• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인정이론

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Fusion research method for the Korean traditional Folksong ('융합' 중심의 민요연구방법론 모색)

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.32
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    • pp.525-547
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study starts searching a new method for preservation, succession, and research of folksongs in the situation that the function and transmission of folksongs are transformed or disappear by being behind modernization. Also, trying to develop a new method of study of folksongs along with a new view of them, I put fusion in the heart of the study. Fusion means a structural change in the middle of the process of combination from more than two things. Moreover, in order to practice the fusion method of study consilience in a view of study is necessary. The interdisciplinary study beings in accepting differences between academics as long as the differences have a meaningful value disassemble and differentiation are repeated. That is, fusion means rebirth through disassemble. According to this logic, we need to disassemble the folksongs for fusion study of folksongs, research the structure and component of folksongs in a new view and understand each part of the wholeness of folksongs. On top of that, we need to try combine the parts with anything else or interpret them with consilience. In this study, I researched the previous example in the fusion or integration of folksongs and Korean classic poetry in the time of enlightenment of Korea. In addition, I studied the way of fusion folksongs as culturology, bio-sociology, and sympathy. Looking back folksongs in a variety of view, we can realize folksongs are disassembled or differentiated at the same time they reborn and are interpreted in a new view.

Characteristics of Affective Optimization in Elderly Koreans (정서경험 빈도와 정서조절 방향에 나타난 한국 노인의 정서최적화 특징)

  • An, Mi So;Ghim, Hei-Rhee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to test the socioemotional selectivity theory (SST) with Korean adults. According to SST, perceiving their life as limited, people are motivated to enhance their mood by regulating their mood in such a way to maximize the positive emotions and weaken the negative ones. Being founded on the dialectical constructs which assume the positive and negative sides of emotional experience coexist, Korean adults were supposed to be less motivated to maximize positive emotions and weaken negative emotions. Thus the elderly koreans might regulate emotions not in the direction of maximizing the positive emotions and weakening the negative ones, but in the direction of not being highly aroused. 166 youth, middle-aged, and elderly were asked to rate the frequencies of 31 positive and negative emotions they had experienced during the last month. In addition, they were asked to judge whether they weaken / adapt / maximize their emotions after experiencing positive and negative events. The elderly experienced less positive emotions as well as negative emotions than youth. Youth experienced emotions of high arousal more often than those of low arousal, but the elderly experienced emotions of high arousal less often. The responses of weakening their negative emotions and their positive emotions were largest in the elderly group. On the other hand, the response of maximizing their positive emotions were largest in the youth group. These results show that the elderly maintains emotional stability by weakening both positive and negative emotions of high arousal.

Non-standard Workers' Solidarity with Standard Workers on Strike: The Case of Broadcast Professionals in KBS and MBC (정규직의 파업과 비정규직의 연대 또는 이탈: KBS와 MBC 파업사례를 중심으로)

  • Noh, Sung Chul;Chung, Sun Wook
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.157-196
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes non-standard workers' attitudes and behaviors towards standard workers' strikes using the case of a joint strike held by journalists at KBS and MBC in 2012. Tracing the process since 2008 by which a conservative government has tried to control the press and regular journalists have collectively resisted against it, we put our analytical focus on two major groups of freelance broadcast professionals: independent producers and writers in current affairs. Specifically, we examine 1) how they perceived and responded to a series of regular journalists' struggle to protect journalistic value, 2) how such perception of and response to regular journalists could be developed, and 3) how (de)solidarity could form and then deepened between freelance and regular journalists in the 2012 Media Strike. Our findings show that the ways in which regular journalists had controlled freelance journalists at work affected the relationship between class-based and occupation-based rationality freelance journalists held in their minds. Independent producers, who had developed a strong class-based rationality in response to the coercive input-output control, showed cynicism about regular journalists' strike pointing out their hypocrisy and contradiction. In contrast, freelance writers accommodated and joined the strike by regular workers in the spirit of solidarity based on occupational rationality which had developed from normative, process control. Our paper ends with theoretical and practical implications.

