Sung;Na, Hwa-Yeop;Oh, Sang-Hoon;Park, Sub-Ri;Son, Eui-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: To analyze the result of a repeat discectomy for ipsilateral recurrent lumbar disc herniation and to investigate the potential factors that influenced the outcomes for this surgery. Materials and Methods: Fifty-nine patients, who underwent reoperation after lumbar discectomy with a minimum follow-up period of 2 years, were reviewed. The surgical outcome was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and Macnab classification, and the recovery rate was calculated in accordance with VAS. A statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS to evaluate the possible factors that may have influenced the outcomes of the reoperation. Results: The rate of reoperation after lumbar disc surgery due to the recurrent disc herniation was 6.0% (59/983 cases). The average recovery rate of VAS from the 1st operation was approximately 77%, and from the 2nd operation was 71%. According to the Macnab criteria, the results were "excellent" or "good" in 96% of cases. Statistical analysis revealed that there was no difference of the average recovery rate (p<0.05). There is no additional instability after repeat discectomy. Factors, such as smoking, precipitating traumatic events, and diabetes mellitus did not have much influence on the average recovery rate after repeat discectomy for ipsilateral recurrent lumbar disc herniation. Conclusion: The outcomes of repeat discectomy were satisfactory. Moreover, factors, smoking, trauma history and diabetic mellitus, only had a minor impact on the outcomes of a repeat discectomy.

Correlation between Clinicomorphologic Findings and Clinical Outcome in Childhood $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura Nephritis (소아 $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ 자반병 신염의 임상양상 및 병리소견과 임상경과)

  • Huh Yun-Jung;Shin Jae-Il;Park Jee-Min;Jeong Hyeon-Joo;Lee Jae-Seung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura(HSP) is usually a self-limited disease with a good eventual outcome. The prognosis of HSP is mainly determined by the renal involvement. In this study, We evaluated children with biopsy-proven $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis about the clinical outcome correlated with renal manifestation and morphologic findings. Methods : The clinical features, initial laboratory and pathologic findings, and clinical out-come were evaluated in 60 children with biopsy-proven $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis at Yonsei University Severance Hospital during the period from Jan. 1990 to Dec. 2002. Results : The ratio of male to female patients was 1.2:1. The interval between the onset of $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura and renal manifestation was less than 3 months in 81% of the patients. Initial renal manifestation was microscopic hematuria in 100% of patients, isolated hematuria in 15%, acute nephritic syndrome in 7%, nephrotic syndrome In 22% of patients. Renal manifestation correlated with clinical outcome. Grade II and III were the most common in histologic grades of ISKDC. Renal pathologic finding correlated with clinical outcome. Conclusion : Renal manifestation and pathologic findings correlated with the clinical out-come. It is necessary to evaluate the correlation between pathologic findings and treatment.

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Factors Affecting the Self Esteem of a Convergence Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 자아존중감에 융합적으로 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae;Lee, Hee-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2015
  • The present study analyzes the main factor having an effect on the convergence dental hygienist's self-esteem through the survey to them. A self-leadership and professional self-conception show meaningful result with higher score in the group with higher self-respect than that of lower one(p<.001). Also the higher hygienist's self-esteem, the higher clinic practice ability(p<.01). There is negative correlation with self-esteem in emotional labor(p<.01) and exhaustion(p<.01). However, the positive correlations are presented in self-leadership(p<.01), professional self-conception(p<.01) and clinic practice ability(p<.01) with self-respect. The factors influenced on self-esteem are clinic practice ability(p<.05) and exhaustion(p<.01). In results, the organized convergence program and education considering self-esteem in the hospital should be accomplished systemically to enhance the clinic practice ability of each hygienist.

Convergence Influence of Clinical Nurses' Resilience to the Job Stress, Turnover intention and Vitality (임상간호사의 직무스트레스, 이직의도 및 생동성이 리질리언스(Resilience)에 미치는 융복합적 요인)

  • Jung, Mi-Ra;Jeong, Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among resilience and job Stress, turnover intention and vitality in general hospital nurses and to provide the basic data for the development of resilience intervention programs. The data were collected from 140 nurses working in the four general hospital located S and Y city using self-reported questionnaires and February 1 2017 to February 17 2017. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression with SPSS 20.0 program. Resilience was found to be in a significant positive correlation with job stress, turnover intention and vitality. The result of the multiple regression indicates that work pattern and vitality predict 31%(F=10.01, p<.001) of resilience. Therefore it is necessary to develop convergence program to strengthen the resilience of clinical nurses'.


  • Chang, Young-Il
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 1986
  • Etiologies and traditional treatment modalities regarding anterior open-bite were discussed to elucidate the advantages and disadvantages. And an emphasis was placed on the understanding of the true nature of anterior open-bite. Most anterior open-bite malocclusions can be treated with a high degree of sucess and stability without surgical intervention with the congnizance of the anatomy, the physiology and the dynamics of orthodontic mechanotherapy. In this regard, a Multiloop Edgewise Arch Wire (MEAW) Technic, which has been developed during the past twenty years by Dr. Kim, was introduced. Three cases with anterior open-bite malocclusion were presented to demonstrate the mechanotherapy.

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