• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이명박정부

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A Study on a Government Portal from the Knowledge Management Perspective Using Hyperlink Network Analysis: Focusing on the Innovation Portal (정부포탈 지식관리의 하이퍼링크 네트워크 실증 분석 - 혁신포탈 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jaekeun;Yoo, Seung Hyun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.25-44
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    • 2010
  • In order to improve organizational performance, organizations should make a knowledge management system to share, distribute, and create related knowledge effectively in the operational process. It is not too much to say that organizational performance depends on the level of network and networking for the use of knowledge among the agents. Theoretically, a web portal is known as a useful instrument not only to link among the actors who have a specific interest and purpose but also to promote social networking which creates new knowledge relevant to user's environment. In the context, this article explored policy implications of building and operating government portals by analysing the efficacy of the "Innovative Portal", which the Korean government had opened to diffuse its innovation activities and to improve organizational innovation capacities in 2005, in innovation process from the knowledge management perspective. In particular, this study tried to identify how did the "Innovation Portal"influence network and networking of innovation knowledge using hyperlink network analysis method.

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Analysis and Evaluation of Integration Policy of Local Government in 2010~2014 : Focused on Multi-Dimensional Model (2010~2014년 시·군·구 통합정책의 분석과 평가: 다차원분석모형을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Cheol Hoi;Jin, Jae-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the reason why the integration policy of local government in 2010~2014 has failed in the light of multi-dimensional model including normative, structural, constituentive, and technical dimension. Central government pushed integration policy of local government focused on increasing economic efficiency based on the theory of economy of scale on 16 regions and 36 local governments. Only one region(Cheong-Ju and Cheong-Won), however, completed integration procedure in 2014. Although most regions don't have common value on integration, and cultural, political ties in normative and structural dimension, central government pushed the integration policy. Futhermore central government failed to coordinate various interests of the participants and design incentive system including demands of local residents in constituentive and technical dimension. Based on this study central government should consider these policy implications when it propel the integration policy of local government in the future.

Agenda-setting Process in Enacting the Korea's Nuclear Safety Act in 2011 adopting Multi Streams Approach (다중흐름모형을 통한 원자력 규제정책 의제설정 과정 분석: 2011년 원자력안전법 제정을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yeong-Jun;Lee, Chan-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.49-79
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 2011년 "원자력안전법" 제정 사례에 있어 정책의제 설정 과정을 동태적으로 이해하기 위해 다중흐름모형을 활용하여 분석을 수행하였다. 연구범위는 이명박 정부와 제18대 국회임기가 겹치는 기간인 2009년부터 2011년 간 기간으로서, 동 기간은 UAE 원전수출과 후쿠시마 원전사고라는 정 반대의 초점사건이 발생하면서 두 차례 의제설정 여부를 결정하는 정책의 창이 개방되었다. 분석결과, 문제의 흐름 영역에서는 정부의 원자력 정책에 있어 진흥과 규제기능을 별도 법령으로 분리하고 독립된 예산 및 전담조직을 구성하는 체계를 구축해야 한다는 문제는 장기간 존재해왔다. 1990년대부터 소수의 법학자들을 중심으로 문제인식과 대안제시가 이뤄지는 정책의 흐름이 발전되어 왔는데, 이후 UAE 원전수출 이후 2010년에 이르러서야 본격적으로 표출집단인 관료와 국회의원을 통해 구체적 대안이 제시되었고, 2011년 후쿠시마 원전사고 직후인 5월 원자력안전법이 제정되었다. 분석결과, 2009년 UAE원전수출 이후, 수출 확대 목적으로 제시된 원자력 규제 독립 법안이 통과되지 못했던 것에 반해, 2011년 후쿠시마 이후 원자력안전법이 통과 된 이유는 대안의 가치정합성, 사회여론, 정치환경 등 정치의 흐름이 크게 작용한 것으로 분석되었다.

