• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공지능 교육 방향

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Investigating learner perceptions for effective teaching of Generative AI - from a game development perspective -

  • Bu-ho Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we aim to devise an effective generative AI education direction for those learning game development. In the past, artificial intelligence technology was used to create game content, but with the emergence and rapid development of generative AI, its role has expanded to a tool for game development. This is changing the entire game development process. However, these developments brought not only opportunities but also anxiety to those in demand for education. This class is designed to relieve these anxieties, allow educational consumers to create part of the game development process using generative AI rather than traditional game development methods, and change their perception of generative AI through this experience. A post-training survey was conducted to explore perceptions of generative AI and capture the skills needed to use generative AI smoothly and demand for additional training areas. Through this, we propose a method for effectively teaching generative AI technology and suggest implications for the future direction of generative AI education.

A Study on the Role of Christianity and the Educational Direction in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대의 기독교의 역할과 교육방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee Young
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.377-414
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    • 2021
  • Since Schwab mentioned the Fourth Industrial Revolution at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016, discussions have been ongoing about it and the future society. The Fourth Industrial Revolution exceeds the development of technology and influences society, culture, and lifestyle. Moreover, in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, society continues to experience and realize the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Although we hope that this era will surely improve human life, we are also concerned about human alienation and social and economic polarization that may emerge as a consequence. How, then, does Christianity contribute to the public space and set the direction for education in this day and age? This study focused on the role of Christianity and the direction of education during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. First, I examine problems in terms of the inner and outer aspects of individuals and communities that may occur during the Fourth Industrial Revolution through the perspectives of Mitchell, a psychologist, Bellah, a sociologist, McGrath, a theologian, and Bostrom, a philosopher. Through their theories, we can view the lives of individuals in the real, virtual, and transcendental worlds of this era. I find that Christianity can provide a transcendent norm in this world, give meaning to life, and change people and the world. Therefore, I suggest the creation and expression of symbols as a direction for education. For this form of education, I recommend five steps, namely, observing, entering, discovering, participating, and making symbols. In this manner, people can represent the kingdom of God in the real world.

Analysis of the operation status of the AI convergence education major in the Graduate School of Education (교육대학원 AI융합교육전공 운영 현황 분석)

  • Ahn, Sunghun;Kim, Jamee;Jeong, Inkee;Jeon, Yongju;Park, Jeongho
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in order to analyze the AI convergence education courses of 38 graduate schools of education, the analysis frame was constructed in terms of basic subject classification, content field of subject, and detailed subject composition by field. And as a result of analysis through this frame, it was found that the number of subjects currently operated by these graduate schools of education is very different from 14 subjects to 48 subjects. Therefore, it was judged that it was urgent to develop a standard curriculum for the AI convergence education major operated by each graduate school of education for the same purpose. The AI Convergence Education Major, which was established for the same purpose and operated in different forms, will eventually produce teachers with different competencies, so there is a risk of bringing confusion to the direction of AI Convergence Education in the school field.

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Analyzing Teachers' Educational Needs to Strengthen AI Convergence Education Capabilities (AI 융합교육 역량 강화를 위한 교사의 교육요구도 분석)

  • JaMee Kim;Yong Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2023
  • In the school field, AI convergence education is recommended, which utilizes AI in education to change the paradigm of society. This study was conducted to define the terms of AI and AI convergence education to minimize the confusion of terms and to analyze the educational needs of teachers from the perspective of conducting AI convergence education. To achieve the purpose, 19 experts' opinions were collected, and a self-administered questionnaire was administered to 125 secondary school teachers enrolled in the AI convergence major at the Graduate School of Education. As a result of the analysis, the experts defined AI convergence education as a methodology for problem solving, not AI-based or utilization education. In the analysis of teachers' educational needs, "AI and big data" was ranked first, followed by "AI convergence education methodology" and "learning practice using AI". The significance of this study is that it defined the terminology by collecting the opinions of experts amidst the confusion of various terms related to AI, and presented the educational direction of AI convergence education for in-service teachers.

Analysis of Effects of Small School Space Innovation (소규모 학교공간혁신 효과성 분석)

  • Kwon, Soon-Chul;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • The downsizing of schools is accelerating due to a rapid decline in the school-age population, and as the crisis over regional and school disappearance increases, the need for smaller schools to respond to future educational needs is increasing. Through flexible curricula and digital/artificial intelligence-based classroom teaching improvements, students' satisfaction with school life, student creativity and character development, improved academic achievement, and strengthened cooperative communication capabilities will be observed, and teachers' teaching and learning methods will change. Educational effects such as these are important, and transforming school facilities into future-oriented spaces, including school space innovation, is required to accomplish them. This study examined the future of education systems in small schools, focusing on analyzing the educational effects and awareness of the sustainability of spatial innovation, in terms of school space changes, school education correlation, and smart environment, to develop innovation projects in small schools. A desirable direction for implementation is presented.

