• Title/Summary/Keyword: 임금 근로자

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Employment Structure in Korea: Characteristics & Problems (우리나라 고용구조의 특징과 과제)

  • Jang, Keunho
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.66-122
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    • 2019
  • As the Korean economy grew, employment expanded steadily, with the number of economically active people increasing and the employment-to-population rate also increasing. However, the working age population started to decline in 2017, and the employment of women and young people has been sluggish. The proportion of non-salaried workers in Korea is much higher than in other OECD countries, and is also excessive, considering Korea's income levels. In addition, the proportion of non-regular workers and the proportion of workers employed at small companies are particularly high among salaried workers. In light of these characteristics of Korean employment, the urgent problems facing the employment structure can be summarized by the deepening dual structure of the labor market, the increase in youth unemployment, sluggish female employment figures, and an excessive share of self-employment. Overall, it is seen that labor market duality is the main structural factor of the employment problems in Korea. Therefore, in order to fundamentally address this employment problem, it is necessary to concentrate policy efforts on alleviating labor market duality.

Earnings Variability and Capital Market Opening (자본시장 개방과 소득 변동성)

  • Kim, Dae Il
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2006
  • This paper documents the increase in earnings variability (or earnings risk) during the 1990s in Korea, and investigates whether it can be accounted for by capital market opening. The variances of transitory and permanent innovations in earnings are estimated from repeated cross-section data using a simple econometric framework. The increasing time-series pattern of earnings risk among men follows the increased foreign capital presence reasonably well, but the supporting cross-sectional evidence for a causal relationship between the two is weak. However, foreign direct investment (FDI) is found to have had some non-neutral effects on workers of varying skills in such a way that transitory earnings risk of less-skilled workers relatively increased with FDI. To the extent that transitory innovations are not fully insured, this widening effect of FDI on earnings risk gap may have contributed to widening welfare gap between skilled and unskilled workers in Korea, at least in terms of "risks."

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A Longitudinal Analysis of the Union Effect on the Wages (패널자료를 이용한 노동조합의 임금효과 분석)

  • Cho, Dong Hun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2008
  • This paper estimates the union effect on the wages using Korean Labor and Income Panel Study by using fixed-effect estimation. While the cross-sectional estimates show the size of 4.6% increase in the wages of workers in the union compared 10 the observationally identical workers in the non-union jobs, the union wage effect is estimated as 2.1% increase in the panel study. This shows that there exits an substantial upward-bias in the cross-sectional estimation of union wage effect.

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Effect of the Health Behaviors on Subjective Sleep Problems in an Employees (근로자의 건강행위가 주관적 수면문제에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chaebong;Ko, Jesuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2015
  • Korea worker is well known for its long work and amongst employees and to change un-healthy lifestyle. This study aims to investigate the association between health behaviors and sleep problems in employees. It employed data from the Third Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS). The total number of individuals included in the analysis was 34,788 employees, from the 2011 survey. The outcome was sleep problems, which had a prevalence rate of 2.5% in men and 2.3% in women. An adjusted odds ratios were as follows: 2.26(1.75-2.91) for hypertension, 2.21(1.60-3.06) for obesity, 26.82(21.51-33.45) for depression and 2.02(1.64-2.49) for high level of job stress. We need to invest to identify relevant and various health service promotion for sleep problem that un-healthy workers want will use.

Influencing Factors to Increase the Wage Differentials between Large and Subcontracted Small-Medium Enterprises in Korea (위탁대기업과 협력중소기업 간 임금격차 확대 영향요인)

  • Kim, Hye Jeong;Bai, Jin Han;Park, Chang Gui
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to analyze influencing factors to increase the wage differential between large enterprise and subcontracted small-medium enterprises by using panel data composed of 19 manufacturing industries for 16 years from 1999 to 2014. According to the results of analysis, in large enterprises the elasticity of substitution between the labor inputs and the subcontracted product supplies from small-medium enterprises was significantly less than 1. So, the increase in wages of workers of large enterprises, whose degree of employment protection was relatively high, seemed to increase the share of wage cost in total cost and was resulted to decrease the cost share of subcontracted product supplies significantly. This was interpreted to be able to exert a negative influence upon the price of subcontracted product supplies and the wages of workers in subcontracted small-medium enterprises, and, therefore, to increase the wage differentials between large enterprises and subcontracted small-medium enterprises. Furthermore, it was also found that the increases in the labor union participation rate at large enterprises and the openness rate of the industry concerned were contributing to make such effects much stronger significantly. In order to mitigate the wage differentials and the polarizing trend in labor market, we can suggest to establish a certain kind of flexible wage system and to introduce co-bargaining practices with the workers of subcontracted small-medium enterprises within large enterprises, and also for the workers of small-medium enterprises, to prepare new social systems to upgrade their human resources and job skills drastically.

