• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구 지리학

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Industrialization Process in the Border Area of The U.S. and Mexico (미국-멕시코 국경지대의 산업화 과정)

  • 김학훈
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.81-112
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    • 1998
  • This study reviews the industrialization process of the United States-Mexico Borderlands and the economic relations between the U.S. and Mexico and examines their impact on the borderlands. Main factor in the industrialization of the borderlands was the U.S. investment on the maquiladora program of Mexico since 1965. It contributed to the increase in employment and population of borderlands and the development of service industries. Low wage level of Mexico induced not only standardized labor-intensive industries but also the high-tech automated industries because they still use a lot of labor in manufacturing and assembly process, while the functions of management. R & D, and distribution remained in the U.S. This is a typical case of international division of labor and satellite industrial district. The rules of origin in NAFTA, however forced branch Plants of multinational companies to form the local linkages between firms.

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The Identification of Nationalities and the Establishment of Minority Nationality Autonomous Regions in the People′s Republic of China: The Spatial Strategy and Its Effects (중국의 민족식별과 민족자치구역 설정 :공간적 전략과 그 효과)

  • 이강원
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2002
  • The aim of this article is to critically review the PRC's policies related to its minority nationalities with a special emphasis on the identification of minority nationalities(minzuzhibie) and the establishment of minority nationality autonomous regions(minzuzizhiquyu), as a part of national integration Process. In that Process, the intentional application of the criteria on nationality identification, the establishment of minority nationality autonomous regions, the population redistribution policies and the gerrymandering by the government played an important role in the deconstruction of traditional basis of identities and the territorialization of ethnicity. The goals of government have been the redefinition of 'Chinese', the the invention of 'Chinese nationality(zhongguominzu or zhonghuaminzu)'and the unification of its national territory. However, these have led to the unexpected result by creating the new ethnic-territorial identities along with the nationalities identified and the territories defined by the government.

An Application of Network Autocorrelation Model Utilizing Nodal Reliability (집합점의 신뢰성을 이용한 네트워크 자기상관 모델의 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.492-507
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    • 2008
  • Many classical network analysis methods approach networks in aspatial perspectives. Measuring network reliability and finding critical nodes in particular, the analyses consider only network connection topology ignoring spatial components in the network such as node attributes and edge distances. Using local network autocorrelation measure, this study handles the problem. By quantifying similarity or clustering of individual objects' attributes in space, local autocorrelation measures can indicate significance of individual nodes in a network. As an application, this study analyzed internet backbone networks in the United States using both classical disjoint product method and Getis-Ord local G statistics. In the process, two variables (population size and reliability) were applied as node attributes. The results showed that local network autocorrelation measures could provide local clusters of critical nodes enabling more empirical and realistic analysis particularly when research interests were local network ranges or impacts.

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The Study on the Delineation of the Busan Metropolitan Region, Korea (부산광역도시권 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yul;Ju, Mee-Soon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2007
  • The newly adopted Korea Geodetic Datum (a.k.a. KGD2002) calls for massive reengineering work on geospatial dataset. The main focus of our study is placed on the strategy and system implementations of the required data reengineering with a keen attention to integrated approaches to interoperability, standardization, and database utilization. Our reengineering strategy includes file-to-file, file-to-DB, DB-to-file, and DB-to-DB conversion for the coordinate transformation of KGD2002. In addition to the map formats of existing standards such as DXF and Shapefile, the newly recommended standards such as GML and SVG are also accommodated in our reengineering environment. These four types of standard format may be imported into and exported from spatial database via KGD2002 transformation component. The DB-to-DB conversion, in particular, includes not only intra-database conversion but also inter-database conversion between SDE/Oracle and Oracle Spatial. All these implementations were carried out in multiple computing environments: desktop and the Web. The feasibility test of our system shows that the coordinate differences between Bessel and GRS80 ellipsoid agree with the criteria presented in the existing researches.

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The Structure and Spatial Patterns of Unemployment in Germany (독일 실업문제의 구조적 특성과 공간적 전개양상)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2001
  • This paper is to examine the trends and structures of unemployment as well as its spatial patterns in Germany. Germany once achieved a well-developed employment system and full employment. Since 1970, however, unemployment has been one of the major issues in Germany. During the last three decades the unemployment rate has risen to unprecedented levels and stayed high. After the German unification, especially, labor market is characterized by the mass unemployment and the structural selective process of unemployment to be imposed on German workers. And regarding to the spatial patterns of massive unemployment, this study shows critical disparities between South and North Germany being overlapped with new disparities between East and West Germany. We can explain the regional differentiation of unemployment on the base of typical mismatch of labour market allocation. It is also shown that massive unemployment is related not only to policy shifts in labor market but also to structural transformation after the unification.

