• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인생이야기

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  • Kim, Seong-Nam
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.5
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    • pp.447-451
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    • 2001
  • 실험 애니메이션의 성격을 지닌 스톱모션 애니메이션의 장르로서 상업성 애니메이션과 기존의 영화 애니메이션에서 탈피하여 작품성과 앞으로 개척해야 할 우리 애니메이션 학계의 당면 상황을 인식하고 작품제작에 중점을 두고 있다. 이 작품은 나의 길이라는 주제로 개인의 인생을 축으로 내가 살아온 과거와 현재 다가올 미래의 불확실성을 컨셉으로 하여 애니메이션을 전공하는 학생과 대중에게 쉽게 다가설 수 있는 있도록 하였다. 표현기법은 앞서 말한 바와 같이 스톱모션 방식으로 재즈와 모던 클래식을 바탕으로 큐시트 하였으며, 창의적인 상황에 부합되는 소싱(Sourcing)과 싱크(Sync)로 믹싱(Mixing) 작업을 하여 현대적이면서 감각적인 면을 강조하는 등 표현재료는 콘테와 색연필을 사용하여 애니메이션이 한 컷 한 컷의 작품이라는 예술의 개념적 문제에 접근 일러스트로 작품화하였다. 작품 내용으로는 객관적 세계에 대한 인식의 문제를 이야기하고 다양한 입장과 생각을 표현하였으며 또는 주체가 바라보는 대상을 통해 그 주체를 묘사하기도 한다. 따라서 대상에 비중을 두는가 하면 보는 주체에 비중을 두기도 하였다. 인간 개인이 걸어온 발자취를 형상화시켜 재해석하였으며, 이 작품을 통해 자신의 삶을 직${\cdot}$간접적으로 재해석하며, 관객이 자신을 되돌아볼 수 있고 미래를 직시하도록 꾸몄다.

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발명하는 사람들-제60호

  • Han, Mi-Yeong
    • The Inventors News
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    • no.60
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2007
  • 지식강국 코리아 여성발명인이 이끈다/7월부터 소액수의계약변경/발행인 칼럼/협회창립 14주년 축시/특허권자 입장 강화된 특허법 시행/KIWIE 앰블럼 의미/협회 창립 14주년 축사/협회 창립 14주년 및 협회지 차간 5주년 축하 메시지/한국여성발명협회로 인해 여성발명 비약적 발전/역사 속의 발명품/하루 10분 발명교실/특허Q&A/창간5주년 특집-한국여성발명협회 전신 한국여성발명가협회 창립멤버 6인/둘리 등 토종 캐릭터 상표권 외국산 비해 상표 등록 저조/새로운 디자인제도 이달부터 시행/하수도 미생물연료전지 국내 특허 선진국 압도/아이디어 착상 및 발명 기법/여성발명 활성화 전진기지로 대학을 적극 활용하자/플레밍의 페니실린/지난해 20대 발명가 비중 감소/<환희> 행복한 여성발명가 15인의 인생과 발명이야기/6월 협회소식

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KAPE인(人) 이야기 - 소 도체 등급판정기준 보완 마련은 한우 산업의 경쟁력 강화의 기본이다 연구개발팀 강세주 팀장

  • 축산물품질평가원
    • KAPE Magazine
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    • s.248
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2017
  • 웰빙 중시의 소비패턴으로 변화하고 있는 이때 소비자 트렌드 변화에 부응하고 한우 산업 발전을 견인할 수 있는 소 도체 등급기준 보완이 축평원의 hot한 이슈가 되고 있다. 그래서 이번 KAPE인(人)의 주인공으로 축평원 핵심부서의 팀장인 연구개발팀 강세주 팀장을 만나 보았다. 강세주 팀장은 1993년 입사로 올해로 25년 차를 맞이하는 베테랑급 축산전문인이다 그는 '이론과 기술'을 함께 갖추어야겠다는 인생 목표하에 강하고도 듬직하며 동시에 따뜻한 포용력을 겸비한 내유외강의 리더십을 발휘하는 팀장이다. 또한, 1999년 축산기술사 자격과 2003년 8월에는 (식품)공학박사 학위를 취득한 축평원의 인재이기도 하다. 그는 연구개발팀 근무경력이 두 번에 걸쳐 6년으로 소 도체 등급기준 보완 개편 작업부터 모든 과정을 같이 하였다. 그런 그에게 소 도체 등급기준 보완(안) 마련과 검증 및 실험과정까지 상세한 설명을 들어보았다.