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A Study on the Care Worker's Working Condition and Wage with Public Data of the NHIC (공공데이터를 활용한 요양보호사 근로실태 및 임금 분석)

  • Kyoung, Seung-Ku;Jang, So-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Gab
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2017
  • In December 2014, the study analyzed the wage level of Long-term Care Facilities reported by the National Health Insurance Organization Database. From 2008 to 2014, 1,231.357 people in Korea were acquired qualification for care worker. This study tries to the wage of 1,221,085 care workers. We found out that 91.3% of all are women, and 41% out of care worker qualification were between 50-59 years old. And only 14.8% were employed as care workers. About 73.2% of the nursing care workers had less than 3 years of service at the current job, and their wages were 129.2 million won per month for Nursing Home and 6,421 won per hour for the home care center. In order to investigate care workers, it needs to distinguish between Nursing Home and home care center, and it was also confirmed that wage increases was not reached. In addition, we can question the effect of improvement allowance for better working condition, and suggest fundamental problems for care workers' wage and status.

Heterogeneity of Workers and the Entry into Self-employment - Focusing on the Entry of Wage Workers into Self-Employment - (근로자의 이질성과 자영업 선택에 관한 실증분석 - 임금근로에서 자영업으로의 진입을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Woo-Yung
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2013
  • This study examines how the unobserved heterogeneity of workers, measured by residuals of the wage equation, affects the entry into self-employment using KLIPS 1998-2008. Following Joona and Wadensjo(2013), we treat the residuals as unobserved ability and find that both workers with higher and lower ability are more likely to become self-employed. However, this U-Shape relationship no longer holds when the sample is divided into males and females. The study also finds that the relationship between ability and entry into self-employment has changed over time, and that ability is positively associated with the performance of self-employed.

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Persistence of Employment Types (취업형태의 지속성에 관한 연구)

  • Ryoo, Keecheol
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.207-230
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    • 2001
  • This paper uses the Korean Labor Panel data to investigate changes in the employment types of male workers following their job changes with the classification of workers into three categories: regular wage workers, non-regular wage workers, and self-employed workers. It also estimates a competing-risks hazard model to analyze the determinants of employment types of workers. The results show that the type of employment of a worker at an immediate previous job has a critical importance in determining his employment type at a new job and that the types of employment at jobs other than the immediate previous job also play some role in determining the type of employment at a new job, although their impact declines as the number of intervening jobs increases. A job loser, who worked as a non-regular worker at his immediate previous job, for example, is considerably less likely to find a regular job, but more likely to get reemployed at another non-regular job than one who worked as a regular worker at his immediate previous job. Similarly, a worker who quit self-employment is much less likely to find a regular job but more likely to restart his own business than one who worked as a regular worker at his immediate previous job. These findings suggest that it is not easy at all for a worker who worked as either a non-regular worker or self-employed worker to become a regular worker, although it might be premature to assert that non-regular jobs or self-employed jobs are dead-end jobs. Another interesting finding of this analysis is that a high unemployment rate lowers a probability of reemployment at either regular jobs or self-employed jobs, but raises a non-regular job reemployment probability, which strongly implies that as labor market conditions become adverse to workers the proportion of non-regular employment can rise rapidly.

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Policy Options for Minimizing the Dead Zone of the Korean Employment Insurance System (고용보험제도 사각지대 해소를 위한 정책대안의 검토)

  • Yoo, Kil-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2012
  • This paper reviews the uncovered people of the Korean Employment Insurance System (EIS) and analyzes policy options for minimizing the dead zone of the EIS. There are several policy options such as subsidizing insurance premium to employers and employees of small companies, extending coverage of excluded groups, relaxing qualifications of unemployment benefits and increasing benefit period and level, introducing the unemployment assistance system, introducing the unemployment insurance savings account system, extending coverage to non-wage workers and individualizing package services. According to the survey to the specialists and comparative evaluation criteria, the best policy option to minimize the dead zone of the EIS was to activate individualizing package services of intensive consultation, job place services, tailored vocational training, income support, daycare services, etc. to cure complex employment barriers of job seekers.

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Bangladesh Employees Organizational Commitment and Antecedents (방글라데시 근로자의 조직몰입과 선행변수)

  • Kim, Boine
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2014
  • Abundance of low-wage labor resources, strategic location connecting East-West Asia and business professionals are fluent in English are strength of Bangladesh. Also the business environment changes in China such as the wage increases and labor regulations enhancement acts as searching for replacement of investment where Bangladesh is considered as substitute. At this point there is a need for research of Bangladesh employees at human resource management level. Therefore this study focus on the research of an important component of human resource management, organizational commitment. This study analysis the Bangladesh employees organizational commitment and its antecedent. This study consider four antecedents, role ambiguity, role conflict, voluntary participation and the work centrality and three organizational commitment, affective organizational commitment, continuous organizational commitment and normative organizational commitment. As results show, role ambiguity and role conflict has a negative influence on affective organizational commitment. And voluntary participation and work centrality give positive influence. Role ambiguity showed a negative effect on continuous organizational commitment, however role conflict show positive effect. Voluntary participation and work centrality showed positive effect on normative organizational commitment and role ambiguity showed negative influence. Results of this study give clue to understand Bangladesh employees organizational commitment and its relation among variables. And thus the need for appropriate management presented.