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A Study on the Counter-Strategy against the North Korea's Nuclear of the South Korean Successive Governments  

Lim, Jong Wha (Department of Chinese Studies, Chungwoon University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.3, 2020 , pp. 123-134 More about this Journal
This study analyses the Korean successive governments' nuclear strategies after the post-cold war and suggests the future countermeasures as analysing to reciprocally interconnect B. Clinton and G.W.Bush governments' policies and North Korea's nuclear strategy. As the conclusion, this study suggests that the most urgent domestic alternative measure to North Korea's nuclear dismantlement is to prepare the grand strategy with the united whole national consensus and to order the renewed stronger future role by the mutual cooperation of multilateral agreement system and international regimes and lastly to adopt the extended deterrence through the reinforcement of the 5 great joint statements between the South-North Koreas.
Geneva Agreement; Agreed framework between the USA and the DPRK; inter-Korean basic agreement; Denuclearization joint declaration in Korean Peninsula; Cease-fire agreement in Korean Peninsula; multilateral international system; The Six Party Talks; Extended deterrence;
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  • Reference
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