• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구감소지역

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Analysis of Accessibility Patterns for Commuting Trips in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 통근통행의 접근도 변화패턴 분석)

  • Cho, Hye-Jin;Kim, Kang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.914-929
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzes the accessibility patterns for commuting trips in Seoul Metropolitan Area using National Census Data between 1990 and 2000. the results show that the accessibility increased between 1990 and 1995, while it decreased between 1995 and 2000, due to the raised commuting time. Seoul, Kangju, Yeuju, Yangpyoung, Gapyoung show relatively high accessibility. The GINI parameters tell that the regional balance for commuting accessibility were worsen between 1990 and 1995, compared to that between 1995 and 2000. The accessibility patterns for commuting to Seoul were also analyzed and the result shows that the accessibility reduced between 1995 and 2000. Kwachun, Kwangju, Sungnum are found to have very high accessibility to Seoul, which is close to Soeoul with high percentage of incoming commuting trips. These results indicate that even continuous transport infrastructure supplies were not enough to solve the congestion problems for commuting trips in Seoul Metropolitan Area because of the induced traffic and traffic congestion.

Flood vulnerability analysis in Seoul, Korea (한국 도심지에서의 홍수취약성 분석)

  • Hwang, Nanhee;Park, Heeseong;Chung, Gunhui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.729-742
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    • 2019
  • Natural disasters such as floods has been increased in many parts of the world, also Korea is no exception. The biggest part of natural damage in South Korea was caused by the flooding during the rainy season in every summer. The existing flood vulnerability analysis cannot explain the reality because of the repeated changes in topography. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate a new flood vulnerability index in accordance with the changed terrain and socio-economic environment. The priority of the investment for the flood prevention and mitigation has to be determined using the new flood vulnerability index. Total 25 urban districts in Seoul were selected as the study area. Flood vulnerability factors were developed using Pressure-State-Response (PSR) structures. The Pressure Index (PI) includes nine factors such as population density and number of vehicles, and so on. Four factors such as damage of public facilities, etc. for the Status Index (SI) were selected. Finally, seven factors for Response Index (RI) were selected such as the number of evacuation facilities and financial independence, etc. The weights of factors were calculated using AHP method and Fuzzy AHP to implement the uncertainties in the decision making process. As a result, PI and RI were changed, but the ranks in PI and RI were not be changed significantly. However, SI were changed significanlty in terms of the weight method. Flood vulnerability index using Fuzzy AHP shows less vulnerability index in Southern part of Han river. This would be the reason that cost of flood mitigation, number of government workers and Financial self-reliance are high.

A Study on Innovation Capability and Business Performance: Multi-Group Analysis by Company Location (혁신역량과 경영성과에 관한 연구: 기업 소재지별 다중집단분석)

  • Choi, Kyu-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.703-722
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    • 2022
  • The concentration of local businesses in the capital region promotes a decrease in the local population and polarization between the capital region and non-capital regions. It affects the competitiveness of local industries and creates a vicious cycle throughout the local economy, society and culture. Therefore, this study classified the companies in the capital region and non-capital regions by group and examined the effect of the innovation capability factors of companies on the creation of business performance. We analyzed the effects of R&D capabilities, which are elements of innovation capability, and open innovation and convergence capabilities on business performance. Smart PLS 3.0 was used for analysis including direct and indirect mediating and moderating effects, multi-group analysis, and structural equation model analysis. As a result, R&D capability did not have a significant effect on business performance, but it has a positive influence towards business performance through convergence capability and open innovation. However, the effectiveness of open innovation in non-capital regions and convergence capabilities in capital region were not statistically significant. In particular, in terms of open innovation, as the difference between groups is statistically clear, follow-up measures are suggested especially in non-capital regions.

A Study on Social and Environmental Factors Affecting Traffic Behavior and Public Transportation according to COVID-19 (COVID-19에 따른 통행행태 분석 및 대중교통 이용특성에 영향을 주는 사회·환경 요인 연구)

  • Byoung-Jo Yoon;Hyo-Sik Hwang;Sung-Jin Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to study how to activate the use of public transportation by identifying the main factors that reduce the use of public transportation due to external influences such as COVID-19 infectious diseases. Method: This study analyzed the connection between the traffic behavior and the characteristics of public transportation use in the metropolitan area changed by COVID-19 with COVID-19 indicators, and analyzed social and environmental factors affecting traffic. Results: It was analyzed that the traffic behavior in the metropolitan area moves from commercial areas to tourist resort areas, the number of COVID-19 deaths affects the use of public transportation, and the lower the deviation between population density, agricultural and forestry areas, and gender ratios due to social and environmental factors, the more significant differences are shown. Conclusion: In the future, it will be able to be activated as a basic analysis model for revitalizing the city's transportation system, regional bases, and various social and economic indicators, such as quarantine of public transportation and social distancing, and can be used as basic data for establishing public transport policy directions according to major influencing factors.

