• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인지된 상호작용

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Effects of Videos about Good and Evil on Moral Judgments Regarding Self and Others (인간의 선악을 보여주는 영상은 자신과 타인에 대한 도덕적 판단에 어떤 영향을 미치는가?)

  • Kim, ShinWoo;Lee, WonSeob;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2019
  • Previous resarch demonstrated that moral judgment is not an outcome of rational reasoning, but an independent variable determined by diverse factors. The effects of disgust on moral harshness, audience effect on moralistic punishment are some examples that support this view. The variability of moral judgment raises a question on what effects video stimuli might have on moral judgments. Although a few studies (Schnall, Roper, & Fessler, 2010) have shown that watching a prosocial video clip promote moral behavior, no research have simultaneously tested the effects of both positive and negative video clips on moral (not bahavior but) judgments. Hence, this research tested the effects of viewing videos about good and evil on moral judgments regarding the self and others. To this end, participants were asked to view a video clip depicting content of either positive or negative human behavior and required to make moral judgments on conduct described in a scenario assuming that the person committing the act was either themselves or another person. The results showed significant effects of both video contents (positive, negative) and the actor (self, others) on moral judgments, but they were qualified by the interaction between the two. In particular, participants who watched evil deed of others made harsher judgments on others' moral transgression. Theses results demonstrate that video contents influence moral judgments, and the effect depends on the actor of the immoral behavior. In general discussion, we interpreted the results based on moral disgust, framing effect, and fundamental attribution error.

Development of Design Space Exploration for Warship using the Concept of Negative Design (네거티브 설계 개념을 이용한 함정 설계영역탐색법 개발)

  • Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.412-419
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    • 2019
  • Negative space in the discipline of art defines the space around and between the subject of an image. The use of negative space is an element of artistic composition, since it is occasionally used to artistic effect as the "real" subject of an image. In painting, it is a technique that negatively touches the background of an object to be expressed, so that it gives a feeling of unique texture and silhouette by touching unnecessary parts while leaving necessary parts. As in art, negative space in a design can also be useful to identify an image of infeasible design ranges with a straightforward view. Similarity between two disciplines leads to the introduction of the negative space concept for design space exploration. A rough design space exploration using statistics and visual analytics may support more efficient decision-making, and can provide meaningful insights into the direction of early-phase system design. For this, the approach guarantees dynamic interactions between visualized information and human cognitive systems. Visual analytics is useful to summarize complex and large-scale data. It is useful for identifying feasible design spaces, as well as for avoiding infeasible spaces or highly risky spaces. This paper investigates the possible use of the negative space concept by using an application example.

Effects of Lecturer Appearance and Speech Rate on Learning Flow and Teaching Presence in Video Learning (동영상 학습에서 교수자 출연여부와 발화속도가 학습몰입과 교수실재감에 미치는 효과)

  • Tai, Xiao-Xia;Zhu, Hui-Qin;Kim, Bo-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate differences in learning flow and teaching presence according to the lecturer's appearance and the lecturer's speech rate. For this experiment, 183 freshman students from Xingtai University in China were selected as subjects of the experiment, and a total of four types of lecture videos were developed to test the lecturer's appearance and their speech rates. Data was analyzed through multivariate analysis of variance. According to the results of the analysis, first, learning flow and teaching presence of groups who experienced the presence of the lecturer appeared were significantly higher than the groups who learned without the appearance of the lecturer. Second, the groups who learned from videos with a fast speech rate showed higher learning flow and teaching presence than the group who learned at a slow speech rate. Third, there were no significant differences in both learning flow and teaching presence according to the lecturer's appearance and speech rate. This result provides a theoretical and practical basis for developing customized videos according to learners' characteristics.

