• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인상관리 이론

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Presentation of Self and SNS Posting Styles: Focusing on Goffman's Impression Management Framework (자아 표현과 SNS 게시 형식: 고프만의 인상관리 이론을 중심으로)

  • Song, Seung-A;Shin, Hyung-Deok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.284-291
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    • 2022
  • People use various tools to present themselves including Social Network Services(SNS hereafter). This study categorized three types of presentation of self, which are genuine, ideal, and social self, and based on Goffman's Impression Management Framework, investigated if these types of presentations have any patterns related to SNS posting styles. Especially, we focused on the styles of hashtags including if hashtags are used in the main tests, if hashtags are hidden, and what kinds of words are used for hashtags. Using 450 posting data uploaded to the Instagram, we found that the posting presenting ideal self show very high rate of using hidden hashtags(98%) and using common expressions(97%), which are not the case for genuine and social self types. This results imply that people concern more about their impressions especially when they present their ideal self on SNS, partially confirming Goffman's Impression Management Framework.

Cultural Backgrounds of Reviewers, Negative Emotions, and Review Helpulness: Based on Impression Management Theory (리뷰어의 문화적 배경, 부정적 감정표현, 그리고 리뷰유용성: 인상관리 이론을 중심으로)

  • Jungwon Lee;Ohsung Kim;Cheol Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2024
  • Online consumer reviews provide a variety of information from the customer perspective in terms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Negative emotional expression is a potential antecedent of review usefulness, and can also influence potential consumers' attitudes and decisions. In addition, because national culture provides a perspective from which individuals view the world and act, it is highly likely that differences in negative emotional expression will occur depending on culture. This study explores the relationship between national culture and negative emotional expression based on impression management theory and ultimately analyzes the impact on review usefulness. For empirical analysis, 16,076 reviews of 140 hotels located in Seoul were collected and analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. As a result of the analysis, it was found that power distance and masculinity culture dimensions had a positive effect on reviewers' negative emotional expressions, while uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation had a negative effect. In addition, negative emotional expression was analyzed to have a positive effect on review usefulness even when review ratings were controlled.

건강과 자연농업-제235호

  • Jeong, Jin-Yeong
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    • no.235
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • 친환경유기농업 연수교육 신청 쇄도/안동시지회 제21차 정기총회 및 안동시협의회 설립 총회 개최/우리의 산야초/과수 양분의 저장과 집적부위 및 저장시기의 이해가 중요 2-2/제56차 이사회 개최/중국 유기농식품 원료 안전성 관리 강화해야/미,유기농전문매장서 한국산 알로에 주스 판매/경북도,돈 되는 농업위해 5000억원 투입 발표/의류시장서도 유기농 바람/"친환경유기농업 육성정책"의 성공조건/전남도,학교급식 식재료 100% 친환경 농산물 공급/마늘 녹병/미생물을 이용한 토양병해방제/매일 변을 보지 않으면 변비다/옥천'친환경농업'메카/'06유기농인상 유통인상 수상/복제동물육류 '유기농식품'으로 볼수 있나/벼 멀칭재배의 이론과 기술/1월중 새식구 명단/농촌진흥청, 녹비작물 활용 유기농업 재배기술 개발/군위군,품목별 위탁교육 실시/우리고장에서는/GAP(우수농산물관리제도)농가호응높아/올해농업GDP2.7%감소예상/순천시,친환경농업 실천 결의대회 개최/UR 10년에 WTO 10년도 허송세월 하였으니 FTA 후 10년은 어떻게 살아남아야 할까/유기질비료의 이해