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Readjustment of STI Governance for Sustainability (과학기술혁신 패러다임 변화와 거버넌스 개편 방안)

  • Seong, Ji Eun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.199-229
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    • 2013
  • S&T policy long treated as a sector policy is now solidifying its position as an infrastructure innovation policy that forms the foundation for many different policies. There is a growing need for enhancing the linkage and integration between policies by strengthening planning and coordination functions of the government organizations in charge of innovation policy. The major countries including Japan, U.S., Finland elevated planning and coordination roles and emphasized the interaction between S&T-society and innovation governance in response to emergence of the third-generation innovation policy. This study deal with several issues related STI governance from the post-catchup innovation and holistic innovation policy and examine arguments on governance design. And then new schemes and alternatives of 1)governance design for sustainability, 2)design of policy coordination and integration mechanism, 3)reorganization of S&T administration system will be discussed.

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A Review Study on Devolution of Central Government's Affairs to Local Governments for Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the Lee Myungbak's Government (이명박 정부에서의 산업안전보건 국가사무의 지방이양 추진에 관한 경과 및 문제점 고찰)

  • Park, Doo Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2013
  • The devolution of central government's affairs to local governments for several occupational safety and health(OHS) administration affairs was tried by Lee Myungbak's government in 2010. It seems that the trial was eventually failed since only trivial 3 items among 25 trials were made for the devolution. It was found that there was a procedural fault since stake-holders and experts were excluded during preparing the plan. Therefore validity and problems were not properly reviewed. It was also found that the devolution of the OHS administration affairs from the central government to local governments has several disadvantages such as high possibility of deregulation. The devolution of the OHS affairs to local governments is contradictory to uniform principle of safety standards and principle of coincidence of empowerment and responsibility. Therefore it is concluded that the devolution of the OHS affairs to local governments is inappropriate.

Exploration of Optimization Environment for CUDA-based Cholesky Decomposition (CUDA 기반 숄레스키 분해 성능 최적화 환경 탐색)

  • Junbeom Kang;Myungho Lee;Neungsoo Park
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.05a
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    • pp.15-17
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    • 2024
  • 최근 다양한 연구 분야에서는 CUDA 프레임워크를 이용하여 병렬 처리를 통해 연산 시간을 단축하는데 성공하고 있다. 이 중 숄레스키 분해는 양의 정부호 행렬을 하삼각행렬로 분해하는 과정에서 많은 행렬 곱셈이 요구되어 GPU 의 구조적 특징을 활용하면 상당한 가속화가 가능하다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 CUDA 코어에 연산을 할당할 때, 핵심 요소인 블록의 개수와 블록 당 쓰레드 개수를 조절할 수 있는 병렬 숄레스키 분해 연산 프로그램을 구현하였다. 서로 다른 세 종류의 행렬 크기에 대해 다양한 블록 수-쓰레드 수 환경을 설정하여 가속화 정도를 측정한 결과, 각 행렬 별 최적 환경에서 동일 그룹 내 최장 시간 대비, 1000x1000 행렬에서는 약 1.80 배, 2000x2000 행렬에서는 약 2.94 배의 추가적인 가속화를 달성하였다.

Implementation of Parallel Cholesky Decomposition in the Kokkos environment (KOKKOS 환경에서의 병렬 숄레스키 분해 구현)

  • Junbeom Kang;Myungho Lee;Neungsoo Park
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.10a
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    • pp.48-49
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    • 2024
  • 최근 병렬컴퓨팅 연구는 슈퍼컴퓨터의 성능 향상에 직접 큰 영향을 끼치는 고성능 GPU를 활용한 대형 데이터셋 고속 병렬화를 중점적으로 진행되고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 Sandia 연구소에서 개발한 Kokkos 프로그래밍 모델이 등장했다. 이 논문에서는 CUDA 기반의 병렬 숄레스키 분해 구현을 해당 환경에 이식했을 때 어떤 성능을 보이는지 실험을 통해 확인했다. 1000×1000 크기의 양의 정부호 에르미트 행렬에 대해서 직렬 숄레스키 분해 프로그램 대비 498.16 배의 성능 향상을 보였으며, 이를 통해 자동으로 메모리를 관리하는 Kokkos 프로그래밍 모델이 추후 대형 데이터셋을 대상으로 하는 병렬화 프로그램 구현 시, 더욱 편리하고 좋은 성능 향상을 보일 것임을 기대한다.