The Definition of Frail Elderly and the Frailty Screening Assessment Tool: A Systematic Review (허약노인의 정의 및 허약 선별 평가도구에 관한 체계적 고찰)

  • Lee, Gyeong A;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2021
  • Objective : The objective of this study was to present the components of frailty by organizing the definitions of frail elderly and analyzing the tools used to screen them. Methods : This study searched for articles at involved frailty screening assessments in the elderly. Databases including CINAHL, Embase, Medline Complete, and PubMed were searched. The search terms were "assess" AND "frailty" AND "screening" AND ("frail elderly" OR "elderly"). Results : A total of 539 articles were identified by the search and 11 articles were selected. Frailty occurs due to the depressed function of multidimensional factors, and a frail elderly person is defined as one at high risk of health degeneration, functional impairment, and occurrence of disability, and having a high level of threat to life. Seven tools were selected from 11 articles. The most frequently used tool was the frailty phenotype, which was used in five articles (45.4%). The identified components of frailty were physical, activity participation, nutrition, psychological, social, overall health, and age. Conclusion : The results confirmed the definition and components of frailty. This study is expected to contribute to the future development of standardized evaluation tools for screening frail elderly individuals and intervention programs for the management of the frail elderly.

An Imagination for Future of Education: Based on Vygotsky's Theory and Emotional Relation (미래교육을 위한 상상력: Vygotsky의 이론 및 정서와의 관계를 중심으로)

  • Bak, jiwon;Kim, Hoy-Yong
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 2017
  • Drawing upon Vygotsky's theory, this paper explores the possibilities of imaginative education and those implications in relation to emotions. Imagination is an important element of future competencies as well as creativity. But there is a big dilemma in an educational intervention about imagination. If imagination is naturally occurring and therefore considered a mysterious ability that is specific to a child, education should not intervent as much as possible so that it can be expressed and preserved. It is linked to Piaget's influence, which regards imagination as a mental immaturity of childhood. Vygotsky who is a developmental psychologist argues that mind is generated from the socio-cultural origins in opposition to Piaget's spontaneous generation and emphasizes that it is a core characteristic of human to create something through interaction with the world. Vygotsky consider that 'imagination' which synthesizes empirical material and creates a new image is a key factor in human creativity. He reminded us of the possibilities and importance of imaginative education by revealing that imagination is not limited to childhood but constantly develops through cultural experience. Especially Vygotsky's understanding has important implications for future education in relation to emotion. Imagination plays a role of expressing and dealing with human emotions. Unlike the reason-centered society in the past, future society demands a big role of imagination in education for dealing with emotional knowledge and morality.

A Review of Person-centered Care in Nursing Homes (노인요양시설의 인간 중심 케어 (Person-centered care)에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ju Young;Roberts, Tonya;Bowers, Barbara J.;Lee, Ji Yun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.729-745
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to review person-centered care models and the scientific evidence for the impact of person-centered care in U.S. nursing homes, and to analyze the applicability of person-centered care for Korean long-term care system. The most commonly recognized person-centered care models were Eden Alternative, Green House, and Wellspring model. The core components of the three models were autonomy, close relationships, homelike environment, and staff empowerment. Thirty eight empirical studies including 10 model testing studies and 28 studies to examine the impact of person-centered care interventions indicated generally positive outcomes in terms of residents, family, and staff/organization level. The authors analyzed the current situation in the Korean long-term care system with respect to the specific core constructs of person-centered care, and proposed applicable models and practical suggestions in consideration of Korean context. Lastly, future considerations regarding policy and research were discussed.

Students' Perception on K-MOOC Utilizing and Academic Achievement as a Higher Education Innovation Mechanism (대학교육혁신기제로서의 K-MOOC 활용과 학습성과에 대한 학생인식조사)

  • Cho, Jin-Suk;Jeon, Young-Mee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.232-243
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed how K-MOOC was used and identify the academic achievements in higher education. The participants who completed the survey questionnaire were composed of 379 students who were in curriculum-related extra-curriculum using K-MOOC. Results show that the participation rate in individual learning activities was high, thus indicating the activities were perceived positively. In addition, students perceived positively their academic achievements of receiving, valuing, and responding in affective area, as well as synthesis and evaluation of knowledge in cognitive area. Students were also satisfied that they had no psychological burden to the credit of the course and they could take a course from another college. By contrast, platform instability, too much online content, and tedious activities in the lessons were perceived negatively. Nonetheless, the group assessment results suggested that the students taking a course related to their major had further engagement in discussions, and their academic achievement was higher. Based on the foregoing findings, the study proposed developing a subject matter with various theme, utilization plans, interaction reinforcement, and quality management by supporting instructional design strategies in order to expand the use of K-MOOC both as a general education and a major curriculum. The results obtained in this study represent baseline data that may assist in the decision making for university system and operation plan.

