• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일상생활활동

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Design and Implementation of Scheduler Applications for Efficient Daily Management (효율적 일상 관리를 위한 일정관리 어플리케이션의 설계와 구현)

  • Park, Eunju;Han, Seungjun;Yoon, Jimin;Lim, Hankyu
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2021
  • According to the progress of IT and data processing technology, the usage of internet increased rapidly and various smart devices are appearing. As such, modern people use smartphone to acquire informations they wish and also on daily life including leisure activity free of place. This study has designed and implemented schedule managing application that can help effective managing of our daily life, such as taking note of schedule and sharing appointments. The schedule managing application in this study offers diary taking, sharing the registrated schedule with other users on kakaotalk, saving the deleted schedule or diary to certain folder when users delete file, continuous alarm of daily schedule function together with schedule registration function. The application which is differentiated to other applications and raised usage is expected to effectively manage the busy everyday life.

Effects of Cognitive Impairment on Self-reported Hearing Handicap in Older Adults with Early-stage Presbycusis (초기 노인성 난청자에서 인지장애가 일상생활 듣기 어려움에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soo Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • Everyday hearing handicap caused by presbycusis ultimately reduces quality of life in older adults. The aim of this study was to explore effects of cognitive impairment on self-reported hearing handicap in older adults with early-stage presbycusis. We compared K-HHIE scores between 40 elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and age- and hearing-threshold matched 40 cognitively normal elderly (CNE) subjects. The results are as follows: 1) The MCI group scored significantly higher than the CNE group on the social/situational and emotional sections, and in total. 2) The MCI group scored significantly higher than the CNE group on all four subscales, and the most significant group difference was on the first subscale relating to interpersonal relationships and social handicaps. 3) Both groups scored highest on the item 8 (problems hearing whispering sounds) and item 15 (problems hearing TV or radio sounds). Besides those two items, the MCI group also scored high on the item 21 (problems hearing in a restaurant), item 6 (problems hearing when attending a party), item 3 (avoiding groups of people), and item 20 (personal or social restrictions). Our findings suggest that, among older adults with early-stage presbycusis, older adults with cognitive impairment tend to report greater everyday hearing handicap than their peers with normal cognitive function. Especially, they show significant problems hearing in background noise or multi-talker situations, which cause social restrictions and social/emotional loneliness.

Effects of Tailored Occupational Activity Program applied to Patients with Dementia and Their Caregiver in Community (지역사회에 거주하는 치매환자와 보호자에게 적용한 맞춤형 작업 활동 프로그램의 효과)

  • Hwang, Yun-Jung;Lee, Kamg Sook;Lim, Hyun-Kook;Kim, Dai Jin;Jeong, Won-Mee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out effects of a tailored occupational activity program(TOAP) on the activities of daily living(ADL), cognitive function, depressive mood, and caregiver burden, who live in the community. Method : From October 2009 to May 2010, the TOAP was applied to 15 dementia patients and 15 of their caregivers, who was visitors of the Y-city Center for Managing Dementia in Gyunggi-do. The TOAP was designed for habituating patients and caregivers to the techniques acquired through goal activities and task and making it capable of being routinized regularly. The TOAP was applied to dementia patients and their cvaregivers twice a week for 7 weeks(one-time home visit, one-time phone inspection), a total of 14 times. Results: Significant differences among pre-test and post-test were found in the AMPS motor skills(1.10±1.14 and 1.34±1.2 respectively) scores, AMPS process skills(0.32±0.55 and 0.77±0.66 respectively) scores, ACL(3.86±0.65 and 4.17±0.64 respectively) scores, MMSE-KC(17.33±4.6 and 19.33±4.97 respectively) scores, GDS(11.73±6.87 and 8.53±7.09 respectively) scores, and caregiver burden(31.80±20.06 and 26.13±18.07 respectively) scores(p<0.05). A significant effect was confirmed from the TOAP which ADL, cognitive function, reduced patient's depression and caregiver burden(p<0.05). Conclusion: From the above results that a TOAP has an effect on the improvement of the ability to ADL, cognitive function and reduced depression and caregiver burden of dementia patients living in community. The present author hopes that, in the future, more diverse community based on tailored occupational activity programs will be developed to improve the functions of dementia patients living in community.

Needs for Integrated Care for Older Adults in Seoul (서울특별시 지역사회 거주 노인의 통합돌봄 요구)

  • Kim, Hyeongsu;Ko, Young;Son, Miseon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the care needs of the older adults aged 65 and over and to identify characteristics of care need groups. This was a secondary analysis study using data from 2017 National Survey of Older Persons in Seoul. There were 50.4% in the general group without any support needs, 17.9% in the medical needs group, 14.2% in the welfare needs group with support needs of daily living or social activity, and 17.5% in the complex needs group with both medical and welfare needs. Significant differences were shown in most variables of the general characteristics, grading of long-term care or disability, financial burden and caregiving, health behaviors, health status, and life satisfactions among groups (p<.001). The complex care need group should be provided with integrated care service for medical and welfare through multidisciplinary team approach.

Ordinary Life Plays as Musical Activities - Objectives and Methods (음악활동으로서의 일상생활놀이 - 교육목표 및 방법)

  • Rho, Joohee
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2005
  • One of important goals for early childhood music learning program is to build a positive attitude toward music. Positive attitude toward music is a basic condition on effective music education for all ages of children including early childhood. Although scholars realize such importance of positive music attitude, much research for creating educational environment to foster a positive music attitude has not been performed. Edwin E. Gordon who found a music learning theory for early childhood emphasized the importance of enriched musical environment. Very young children should be provided best quality of music in an interactive way. Audie's important method of education is to provide young children with a variety of musical activities containing the materials in the ordinary life. Through this method, children accept music as close as friends who are always beside themselves, which naturally builds a solid foundation for audiation for children.