Negative Effects of Digital Technologies and the Direction of Church Education in the Era of the Great Digital Transformation (디지털 대전화의 시대, 디지털 역기능과 교회교육의 방향)

  • Mikyoung Seo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.85-105
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to formulate the direction of Church education, taking into account the negative effects of digital technologies in the era of the Great Digital Transformation. Firstly, the study discussed comprehension of the Great Digital Transformation and negative effects of digital technologies. The term "Great Digital Transformation" signifies a fundamental shift into a world where everything that surrounds us becomes digital-based. In this era of the Great Digital Transformation, the negative effects of digital technologies are intensifying. Secondly, the study discussed the issue of education and church education during the great digital transformation period. The use of digital technologies has been widespread in schools. However, academic circles have raised concerns about the negative effects of digital technology on both the classroom environment and basic academic skills such as reading ability. Since digital education is becoming more popular, there is a fear that church education may fall behind in a rapidly changing society. In conclusion, the study proposed recommendations for reshaping Church education in the era of the Great Digital Transformation, considering the negative effects of digital technologies. The first is Christian worldview education, which is centered around the faith community. Education in the Christian worldview, learned through the interaction with various faiths within the faith community, encourages critical thinking and reflection on the risks posed by the digital age that are associated with capitalism and meritocracy. The second is Christian care, which is centered around the faith community. Christian care in the era of the Great Digital Transformation will help us to form genuine connections with discriminated, isolated, and lonely souls who suffer from negative effects of digital technologies, guiding them towards the path of salvation.

Fire Safety Facility Codes and Analysis of Field Conditions of Emergency Light (피난유도등의 화제안전시설기준 및 현장실태조사 분석)

  • Kim, Hyang-Kon;Kim, Dong-Ook;Kim, Dong-Woo;Lee, Ki-Yeon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.213-215
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 화재시 재실자의 안전한 피난을 유도하는 피난유도시설의 설치기준과 지하철역사, 대형편의점(마트), 종합병원 등 의료시설, 학교 등 교육시설과 같은 불특정 다수의 사람이 이용하는 건축물에 설치된 피난 유도등의 현장적용사례와 유지관리 실태를 조사하였다. 이러한 건축물에서 재실자의 피난에 영향을 미치는 요소, 예상되는 인명 안전 등에 대하여 분석하여 문제점을 도출하였다. 본 연구결과는 기존의 소방시스템의 문제점으로 지적되고 있는 화재 발생 위치와 확산 경로에 관계없이 획일적으로 피난 방향을 표시하고 있는 시스템의 개선을 위한 최적의 피난 경로를 표시하는 인공지능형 방향성 유도등 개발에 활용할 것이다.

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Current Status and Future Direction of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medical Education (의료분야에서 인공지능 현황 및 의학교육의 방향)

  • Jung, Jin Sup
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2020
  • The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), including deep learning, has led to the development of technologies that may assist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prediction of disease risk and prognosis, health index monitoring, drug development, and healthcare management and administration. However, in order for AI technology to improve the quality of medical care, technical problems and the efficacy of algorithms should be evaluated in real clinical environments rather than the environment in which algorithms are developed. Further consideration should be given to whether these models can improve the quality of medical care and clinical outcomes of patients. In addition, the development of regulatory systems to secure the safety of AI medical technology, the ethical and legal issues related to the proliferation of AI technology, and the impacts on the relationship with patients also need to be addressed. Systematic training of healthcare personnel is needed to enable adaption to the rapid changes in the healthcare environment. An overall review and revision of undergraduate medical curriculum is required to enable extraction of significant information from rapidly expanding medical information, data science literacy, empathy/compassion for patients, and communication among various healthcare providers. Specialized postgraduate AI education programs for each medical specialty are needed to develop proper utilization of AI models in clinical practice.

A study on community care using AI technology (AI 기술을 활용한 커뮤니티케어에 관한 연구)

  • Seungae Kang
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2023
  • Currently, ICT is widely used in caring for the elderly living alone and preventing the disappearance of the elderly with dementia. Therefore, in this study, based on the government policy direction for the 4th industrial revolution, the use of AI technology-based care services, which are gradually increasing in community care, was sought to explore the current status and prospects for utilization and activation.AI speakers and caring robots, services that can be used for community care, help solve various problems experienced by the elderly, and are also used to relieve lack of conversation or loneliness by adding emotional functions. In order to activate community care using AI technology in the future: First, there is a need for continuous education to familiarize the elderly with AI devices and 'user experience (UX) design' for the elderly. Second, it is necessary to use human-centered technology that has a complementary relationship and enables emotional mutual relationships rather than using function-oriented technology. Third, it is necessary to solve ethical problems such as guaranteeing the user's right to self-determination and protecting privacy.

A Study on the Design of Immersed Augmented Reality Education Models (몰입형 증강현실 교육 모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Tae, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2021
  • Through the 4th industrial revolution, it is rapidly developing in various fields such as artificial intelligence, AR/VR, and big data, and software is at the center. In the field of education as well, the importance of integrated education to support the development of technology is being emphasized, and in order to compete in software technology, securing human resources for software development should be prioritize in domestic. However, unlike the hardware-centric society of the past, the role of software technology human resources is very important, and the reality is that they are discharging human resources that are far from the human resources image that companies need. In this paper, present an immersed education model for training AR software professionals, and based on this, propose an evaluation index that can grasp the quality of the program of the immersed AR education model. Through the AR education model, it is expected that the weaknesses and strengths of the model can be identified, and it can contribute to setting the direction for improvement of the education program.