• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의미지식

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Comparison of Discourse by Environments for Using Tools in Small Group Learning with Augmented Reality (증강현실을 활용한 소집단 학습에서 도구 사용 환경에 따른 담화 비교)

  • Seokjin Shin;Haerheen Kim;Taehee Noh;Nayoon Song
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we compared discourse by environments for using tools in terms of participation types, discourse types, and knowledge building processes. 24 first-year high school students were divided into six groups. They were assigned to the sharing tools environment, which used one marker and one smart device, or the individual tools environment, which used markers and smart devices individually. Students participated in small group learning using AR application based on the concept of chemical bonding. All classes were video- and audio-taped. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six students who voluntarily agreed. The results of the study revealed that the sharing tools environment had a high proportion of one-student dominating type, while the individual tools environment had a high proportion of partly participating type and most students participating type. In the individual tools environment, the ratio of knowledge sharing and knowledge construction discourse was similar compared to the tool sharing environment, and the sub-discourse types were also diverse. In the sharing tools environment, only some students had a meaningful knowledge building process. On the other hand, in the individual tools environment, most of the group members constructed knowledge about the target concept, and had a meaningful knowledge building process. In addition, the misconceptions that appeared to some group members were corrected through small group discussions.

Research on Supplier's Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Creation, Intellectual Capital and Competitive Advantage (공급업체의 흡수능력, 지식창출, 지적자본 및 경쟁우위에 관한 연구)

  • Si-Chao Wang;Yan-Nan Li
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2023
  • This raises the question of how competitive advantage can be created, prompting firms to enhance their capacity for change. In this context, the role of knowledge creation becomes increasingly vital. This research aims to explore the role of intellectual capital and how to improve knowledge cration ability through absorptive capacity framework. It examines the links among knowledge acquisition, learning of new knowledge, knowledge creation, intellectual capital, and competitive advantage, drawing from both internal and external sources. The study focuses on small and medium-sized supplier firms in Korea, with data collected from 15 industries, totaling 106 responses. The research model employs structural equation modeling (SEM) and utilizes AMOS 22 for analysis. As anticipated, all hypotheses were supported. The study provides robust evidence that absorptive capacity is a pivotal factor in cultivating suppliers' competitive advantage. Furthermore, it posits that intellectual capital should be viewed as a criucial component of suppliers' knowledge stock, significantly enhancing the impact of absorptive capacity on their competitive edge. Future studies should aim to validate the research model in different international settings or across multinational corporations to enhance its generalizabulity.

A Study on the Development of Data Mining Tool named XM-Tool/Miner (데이터 마이닝 도구 XM-Tool/Miner 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee, Nahm-Guhn;Lee, Chang-Ho;Kim, Ju-Young;Lee, Byung-Yup;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2000
  • 정보기술이 발달하면서 자료의 흔적들이 체계화된 데이터베이스에 저장이 되고, 더불어 데이터베이스의 규모는 점점 커지고 있다. 데이터 마이닝은 이런 방대한 자료의 분석을 통해, 그 속에 숨어있는 의미를 찾는 과정이라고 볼 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 대용량 데이터베이스에 존재하는 여러 유용한 지식을 추출하는 방법으로서 데이터 마이닝을 분류화, 클러스터링, 요약규칙, 시간에 따른 분석 및 예측등으로 분류하여 요약, 제시하였고, 이렇게 추출된 패턴, 정보, 지식들의 유용성을 측정하는 지표를 정리하였다. 개발된 XM-Tool/Miner은 문제 중심적 마이닝 도구를 목표로 하였으며, 대표적인 마이닝 알고리즘을 적용하였고, 또한 사용의 편이성에 초점을 맞추었다. 더 나아가 데이터 마이닝 기법뿐만 아니라 데이터의 샘플링과 성능향상을 통하여 방대한 데이터로부터 다양한 지식탐사가 가능해지고, 발견된 규칙 또는 지식의 유용성 측정을 통하여 업무 분야의 특성에 따라 효과적으로 반영되며 의사결정 및 CRM 마케팅, 동향분석 및 예측 등에 유용한 정보를 추출하는 도구로 사용할 수 있을 것이다.