The Role of Clients in Software Projects with Agile Methods (애자일 방법론을 사용한 소프트웨어 프로젝트에서의 사용자 역할 분석)

  • Kim, Vladimir;Cho, Wooje;Jung, Yoonhyuk
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2019
  • Agile methodologies in software development, including the development of artificial intelligence software, have been widespread over the past several years. In spite of the popularity of agile methodologies in practice, there is a lack of empirical evidence to identify determinants of success of software projects in which agile methods are used. To understand the role of clients in software project where agile methods are used, we examine the effect of client-side factors, including lack of user involvement, unrealistic client expectations, and constant changes of requirements on project success from practitioners' perspective. Survey methods are used in this study. Data were collected by means of online survey to IT professionals who have experience with software development methodologies, and ordered logit regression is used to analyze the survey data. Results of our study imply the following managerial findings. First, user involvement is critical to project success to take advantage of agile methods. Second, it is interesting that, with an agile method, constant changes of client's requirements is not a negative factor but a positive factor of project success. Third, unrealistic client expectations do negatively affect project success even with agile methods.

A Study on the Archival Description in according with Paradigm Shift of the Archival Sciences (기록학의 패러다임 전환에 따른 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Eun-seong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.37
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    • pp.75-142
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    • 2013
  • This Study is to propose the archival description in accordance with the paradigm shift of the archival science. The academic world of archival science in North America treated the electric record in 1990 and the authenticity of electric record in the beginning of 2000, the flow of Study recognizing the microscopic and the cultural discussion appeared recently. This may be called the paradigm shift of archival science. This may be according to the influence of the informatization and the technology. However, the community archives, the everyday life archives recognizing the microscopic and the cultural discussion, etc. Namely, the everyday life, the village, the community archives are the effort to leave the excluded and the neglected voices from the existing discussion of archival science on record. However, the currently existing methodology to archive the community archives based on the perception of these switched recognition is limited. Especially the description of the various standards being used in the public territory is being adapted as it is. The characteristic and the individuality of the community and the community archive cannot be reflected through the archival description standard. We should understand the community archive in accordance with the paradigm shift, need the archival description method capable of expressing this suitably. The post-standard not the existing archival description method has been necessary. This should be carried out together in accordance with the view point of the paradigm shift and the view point of the objective and the direction of community. Hence, first the archival description and the paradigm shift have been examined theoretically and the archival description of community archive being operated currently has been analyzed. The archival description is to be proposed in accordance with the paradigm shift capable of calling 'the archival description of Korean Human Right' by pointing out the limit of archival description standard through the analysis and further by investigating the archival description of the fraternity archive project.

Analysis of Elementary School Students' Visual Representation Competence for Shadow Phenomenon (그림자 현상에 대한 초등학생의 시각적 표상 능력)

  • Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2019
  • In previous study, visual representation competence taxonomy (VRC-T), which is composed of two dimensions, was developed for the purpose of promoting effective visual representation use and research in science education. In this study, elementary school students' visual representation competence for shadow phenomenon was investigated using VRC-T. In terms of visual representation competence, 'interpretation' was the highest score, followed by 'construction' and 'integration'. It also showed that students' visual representation competence was not high even after learning shadow-related units in the regular curriculum. On the other hand, text-based scientific knowledge was not correlated with all categories of visual representation competence. This indicates that there is a need to emphasize visual representation more in science class. Finally, hierarchical relationship among cognitive processes of VRC-T was explored according to ordering theory. If the tolerance level is somewhat loosened, a linear hierarchical relationship was found between the six cognitive processes. This suggests that VRC-T is an analytical framework that can be useful when designing assessment tools, tasks, and science class activities to enhance visual representation competence.

A Study on the Characteristics of Garden Architecture in Italian Renaissance Villa Lante (이탈리아 르네상스 빌라 란테의 정원건축적 특성)

  • Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to discuss the characteristics of garden architecture in Italian Renaissance Villa Lante that was constructed by the cardinal in Bagnaia at 16th century through actual survey and analysis of the garden's elements. To do this, it was studied in two ways: Analysis of the present conditions and review historical documents. The results are as follows. First, the buildings, the gardens and the surrounding landscapes are visually connected each other in relations between the topography and the surrounding landscapes. Second, the spatial composition accepted Neoplatonic law of multiple proportions and was influenced by ancient myth and "Liber ruralium commodorum" of Pietro de Crescenzi(1305). Third, the garden's elements consist of plants, buildings and items. In plants, the upper plants are fir tree, cypress and pine tree and the lower plants are english holly, box tree and sweet oleander. The buildings are casino, loggia and terrace. The items are pot, sundial, chair, viewing platform and fountain. The result of this study, the political and social, technical phenomena which constitute construction pattern affected the locational property and the spatial organization of the neighbor on Villa Lante.