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Sharing Activities in an Online Fashion Community - Focusing on Erving Goffman's Impression Management Theory - (온라인 패션 커뮤니티의 나눔 활동 - 어빙 고프만의 인상관리 이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Hyunjoo Hur;Jaehoon Chun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2023
  • This study focuses on online communities and the ritual conversations of users when participating in sharing activities. The study aims to understand the social and psychological phenomena that occur between users within the context of Erving Goffman's impression management theory. Case studies and a content analysis were conducted by collecting posts and comments related to fashion products in the sharing activities category on Naver Cafe "Family Sale." On the one hand, the study identified various disposition motives among givers, including a desire for recognition, self-expression, activation of the community, emotional sympathy, goodwill, play, and simple disposition. On the other hand, receivers' purchase motives included the need for a product, reciprocation based on a sense of belonging, play, gift-giving, and simple response. Analyzing the posts of givers and the comments of receivers of fashion products using impression management strategies and dramaturgical analysis, the study interpreted users' impression management and revealed propensities in fashion consumption: fashionability, conspicuousness, value orientation, and economic feasibility. Through ritual conversations, users managed to attain emotional stability on an individual level, while they reinforced collective bonds on a social level. They fulfilled their roles with their own narratives to achieve personal and collective goals in a non-face-to-face situations and non-monetary transactions. This study is significant in that it examines normative communication in an online community and user relationships to understand a recent phenomenon in the fashion industry.

건강과 자연농업-제236호

  • Korea Organic Farming Association
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    • no.236
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • 유기농업연수교육에 등록자 대거몰려/제주도지부 정기총회개최/우리의 산야초-얼레지/과수 양분의 저장과 집적부위 및 저장시기의 이해가 중요 2-3/제주특별자치도 친환경육성위원회 구성/<암을 이기는 음식>(1) 현미콩밥/인도에 부는 '유기농 붐'/미국 친환경 꽃 시장 2012년 600% 성장 예상/"친환경유기농업 육성정책"의 성공조건/고추 흰가루병/에너지순환과 토양관리/작물건전생육에 토양개량이 무엇보다 중요/친환경농산물 인증제도 개선 내용/'06 유기농인상 연구.지도자상 수상/벼 멀칭재배의 이론과 기술/만물이 소생하는 봄!!! 무엇을 파종할 것인가?!/친환경농업 연수교육/기후 온난화에 철저한 대비를/유기질비료의 이해

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The Foreign Exchange Exposure and Asymmetries on Individual Firms (개별기업의 환노출과 비대칭성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyon-Sok
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.305-329
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    • 2003
  • This work analyzes the influence of the dollar and yen currency on the rate of return of the individual firms and its symmetries based on the data from Jan. 5 1987 to Dec. 28, 2001. GARCH and autoregressive error models were used for on the daily data, due to the heteroscedascity and autoregression of the error terms, and as for the monthly data, this paper follows the autoregressive error models. Daily data fumed out to be a better explanatory variable in detecting exchange rate exposure, and EGARCH(1, 1) and GJR-GRARCH(1, 1) have higher competence in analyzing the daily data. Also, most of the exposed firms have been exposed in the negative region, and appreciation of exchange rate does not help enhancing the asset value of the domestic value. Analysis on the asymmetries let us conclude that high proportion of domestic firms face asymmetric exchange rate exposure, and that the pricing-to-market theory carries more conviction than the real option theory. Furthermore, monthly data are more precise in analysis of asymmetries.

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VRIO Model Based Enterprise Capability Assessment Framework for Plant Project (VRIO 모델 기반의 기업역량평가 프레임워크 제시에 관한 연구 - 플랜트 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Min, Byeong Su;Min, Jang Hee;Jang, Woosik;Han, Seung-Heon;Kang, Sin Young
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2016
  • Construction enterprises have performed various projects such as buildings, infrastructure and plant projects in the international market. Among these, the plant project's amount of orders accounted for about 68.9% of all. However, because of the enterprises won a contract with a low-budget for plant project in the last 10 years, the profit has dropped dramatically. And it is forecasted that there are extreme competition for bid award of plant projects because of the current falling oil prices and raising interest rates. In this circumstance, the comprehending of enterprises strength and weakness must be a priority to get a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore this research suggests the enterprises's capability assessment framework and it is in order to diagnose the korean construction enterprises capabilities. The framework is based on the VRIO model that is on the basis of resource based theory. First, the capability assessment indices and their importance and priority that based on the life-cycle of plant project is deducted by literature review and survey. Second, the 5 point likert score applied VRIO survey is conducted to diagnose the enterprises and quantified the survey result using the fuzzy theory. Lastly, the competitvie implication and capability assessment are deducted.