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Study on the Creation and Acceptance of the Knowledge of Tang Dynasty Poem through the Selection of Ming Dynasty (명대(明代) 시선집(詩選集)을 통해 본 당시(唐詩)에 대한 지식의 창출과 수용)

  • 최석원
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    • v.96
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2018
  • 주지하듯이 당시(唐詩)는 중국시가사(中國詩歌史)에서 차지하는 지위는 절대적이며, 작시(作詩)에 있어서 후대 문인들에게 늘 전범의 대상으로 인식되었다. 이러한 인식 속에서 1980년대 '당시학(唐詩學)'의 성립은 당시(唐詩)가 지니고 있는 내재적 아름다움을 규명하는 것에서 머무르지 않고, 唐詩에 대한 후대 문인들의 인식과 해석의 문제를 다루고 있다는 점에서 의미하는 바가 적지 않다. 본고의 논의는 지식의 창출과 형성 과정을 규명하기 위한 일환으로, 명대(明代) 당시선집(唐詩選集)을 연구 대상으로 삼아 후대 문인들의 당시(唐詩)에 대한 수용과 인식의 단면을 고찰하였다. 이를 위하여 본고에서는 명대(明代)의 당시선집(唐詩選集) 가운데《당시품휘(唐詩品彙)》, 《당시선(唐詩選)》, 《당시귀(唐詩歸)》중심으로 그 특징을 분석하였는바, 송대(宋代) 이후 제기된 당시(唐詩) 분기설에 의거한 분류 그리고 성당시(盛唐詩)에 대한 강조, 평점과 휘석 등과 같은 형식과의 결합이라는 공통점을 발견할 수 있었다. 그러나 이러한 공통적인 특징에도 불구하고 3종의 당시선집(唐詩選集)에서 나타나는 선시의 기준은 달랐음을 확인할 수 있었는데, 이를 통해 본고에서는 당시선집(唐詩選集)의 간행이 단순히 문학적 주장을 위한 것이 아닌 '명(明)'이 부여한 시대적 과제 속에서 당시(唐詩)가 '정전화'된 것임을 밝히고자 하였다.

Construction and Application of National Science and Technology R&D Reference Information Ontology (국가 과학기술 R&D 기반정보 온톨로지 구축 및 적용)

  • Lee Mi-Kyoung;Jung Han-Min;Lee Seung-Woo;Sung Won-Kyung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.529-532
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    • 2006
  • 과학기술 연구자들의 협업을 지원하기 위해서 정보 자원 공유에 기반한 정보 유통 체제가 필요하나 현재 정보 유통 체제에서는 서로 이질적인 형태로 정보가 표현되어 있기 때문에 정보 공유의 기술적 한계를 갖고 있다. 그리고 대량의 정보 속에서 사용자가 원하는 정보를 선별하여 제공하기 위해서는 새로운 정보 유통 플랫폼이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 지식 기반 정보 유통 플랫폼 상에서 이용되는 국가과학기술 R&D 기반정보를 지식화하기 위해 국가과학기술 R&D 기반정보 온톨로지를 구축하여 이용함으로써 각 기관별로 관리하고 있는 인력, 성과물 등의 과학기술 R&D 기반 정보의 표준화된 지식관리 체계로 이용할 수 있다. 우리는 국가과학기술 R&D 기반정보 온톨로지를 구축하기 위하여 한국과학기술정보연구원(KSITI) 내부 성과물 정보의 실제 데이터들을 이용하여 온톨로지의 Individuals를 생성하였다. 정보 유통 플랫폼에서 온톨로지 형태로 구축된 지식을 이용하면 과학기술 R&D 기반정보에 대한 효율적인 관리가 가능하고, 정형화된 형태의 지식으로 개념화했기 때문에 지식 데이터의 공유와 재사용이 가능하다. 또한 단순 질의 검색이 아닌 의미 기반 추론을 이용한 지식 검색이 가능해지는 장점을 가진다. 우리가 구축한 국가 과학기술 R&D 기반정보 온톨로지를 이용하여 정보유통플랫폼(OntoFrame-K)에서 연구자 네트워크, 연구자 추적, 연구맵의 추론 서비스를 제공한다.

