• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인지된 상호작용

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A Study on Effectiveness of Online Interactive Cinematherapy Course Due to COVID-19: Emotional Intelligence and Empathic Ability (COVID-19로 인한 비대면 상호작용적 영화심리치료 수업의 효과성 연구: 감성지능과 공감능력)

  • Lim, Ae-Ryon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to verify whether the Interactive Cinematherapy Course developed based on discussion is still effective for emotional intelligence and empathic ability, even in a college lecture environment where courses are given online due to COVID-19. The subjects were enrolled in the Interactive Cinematherapy Course and experienced either an online (N=139) or offline (N=212) course before and after COVID-19. To the offline course, students were given structural questions and conducted discussions, whereas the online course students were given feedback via e-mail to substitute discussion. The results were as follows. Compared to the offline courses, students in both online/offline courses commonly showed an increase in "Other's emotion appraisal", "Cognitive Empathy", "Perspective taking", "Fantasy", and "Emphatic Concern". The online course students showed an increase in the "Use of emotion", while offline course students showed an increase in "Self emotion appraisal". This shows that online and offline courses do not have a significant difference in effects. In qualitative research, the lecturer's communication ability and concern helped enhance the effectiveness of the Interactive Cinematherapy Course given online. This implies that communication between the lecturer and students and role of the lecturer are more important than the online environment.

Impact of Perceived Organizational Justice on the Organizational Citizenship of Civil Servant's (공무원이 인지하는 조직공정성 요인이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Seok-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.244-253
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    • 2013
  • This research explores the impacts on the recognition of organizational justice for public employees organizational citizenship behavior during the public-sector reformation. Research results are summarized as follows. The first, the job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior of public employees relate with procedural justice, interactional justice. but distributive justice not impact. The second interactional justice relations impact organizational citizenship behavior. The third, job satisfaction does the intermediate role between the organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior of public employees. These result contribute to the explanation of how public employees organizational citizenship behavior work in the public sector reform process.

Discussion-based Interface Design Research on the Smart phone at Cyber Universities (사이버대학 강의에서 스마트폰을 활용한 토론학습 인터페이스 설계연구)

  • Si, Ji-Hyun;Park, Dae-Ghun;Chae, A-Lm;Kim, Dong-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2011
  • With the popularity of smart phones for mobile learning on the rise, cyber universities in Korea are trying to build a reliable mobile campus infrastructure. Such advances in smart phone technologies have made it increasingly easy for users to stay connected and this heightened interaction through smart phones has educational potential for collaborative learning. Thus, to fulfill its educational potential and ultimately provide optimal learning environments on the smart phones, this study has developed a discussion-based interface prototype for collaborative learning. The proposed interface design was evaluated through cognitive walkthrough of the expert reviewers and its usability improvements were also offered.

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The Difference of Emotional Evaluation for Personal Pronoun 'I' and 'You' (인칭 대명사 '나'와 '너'의 정서적 평가 차이)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.323-348
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    • 2012
  • Three experiments were conducted to explore the interaction of personal pronoun (e.g. 'I' and 'you') and emotional evaluation (e.g. positive and negative) using time-course (e.g. SOA 500-1000ms) and multi-task approaches (e.g. lexical decision task and primed naming task). In Experiment 1, Participants were presented personal pronoun as primes at SOA 1000ms and were asked to response emotional words which were differed in emotional attributes. The results showed that the interaction effects of personal pronoun and emotional words were found. In Experiment 2, Participants were presented personal pronoun as primes at SOA 1000ms and were asked to response emotional words which were differed in emotional attributes. The results showed that no effects were found. In Experiment 3, Participants were presented personal pronoun as primes at SOA 500ms and were asked to pronounce emotional words which were differed in emotional attributes. The results showed that the interaction of personal pronoun and emotional words were found. The results of 3 experiments were discussed from a point of view of dynamic processes of social cognition.

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Effects of degree of Use of Smartphone on the Spinal Health of Later Teens: Moderating Effect of Cognition Strength (스마트폰 사용정도에 따라 후기 청소년들의 척추건강에 미치는 영향: 인지강도의 조절효과 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Lee, Jin;Lee, Byoung-Hee
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.213-230
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    • 2018
  • The study looked at the impact on the health of the spine caused by the increasing addiction to smart phones, and examine the moderating effect of adjusting spinal health according to cognitive strength. All subjects used the smartphone by measuring the diagnostic scale of the smartphone addiction, the angle of forward inclination of the cervical spine, and the amplitude variation of the cognitive Gamma-Peak of the brain waves. As a result, as the use of smart phones increases, the spine angle significantly increased (p<0.001), as cognitive strength increased, the spine angle decreased significantly (p<0.01). The cognitive strength also showed the effect of adjusting the spine angle through interaction with the degree of use of a smartphone (p<0.05). This results in a higher degree of smartphone use in lower and middle cognition strength groups, which results in a higher angle of forward tilt in the cervical spine.