The Change of the Theory of Reading in the Later Joseon Period (조선후기 독서궁리론과 지식의 변화)

  • Kim, Moon-yong
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.32
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    • pp.159-187
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    • 2008
  • This article aims to investigate the change of theories of reading and its historical meaning in the later Joseon period. Three scholar who left major theories of reading are mainly analyzed for the sake of it. Park, Se-chae(1631-1695) was a Neo-Confucianist who had the theory of reading named Dokseo-Gungliron(讀書窮理論). It was totally based on the scheme of Neo-Confucianist instruction and concentrated on mastering the moral principles with relishing the sentences of the Confucian Canons. Jeong, Yak-yong(1762-1836) was a Practical learning scholar and then criticized the moral-centric theory of reading of Neo-Confucianism. He valued much of the Confucian Canons but also focused on erudite reading so as to enlarge practical knowledge. Hong, Gil-ju(1786-1841) was a stylist and presented a severe criticism against Neo-Confucianist theory of reading as much. He thought that what we could realize with reading are the principles of the individual, not of the whole. The change of theories of reading in the later Joseon period as above reveals us the fact that the intellectual history of that period was in the process of dynamical change.

A study of Hwaseo's "Chosun as a little China" theory - Compare with Japanese latter period Mito study (화서(華西) 이항로(李恒老)의 조선중화의지(朝鮮中華意識) 연구(硏究) - 일본 후기 미토학과의 대비 -)

  • Lee, Mi-Rim
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.35
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    • pp.215-242
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    • 2009
  • 19C was a chaotic time of Chosun dynasty, in order to make society stable, the scholas of Chosun wanted to define themselves as a little China on the east", to understand themselves as part of China and somehow they thought it will help for Koreans to understand who they really are. This "Chosun as a little China" idea is their spritual foundation and also the to understand who they are. From 16 C, Chosun had idea of "being a little China, so when Hwaseo talked about this idea, it was not new to the people and scholars in Chosun, however in Hwaseo's theory, the idea was more defined and realistic. In 19 C Chosun dynasty, the chaos caused by absece of fundimental principle was great, the scholars agreed Hwaseo's "Chosun as a little China" theory should be the foundational principle. Therefore, the problem of understanding and communicating about the west has to be reconcidered, because that was what they wanted to have as foundation before the comunication with west. Scholas of Chosun wanted to set their foundation before they often up their country to the west so they needed time to discuss this. In 19 C Japan on the other hand, they faced same chaos that Chosun experienced, however they went totally different way, because Japan unerstood the reallity and accepted western civilization. Specially, the latter period Mito study influenced to make that decision by changing the west from what they have to defeat to what they have to respect and copy. Both Chosun and Japan focused on making thier countries stronger, but Chosun found the answer in focusing on orthodox confucianism and Japan found the answer in making the military stronger. That is why these two countries went totally different ways in the history of 19-20 C North-east Asia.

Cultural Analysis of Apology in American TV Series -Taking Desperate Housewives as an Example- (미국 드라마에서 사과 언어의 문화적인 분석 연구 -<위기의 주부들>을 중심으로-)

  • Sun, Li-Li;Shin, You-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2021
  • In this study, most of the previous researches on the analysis of apology are limited to comparative study of apology in different countries from the perspective of cross-cultural communication and analysis of apology in daily life. Therefore, by introducing pragmatics on apology strategy and cultural interpretation theories, this study tried to analyze apology and apology strategies in the seventh season of American TV series Desperate Housewives. Specifically speaking, based on Trosborg's classification of apology strategies, this study sorted out, classified and counted apology strategies in the seventh season of Desperate Housewives, and then 200 apology strategies were randomly selected and analyzed in detail. The statistical results showed that 'expression of apology' strategy was used at the highest frequency of 64.0%, followed by 'explanation or account' and 'minimizing the degree of offence'; 'Acknowledgement of responsibility', 'offer of repair' strategy, 'expressing concern for hearer' and 'promise of forbearance' were used relatively less frequently. The results can be interpreted by America's high individualism, low power distance and low-context culture having great influence on the frequency of American apology strategy. This study can increase understanding of apology and culture, reduce offence in communication with Americans, and make cross-cultural communication smooth, and meanwhile it is expected to enrich the research scope of TV drama art by analyzing language in TV drama art.