A Study on the Counter-Strategy against the North Korea's Nuclear of the South Korean Successive Governments (한국 역대정부의 북핵대응 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Jong Wha
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2020
  • This study analyses the Korean successive governments' nuclear strategies after the post-cold war and suggests the future countermeasures as analysing to reciprocally interconnect B. Clinton and G.W.Bush governments' policies and North Korea's nuclear strategy. As the conclusion, this study suggests that the most urgent domestic alternative measure to North Korea's nuclear dismantlement is to prepare the grand strategy with the united whole national consensus and to order the renewed stronger future role by the mutual cooperation of multilateral agreement system and international regimes and lastly to adopt the extended deterrence through the reinforcement of the 5 great joint statements between the South-North Koreas.

Improvement Plan on Park Geun-Hye Government's Policy Implementation for Social Security (박근혜 정부의 사회안전 정책추진 발전방안)

  • Cho, Kwang-Rae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.35
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    • pp.87-124
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    • 2013
  • This paper studies changes in people's social security awareness during Lee Myung-Bak government, and based on the result, suggests future Park Geun-Hye government's social-security-related administration management plan. In specific, the changes in people's social security awareness in the period of 2008 ~ 2012 have been analyzed, and the result has been utilized to draw suggestions on the future social-security-related administration management plan The result is as the following: First, comprehensive social-security-related policy must be continuously pushed. In terms of the fact that social security is closely related to people's daily lives and life itself, every major component of social security cannot be overlooked. Therefore, comprehensive administration management and policies on each of those components are necessary. Second, social security policies must be reinforced enough for people to actually witness. In case of crime rate, 57.1% of people are pointing it as one of the main causes of social unrest; therefore, this national anxiety must be met with focusing awareness on the subject nation-widely and with thorough national defense preparedness. Third, mutual cooperation between social-security-related branches, and systematic management within the each branches are required. In order to systematically manage every aspect of social security, not only the big agencies - such as Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Ministry of National Defense, Prosecution Service, or National Police Agency -, but most of other parts of administration must cooperate as well. Fourth, consistency in social security policies is necessary. As Park Geun-Hye government's administrative slogans are, "secure and integrated society," "establishing a foundation for happy unification era," which are similar to that of previous administration, the administration should be consistent on its social-security-related politics, rather than differentiating themselves from the previous administration.

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Problem Structuring in IT Policy: Boundary Analysis of IT Policy Problems (경계분석을 통한 정책문제 정의에 관한 연구 - 언론보도에 나타난 IT 정책문제 탐색을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Chisung;Nam, Ki Bum
    • 한국정책학회보
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.199-228
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    • 2012
  • Policy problems are complex due to diverse participants and their relations in the policy processes. Defining the right problem in the first place is important because Type III error is likely to happen without removing rival hypothesis in defining the problem. This study applies Boundary Analysis suggested by Dunn to structure IT policy problems in Korea. The time frame of the study focuses on 5 years of Lee Administration and data are collected from four newspapers. Using content analysis, the study, first, elaborates total 2,614 policy problems from 1,908 stakeholders. After removing duplicating problems, 369 problems from 323 stakeholders are identified as a boundary of IT policy problem. Among others, failures in government policies are weighted as the most serious problems in IT policy field. However, many significant problems raised by stakeholders dated back to more than a decade, and those are intrinsic problems, which initially caused by market distortions in the IT industry. Therefore, we should be cautious not to overemphasize the most conspicuous problem as the only problem in the policy field when we interpret results of problem structuring.