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Rechtliche Handlungsgrundlage des privaten Sicherheitsdienstes (민간경비원 강제력 행사의 법적 근거 -한국과 독일의 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.327-350
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    • 2007
  • Art. 2 Abs. 1 GG sch${\ddot{u}}$tzt umfassend die allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit. Daher bed${\ddot{u}}$rfen private Handlungen grunds${\ddot{a}}$tzlich keiner gesetzlichen Erm${\ddot{a}}$chtigungsgrundlage. Dies gilt selbstverst${\ddot{a}}$ndlich auch fur die Unternehmen der Bewachungsbranche. Allerdings ist es bei der Aus${\ddot{u}}$bung der Bewachungsaufgabe typisch, mit Strafe oder zumindest Schadensersatzpflicht sanktionierte Tatbest${\ddot{a}}$nde zum Nachteil Dritter zu verwirklichen. F${\ddot{u}}$r solche F${\ddot{a}}$lle stehen den Bewachungspersonen m${\ddot{o}}$glicherweise Rechtfertigungsgr${\ddot{u}}$nde zur Seite. Dadurch wird ein ansonsten rechtswidriges Handeln rechtm${\ddot{a}}$${\ss}$ig und so wird im Ergebnis eine Strafbarkeit (wie auch eine Schadensersatzpflicht) ausgeschlossen. Dabei wird klargestellt, dass dem Sicherheitsgewerbe au${\ss}$er in den F${\ddot{a}}$llen der gesetzlichen ${\ddot{U}}$bertragung der hoheitlichen Befugnisse nur die vom Auftraggeber vertraglich ${\ddot{u}}$bertragenen privatrechtlichen Befugnisse sowie die Jedermannsrechte zustehen Au${\ss}$erdem soll im Rahmen der Privatisierung der Gefahrenabwehraufgaben auf solche spezialgesetzlichen Regelungen hingewiesen werden, bei denen Bewachungspersonen mit der hoheitlichen Wahrnehmung bestimmter Sicherheitsaufgaben betraut, d.h. dazu befugt sind, Sicherheitsaufgaben in den Handlungsformen des ${\ddot{O}}$ffentlichen Rechts 면켜${\ddot{u}}$ben. In der koeranischen Literatur ist die Handlungsgrundlage des Bewachungspersonals bis jetzt kaum n${\ddot{a}}$her untersucht. Im allgemeinen werden strafrechtliche Rechtferigungsgr${\ddot{u}}$nde, z.B. Notwehr, Notstand und Selbsthilfe, als dabei anwendbare Normen anerkannt. In dieser Arbeit wird festgestellt, dass die privaten Sicherheitsdienstleister in beiden L${\ddot{a}}$ndern durch die Gewerbegenehmigung au${\ss}$er in den F${\ddot{a}}$llen der Beleihung keine hoheitlichen Befugnisse erhalten. Als Handlungsgrundlage kommen nur die allgemeinen Not- und Jedermannsrechte im Rahmen von Straf-Strafprozess- bzw. Zivilrecht in Betracht.

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The Meaning of the 'Collective Intelligence' in the Transmedia Discourse (트랜스미디어 담론에 대한 집단지성론적 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.40
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    • pp.261-285
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    • 2015
  • Transmedia has become a significant theme in the media studies sector and an academic discourse itself since its wide diffusion through Henry Jenkins' seminar book Convergence Culture. The aim of this essay is to examine the authentic intention of the proposer to understand its profound meaning and value in the research discourse. Firstly, Transmedia has originated as a part of the convergence culture research context, which is an identical approach in the 'active audience' research tradition. Thus, a history of the research in terms of Birmingham Cultural Studies tradition and its implication is scrutinized. Secondly, in respect of Pierre Levy's 'collective intelligence' which made significant influence on the making of the Convergence Culture and Transmedia Storytelling, the meaing of the transmedia discourse is studied. Thirdly and finally, the implication of this concept as a critical theory or Critique in the Cultural Studies tradition, which has highlighted the importance of the revelation of the binary oppositions and structures of dominance/resistance, with the interpretation of the role of the collective intelligence idea in the transmedia discourse, is studied.

Reexamination of the Traditional Product Classification Theory as the Social Characteristics of Goods Become More Reflected in Consumption (전통적 상품분류방식의 문제점과 대안 모색: 상품의 사회적 특성화를 중심으로)

  • Yeo, Woon-Seung
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.103-129
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    • 2007
  • One of the most enduring concepts in the history of marketing thought relates to the classification of consumer goods. The product classification theory first proposed by Copeland(1923) has, with little modification, survived to the present day, and continues to be endorsed by the American Marketing Association and other related institutions some 80 years after it was first published. In truth, Copeland's classification is now outdated and bears little, if any, relevance to modern product advertising, retailing and consumption. In particular, it can not accommodate the fact that, in modern societies, consumer preoccupations with style, personal identity and status have meant that the social characteristics of goods, heavily promoted by brand managers who understand their markets, are key determinants of consumer choice and buyer behavior. In this respect, the author attempted to explore the reasons why product classification theory has been unresponsive to changes in market conditions over so many years and argue that its failure to embrace the many social influences on consumption and on consumer behavior is now its most serious weakness. And also, the author proposed the new categorization system of goods, based on the several existing literatures.