A Convergence Study on the Depression Factors of Permanent Rental Apartment Residents : Focusing on K-Metropolitan City (영구임대아파트 입주자의 우울 영향요인에 관한 융합연구 : K 광역시를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha;Park, Jong-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.319-329
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the link that affects depression, a negative mental health problem for permanent rented apartment tenants, and to provide policy and practical support for reducing depression at the community level. To this end, 1,920 households of permanent rental apartment residents in K Metropolitan City were used in the survey. The results are as follows. First, more than half of the subjects surveyed 51.1% were found to have depressive symptoms. Second, among the demographic variables, the gender, age, single-person households, and social security benefits have a positive effect on depression. On the other hand, age squared and participation in economic activities were identified as factors to reduce depression. Third, among the residential community variables, the consideration for neighbors and their willingness to participate in the community were identified as factors to reduce depression. Fourth, physical health difficulties and mental health difficulties among the health status variables were identified as the determinants of depression. Based on the results of the study, the methods for intervention and follow-up studies to reduce depression in permanent rental apartment residents were discussed.

Concept Analysis of Health Inequalities using Hybrid Model (혼종 모형을 이용한 건강 불평등 개념분석)

  • Lee, Ha-na
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.520-534
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to understand the conceptual definition and characteristics of health inequality. To accomplish this, we analyzed data collected from 14 participants as well as from available literature regarding health inequality using the hybrid model introduced by Schwartz-Barcott and Kim. We categorized health inequality into nine attributes in three dimensions. These dimensions included "target", "precede", and "result," corresponding to the target, cause and consequence of health inequality, respectively. Specifically, we define health inequality as individuals, families, communities, socio-economic, or geographically distinct demographic groups that are treated unfairly and result in several problems such as loss of quality of life, reduction of survival rate, or aggravation of a disease due to (i) poor treatment by a hospital (ii) irregular meals, (iii) desperate need for work (for money), (iv) expensive medical care costs, (v) qualitative differences in medical care by regional groups (vi) the lack of knowledge regarding disease (vii) and inadequate health care because of lack of time. As a result of this unfair treatment, human rights violation occurs. The major contribution from this paper is that we provide a guideline for establishing strategies to reduce health inequality by identifying the concept of health inequality. Based on this study, we recommend development of an educational program to reduce health inequalities.

Relationship Between Health Behaviors of Health Status types : Using 2008 KNHANES (건강상태 인식유형에 따른 건강행동과의 관련)

  • Ahn, Hye-Lan;Lee, Moo-Sik;Na, Baeg-Ju;Lee, Jin-Yong;Hong, Jee-Young;Choi, Young-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.736-739
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    • 2011
  • 이 연구는 스스로 건강상태를 올바르게 인식하고 있는지 알아보고 건강상태 인식 유형에 따른 건강행동과의 관계를 살펴봄으로 건강수준의 향상과 더불어 건강한 노후를 맞이할 수 있도록 하고자 하였다. 2008년 1월부터 12월까지 실시된 국민건강영양조사 제4기 2차년도(2008) 자료원을 사용하였으며, 200개 조사구 약 4600가구의 만1세 이상 9,744명중 만19세 미만을 제외하고 건강설문 및 검진조사에 참여한 4,688 명을 최종대상자로 분석하였다. 자료는 SPSS 18.0을 이용하여 성별에 따른 인구사회학적 특성, 건강상태 인식 유형별 분포, 주관적 건강상태에 따른 객관적 건강상태와 일반적특성 및 건강행동을 교차분석관적 시에 카이제곱검정을 하였으며, 단변량 분석에서 의미 있는 변수들을 독립변수로 하고 올바른 인식군과 그릇된 인식군으로 나눈 건강상태인식유형을 종속변수로 하여 로지스틱회귀분석을 실시하였다. 이 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 주관적 건강상태에 따라 실제 객관적인 건강상태를 살펴본 결과, 건강상태를 과대평가하는 사람의 비율이 가장 높았으며, 건강상태를 올바르게 인식하는 사람보다 그릇되게 인식하는 사람이 더 많았다. 2. 주관적 건강상태를 좋음으로 인식하는 군에서 객관적 건강상태는 여자보다 남자가 건강을 과대평가하였고, 연령이 증가할수록, 읍/면지역에서, 결혼상태는 별거 사별 이혼상태에서, 교육수준은 낮아질수록 건강을 그릇되게 인식하여 과대평가하였다. 3. 주관적 건강상태를 나쁨으로 인식하는 군에서 객관적 건강상태는 연령이 낮아질수록 건강을 과소평가하는 경향이었고, 읍/면지역보다 동지역에서, 미혼일 경우, 교육수준은 높아질수록 건강상태를 그릇되게 인식하여 과소평가하였다. 4. 건강상태 인식 유형별로 건강행동을 살펴본 결과 주관적 건강상태를 좋음으로 인식하는 군에서는 체중조절, 월간음주, 우울증상경험, 건강검진에서 유의한 결과를 나타냈고, 주관적 건강상태를 나쁨으로 인식하는 군에서는 현재흡연과 월간음주에서 유의한 결과를 나타내었다. 5. 주관적 건강상태를 좋음으로 인식한 군에서 객관적 건강상태를 종속변수로한 로지스틱회귀분석결과를 살펴보면, 건강을 과대평가하는 그릇된 인식군으로 될 위험도가 남자보다 여자에서 감소하였고, 70대에 비하여 연령이 낮아질수록 위험도가 감소하였으며, 미혼에 비하여 기혼, 별거 사별 이혼에서 위험도가 증가하였고, 체중조절을 하는 사람이 체중조절을 하지 않은 사람보다 위험도가 높았다. 6. 주관적 건강상태를 나쁨으로 인식한 군에서 객관적 건강상태를 종속변수로한 로지스틱 회귀분석결과를 살펴보면, 연령을 제외한 모든 변수에서 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다.