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The Residential Segregation and the Differentiation of Housing Value in Seoul (서울의 학력집단별 거주지 분리와 아파트 가격의 차별화)

  • Choi, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.592-605
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    • 2004
  • The research analyzes data on housing(apartments) value and educational level(45$\sim$59 aged) in Seoul. The results of the research show that: since the economic crisis of 1997 out of which Korea was rescued by the IMF, it is evident that the spatial process of increasing residential segregation and the regional differentiation of housing price are inextricably interrelated. Through time-series analysis for the education level by the administrative unit of Dong in Seoul, already in 1990 the residential segregation by the educational groups was observed, it is acknowledged that this residential segregation has been reproduced continuously. The rate of residence of the highly educated groups in an administrative Dong is closely related to the variation of the housing value within the Dongs. The housing value in the period 1997$\sim$2003 has risen sharply in the regions where highly educated groups are spatially concentrated. That of other regions have stagnated or have risen marginally thus, the regional differences of the housing value have greatly increased. The differentiation of housing price reflects the residential segregation.

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Analysis on the Characteristics of Urban Decline Using GIS and Spatial Statistical Method : The Case of Gwangju Metropolitan City (GIS와 공간통계기법을 활용한 도시쇠퇴 특성 분석 - 광주광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.424-438
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    • 2016
  • In an effort to prevent urban decline and hollowing-out phenomenon and to vitalize stagnant local economy, a new urban regeneration paradigm is on the rise. This study aims to analyze urban decline characteristics using the spatial statistical method and GIS on the basis of decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act, and spatial autocorrelation technique. The Gwangju Metropolitan City was set as a research target, and the decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act - population reduction, business declines, and outworn buildings - were applied as the indicator to secure the objectivity. In particular, this study has a distinctive feature from the other existing ones, as applying GIS and the spatial statistical technique, in a sense to make urban decline characteristics analysis by the spatial autocorrelation technique. The overall analysis procedure was carried out by applying the standards of designating urban regeneration regions, and following the spatial exploratory procedure step by step. Therefore, the spatial statistical method procedure and the urban decline characteristics analysis data being presented in this study, as the results, are expected to contribute to the urban decline diagnosis at the level of metropolitan city, as well as to provide useful information for spatial decision making in accordance with urban regeneration.

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The Construction of the Trans-Central Asian Railroad and Its Current Implications (중앙아시아 횡단철도의 건설과 그 현재적 함의)

  • Lee, Chai-Mun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2009
  • The Trans-Central Asian Railway consists of the Trans-Caspian Railroad, the Kazalinsk Route, the Turk-Sib, and the Trans-Kazakhstan Trunk Line. Currently, one-fifth of the residents in Central Asia are living around these railroads on which 70% of the economic activities in the region depends. The construction of the railroads in Central Asia was motivated by the Russian Empire's competition 'with its maritime rival, the United Kingdom, over the Eurasian heartland in a geostrategic sense. Using the railroads, the Russian Empire aspired to connect its central industrial regions in European Russia with the remote frontier areas in the Central Asian republics and to increase economic specialization of the region. After the breakdown of the USSR, however, the rail network, which had well been linked among the regions in the former Soviet nations, has been in a deteriorated linkage with their non-Soviet neighboring nations. Despite a lot of problems to be solved, the Trans-Central Asian rail network is expected to play a crucial role as a land bridge between East Asia and Europe as well as between Russia/the Baltic sea and the Indian Ocean/the Persian Gulf in the long-term.

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A Study on the Effect of Urban Housing Reform on Chinese Urban Housing Poverty (중국의 주택상품화 과정이 주거 빈곤에 미친 영향)

  • Ahn, Chang-Jin;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.736-751
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    • 2009
  • China is in the process of carrying out socialist planned economic system and capitalist market economic system along with its reforms and opening. In the process, the problem of poverty is surfacing along with the commercialization of housing. In this study, we've analyzed China's social security system through literature at home and abroad based on the concept of place poverty, and have pointed out the characteristics and problems of Chinese urban housing reform centered around what we've identified. Furthermore, we've divided up China into 8 zones, and have examine the characteristic of each area by population & social index, economic index, and housing index. As a result of analysis, the process of urban housing reform had an effect on housing poverty, and appeared to have different characteristics by zone. In this study, since China's situation by area is very diverse, it presents a point that we must approach with not a monistic method but a pluralistic method regarding housing policy.

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Influences of Human Residence and Environmental Factors on Malaria Incidence in Korea (우리나라 말라리아 발생에 미치는 주거와 환경 요인의 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Sunyurp;Kim, Juhye;Choi, Jinmu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.334-343
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    • 2014
  • The number of malaria cases has been undulating for the past 10 years in Korea since the reemergence of malaria in early 1990's. Considering the spatial variations of malaria incidence across the northmost border areas near the demilitarized zone (DMZ), the occurrence of the disease seems to be influenced by the natural and human environment in the region. Malaria is an infectious disease that is transmitted to humans by the bites of vector-mosquitoes that carry malaria parasites, and its incidence rate depends on specific climatic and sociodemographic factors. This study found that the spatial characteristics of malaria incidence have varied depending on relative proportions of mosquito habitats, distance between mosquito habitats and human residence, the physical and sociodemographic environments of the city by urbanization, and local topography.

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