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A Study of High School Students' and Science Teachers' Understanding of Ideal Conditions involved in the Theoretical Explanation and Experiment in Physics: Part I- Focused on the Meaning and the Characteristics of Idealization - (물리학에서 이론적 설명과 실험에 포함된 이상조건에 대한 고등학생과 과학교사의 이해조사 I-이상화의 의미와 특성을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Chung, Byung-Hoon;Kwon, Sung-Gi;Song, Jin-Woon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 1998
  • This study is the first part of the investigation of the students' and teachers' understanding of ideal conditions in physics. To do this, here, we provided the theoretical basis for the above study by discussing the meaning and characteristics of idealization. Idealization, introduced and elaborated by Galileo therefore characterized the nature of modem science, can be generated by four procedures: neglecting the minor variables, giving without any description about the minor variables, assuming the limit case, assuming constancy or uniformity. Idealization generated by these procedures can produce models and laws from the sensory informations about real world. And physics world is constructed by formalization or mathematization of these models and laws obtained through idealization about real world. Therefore, it can be said that idealization have a major role in the context of discovery. By this aspects, physics world can be viewed as the approximation of the real world, and this view, again, give rise the philosophical debate about the reality in nature. Idealization take an important role in the process of application of physics world and the understanding the real world. That is, physicists accept the discrepancies between real world, and physics world and make a great effort to explain, moreover, reduce these discrepancies by modifying or eliminating idealization involved in physics world. Continued from this study, we will proceed to obtain the implications of idealization on the physics learning and investigate the students' and teachers' understanding of the ideal condition involved in the theoretical explanation and the experiment in physics.

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The Social Psychological Meaning of Occupation-related Identities among Generations (세대에 따른 직업 관련 사회정체성의 사회심리학적 의미)

  • Choi, Yu-Jung;Choi, Set-Byol;Lee, Myoung-Jin
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.55-84
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    • 2011
  • This study initiated with the intention to reveal the social consultations and fissures through a comparative analysis on generational characteristics by indicating occupation-related identities with the concept of social identity supported by theoretical resources. According to the three dimensions of social identity which are evaluation, potency and activity, there was more generational agreement rather than difference toward occupation-related identities. Among the 44 identities, only evaluation dimensions on minister, congressman, plane captain, farmer and potency dimensions on CEO of a major companies, professor, medical doctor, nurse, celebrity, shaman, unemployed person were statistically significant. For 'Leader and Professional', the respondents in their 50's gave high scores in both evaluation and potency dimensions. On the other side, the 30's had negative viewpoints while the 20's and 40's had neutral perspectives. For the potency dimension, the age groups were divided into the 20's, 30's and 40's, 50's; having the younger generations underestimate the potency dimension of such categories. Also for the 'General Occupation', 20's and the 30's relatively devaluated with more distinctive degree toward evaluation dimensions. For religion, 20's and 30's were positive toward buddhist monks while the 40's and 50's were more favorable with priests. For the non-economically active population, the lifetime cycle influenced each generations. When performing a two dimensional analysis toward the 'Leader and Professional' with evaluation and potency on each axis, the 50's highly evaluated both evaluation and potency dimension of such identities. However, for the 40's, 30's and 20's, the average value fell while the focus of the distribution deepened. The 30's had negative perspective toward the evaluation dimension while the 20's reflected critical attitude toward the potency dimension.

Management Strategies and the Growth Stages Analysis of Local Festival : Cases of Hampyeong Butterfly Festival and Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival (지역축제의 성장단계별분석과 관리전략 : 함평나비축제와 화천산천어축제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyeonwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of two local festivals, already recognized as a successful regional cultural festival, over a period of time to apply the product life cycle theory. As a result of the analysis of the two festivals, in introduction stage, the festival organizers have focused mainly on settling down the festival's core programs and raising awareness on the subject of the festival for the stimulation for basic demands. Second, for maintaining increasing demands, the qualitative improvement of the core program, the development of new programs and the expansion of the programs for the visitors' convenience and safety were focused on. In addition, strategies for promoting awareness of the festival had modified the strategy to promote on the contents and programs of the festival, as well as public relations strategy, not only domestic but also the foreign countries, was established and fulfilled. Lastly, in maturity stage, to overcome declining the number of visitors and economic effect both festivals have showed providing sophisticated programs for the visitors' convenience and safety, improving service quality through the development of the existing programs, providing economic benefits such as admission cuts or giving gift certificates and expanding number of foreign visitors with strengthening the promotion that was implemented in growth stage and enhancing the better image of the festival through the social contribution. Therefore, strategies for the each stage mentioned above present the significant policy implications for festival organizers who were planning to establish a new festival or implementing a festival with experiencing the tepid growth.