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Spatio-Temporal Changes and Characteristics of Households Failing to Meet the New Minimum Housing Standard in Seoul Metropolitan(1995~2010) (서울시 최저주거기준 미달가구의 시.공간적 특성과 변화(1995~2010년))

  • Kim, Yongchang;Choi, Eunyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.509-532
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    • 2013
  • Minimum Housing Standard is an instrument to cope with the problems of public health and community hygiene, deterioration of working class housing conditions appeared commonly in the process of capitalist industrialization and rapid rural-to-urban migration. This paper aims to examine the institutionalization of histories of minimum housing standard in the advanced countries, and analyze the spatio-temporal changes and characteristics of households failing to meet the New Minimum Housing Standard in Seoul Metropolitan since 1995. The analysis of this paper is based on the census data on population and housing. The results are as follows; Households failing to meet the New Minimum Housing Standard in Seoul are 501,000 households(1.368 million person, 14.4%). This means Seoul has overtaken the national average 11.8% for the first time and there are structurally marginal band of households who can not improve the housing conditions by themselves. In addition, the fact that the rate of Seoul households living in the marginal shelter including the basement and rooftop room is the highest in Korea means the housing quality issues of Seoul is serious. Spatial distribution of households failing to meet the standard is divided into the northeast area and the southwest area in Seoul. Main features of the households are female-headed families, middle and old-aged people, divorce families, lower educated people, under and graduate students, non-apartments, dweller in 15~20 year old houses.

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Studies on the Current Epidemiological Situation of Brugian Filariasis in Endemic Areas of Korea (최근 국내 사상충증의 역학적 상황에 관한 조사)

  • 백영한;조유정
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 1988
  • An epidemiological study on brugian filariasis was carried out in endemic areas including Cheju Island in Korea, with a brief review of literatures. The results showed that the incidence among residents has remarkably decreased in Cheju Island, which was the main endemic area. Reviewing available informations on the prevalence of filariasis reported in recent years and also judging from the present socio·economic conditions which enable people to practice personal protection against mosquitos, it can be said with confidence that alariasis has almost disappeared from Cheju Island and inland areas. The disease is considered to remain at a low level of endemicity in Hugsan Islands. Certainly mass diethylcarbamasine (DEC) treatment carried out in Cheju Island in the 1960s and 1970s and remarkable economic growth followed by improved living standard and altered life-style of inhabitants could all have combined effects on the disappearance of this mosquito-borne disease in this island. If the present trends go on, the possibility of resurgence of filariasis in Cheju Island is hardly postulated.

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Lifestyle changes and perceived restrictions in daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of the 2020 Community Health Survey data (COVID-19 판데믹 시기 라이프스타일 변화와 일상생활 제한인식: 2020년 지역사회건강조사자료 분석)

  • Song, Inmyung
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the extent of lifestyle behavior changes, perceived restrictions in daily life, and their relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the 2020 Community Health Survey data, this study calculated perceived restrictions in daily life among adults in Korea during the pandemic by sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle behavior category (physical activity, sleeping duration, drinking, smoking, social contact, public transport use, food delivery, instant food consumption). The generalized linear model examined the relationship between behavior change and perceived restriction on daily life. A total of 227,808 respondents were analyzed. 56.70% of the population perceived their daily lives restricted by 50% and more during the pandemic. The majority of the population decreased physical activity, social contact, and public transport use (52.71%, 89.70%, and 63.74%, respectively). Individuals who decreased physical activity, sleep duration, and social contact frequency, and those who increased drinking frequency, food delivery, and instant food consumption perceived greater restrictions in daily life than those who did not change respective behaviors (p<0.001). In conclusion, decreases in social contact and physical activity and increases in use of food delivery and instant food consumption were associated with greater perceived restrictions of daily life during the pandemic. Efforts to alleviate the negative impact of the pandemic on psychological well-being may need to involve attempts to improve healthy life behaviors.