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특별대담-교과서 인쇄출판 산증인 이대의 장왕사사장

  • Yu, Chang-Jun
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • s.4
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2002
  • "6.25전쟁때 인쇄기를 열차에 싣고 대구로 내려가 초등학교용 전시 독본을 인쇄하던 일이 엊그제 같은데 벌써 80나이를 넘겼습니다. 세월은 그런가 봅니다." 교과서 출판의 제 1세대인 이대의 장왕사 사장(82.사진). 그가 최근 그동안 '교과서 출판과 인쇄'라는 외길 인생 길을 정리한 회고록 '나와 검인정 교과서'(중앙출판공사)를 펴냈다. 이 사장은 일본 메이지대학에 유학 중 학병문제로 귀국했다가 해방을 맞자 1945년 10월 출판사를 설립해 지리, 물리, 동양사 교과서를 발행하기 시작한 이후 50여년간 교과서 출판을 이끌어왔다. 이 사장은 "교과서 출판은 인쇄, 정책, 편집 등의 새로운 모델을 만들어 내는 산파역"이라면서 "출판 문화 발전과 교육 향상을 위해서 교과서 출판에 더많은 관심을 가져야 한다"고 강조했다. 계원조형예술대학 출판디자인과 이기성교수의 부친이기도 한 이대의 사장을 만나 교과서인쇄에 얽힌 이야기를 들어봤다.

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Overseas - Parametric DesignIX (해외건축동향: 미국 - 파라메트릭 디자인IX)

  • Sung, Woojae
    • Korean Architects
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    • s.568
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2016
  • 오랜만에 지난 작업들을 뒤돌아 볼 기회가 생겼습니다. 누구에게나 인생의 큰 흐름에 영향을 미치는 사건이 일어나기 마련인데요, 저의 경우는 지난 근 십년간 함께 해온 파라메트릭 디자인을 접하게 된 일이 그러한 사건들 중 하나였다고 생각이 됩니다. 그런 의미에서 트레이싱지 위에 로트링펜으로 선을 처음 그었던 그 강렬했던 기억 이후로 건축 설계를 해오면서 가장 기억에 남는 한 사건을 꼽으려고 한다면 단연히 Cornell 건축 대학원 재학 당시 처음 접하게 되었던 GenerativeComponents 수업을 이야기 하고 싶습니다. 연재를 시작하면서 잠시 언급한 바가 있었던 것 같은데요, 파라메트릭 디자인이라는 미지의 영역을 알게 해준 것이 바로 Bentley 사에서 만든 GenerativeComponents 라는 파라메트릭 디자인 툴 입니다. Microstation은 Autocad와 함께 건축설계 시장에서 많은 사용자층을 확보 하였던 캐드 툴 중 하나 이었으며 자체적으로 BIM 및 파라메트릭 툴을 위한 패키지가 Rhino의 Grasshopper의 출현 이전부터 존재하여 왔을 정도로 발전된 자동화 설계 플랫폼이었습니다. 현재도 특정 건축사사무소들이 Microstation을 꾸준히 사용하고 있으며 특히 Infra structure, plant나 civil engineering 등의 건축 외 설계 분야에서는 여전히 폭넓은 사용자층을 확보하고 있습니다. 하지만 건축 시장에서는 Rhino를 바탕으로 하는 플러그인 패키지 및 Autodesk의 건축설계 통합 패키지 등에 밀려서 사용자층이 얇아진 편입니다.