Third Parties' Reactions to Peer Abusive Supervision: An Examination of Current Research (비인격적 감독행위에 대한 제3자 반응 연구동향)

  • Kim, Moon Joung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2022
  • Abusive supervision occurs in a social context in which third-party observers react and interact with the abused victims and supervisors. Despite the importance of third-party observers' behavior in abusive supervision, research on abusive supervision has mainly focused on the dyadic relationship between direct victims and supervisors. Although in recent years research on third parties' reactions to peer abusive supervision has attracted growing attention, there are still insufficient studies examining the topic especially within domestic research in Korea. As such, this study comprehensively reviews empirical studies on third parties' reactions to peer abusive supervision and aims to broaden the scope of research in the field. Firstly, the results of previous studies show that the effects of observed peer abusive supervision are mediated by cognitive and affective processes. Secondly, previous studies are found to investigate the boundary conditions where the effects of observed peer abusive supervision can be amplified or mitigated with regard to various outcomes. Overall, compared to research on direct victims, research on third-party observers of abusive supervision is found to capture a wider spectrum of responses. In order to explain the mechanisms of this phenomena, this study thoroughly examines theoretical assumptions presented in previous studies and categorizes them into five theory types. Finally, this study identifies a couple of central methodological issues, including common method bias and inadequate model specification in the literature and suggests future research directions.

A Case Study on the Local Culture Festival in the Contact-free Era (비대면 시대의 지역문화축제 사례연구)

  • Ahn, Hyeryung;Kim, Kenneth Chi Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.425-438
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze local cultural festivals hosted contact-free in the corona era and to suggest the direction for sustainable festivals in the post-corona era. To this end, by analyzing the cases of well-known festivals held contact-free in 2020 and 2021, we tried to get implications for the festivals in the post-corona era from there. As a result of this study, contact-free festivals had the following characteristics. First, the on-tact method, which produces and transmits a video or allows interaction through real-time participation, was prominent. Second, in order to compensate for the shortcomings of the contact-free method, various efforts have been made to enable on-tact experience by making and delivering experience kits in the case of experiential elements of the festival in advance. Third, communication was secured through real-time comments, and fourth, products were sold through the Internet and live commerce channels, and a certain effect was obtained. In particular, in the case of online festivals, there is a problem of loss of the sense of place of the festival, but there are cases of online festivals with more participation than offline festivals. It is judged that the problem of how to achieve this will become a reference material for the future development of contact-free festival contents.

DB-Based Feature Matching and RANSAC-Based Multiplane Method for Obstacle Detection System in AR

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose an obstacle detection method that can operate robustly even in external environmental factors such as weather. In particular, we propose an obstacle detection system that can accurately inform dangerous situations in AR through DB-based feature matching and RANSAC-based multiplane method. Since the approach to detecting obstacles based on images obtained by RGB cameras relies on images, the feature detection according to lighting is inaccurate, and it becomes difficult to detect obstacles because they are affected by lighting, natural light, or weather. In addition, it causes a large error in detecting obstacles on a number of planes generated due to complex terrain. To alleviate this problem, this paper efficiently and accurately detects obstacles regardless of lighting through DB-based feature matching. In addition, a criterion for classifying feature points is newly calculated by normalizing multiple planes to a single plane through RANSAC. As a result, the proposed method can efficiently detect obstacles regardless of lighting, natural light, and weather, and it is expected that it can be used to secure user safety because it can reliably detect surfaces in high and low or other terrains. In the proposed method, most of the experimental results on mobile devices reliably recognized indoor/outdoor obstacles.