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The Study on the Investigation of the Mathematics Teaching Evaluation Standards Focused on SMK (교과 내용 지식(SMK)에 초점을 둔 수학 수업평가 기준 고찰)

  • Hwang, Hye-Jeang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2010
  • On the standards or elements of teaching evaluation, the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE) has carried out several research as follows : 1) establishment of observation elements for selecting examples of good instruction between 2001 and 2002, 2) development of the standards on teaching evaluation between 2004 and 2006, and 3) investigation on the elements of Pedagogical Content Knowledge including Subject Matter Knowledge between 2007 and 2008. The purpose of development of mathematics teaching evaluation standards through those studies were to improve not only mathematics teachers' professionalism but also their own teaching methods or strategies. Especially, the standards on mathematics teaching evaluation were developed based on the standards on general teaching evaluation. In this study, the standards were revised and modified by analyzing the results of those studies (namely, evaluation standards) focused on SMK. For this purpose, four domains such as the knowledge of curriculum reconstruction, knowledge of mathematical contents, methodological knowledge, mathematical value were new established based on the theories relevant to SMK and on the base of these four domains, standards or elements on teaching evaluation focused on SMK were reconstructed.

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Public Managers' Decision-Making and Their Psychology on Managing Ecosystems (생태계 관리에 대한 공무원의 의사결정과 그 심리)

  • Lee, Jeongseok
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.3-24
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    • 2012
  • Many ecosystems in Korea are currently managed by government organizations. Thus, public managers' decision-making has great influence on the management of ecosystems in Korea, and their decision-making could influence the matter of whether the ecosystems of Korea are managed effectively. This paper regards the goal of management of ecosystems as securing the sustainablilty of target ecosystems, and investigates public managers' decision-making and their psychological attitude on the management of ecosystems. Basically, managerial activities on ecosystems have uncertainties and usually public managers utilize the knowledge of law, science, intergovernmental relations, and local governance as their references for decision-making. To elucidate public managers' managerial decision-making on ecosystems, this paper adopts some psychological theories in explaining the judgment of human beings under uncertainties. Effective ecosystem management by public managers can be judged by how public managers adopt and utilize all of the above mentioned four kinds of knowledge on ecosystem management. An important factor in order to let them utilize the four kinds of knowledge is policy support. Therefore, as conclusion, this paper recommends some relevant policy measures that can support the ecosystem management of public managers.

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A Case Study on the Change of Procedural Knowledge Composition and Expression of Derivative Coefficient in Exponential Function Type Distance (지수함수 형태의 거리함수에서 미분계수의 절차적 지식 구성과 표현의 변화에 대한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Dong Gun;Kim, Suk Hui
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.639-661
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the distance function average speed and the speed function. Particularly, in this study, we investigate the process of constructing the speed function in the distance function (irrational function, exponential function) which is difficult to weaken the argument in the denominator. In this process, students showed various anxieties and expressions about the procedural knowledge that they constructed first. In particular, if student B can not explain all the knowledge he already knows in this process, he showed his reflection on the process of calculating the differential coefficient. This study adds an understanding of the calculation method of students in differential coefficient learning. In addition, it is meaningful that the students who construct procedural knowledge at the time of calculating the differential coefficient have thought about how to provide opportunities to reflect on the procedure they constructed.

A Knowledge Structure for Physical Education Application of Ecological Marine Sports; Focusing on Volleyball Games and Swimming (생태형 해양스포츠의 체육교육 적용을 위한 지식구조; 배구형 게임과 수영을 중심으로)

  • Byung-Kweon Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.738-747
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to construct a knowledge structure for the application of physical education in ecological marine sports. As specific exercises, a volleyball game (beach volleyball) and open water swimming were set, and a knowledge structure analysis framework was used for the study. Expert consultation was conducted to secure the validity of the study. The study results are as follows. First, a knowledge structure based on the 2022 revised physical education curriculum was prepared. Second, the basis for the application of physical education classes for ecological marine sports was prepared. Third, learning contents in the knowledge·understanding domain, process·functional domain, and value·attitude domain of beach volleyball were proposed. Fourth, learning contents of knowledge·understanding domain, process·function domain, and value·attitude domain of sea swimming were proposed. This study is meaningful in that it prepared in advance for the realization of the 2022 revised physical education curriculum to be introduced in the future.