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A Study on Growth Type of Comic strips Heroes through Journey of Life (삶의 여정을 통한 만화 히어로 성장유형 연구)

  • Kim, MiRim
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.29
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    • pp.173-207
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    • 2012
  • The four-phased plot which consists of introduction, development, turn and conclusion in the long-story structure tends to be patterned and schematized. The behavior of characters is in line with the beginning of human beings and the plot of comic strips basically has four phases. It is, however, not a simple arrangement but a complex one which was developed by organizing patterns of human power, behavior and emotions. With the results from a survey with college students studying comic strips, this study aims to categorize four characters from the archetypal system by Carol Pearson, four phases of the hero's journey by Joseph Campbell, and the four phases of the plot based on Aristotle's theory, which is the frame of the comic strip structure through supporting evidence extracted from comic strips in an integrated way. In this study, the categorization is performed by simplifying and systemizing a character's life cycle, which is a factor of a story structure in complex comic strips. This study is to identify what comic strip writers express by using the metaphor in the complicated long-story structure of comic strips This study reveals that the structure of introduction, development, turn and conclusion based on the plot theory by Aristotle is the metaphor of human life and fate and that the phases of development in the archetypal system by Carol Pearson, a Jung researcher influenced by Jung's theory are the metaphor of human life and fate. Also, the theories of Joseph Campbell, who also was influenced by Jung, are the metaphor of human life and fate as they projected complex emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure onto the archetype of heroes and used the metaphor of the hero's journey. Lastly, the theories are introduced with the approach of 'guide to screenwriters' by Christopher Vogler. Meanwhile, this metaphor is the objective and goal of this study. The comic strips selected for this study seem to have long complex stories which have characters leaving their homes, going through adventures and difficulties, meeting the world in another way, experiencing tension, competition, wars, and hardship and returning home with compensation. They grow mentally and psychologically through their journeys and finally become heroes. They express the meaning of our introspection in a narrative through plots and images of comic strips. This appears complex but the basic structure of long comic strips has four phases of plot. The life style of an extraordinary character traveling for adventures and growing in long comic strips can be divided into four phases symbolizing childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and senescence and it is a psychological growth process. The archetypes of the character can be divided into four phases and the growth process can be explained. The hero's journey symbolized by the character can be also divided into four phases. Through theories, the complex arrangement of four-phased plots in comic strips corresponds with the growth process of introduction, development, turn and conclusion through the stages of life. At the same time, this study found that the characters becoming heroes are the metaphor of introspection and that the characters' growth and life correspond with the four phases in life through long comic strips. Long stories in long comic strips written by comic strip writers show that characters go on their journeys and change their lives through hardship and difficulty by logical construction of plot and their growth processes are presented in archetypal images and they reach introspection as heroes. The readers share time and space through images in comic strips and realize that they had the same experience as the characters emotionally by being moved by the stories.

Adaptation of Ko woo-young's Nolbudyeon and Reception Culture in Heungbu and Nolbu (고우영의 만화 <놀부뎐>의 서사 변용 양상과 흥부전의 수용문화)

  • Hwang, Hye-jin
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.33
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    • pp.5-44
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    • 2016
  • This study focuses on Ko woo-young (1939-2005), a Korean representative cartoonist. I analyzed his work Nolbudyeon (1988), which is a retelling of Heungbu and Nolbu, a traditional Korean story. I consider Ko woo-young a creative observer who has popularized his perspective in modern society. His work is a good example of how a traditional folktale can be made relevant in modern society. I used three methods of adaptation to differentiate Nolbudyeon from Heungbu story: construction of events, characterizing, and space-time background. First, to aid character development, Nolbudyeon includes a prologue that focuses on conflicts between brothers with different personalities. At the same time, the ambiguous ending could be a response to Heungbu story, which has a didactic theme. Second, I found that the new characters, Nolsun and Yeonsaengwon, enhanced the differences between Heungbu and Nolbu by playing the role of mediators. Also, in Nolbudyeon, both Heungbu and Nolbu had positive as well as negative elements, in contrast with the original story's traditional point of view on good and evil. Finally, by exploring the space-time of Nolbudyeon, we can see that its world is combined with the contemporary world. In other words, Nolbu and Heungbu, though outwardly traditional, have a modern outlook. Therefore, readers can recognize that Nolbudyeon is a metaphor for modern life rather than just an old story.