Types and Functions of English Hedges at a syntax-pragmatics Interface (통사화용의 접합면에서 본 영어 헤지표현의 유형과 기능)

  • Hong, Sungshim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2020
  • This paper discusses English Hedges or Hedging Expressions on the basis of their morphosyntactic-pragramatic properties within the perspective of sociolinguistics. The term, 'Hedges' for the past decades since Lakoff(1973), has received little attention from the English grammar circles such as morphosyntax and the generative grammar theories. This paper presents a more comprehensive approach to the identification, distributions, functions, and the morphosyntactic properties of English Hedges. The earlier research on English Hedges in the 70's show that hedges are metalinguistic or mitadiscourse expressions which constitute a means for executing Politeness strategy in pragmatics. Nonetheless, research from the interface of syntactic-pragmatics has been scarce. This article suggests a more complex body of English hedges that have not been extensively discussed in the literature. Additionally, their configurational domain is to be proposed as part of the PolP with [±hedged] above CP+ (or CP beyond). The ramifications of the current study are suggested in terms of comparative linguistics, EFL/ESL studies of English for global communication, and pragmatics-sensitive machine translation studies in the forseeable future.

Inquiring the Possibility of Critical Pedagogy as Discourse for 'Zeitgeist' (시대정신을 위한 교육 담론으로서 비판교육학의 가능성 탐구)

  • Hur, Changsoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2019
  • Korean society is now in the 2017 system. The zeitgeist is now hoping to move into a society where the right to pursue happiness centered on democracy, human rights, and peace is recognized, and to the era of the fourth industrial revolution. The paradigm shifts in the education arena began before the start of this socio-political system. The educational autonomy centered on the progressive education superintendent is accelerating the influx of alternative education, which is part of the civic education movement, through public school reforms. It can be seen that not only the progressive camp but also the conservative government emphasized educational policies such as the liberal semester system, which was gradually adopted by the government. For education that is appropriate for a rapidly changing society, it is necessary to discuss about educational grand-discourse that can alternate current public education. Although it does not mean only one discourse, it is a necessary process to systematically consider alternate education of public education and to suggest the direction for future education. In this regard, this study aims to introduce the discourse that can produce critical consciousness and creativity that emphasize the praxis and practice through critical pedagogy and bricolage.

Impact of IT Exploration & Exploitation Capability upon Organizational Agility: Evidence from Small and Medium Sized Logistics Firms in South Korea (IT 탐색 및 활용 역량이 조직 민첩성에 미치는 영향: 국내 중소 물류기업을 대상으로 한 실증 연구)

  • Nam, Seunghyeon;Kim, Taeha
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.287-300
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    • 2020
  • We investigate empirically the impact of IT exploration & exploitation capability and operational capability upon organizational agility, especially small and medium sized firms in the logistics industry in South Korea. Based on literature on the bilateral relationship between organizational agility and IT capability, we follow the established research model and propose hypotheses. This work takes an empirical methodology to test the hypotheses: design survey questionnaires, collect data, test reliability and validity of data, and finally test the hypotheses. Our results based on the data collected in 2018 present that IT exploration & exploitation capability significantly increases operational capability, and operational capability increases organizational agility. We find our contribution in updating previous research findings with recent data and in expanding the domain of research more specifically into small and medium sized firms in logistics industry in South Korea. Practically our work suggests that managers and policy makers should consider both fostering newly emerging IT exploration and existing IT resource exploitation capability in order to enhance organizational agility of those small and medium sized firms in logistics industry.

The Comment on Valuable and Significant Mozi's Theories Based on a military Thoughts (논(論)『묵자(墨子)』군사사상급기현대의의(軍事思想及其現代意義))

  • Hwang, SeongKyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.25
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    • pp.315-332
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    • 2009
  • This research shows that Mozi setting forth a military thoughts will be discussed and lighted up in modern value. Mozi's theory on a military was formed in order to protect weak people from the strong in the basis of his philosophy of not attacking. It is different from the art of war for attack. There are some merits in Mozi's strategy of war that we have to take notice of. First of all, Mozi indicated that married women, the old and children was provided with specific roles in the war times. Especially, married women' parts will be equal to men. The old and children should usually be respected for the government to offer them important roles in the war time. Therefore, this paper will be showed in the respect of Mozi's thoughts that is considered as human being's fundamental rights in terms of ensuring the weak's rights. Furthermore, Mozi's theories on technology from loving the civil was applied to defensive fight and his advanced arms was arranged in the actual fight. However, his arms could be useful to the only defensive fight. This case was reflected as Mojia's theories that science is sincerely useful toward the civil. There will be some small or large wars in the future. Mozi's theories based on a military peaceful thoughts that everyone ought to be loved without discrimination should be highly valued when all wars will take place for the purpose of their own profits.