Cognitive Flexibility Promotes Creativity for Securely (but not Fearfully) Attached People (애착유형과 창의성을 높이는 인지적 경로 간의 상호작용 연구)

  • Yekang Kim;Sohyeon Shim;Seongjee Seo;Taehyun Kim;Sujin Lee
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2022
  • As creativity is a crucial attribute for companies' survival and innovative success, many firms encourage and implement ways to promote employee creativity. Previous studies in the dual pathway to creativity model have shown that creativity can be enhanced when either the cognitive flexibility or cognitive persistence path is triggered. Although individuals have different personal traits, prior research has rarely investigated whether one pathway is more effective for a certain personality in promoting creativity than the other. Using attachment theory, we examined the influence of attachment style on the degree of the impact of each path on creativity. Specifically, we hypothesized that securely attached people would show higher creativity only when they use the cognitive flexibility path. Data from the US support our hypothesis. Our research highlights that the link between cognitive flexibility and creativity is salient when securely attached people use the cognitive flexibility path because of the strong fit between secure attachment and flexible thinking.

Human-likeness of an Agent's Movement-Data Loci based on Realistically Limited Perception Data (제한적 인지 데이터에 기초한 에이전트 움직임-데이터 궤적의 인간다움)

  • Han, Chang-Hee;Kim, Won-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • This present paper's goal is to show a virtual human agent's movement-data loci based on realistically limited perception data is human-like. To determine human-likeness of the movement-data loci, we consider interactions between two parameters: Realistically Limited Perception (RLP) data and Incremental Movement-Path data Generation (IMPG). That is to consider how the former (i.e., RLP), one of the simulated parameters of human thought or its elements dictates the latter (i.e., IMPG), one of the simulated parameters of human movement behavior. Mapping DB is a prerequisite for navigation in an agent system because it functions as an interface between perception and movement behavior. Although Hill et al. studied mapping DB methodology based on RLP, their research dealt only with a rendering camera's view point data. The agent system in this present paper was integrated with the Hill's mapping DB module and then the two parameters' interaction was considered on a military reconnaissance mission with unexpected enemy emergence. Movement loci that were generated by the agent and subjects were compared with each other. The agent system in this present research verifies that it can be a functional test bed for producing human-like movement-data loci although the human-likeness of agent is the result of a pilot test, determined by two parameters (RLP and IMPG) and only 30 subjects.

The Effects of Task oriented Training on Motor and Cognitive Function in Alzheimer's Dementia Rat (과제지향훈련이 알츠하이머성 치매 흰쥐의 운동 및 인지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Gun-Hong;Lee, Hong gyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of task oriented training on motor and cognitive function recovery in rats with induced Alzheimer's dementia. Thirty Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to a control group (n=15) and an experimental group (n=15). Training was given three times a week, for 20 minutes a session for 4 weeks. The cognitive and motor functions of the rats were evaluated by an eight arm radial maze test and ladder rung walk test. The eight arm radial maze test showed significant differences between groups according to the time of day 14 and 28 (p<.001). The difference in measured values according to the timing of the two groups was significant (p<.001). Additionally, there was a significant difference between the time and the group interaction (p<.001). The ladder rung walk test showed significant differences between groups according to the time of day 14 and 28 (p<.001). The difference in the measured values according to the timing of the two groups was significant (p<.001), and there was a significant difference between the time and the group interaction (p<.001). As a result, task oriented training for Alzheimer's dementia rats was found to have a positive effect on recovery of motor and cognitive function.

Effectiveness on Public Advertisement Interaction of Advertiser Awareness, Advertisement Appeal and Customer Involvement and Need for Cognition (공익광고 효과에 미치는 상호작용 영향:광고주 인지도, 광고 소구 및 수용자 관여도와 인지욕구 중심으로)

  • Park, Junyoung;Kang, Dongwoo;Kang, Hyunjin;Kwon, Hyeyon;Kim, Joontae;Park, Byungho;Jo, Hyeon
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2013
  • This research investigates the interaction effects of factors, namely, advertiser awareness, advertisement appeal, and customer involvement and need for cognition, selected from the parties involved in public service advertisement. Manipulating the participant's involvement, attitude toward the advertisement and the advertiser and intention to donate according to 2 (awareness) X 2 (cognitive/affective appeal) factors were surveyed. In result, participants with high involvement were relatively less affected by advertiser awareness. Also, high need for cognition indicated less effect of advertiser awareness on intention to donate. Moreover, when cognitive appeal is used, advertiser awareness affected less on consumers' attitude toward the advertisement and the advertiser and intention to donate. Further issues on changing customers' attitudes and behaviors are discussed.

Lexical Ambiguity Resolution System of Korean Language using Dependency Grammar and Collative Semantics (의존 문법과 대조 의미론을 이용한 한국어의 어휘적 중의성 해결 시스템)

  • 윤근수;권혁철
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 1991
  • This paper presents the Lexical Ambiguity Resolution System of Korean Language. This system uses Dependency grammar and Collative Semantics. Dependency grammar is used to analyze Korean syntactic dependency. A robust way to analyze a sentence is to establish links between individual words. Collative Semantics investigates the interplay between lexical ambiguity and semantics relations. Collative Semantics consists of sense-frame, semantic vector, collation, and screening. Our system was implemented by C programming language. This system analyzes sentences, discriminates the kinds of semantic relation between pairs of words senses in those sentences, and resolves lexical ambiguity.