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Analysis of time use by occupation domain according to the general characteristics and care need reasons of the Korean elderly with disablilities : Focused on the 2019 Time Use Survey (국내 장애노인의 일반적 특성과 돌봄 필요 사유에 따른 작업영역별 시간사용 분석 : 2019년 생활시간조사 중심으로)

  • Hong, Seojin;Cha, Tae-Hyun;Yu, Young-Bin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2021
  • In this study, after reclassifying the behavioral classification of '2019 Time Use Survey' according to occupation domain of OTPF-4. Time use of occupation domain was examined according to general characteristics and care need reasons were performed Independent t-test and one-way ANOVA. As a result, according to gender, IADL(P<.001), Leisure(P<.001), Social participation(P<.001) and according to marital status, ADL(P<.01), IADL(P<.001), Play(P<.05), Leisure(P<.001) and according to education level, ADL(P<.05), Education(P<.001), Social participation(P<.01) were differences. According to care need reasons, ADL(P<.01), IADL(P<.001), Rest and Sleep(P<.01), Leisure(P<.001), Social participation(P<.001) showed difference. This study will be used to identify time use by occupation domain and to plan interventions for a balanced and efficient lifestyle of korean disabled elderly.

Analysis on Life Condition and Needs for Welfare Service of Women with Disabilities in Adult in Gyeongbuk (경북 성인 여성장애인 생활실태와 서비스 욕구 분석)

  • Park, Ju-Young;Kim, Dong-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.229-244
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was analyze life condition and needs for welfare service of women with disabilities in adult in Gyeongbuk. And to suggest ways to support effective. Method was conducted a questionnaire survey of 465 subjects. The results of this study was as follows: First, The women with disabilities in young adults was two generations, one children, high school graduate, spouseless, mental disabilities. Also, The needs for welfare services about economic activities and employment was high. Second, The women with disabilities in middle-age people was two generations, two children, high school graduate, spouse, physical or cerebral palsy disabilities. Also, The needs for welfare services about daily activity support, economic activities, employment and pregnancy, childbirth, childcare was high. Third, The women with disabilities in older adults was single-person household, three children, elementary school graduate, spouseless, physical or cerebral palsy disabilities. Also, The needs for welfare services about health and medical care was high. Finally, They needs support in economic activities, employment and daily activity support and pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and health, medical care. Based on this, Suggestions for effective support were suggested.

A Study of Factors Affecting on the Loneliness of the Elderly: Focusing on Urban-rural Complex Area (노인의 고독감에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 도농복합지역을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Song Sik;Park, Hyun Suk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1277-1293
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    • 2009
  • This study examined the factors affecting the loneliness of elderly in urban-rural complex area in Busan including personnel factors, health factors, and social factors. To examine the factors affecting the loneliness, 138 older adults, who are 65 years and over, residing Ki Jang in Busan, were interviewed through trained researchers. This study's results include the following. First, the result indicated that means score of loneliness among respondents was 50.6(SD 4.2). Secondly the factors affecting on the loneliness of elderly in urban-rural complex area were life satisfaction of personnel factors, level of activity of daily living of health factors, and social support(emotional and instrumental support) and level of social activity of social factors. So perspective of service of elderly have to expend for diminution of emotional and interpersonal problems. And social welfare service is need to modify and amend for variety policies. This study suggest that further research need in order to reduce loneliness of elderly.

A Factor having Influence on Housebreaking Victimization (주거침입 피해에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Yoo-Na;Jeong, Dae-Gwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.38
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    • pp.137-161
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing on housebreaking victimization in South Korea. It is important that a resident, police officer, and policy makers use Routine activities/lifestyle theory in order to explore whether proximity and exposure to offenders or presence of guardianships affect the resident's risk of being victimized. In this context, the current study utilizes proximity variables: disorder of residence, exposure variables: hours of empty house and guardianship variables: social networks, security equipment. The study employs secondary data(Korean Crime Victim Survey in 2008) responses from a sample of 4, 710 resident. and Logistic regression analysis was used to examine whether the likelihoods of housebreaking victimization was associated with the measures of proximity and exposure and the lack of guardianship. The result of the study showed that proximity(disorder of residence) and guardianship (security equipment) are statistically significant predictors that is associated with an enhanced risk of school violence victimization while controlling for other variables. Further policy implications of the study will be discussed.

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유치원과 초등학교 1학년 활동중심 수학교육의 실천 방안 모색

  • Kim, Chang-Bok
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.12
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2001
  • 유치원과 초등학교 1학년 아동은 그들의 발달특성과 학습의 효율성 측면을 고려할 때, 일상생활 경험과 놀이 활동 등을 이용한 활동중심 교육방법으로 상호 연계성있게 수학을 학습하는 것이 바람직하다. 이러한 필요성에서, 본 연구는 현행 교육과정 상에 제시된 수학교육의 성격과 목표, 내용, 교수방법, 평가 면에서 유치원과 초등학교 1학년 간에 얼마나 연계되어 있는 지를 분석해 보았다. 분석 결과, 유치원과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정 간에는 수학교육의 방향 및 목표, 내용 영역, 교수학습 방법, 평가 면에서 대체로 높은 연계성을 보였다. 그러나 교과 편제나 명칭, 세부적인 내용 구성에서 차이가 있었으므로 이를 해결하기 위한 교육과정 상에서의 연계 실천 방안을 제시해 보았다. 그리고 실제 수학 교육 활동측면에서의 실천 방안으로서 활동중심 교수학습 자료의 개발, 수학 영역 설치를 통한 개별화 교육의 실천, 가정과의 협력 방안 등을 제시해 보았다.

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