Consumerism Interpretation of Character Tragedies in the Movie Lolita (영화 <로리타> 인물 비극의 소비주의 연구)

  • Guan, Meng-Ting
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2019
  • The movie Lolita is directed by the famous director Stanley Kubrick in the United Kingdom in 1962. Due to the movie theme, it produced a great social dispute at that year. Lolita was Stanley Kubrick's first independently produced film. It tells the story of the abnormal love between Professor Humbert from Europe and his stepdaughter Lolita. Throughout the film, it shocked people by feeling honourable and aesthetic although the theme is about commit incest. The director also completely shown the social reality of the United States in a black humor irony method. By the meantime, the lush tragic feature of the film also strongly infects the audience. Current studies on the movie Lolita mainly focus on the following aspects: firstly, the black humor techniques of director Kubrick's movies, secondly, the parody techniques of the movie, and thirdly, the differences between the original novel Lolita and the adapted movie. In the American society where consumerism constitutes the mainstream, instead of sticking to traditional moral concepts, people pursue material enjoyment. Based on the consumerism theory, this paper analyzes the social reality revealed by the movie Lolita, presents such typical characteristics of the consumerist society as hedonism and broken family relations, and explains how the consumerist society leads to Lolita's tragic life.

A Study on the Deepening Through Cultural Contents Development : Focused on (Imwon-kyungje) of Suwoo-gu (문화콘텐츠 개발을 통한 심화 연구 : 서유구의 임원경제지(林園經濟志)』 중심으로)

  • Min, Byeong-Hyun
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2018
  • Cultural content is also the result of 'creation', but it is also the 'process' of understanding creation, practice, and difference. Therefore, content should be selected as high-quality content that fills the contents of fusion and knowledge, while it is popular. Confucius, the founder of East Asian humanism, influenced the philosophy of food and shelter, and the dietary life in the late Joseon period. Confucius influenced not only Confucian scholars but also the food hall of the Joseon Dynasty. "mwon-kyungje" Jeongjo-ji is an encyclopedia of food and cuisine, which consists of four volumes of seven chapters and deals with ingredients, recipes and benefits of foods and the relevant taboos. Here the author compiled more than a thousand recipes not just for meat and vegetable dishes but for various kinds of beverage such as soft and boiled drink, for confectionery sweets such as honey cookies and sugar candies, and even for wine and liquor "mwon-kyungje" As he lived to the age of 72, he looked back at his life and said that he should be careful about what to do and how to do well. The food culture of Confucius has been recorded in the daily life of the Josin period and is influenced by Suwon Seo-gu, "mwon-kyungje".

Biographical Experience of Persons with Disabilities after an Accident : A Qualitative Study (중도장애인의 사고 이후 생애경험에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.217-244
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the research is to understand the life of persons with disabilities caused by an accident by reconstructing their post-accident experiences. As a research tool, Fritz $Sch{\ddot{u}}tze's$ narrative interview was used, and three cases were analyzed in terms of a 'process structure of life'. After the researcher reconstructed each case, she sorted the cases comprehensively both according to the common features as well as to the differences among them. In doing so, the researcher came up with three characteristics of persons with disabilities caused by an accident. First, rather than identifying with their present life, the interviewees identified themselves with their life before the accident happened. Such identification problem is connected with their problem of accepting their handicap. And the interviewees identified themselves with disability groups. It showed that they feel more comfortable and secure among other people with disabilities than with families or friends. This makes them stay in the group of the disabled, in which they can understand and respect each other, rather than staying in a group in which people discriminate the disabled from able bodied and do not accept the disabled as equal members. Second, in their narration the interviewees told stories emphasizing their life after the accident happened. This feature can be compared with the experiences of those persons who underwent a trauma. Finally, it was found that our country's welfare policy for persons with disabilities caused by an accident is designed without differentiating people according to gender or educational background. Through these findings, the researcher intends to reflect on our country's current social welfare services and to look for new methods in order to implement proper social welfare practices.

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